[Pcsclite-cvs-commit] r6599 - /trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/Identive_CLOUD_2700_F.txt /trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/supported_readers.txt /website/shouldwork.ini

rousseau at users.alioth.debian.org rousseau at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Apr 15 16:09:56 UTC 2013

Author: rousseau
Date: Mon Apr 15 16:09:56 2013
New Revision: 6599

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pcsclite/?sc=1&rev=6599
Add Identive CLOUD 2700 F Smart Card Reader


Added: trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/Identive_CLOUD_2700_F.txt
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pcsclite/trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/Identive_CLOUD_2700_F.txt?rev=6599&op=file
--- trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/Identive_CLOUD_2700_F.txt (added)
+++ trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/Identive_CLOUD_2700_F.txt Mon Apr 15 16:09:56 2013
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+ idVendor: 0x04E6
+  iManufacturer: Identive
+ idProduct: 0x5710
+  iProduct: CLOUD 2700 F Smart Card Reader
+ bcdDevice: 0.03 (firmware release?)
+ bLength: 9
+ bDescriptorType: 4
+ bInterfaceNumber: 0
+ bAlternateSetting: 0
+ bNumEndpoints: 3
+  bulk-IN, bulk-OUT and Interrupt-IN
+ bInterfaceClass: 0x0B [Chip Card Interface Device Class (CCID)]
+ bInterfaceSubClass: 0
+ bInterfaceProtocol: 0
+  bulk transfer, optional interrupt-IN (CCID)
+ iInterface: CCID Interface
+ CCID Class Descriptor
+  bLength: 0x36
+  bDescriptorType: 0x21
+  bcdCCID: 1.10
+  bMaxSlotIndex: 0x00
+  bVoltageSupport: 0x07
+   5.0V
+   3.0V
+   1.8V
+  dwProtocols: 0x0000 0x0003
+   T=0
+   T=1
+  dwDefaultClock: 4.800 MHz
+  dwMaximumClock: 12.000 MHz
+  bNumClockSupported: 0 (will use whatever is returned)
+   IFD does not support GET CLOCK FREQUENCIES request: Success
+  dwDataRate: 12903 bps
+  dwMaxDataRate: 412903 bps
+  bNumDataRatesSupported: 0 (will use whatever is returned)
+   IFD does not support GET_DATA_RATES request: Success
+  dwMaxIFSD: 254
+  dwSynchProtocols: 0x00000000
+  dwMechanical: 0x00000000
+   No special characteristics
+  dwFeatures: 0x000404BA
+   ....02 Automatic parameter configuration based on ATR data
+   ....08 Automatic ICC voltage selection
+   ....10 Automatic ICC clock frequency change according to parameters
+   ....20 Automatic baud rate change according to frequency and Fi, Di params
+   ....80 Automatic PPS made by the CCID
+   ..04.. Automatic IFSD exchange as first exchange (T=1)
+   04.... Short and Extended APDU level exchange
+  dwMaxCCIDMessageLength: 1034 bytes
+  bClassGetResponse: 0xFF
+   echoes the APDU class
+  bClassEnveloppe: 0xFF
+   echoes the APDU class
+  wLcdLayout: 0x0000
+  bPINSupport: 0x00
+  bMaxCCIDBusySlots: 1

Modified: trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/supported_readers.txt
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pcsclite/trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/supported_readers.txt?rev=6599&op=diff
--- trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/supported_readers.txt (original)
+++ trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/supported_readers.txt Mon Apr 15 16:09:56 2013
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # List of readers supported by the CCID driver
-# Generated: 2013-04-12
+# Generated: 2013-04-15
@@ -259,6 +259,9 @@
 0x0B81:0x0200:id3 Semiconductors CL1356T5
 0x0B81:0x0220:id3 Semiconductors CL1356A_HID
+# Identive
+0x04E6:0x5710:Identive CLOUD 2700 F Smart Card Reader
 # Inside Secure
 0x2406:0x6300:Inside Secure VaultIC 420 Smart Object
 0x2406:0x6301:Inside Secure VaultIC 440 Smart Object

Modified: website/shouldwork.ini
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pcsclite/website/shouldwork.ini?rev=6599&op=diff
--- website/shouldwork.ini (original)
+++ website/shouldwork.ini Mon Apr 15 16:09:56 2013
@@ -252,6 +252,8 @@
 features = contactless
 iProduct = CL1356T5
 url = http://www.orcanthus.com/fr/product_94/lecteur+tablette.htm
+image = Identive_CLOUD_2700_F_R.png
 image = iMONO.png
 url = http://usb.brando.com.hk/prod_detail.php?prod_id=00570&dept_id=015&cat_id=031

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