[Pcsclite-muscle] Deny card access for one application

Florent fdeybach at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 16:57:14 UTC 2015

Hello list,

On my Ubuntu system I use two different readers containing each one card
which are also different.
Both readers must be usable by my user.

One of my application (FreeRDP, not to mention it) is capable of accessing
those smartcard through the libpcsclite.so library. However, this means it
can access both readers. And I don't want that.

Is there a way to deny the access to one specific reader?
Through udev rules? Through the Info.plist XML file?

(Simply removing the reader from the Info.plist "works" but is not a option
since I need to access the "denied" reader in another context while the
application is running)

Thanks in advance!

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