[Pcsclite-muscle] Jinmuyu MR800 card reader problem
Frédéric Marchal
fmarchal at perso.be
Sun Jun 11 09:58:36 UTC 2017
One last message for today :-)
I got it working. The MR800 claims to be compatible with protocol T1 but it
isn't. If I select protocol T0 from my application, I can communicate with the
reader (see mr800-T0.txt).
Now, how to fix this properly to make it work out of the box with pcsc is
beyond me. I'm available to test any solution you propose.
To summarize, I had to change two things to make it work.
1) The reader returns nMaxSlotIndex=1 but slot 1 fails. I suggest to make pcsc
use the available slots in that case instead of failing completely.
2) Protocol T1 doesn't work. Falling back to T0 fails. But selecting T0 from
the application succeed. Is pcsc unable to recover after trying T1 or is the
reader that's jammed?
On dimanche 11 juin 2017 11 h 14 min 51 s CEST Frédéric Marchal wrote:
> Hi again,
> Forcing nMaxSlotIndex=0 in the code goes one step further but it still fails
> in the end.
> The new log is attached to this mail as mr800-maxslot0.txt. I simply changed
> the line in the attached maxslot0.txt (for information only).
> If it may help, the MR800 pdf documentation can be downloaded here: http://
> www.jinmuyu.com/download/JINMUYU%20Compatible%20USB%20PCSC%20IC%20Card
> %20Reader%20General%20Technical%20Manual.pdf
> Frédéric
> On dimanche 11 juin 2017 9 h 45 min 28 s CEST Frédéric Marchal wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to use a MR800 from Jinmuyu but it doesn't work on Linux.
> >
> > I'm using the latest sources from git for both the ccid driver (Driver
> > version: 1.4.27) and pcscd (pcsc-lite 1.8.21 daemon).
> >
> > So far, I believe the problem occurs because the reader reports
> > nMaxSlotIndex=1 and the ccid driver fails when trying to open slot 1:
> >
> > 00000009 ccid_usb.c:237:OpenUSBByName() Reader index: 1, Device: usb:03eb/
> > 6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/008
> > 00000018 ccid_usb.c:269:OpenUSBByName() interface_number: 0
> > 00000006 ccid_usb.c:270:OpenUSBByName() usb bus/device: 1/8
> > 00000005 ccid_usb.c:302:OpenUSBByName() Using:
> > /usr/local/lib/pcsc/drivers/
> > ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
> > 00001082 ccid_usb.c:320:OpenUSBByName() ifdManufacturerString: Ludovic
> > Rousseau (ludovic.rousseau at free.fr)
> > 00000010 ccid_usb.c:321:OpenUSBByName() ifdProductString: Generic CCID
> > driver 00000005 ccid_usb.c:322:OpenUSBByName() Copyright: This driver is
> > protected by terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1,
> > or
> > (at your option) any later version.
> > 00000245 ccid_usb.c:406:OpenUSBByName() Try device: 1/8
> > 00000008 ccid_usb.c:416:OpenUSBByName() vid/pid : 03EB/6120
> > 00000005 ccid_usb.c:483:OpenUSBByName() Checking device: 1/8
> > 00000004 ccid_usb.c:532:OpenUSBByName() Opening slot: 1
> > 00000269 -> 000001 65 00 00 00 00 01 07 00 00 00
> > 00000372 <- 000001 81 00 00 00 00 01 07 42 05 00
> > 00000008 commands.c:1235:CmdGetSlotStatus Invalid slot number
> >
> > Here is the requested information:
> >
> > $ ./pcscd --version
> > pcsc-lite version 1.8.21.
> > Copyright (C) 1999-2002 by David Corcoran <corcoran at musclecard.com>.
> > Copyright (C) 2001-2015 by Ludovic Rousseau <ludovic.rousseau at free.fr>.
> > Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by Damien Sauveron <sauveron at labri.fr>.
> > Report bugs to <pcsclite-muscle at lists.alioth.debian.org>.
> > Enabled features: Linux x86_64-pc-linux-gnu serial usb libudev
> > usbdropdir=/
> > usr/local/lib/pcsc/drivers ipcdir=/var/run/pcscd configdir=/usr/local/etc/
> > reader.conf.d
> >
> > $ uname -a
> > Linux HP036 4.10.0-rc6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.10~rc6-1~exp2 (2017-02-02)
> > x86_64 GNU/Linux
> >
> > The attached mr800-usb.txt is the output of lsusb -v -d 03eb:6120 > mr800-
> > usb.txt
> >
> > The attache mr800.log is the output from
> >
> > export LIBCCID_ifdLogLevel=0x000F
> > sudo /home/emisys/pcsc/src/pcscd --apdu --foreground --debug --color 2>&1
> > |
> > tee mr800.log
> >
> > I took the liberty of adding a couple messages to try to understand what
> > is
> > happening. I also added the VID/PID/name to Info.plist to get that far.
> > The
> > name I entered in Info.plist is the name reported by the Windows SC API.
> >
> > The full reader reference is MR800UC-V as per the label.
> >
> > Could you please give me some guidance as to how to make that reader work
> > with pcsc-lite?
> >
> > PS: I do speak French if you need to contact me off-list.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Frédéric
-------------- next part --------------
00000000 debuglog.c:289:DebugLogSetLevel() debug level=debug
00000320 pcscdaemon.c:350:main() Force colored logs
00001637 configfile.l:361:DBGetReaderList() Parsing conf file: /usr/local/etc/reader.conf.d
00000055 pcscdaemon.c:658:main() pcsc-lite 1.8.21 daemon ready.
00000293 hotplug_libudev.c:163:HPReadBundleValues() Reading bundle /usr/local/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
00012513 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/001
00000222 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/001
00000213 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x03EB, PID: 0x6120, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/017
00000009 hotplug_libudev.c:309:get_driver() Driver found for Jinmuyu Electronics Co., Ltd. MR800
00000008 hotplug_libudev.c:438:HPAddDevice() Adding USB device: Jinmuyu Electronics Co., Ltd. MR800
00000129 readerfactory.c:1073:RFInitializeReader() Attempting startup of Jinmuyu Electronics Co., Ltd. MR800 [CCID] (20120330) 00 00 using /usr/local/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Linux/libccid.so
00000310 readerfactory.c:948:RFBindFunctions() Loading IFD Handler 3.0
00000040 ifdhandler.c:1979:init_driver() Driver version: 1.4.27
00002423 ifdhandler.c:1996:init_driver() LogLevel: 0x0003
00000014 ifdhandler.c:2007:init_driver() DriverOptions: 0x0000
00000256 ifdhandler.c:2020:init_driver() LogLevel from LIBCCID_ifdLogLevel: 0x000F
00000008 ifdhandler.c:111:CreateChannelByNameOrChannel() Lun: 0, device: usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017
00000013 ccid_usb.c:237:OpenUSBByName() Reader index: 0, Device: usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017
00000032 ccid_usb.c:269:OpenUSBByName() interface_number: 0
00000005 ccid_usb.c:270:OpenUSBByName() usb bus/device: 1/17
00000004 ccid_usb.c:302:OpenUSBByName() Using: /usr/local/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
00001017 ccid_usb.c:320:OpenUSBByName() ifdManufacturerString: Ludovic Rousseau (ludovic.rousseau at free.fr)
00000011 ccid_usb.c:321:OpenUSBByName() ifdProductString: Generic CCID driver
00000005 ccid_usb.c:322:OpenUSBByName() Copyright: This driver is protected by terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version.
00005865 ccid_usb.c:406:OpenUSBByName() Try device: 1/17
00000017 ccid_usb.c:416:OpenUSBByName() vid/pid : 03EB/6120
00000005 ccid_usb.c:483:OpenUSBByName() Checking device: 1/17
00000004 ccid_usb.c:554:OpenUSBByName() Trying to open USB bus/device: 1/17
00113819 ccid_usb.c:656:OpenUSBByName() Found Vendor/Product: 03EB/6120 (Jinmuyu Electronics Co., Ltd. MR800)
00000060 ccid_usb.c:658:OpenUSBByName() Using USB bus/device: 1/17
00000021 ccid_usb.c:717:OpenUSBByName() bNumDataRatesSupported is 0
00002003 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00000361 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00000037 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
00000563 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
00000050 ifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFB3, usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000018 readerfactory.c:390:RFAddReader() Using the pcscd polling thread
00000014 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000022 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00
00000273 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00
00000022 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00000264 ifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFAE, usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000040 ifdhandler.c:477:IFDHGetCapabilities() Reader supports 1 slot(s)
00000187 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000067 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
00000582 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
00000039 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00000027 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000027 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00
00000297 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/001
00000274 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00
00000041 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00000023 ifdhandler.c:1172:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerUp, usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000029 -> 000000 62 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00
00000464 <- 000000 80 14 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 3B 8F 80 01 80 4F 0C A0 00 00 03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 68
00000045 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x04F3, PID: 0x0755, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/003
00000025 eventhandler.c:287:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_POWERED
00000046 Card ATR: 3B 8F 80 01 80 4F 0C A0 00 00 03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 68
00000020 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000026 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00
00000667 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00
00000047 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00000011 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x04F3, PID: 0x0755, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/003
00000695 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/001
00000752 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x05E3, PID: 0x0608, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/004
00000763 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x8087, PID: 0x0A2A, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/005
00000748 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x8087, PID: 0x0A2A, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/005
00000722 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x05E3, PID: 0x0608, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/004
00000809 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x064E, PID: 0xC347, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/006
00000778 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x064E, PID: 0xC347, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/006
00000578 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x05E3, PID: 0x0608, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/004
00000354 hotplug_libudev.c:298:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0003, path: /dev/bus/usb/002/001
00394559 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000079 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00
00000671 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00
00000068 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00000028 ifdhandler.c:1172:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerDown, usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000030 -> 000000 63 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00
00000565 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00
00000047 eventhandler.c:480:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_UNPOWERED
00000027 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000026 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00
00000422 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00
00000039 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00400581 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000081 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00
00000411 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00
00000117 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00400583 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000082 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00
00000316 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00
00000034 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00400576 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000081 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00
00000577 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00
00000049 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00400214 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000265 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00
00000507 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00
00000147 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00400698 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000083 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00
00000443 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00
00000159 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00259937 winscard_msg_srv.c:251:ProcessEventsServer() Common channel packet arrival
00000268 winscard_msg_srv.c:263:ProcessEventsServer() ProcessCommonChannelRequest detects: 14
00000123 pcscdaemon.c:131:SVCServiceRunLoop() A new context thread creation is requested: 14
00000382 winscard_svc.c:340:ContextThread() Authorized PC/SC client
00000118 winscard_svc.c:344:ContextThread() Thread is started: dwClientID=14, threadContext @0x55c3c4a34cd0
00000142 winscard_svc.c:362:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_VERSION from client 14
00000151 winscard_svc.c:374:ContextThread() Client is protocol version 4:3
00000115 winscard_svc.c:394:ContextThread() CMD_VERSION rv=0x0 for client 14
00000308 winscard_svc.c:362:ContextThread() Received command: ESTABLISH_CONTEXT from client 14
00000149 winscard.c:215:SCardEstablishContext() Establishing Context: 0x461DE21
00000114 winscard_svc.c:458:ContextThread() ESTABLISH_CONTEXT rv=0x0 for client 14
00000308 winscard_svc.c:362:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_GET_READERS_STATE from client 14
00001347 winscard_svc.c:362:ContextThread() Received command: CONNECT from client 14
00000084 winscard_svc.c:496:ContextThread() Authorized client for 'Jinmuyu Electronics Co., Ltd. MR800 [CCID] (20120330) 00 00'
00000021 winscard.c:259:SCardConnect() Attempting Connect to Jinmuyu Electronics Co., Ltd. MR800 [CCID] (20120330) 00 00 using protocol: 1
00000015 readerfactory.c:819:RFReaderInfo() RefReader() count was: 1
00000020 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000026 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00
00000398 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00
00000025 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00000017 ifdhandler.c:1172:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerUp, usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000024 -> 000000 62 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00
00000568 <- 000000 80 14 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 3B 8F 80 01 80 4F 0C A0 00 00 03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 68
00000031 winscard.c:332:SCardConnect() power up complete.
00000033 Card ATR: 3B 8F 80 01 80 4F 0C A0 00 00 03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 68
00000010 winscard.c:352:SCardConnect() powerState: POWER_STATE_INUSE
00000012 prothandler.c:108:PHSetProtocol() Attempting PTS to T=0
00000014 ifdhandler.c:696:IFDHSetProtocolParameters() protocol T=0, usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000016 ifdhandler.c:1076:IFDHSetProtocolParameters() Communication timeout: 251908 ms
00000012 commands.c:2254:SetParameters() length: 5 bytes
00000027 -> 000000 61 05 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 11 00 00 0A 00
00000291 <- 000000 82 05 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 11 00 00 0A 00
00000031 winscard.c:431:SCardConnect() Active Protocol: T=0
00000021 winscard.c:456:SCardConnect() hCard Identity: 6408ee78
00000023 winscard.c:518:SCardConnect() UnrefReader() count was: 2
00000021 winscard_svc.c:510:ContextThread() CONNECT rv=0x0 for client 14
00000204 winscard_svc.c:362:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 14
00000063 readerfactory.c:846:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
00000020 winscard.c:1595:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
00000017 APDU: FF CA 00 00 00
00000014 ifdhandler.c:1321:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000028 commands.c:1623:CmdXfrBlockAPDU_extended() T=0 (extended): 5 bytes
00000030 -> 000000 6F 05 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 FF CA 00 00 00
00011101 <- 000000 80 0A 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 04 24 61 F8 2E 04 00 08 90 00
00000067 SW: 04 24 61 F8 2E 04 00 08 90 00
00000021 winscard.c:1640:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
00000019 winscard_svc.c:682:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 14
00000236 winscard_svc.c:362:ContextThread() Received command: DISCONNECT from client 14
00000024 readerfactory.c:846:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
00000009 winscard.c:878:SCardDisconnect() Active Contexts: -1
00000007 winscard.c:879:SCardDisconnect() dwDisposition: 3
00000006 winscard.c:972:SCardDisconnect() Error ejecting card.
00000008 winscard.c:1014:SCardDisconnect() powerState: POWER_STATE_GRACE_PERIOD
00000009 ifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFB2, usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000007 winscard.c:1040:SCardDisconnect() UnrefReader() count was: 2
00000009 winscard_svc.c:547:ContextThread() DISCONNECT rv=0x0 for client 14
00000312 winscard_svc.c:362:ContextThread() Received command: RELEASE_CONTEXT from client 14
00000017 winscard.c:229:SCardReleaseContext() Releasing Context: 0x461DE21
00000008 winscard_svc.c:473:ContextThread() RELEASE_CONTEXT rv=0x0 for client 14
00000160 winscard_svc.c:354:ContextThread() Client die: 14
00000034 winscard_svc.c:1029:MSGCleanupClient() Thread is stopping: dwClientID=14, threadContext @0x55c3c4a34cd0
00000017 winscard_svc.c:1035:MSGCleanupClient() Freeing SCONTEXT @0x55c3c4a34cd0
00123056 eventhandler.c:492:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_POWERED
00000081 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000040 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
00000388 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
00000040 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00400630 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000080 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
00000566 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
00000040 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00000024 ifdhandler.c:1172:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerDown, usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000027 -> 000000 63 00 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00
00000413 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00
00000043 eventhandler.c:480:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_UNPOWERED
00000087 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000036 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 16 00 00 00
00000528 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 16 00 00 00
00000038 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00400633 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000081 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00
00000650 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00
00000048 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00400740 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000084 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00
00000468 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00
00000046 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00400576 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000139 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 00
00000381 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 00
00000042 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00400583 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000083 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 1A 00 00 00
00000374 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 1A 00 00 00
00000044 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00400581 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000083 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 1B 00 00 00
00000417 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 1B 00 00 00
00000041 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
00400578 ifdhandler.c:1839:IFDHICCPresence() usb:03eb/6120:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/001/017 (lun: 0)
00000084 -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 1C 00 00 00
00000531 <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 1C 00 00 00
00000112 ifdhandler.c:1960:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
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