[Pcsclite-cvs-commit] r6618 - in /trunk/Drivers/ccid: readers/iDream.txt src/ccid_usb.c
rousseau at users.alioth.debian.org
rousseau at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat May 4 15:58:36 UTC 2013
Author: rousseau
Date: Sat May 4 15:58:35 2013
New Revision: 6618
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pcsclite/?sc=1&rev=6618
New firmware of the THRC reader
This new firmware _may_ work. Firmware older than 1.02 are marked as bogus.
The reader was in the disabled list so old readers will continue to _not_
work with the driver.
Modified: trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/iDream.txt
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pcsclite/trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/iDream.txt?rev=6618&op=diff
--- trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/iDream.txt (original)
+++ trunk/Drivers/ccid/readers/iDream.txt Sat May 4 15:58:35 2013
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
idVendor: 0x062D
iManufacturer: THRC
idProduct: 0x0001
- iProduct: USB Smart Card Reader
- bcdDevice: 0.96 (firmware release?)
+ iProduct: Smart Card Reader
+ bcdDevice: 1.02 (firmware release?)
bLength: 9
bDescriptorType: 4
bInterfaceNumber: 0
@@ -13,40 +13,99 @@
bInterfaceSubClass: 0
bInterfaceProtocol: 0
bulk transfer, optional interrupt-IN (CCID)
- iInterface: SCR Interface
+ Can't get iInterface string
CCID Class Descriptor
bLength: 0x36
bDescriptorType: 0x21
bcdCCID: 1.00
bMaxSlotIndex: 0x00
- bVoltageSupport: 0x07
+ bVoltageSupport: 0x03
- 1.8V
dwProtocols: 0x0000 0x0003
- dwDefaultClock: 4.000 MHz
- dwMaximumClock: 4.000 MHz
- bNumClockSupported: 0 (will use whatever is returned)
- IFD does not support GET CLOCK FREQUENCIES request: Success
- dwDataRate: 10752 bps
- dwMaxDataRate: 129032 bps
- bNumDataRatesSupported: 0 (will use whatever is returned)
- IFD does not support GET_DATA_RATES request: Success
+ dwDefaultClock: 3.700 MHz
+ dwMaximumClock: 3.700 MHz
+ bNumClockSupported: 1
+ Support 3700 kHz
+ dwDataRate: 9946 bps
+ dwMaxDataRate: 318280 bps
+ bNumDataRatesSupported: 53
+ Support 1807 bps
+ Support 1989 bps
+ Support 2409 bps
+ Support 2487 bps
+ Support 3315 bps
+ Support 3613 bps
+ Support 3978 bps
+ Support 4818 bps
+ Support 4973 bps
+ Support 6631 bps
+ Support 7227 bps
+ Support 7957 bps
+ Support 9635 bps
+ Support 9946 bps
+ Support 13262 bps
+ Support 14453 bps
+ Support 15914 bps
+ Support 19271 bps
+ Support 19892 bps
+ Support 21680 bps
+ Support 23871 bps
+ Support 26523 bps
+ Support 28906 bps
+ Support 29839 bps
+ Support 31828 bps
+ Support 36133 bps
+ Support 38542 bps
+ Support 39785 bps
+ Support 43359 bps
+ Support 48177 bps
+ Support 49731 bps
+ Support 53047 bps
+ Support 57813 bps
+ Support 59677 bps
+ Support 63656 bps
+ Support 66308 bps
+ Support 72266 bps
+ Support 77083 bps
+ Support 79570 bps
+ Support 86719 bps
+ Support 96354 bps
+ Support 99462 bps
+ Support 106093 bps
+ Support 115625 bps
+ Support 119355 bps
+ Support 132616 bps
+ Support 144531 bps
+ Support 154167 bps
+ Support 159140 bps
+ Support 198925 bps
+ Support 212186 bps
+ Support 231250 bps
+ Support 318280 bps
dwMaxIFSD: 254
- dwSynchProtocols: 0x00000000
+ dwSynchProtocols: 0x00000007
+ 2-wire protocol
+ 3-wire protocol
+ I2C protocol
dwMechanical: 0x00000000
No special characteristics
- dwFeatures: 0x00010138
+ dwFeatures: 0x000204BE
+ ....02 Automatic parameter configuration based on ATR data
+ ....04 Automatic activation of ICC on inserting
....08 Automatic ICC voltage selection
....10 Automatic ICC clock frequency change according to parameters
....20 Automatic baud rate change according to frequency and Fi, Di params
- ..01.. CCID can set ICC in clock stop mode
- 01.... TPDU level exchange
+ ....80 Automatic PPS made by the CCID
+ ..04.. Automatic IFSD exchange as first exchange (T=1)
+ 02.... Short APDU level exchange
dwMaxCCIDMessageLength: 271 bytes
- bClassGetResponse: 0x00
- bClassEnveloppe: 0x00
+ bClassGetResponse: 0xFF
+ echoes the APDU class
+ bClassEnveloppe: 0xFF
+ echoes the APDU class
wLcdLayout: 0x0000
bPINSupport: 0x00
bMaxCCIDBusySlots: 1
Modified: trunk/Drivers/ccid/src/ccid_usb.c
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pcsclite/trunk/Drivers/ccid/src/ccid_usb.c?rev=6618&op=diff
--- trunk/Drivers/ccid/src/ccid_usb.c (original)
+++ trunk/Drivers/ccid/src/ccid_usb.c Sat May 4 15:58:35 2013
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
{ 0x0B0C, 0x0050, 0x0101 }, /* Todos Argos Mini II */
{ 0x0DC3, 0x0900, 0x0200 }, /* Athena IDProtect Key v2 */
{ 0x03F0, 0x0036, 0x0124 }, /* HP USB CCID Smartcard Keyboard */
+ { 0x062D, 0x0001, 0x0102 }, /* THRC Smart Card Reader */
/* the firmware version is not correct since I do not have received a
* working reader yet */
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