[Pcsclite-muscle] Issue with Alcor Micro AU9540

Chris J Arges chris.j.arges at canonical.com
Mon Apr 14 16:01:23 UTC 2014


I've started to look into the following bug we found in Ubuntu:

We tested against the lasted Debian version and found the same issue in
pcsc-lite. Also logs were collected against this version, and I
attempted to look into the logs a bit to see what was going on. Can you
take a look and see what this could be? Or if there are any debug
options we should try or logs to collect? Also any hints about where in
the code this may be, I can try to locate this and debug as well.

If it helps I can file any additional bug reports in Debian or against
any upstream projects.

Thanks and I appreciate your time,
--chris j arges

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