[Pcsclite-muscle] C_GenerateKeyPair failure with ACS CryptoMate (T2), ...shouldwork.html#0x072F0xB106
Carsten Blüggel
carsten.blueggel at freenet.de
Sat Apr 15 08:55:13 UTC 2017
C_GenerateKeyPair on hardware ACS CryptoMate (T2),
idVendor: 0x072F
idProduct: 0xB106
always fails with bit size > 3328 (... 4096), it succeeds <= 3328.
As comparison, C_GenerateKeyPair on predecessor hardware
takes about 3-4 minutes for 4096 bit key pair to complete (with same
ccid-git, invoked through scriptor) and #0x072F0xB106 seems to be slower,
thus my assumption, it may be something time-related (or a bug in card
operating system?).
Occasionally #0x072F0xB106 also shows some other strange behavior like
starting the Linux-User-Logout-countdown (Kubuntu 16.04 xenial) after
plugging out/removing the USB token.
And once, after a failed C_GenerateKeyPair, card contents were erased.
My trial to change 'TIME_BEFORE_SUICIDE' from 60 to 300 and manually
installing 1.4.26 libpcsclite and pcscd ended in screwing my system,
then back with 1.8.14, omitting --auto-exit from pcscd start params
didn't change the failure issue.
I hope, the following information is complete and a solution is close?
Thanks in advance, Regards
Carsten Blüggel
* CCID driver version: git, commit
af00591a4a3c437045cc9923f6477e6f2e467bf4 (includes "Add ACS
CryptoMate (T2)" dated 2017-03-22, initiated by my eMail to L. Rousseau)
* pcsc-lite version: 1.8.14-1ubuntu1.16.04.1 , the latest
distribution's version
* smart card reader name: ACS CryptoMate (T2),
* the output of the command "|/usr/sbin/pcscd --version|"
pcsc-lite version 1.8.14.
Copyright (C) 1999-2002 by David Corcoran <corcoran at musclecard.com>.
Copyright (C) 2001-2011 by Ludovic Rousseau
<ludovic.rousseau at free.fr>.
Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by Damien Sauveron <sauveron at labri.fr>.
Report bugs to <muscle at lists.musclecard.com>.
Enabled features: Linux x86_64-pc-linux-gnu serial usb libudev
usbdropdir=/usr/lib/pcsc/drivers ipcdir=/var/run/pcscd
* Operating system or GNU/Linux distribution name and version: Kubuntu
16.04 (xenial), Linux tuxim 4.4.0-72-generic #93-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar
31 14:07:41 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
* Smart card middleware name and version: scriptor from pcsc-tools (or
same failure issue when using OpenSC + my driver
* Reader manufacturer name and reader model name: same as before, also
called Advanced Card Systems: CryptoMate Nano Cryptographic USB
token (ACOS5T2)
* Smart card name: ACS ACOS5-64 V3.00, set to operation mode
Non-FIPS/64K, which allows up to 4096 bit RSA key pair in steps of 256
I'll supply 3 logs, all with same software and Log-setup (pcscd killed,
restarted), except different key sizes and log3 is from different USB token:
log1_failed_0x072F0xB106_CryptoMate_T2 shows the failure reported;
requests 3584-bit RSA key pair generation, CRT for sign+decrypt APDU: 00
46 00 00 02 1C 06
log2_succeeded_0x072F0xB106_CryptoMate_T2 requests 3328-bit RSA key
pair gen., CRT for sign+decrypt APDU: 00 46 00 00 02 1A 06
log3_succeeded_0x072F0x90DB_CryptoMate64, predecessor hardware as
comparison, requests 4096-bit RSA key pair gen., CRT for sign+decrypt
APDU: 00 46 00 00 02 20 06
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00000000 debuglog.c:291:DebugLogSetLevel() debug level=debug
00000080 debuglog.c:312:DebugLogSetCategory() Debug options: APDU
[36m00000008[0m [34mpcscdaemon.c:268:main() Force colored logs[0m
[36m00000045[0m configfile.l:355:DBGetReaderList() Parsing conf file: /etc/reader.conf.d
[36m00000010[0m [34mpcscdaemon.c:569:main() pcsc-lite 1.8.14 daemon ready.[0m
[36m00007804[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000153[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000149[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC31C, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/005
[36m00000143[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC31C, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/005
[36m00000133[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000140[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D50, PID: 0x6086, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/006
[36m00000138[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D50, PID: 0x6086, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/006
[36m00000132[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000141[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x072F, PID: 0xB106, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/002
[36m00000011[0m [34mhotplug_libudev.c:435:HPAddDevice() Adding USB device: ACS CryptoMate (T2)[0m
[36m00000050[0m [34mreaderfactory.c:1012:RFInitializeReader() Attempting startup of ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00 using /usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Linux/libccid.so[0m
[36m00000201[0m [34mreaderfactory.c:897:RFBindFunctions() Loading IFD Handler 3.0[0m
[36m00000034[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1965:init_driver() Driver version: 1.4.26[0m
[36m00000985[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1982:init_driver() LogLevel: 0x0003[0m
[36m00000017[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1993:init_driver() DriverOptions: 0x0000[0m
[36m00000260[0m [34mifdhandler.c:2006:init_driver() LogLevel from LIBCCID_ifdLogLevel: 0x000F[0m
[36m00000008[0m [34mifdhandler.c:111:CreateChannelByNameOrChannel() Lun: 0, device: usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002[0m
[36m00000010[0m ccid_usb.c:237:OpenUSBByName() Reader index: 0, Device: usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002
[36m00000013[0m ccid_usb.c:269:OpenUSBByName() interface_number: 0
[36m00000004[0m ccid_usb.c:270:OpenUSBByName() usb bus/device: 3/2
[36m00000004[0m [34mccid_usb.c:302:OpenUSBByName() Using: /usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Info.plist[0m
[36m00000974[0m [34mccid_usb.c:320:OpenUSBByName() ifdManufacturerString: Ludovic Rousseau (ludovic.rousseau at free.fr)[0m
[36m00000008[0m [34mccid_usb.c:321:OpenUSBByName() ifdProductString: Generic CCID driver[0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mccid_usb.c:322:OpenUSBByName() Copyright: This driver is protected by terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version.[0m
[36m00009440[0m ccid_usb.c:406:OpenUSBByName() Try device: 3/2
[36m00000012[0m ccid_usb.c:416:OpenUSBByName() vid/pid : 072F/B106
[36m00000004[0m ccid_usb.c:483:OpenUSBByName() Checking device: 3/2
[36m00000003[0m ccid_usb.c:554:OpenUSBByName() Trying to open USB bus/device: 3/2
[36m00101499[0m [34mccid_usb.c:656:OpenUSBByName() Found Vendor/Product: 072F/B106 (ACS CryptoMate (T2))[0m
[36m00000014[0m [34mccid_usb.c:658:OpenUSBByName() Using USB bus/device: 3/2[0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mccid_usb.c:717:OpenUSBByName() bNumDataRatesSupported is 0[0m
[36m00000871[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
[36m00003849[0m ccid_usb.c:1342:InterruptRead() after (0) (0)
[36m00000015[0m NotifySlotChange: 50 03
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[36m00000231[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01
[36m00000010[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
[36m00000224[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 01
[36m00000015[0m [34mifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFB3, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mreaderfactory.c:355:RFAddReader() Using the reader polling thread[0m
[36m00000005[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00
[36m00000219[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 00 01
[36m00000008[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000063[0m [34mifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFAE, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000009[0m [34mifdhandler.c:477:IFDHGetCapabilities() Reader supports 1 slot(s)[0m
[36m00000027[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000013[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
[36m00000268[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000049[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 03 01 00 01
[36m00000009[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000006[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00
[36m00000116[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x0930, PID: 0x6545, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/003
[36m00000129[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 04 01 00 01
[36m00000007[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000004[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1158:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerUp, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 62 00 00 00 00 00 05 01 00 00
[36m00000010[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000155[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x062A, PID: 0x7223, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/004
[36m00000142[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x062A, PID: 0x7223, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/004
[36m00000202[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0003, path: /dev/bus/usb/004/001
[36m00000193[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/001
[36m00000131[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/001
[36m00000141[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x8087, PID: 0x800A, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/002
[36m00000223[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/001
[36m00000140[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/001
[36m00000153[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x2109, PID: 0x3431, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/002
[36m00000194[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC52B, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/003
[36m00000159[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC52B, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/003
[36m00000155[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC52B, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/003
[36m00000148[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x2109, PID: 0x3431, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/002
[36m00000200[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x04F9, PID: 0x0027, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/004
[36m00000153[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x2109, PID: 0x3431, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/002
[36m00000163[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x04A9, PID: 0x190A, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/005
[36m00000151[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x2109, PID: 0x3431, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/002
[36m00000225[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0003, path: /dev/bus/usb/006/001
[36m00000288[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/007/001
[36m00000303[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0003, path: /dev/bus/usb/008/001
[36m00000198[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/002/001
[36m00000134[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/002/001
[36m00000146[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x8087, PID: 0x8002, path: /dev/bus/usb/002/002
[36m00000064[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010081[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010108[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010081[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010074[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010073[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010076[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010084[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010100[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010101[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010104[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010093[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010122[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010086[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010079[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010112[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010087[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010102[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010088[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010109[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010108[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010106[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010108[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010108[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010106[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010088[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010111[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010088[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010091[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010100[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010115[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010109[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010095[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010104[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010108[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010096[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010071[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010104[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010106[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010121[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010101[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010109[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010108[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010109[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010113[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010097[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010109[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010100[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010116[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010111[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010127[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010102[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010117[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010112[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00009333[0m <- 000000 80 13 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 3B BE 96 00 00 41 05 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000022[0m eventhandler.c:288:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_POWERED
[36m00000008[0m [34mCard ATR: 3B BE 96 00 00 41 05 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 [0m
[36m00000007[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00
[36m00000259[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00
[36m00000007[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:311:IFDHPolling() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0) 5000 ms[0m
[36m00000004[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
[36m05000097[0m ccid_usb.c:1342:InterruptRead() after (0) (2)
[36m00000016[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000009[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00
[36m00000256[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00
[36m00000009[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1158:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerDown, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 63 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00
[36m00000826[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 01
[36m00000014[0m eventhandler.c:481:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_UNPOWERED
[36m00000005[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00
[36m00000251[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 09 01 00 01
[36m00000008[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:311:IFDHPolling() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0) 600000 ms[0m
[36m00000004[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
[36m00188706[0m winscard_msg_srv.c:253:ProcessEventsServer() Common channel packet arrival
[36m00000033[0m winscard_msg_srv.c:265:ProcessEventsServer() ProcessCommonChannelRequest detects: 12
[36m00000005[0m pcscdaemon.c:134:SVCServiceRunLoop() A new context thread creation is requested: 12
[36m00000091[0m winscard_svc.c:331:ContextThread() Authorized PC/SC client
[36m00000015[0m winscard_svc.c:335:ContextThread() Thread is started: dwClientID=12, threadContext @0x2402aa0
[36m00000016[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_VERSION from client 12
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:365:ContextThread() Client is protocol version 4:3
[36m00000004[0m winscard_svc.c:385:ContextThread() CMD_VERSION rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000066[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: ESTABLISH_CONTEXT from client 12
[36m00000022[0m winscard.c:215:SCardEstablishContext() Establishing Context: 0x6A4EFF61
[36m00000004[0m winscard_svc.c:446:ContextThread() ESTABLISH_CONTEXT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000093[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_GET_READERS_STATE from client 12
[36m00000038[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_GET_READERS_STATE from client 12
[36m00000093[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: CONNECT from client 12
[36m00000008[0m winscard_svc.c:484:ContextThread() Authorized client for 'ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00'
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:257:SCardConnect() Attempting Connect to ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00 using protocol: 3
[36m00000005[0m readerfactory.c:768:RFReaderInfo() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000006[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000008[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00
[36m00000275[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 0A 01 00 01
[36m00000009[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1158:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerUp, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 62 00 00 00 00 00 0B 01 00 00
[36m00690540[0m <- 000000 80 13 00 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 3B BE 96 00 00 41 05 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000023[0m winscard.c:332:SCardConnect() power up complete.
[36m00000008[0m Card ATR: 3B BE 96 00 00 41 05 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:352:SCardConnect() powerState: POWER_STATE_INUSE
[36m00000005[0m [34mprothandler.c:110:PHSetProtocol() Attempting PTS to T=0[0m
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:696:IFDHSetProtocolParameters() protocol T=0, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000006[0m ifdhandler.c:822:IFDHSetProtocolParameters() Set speed to 300000 bauds
[36m00000004[0m ifdhandler.c:1062:IFDHSetProtocolParameters() Communication timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00000003[0m commands.c:2254:SetParameters() length: 5 bytes
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 61 05 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 96 00 00 0A 00
[36m00017302[0m <- 000000 82 05 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 96 00 00 0A 00
[36m00000018[0m winscard.c:431:SCardConnect() Active Protocol: T=0
[36m00000006[0m winscard.c:451:SCardConnect() hCard Identity: 1098fa53
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:512:SCardConnect() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:498:ContextThread() CONNECT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000264[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000015[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000005[0m [34mAPDU: 00 A4 00 00 02 41 00 [0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000009[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 7 bytes
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 6F 07 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 00 A4 00 00 02 41 00
[36m00016095[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 61 32
[36m00000029[0m [34mSW: 61 32 [0m
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000005[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000252[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000015[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000004[0m [34mAPDU: 00 C0 00 00 32 [0m
[36m00000007[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 5 bytes
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 6F 05 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 32
[36m00006484[0m <- 000000 80 34 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 6F 30 83 02 41 00 88 01 00 8A 01 05 82 02 38 00 8D 02 41 03 84 10 41 43 4F 53 50 4B 43 53 2D 31 35 76 31 2E 30 30 8C 08 7F FF FF 01 01 01 01 01 AB 00 90 00
[36m00000024[0m [34mSW: 6F 30 83 02 41 00 88 01 00 8A 01 05 82 02 38 00 8D 02 41 03 84 10 41 43 4F 53 50 4B 43 53 2D 31 35 76 31 2E 30 30 8C 08 7F FF FF 01 01 01 01 01 AB 00 90 00 [0m
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000232[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000013[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000006[0m [34mAPDU: 00 20 00 81 08 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 [0m
[36m00000004[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 13 bytes
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 6F 0D 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00 20 00 81 08 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
[36m00093267[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000019[0m [34mSW: 90 00 [0m
[36m00000008[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000005[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000274[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000016[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000007[0m [34mAPDU: 00 22 01 B6 0A 80 01 10 81 02 41 33 95 01 80 [0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 15 bytes
[36m00000008[0m -> 000000 6F 0F 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 22 01 B6 0A 80 01 10 81 02 41 33 95 01 80
[36m00030363[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000018[0m [34mSW: 90 00 [0m
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000005[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000241[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000017[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000008[0m [34mAPDU: 00 22 01 B6 0A 80 01 10 81 02 41 F3 95 01 40 [0m
[36m00000008[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 15 bytes
[36m00000009[0m -> 000000 6F 0F 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 22 01 B6 0A 80 01 10 81 02 41 F3 95 01 40
[36m00031132[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000017[0m [34mSW: 90 00 [0m
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000279[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000017[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000005[0m [34mAPDU: 00 46 00 00 02 1C 06 [0m
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 7 bytes
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 6F 07 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 46 00 00 02 1C 06
[36m00919651[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000028[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928614[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928526[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000016[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928583[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000016[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928497[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000015[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928546[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928562[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928477[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000015[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928532[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000016[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928496[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000011[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928464[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000015[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928379[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000013[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928491[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000015[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928476[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000012[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928388[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928375[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928386[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928387[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928370[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928320[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928326[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928360[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928326[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928350[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928365[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928349[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928386[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928241[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928307[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928398[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928278[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928320[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000024[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928373[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928360[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928318[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928340[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928345[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928423[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928344[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928364[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928365[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928451[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928417[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928397[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928473[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928315[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928335[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928373[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928367[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928460[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928274[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000016[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928471[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928285[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000012[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928420[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000017[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928415[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928415[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928474[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928364[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928403[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928401[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000022[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928324[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000023[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928346[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928434[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928425[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928446[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000021[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928397[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000021[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928466[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000023[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928337[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000021[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928428[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928388[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928391[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000017[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928340[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928357[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928382[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928371[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928436[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928506[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928549[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928448[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928499[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928447[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928363[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000024[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928439[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000017[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928461[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928462[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928470[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000021[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928440[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928541[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000021[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928363[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928480[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928504[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928445[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928457[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928462[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928459[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928323[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928494[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000016[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928462[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928432[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928460[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928517[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000025[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928480[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928403[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928288[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000016[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928436[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928439[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000026[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928428[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928537[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928405[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928490[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928469[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928534[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928538[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928536[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928576[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928520[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928556[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928514[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928571[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928482[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928496[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928516[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000016[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928576[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928526[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928550[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928551[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928543[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928562[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928547[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928566[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928491[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928526[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928548[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928485[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928493[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928475[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928544[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928492[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000027[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928512[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928556[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000021[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928507[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928548[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928530[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928523[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000022[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928467[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928495[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000022[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928499[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000023[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928537[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000022[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928399[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000023[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928451[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000023[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928420[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000023[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928491[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000022[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928491[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928585[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000022[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928531[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000023[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928580[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928550[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928440[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928565[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m01330160[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 40 FE 00
[36m00000023[0m [35mcommands.c:1523:CCID_Receive Card absent or mute[0m
[36m00000007[0m [34mSW: [0m
[36m00000006[0m [35mifdwrapper.c:550:IFDTransmit() Card not transacted: 612[0m
[36m00000005[0m [35mwinscard.c:1633:SCardTransmit() Card not transacted: 0x80100016[0m
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000008[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x80100016 for client 12
[36m00000185[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: DISCONNECT from client 12
[36m00000013[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:872:SCardDisconnect() Active Contexts: 1
[36m00000003[0m winscard.c:873:SCardDisconnect() dwDisposition: 0
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1038:SCardDisconnect() powerState: POWER_STATE_GRACE_PERIOD
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFB2, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000003[0m [34mwinscard.c:1052:SCardDisconnect() Stopping polling thread[0m
[36m00000004[0m [34mifdhandler.c:347:IFDHStopPolling() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000055[0m winscard.c:1065:SCardDisconnect() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000012[0m winscard_svc.c:535:ContextThread() DISCONNECT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000001[0m ccid_usb.c:1342:InterruptRead() after (0) (3)
[36m00000016[0m ccid_usb.c:1357:InterruptRead() InterruptRead (3/2): LIBUSB_TRANSFER_CANCELLED
[36m00000074[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: RELEASE_CONTEXT from client 12
[36m00000010[0m winscard.c:226:SCardReleaseContext() Releasing Context: 0x6A4EFF61
[36m00000004[0m winscard_svc.c:461:ContextThread() RELEASE_CONTEXT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000037[0m winscard_svc.c:345:ContextThread() Client die: 12
[36m00000021[0m winscard_svc.c:1000:MSGCleanupClient() Thread is stopping: dwClientID=12, threadContext @0x2402aa0
[36m00000005[0m winscard_svc.c:1006:MSGCleanupClient() Freeing SCONTEXT @0x2402aa0
[36m00399940[0m eventhandler.c:493:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_POWERED
[36m00000017[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000009[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
[36m00000273[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
[36m00000013[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:311:IFDHPolling() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0) 5000 ms[0m
[36m00000005[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
[36m05000091[0m ccid_usb.c:1342:InterruptRead() after (0) (2)
[36m00000017[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000009[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
[36m00000239[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
[36m00000011[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1158:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerDown, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 63 00 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00
[36m00000845[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 15 01 00 01
[36m00000013[0m eventhandler.c:481:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_UNPOWERED
[36m00000005[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 16 00 00 00
[36m00000239[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 16 01 00 01
[36m00000008[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:311:IFDHPolling() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0) 600000 ms[0m
[36m00000004[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
-------------- next part --------------
00000000 debuglog.c:291:DebugLogSetLevel() debug level=debug
00000094 debuglog.c:312:DebugLogSetCategory() Debug options: APDU
[36m00000010[0m [34mpcscdaemon.c:268:main() Force colored logs[0m
[36m00000071[0m configfile.l:355:DBGetReaderList() Parsing conf file: /etc/reader.conf.d
[36m00000017[0m [34mpcscdaemon.c:569:main() pcsc-lite 1.8.14 daemon ready.[0m
[36m00008043[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000177[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000173[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC31C, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/005
[36m00000168[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC31C, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/005
[36m00000155[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000162[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D50, PID: 0x6086, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/006
[36m00000164[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D50, PID: 0x6086, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/006
[36m00000153[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000164[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x072F, PID: 0xB106, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/002
[36m00000013[0m [34mhotplug_libudev.c:435:HPAddDevice() Adding USB device: ACS CryptoMate (T2)[0m
[36m00000066[0m [34mreaderfactory.c:1012:RFInitializeReader() Attempting startup of ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00 using /usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Linux/libccid.so[0m
[36m00000209[0m [34mreaderfactory.c:897:RFBindFunctions() Loading IFD Handler 3.0[0m
[36m00000047[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1965:init_driver() Driver version: 1.4.26[0m
[36m00000983[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1982:init_driver() LogLevel: 0x0003[0m
[36m00000012[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1993:init_driver() DriverOptions: 0x0000[0m
[36m00000306[0m [34mifdhandler.c:2006:init_driver() LogLevel from LIBCCID_ifdLogLevel: 0x000F[0m
[36m00000010[0m [34mifdhandler.c:111:CreateChannelByNameOrChannel() Lun: 0, device: usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002[0m
[36m00000012[0m ccid_usb.c:237:OpenUSBByName() Reader index: 0, Device: usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002
[36m00000023[0m ccid_usb.c:269:OpenUSBByName() interface_number: 0
[36m00000007[0m ccid_usb.c:270:OpenUSBByName() usb bus/device: 3/2
[36m00000006[0m [34mccid_usb.c:302:OpenUSBByName() Using: /usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Info.plist[0m
[36m00000929[0m [34mccid_usb.c:320:OpenUSBByName() ifdManufacturerString: Ludovic Rousseau (ludovic.rousseau at free.fr)[0m
[36m00000009[0m [34mccid_usb.c:321:OpenUSBByName() ifdProductString: Generic CCID driver[0m
[36m00000007[0m [34mccid_usb.c:322:OpenUSBByName() Copyright: This driver is protected by terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version.[0m
[36m00009244[0m ccid_usb.c:406:OpenUSBByName() Try device: 3/2
[36m00000012[0m ccid_usb.c:416:OpenUSBByName() vid/pid : 072F/B106
[36m00000006[0m ccid_usb.c:483:OpenUSBByName() Checking device: 3/2
[36m00000005[0m ccid_usb.c:554:OpenUSBByName() Trying to open USB bus/device: 3/2
[36m00101943[0m [34mccid_usb.c:656:OpenUSBByName() Found Vendor/Product: 072F/B106 (ACS CryptoMate (T2))[0m
[36m00000012[0m [34mccid_usb.c:658:OpenUSBByName() Using USB bus/device: 3/2[0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mccid_usb.c:717:OpenUSBByName() bNumDataRatesSupported is 0[0m
[36m00000788[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
[36m00010986[0m ccid_usb.c:1342:InterruptRead() after (0) (0)
[36m00000013[0m NotifySlotChange: 50 03
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[36m00000259[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01
[36m00000011[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
[36m00000217[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 01
[36m00000011[0m [34mifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFB3, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000003[0m [34mreaderfactory.c:355:RFAddReader() Using the reader polling thread[0m
[36m00000004[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000004[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00
[36m00000209[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 00 01
[36m00000005[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000050[0m [34mifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFAE, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:477:IFDHGetCapabilities() Reader supports 1 slot(s)[0m
[36m00000025[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000018[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
[36m00000197[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000107[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 03 01 00 01
[36m00000009[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000004[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x0930, PID: 0x6545, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/003
[36m00000003[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000009[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00
[36m00000086[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000104[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x062A, PID: 0x7223, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/004
[36m00000056[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 04 01 00 01
[36m00000008[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1158:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerUp, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000009[0m -> 000000 62 00 00 00 00 00 05 01 00 00
[36m00000024[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x062A, PID: 0x7223, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/004
[36m00000147[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0003, path: /dev/bus/usb/004/001
[36m00000153[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/001
[36m00000094[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/001
[36m00000099[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x8087, PID: 0x800A, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/002
[36m00000157[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/001
[36m00000098[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/001
[36m00000106[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x2109, PID: 0x3431, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/002
[36m00000111[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC52B, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/003
[36m00000109[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC52B, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/003
[36m00000108[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC52B, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/003
[36m00000104[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x2109, PID: 0x3431, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/002
[36m00000109[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x04F9, PID: 0x0027, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/004
[36m00000102[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x2109, PID: 0x3431, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/002
[36m00000110[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x04A9, PID: 0x190A, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/005
[36m00000102[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x2109, PID: 0x3431, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/002
[36m00000152[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0003, path: /dev/bus/usb/006/001
[36m00000154[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/007/001
[36m00000149[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0003, path: /dev/bus/usb/008/001
[36m00000131[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/002/001
[36m00000092[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/002/001
[36m00000128[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x8087, PID: 0x8002, path: /dev/bus/usb/002/002
[36m00000047[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010080[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010079[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010098[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010093[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010081[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010077[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010089[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010094[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010075[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010096[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010080[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010099[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010098[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010097[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010078[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010094[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010098[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010097[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010094[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010089[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010121[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010095[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010104[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010111[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010108[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010111[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010109[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010095[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010104[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010108[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010095[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010103[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010109[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010091[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010111[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010127[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010108[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010087[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010102[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010092[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010111[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010109[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010111[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010111[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010119[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010113[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010109[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010111[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010094[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010111[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010115[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010111[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010109[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010108[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010109[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010109[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00010111[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00
[36m00000928[0m <- 000000 80 13 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 3B BE 96 00 00 41 05 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000042[0m eventhandler.c:288:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_POWERED
[36m00000008[0m [34mCard ATR: 3B BE 96 00 00 41 05 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 [0m
[36m00000008[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00
[36m00000262[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00
[36m00000007[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:311:IFDHPolling() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0) 5000 ms[0m
[36m00000004[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
[36m05000105[0m ccid_usb.c:1342:InterruptRead() after (0) (2)
[36m00000017[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000008[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00
[36m00000255[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00
[36m00000008[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1158:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerDown, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 63 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00
[36m00000853[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 01
[36m00000013[0m eventhandler.c:481:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_UNPOWERED
[36m00000006[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00
[36m00000222[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 09 01 00 01
[36m00000008[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:311:IFDHPolling() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0) 600000 ms[0m
[36m00000004[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
[36m02845697[0m winscard_msg_srv.c:253:ProcessEventsServer() Common channel packet arrival
[36m00000034[0m winscard_msg_srv.c:265:ProcessEventsServer() ProcessCommonChannelRequest detects: 12
[36m00000006[0m pcscdaemon.c:134:SVCServiceRunLoop() A new context thread creation is requested: 12
[36m00000084[0m winscard_svc.c:331:ContextThread() Authorized PC/SC client
[36m00000010[0m winscard_svc.c:335:ContextThread() Thread is started: dwClientID=12, threadContext @0x1b31aa0
[36m00000014[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_VERSION from client 12
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:365:ContextThread() Client is protocol version 4:3
[36m00000003[0m winscard_svc.c:385:ContextThread() CMD_VERSION rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000057[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: ESTABLISH_CONTEXT from client 12
[36m00000027[0m winscard.c:215:SCardEstablishContext() Establishing Context: 0x6913802D
[36m00000007[0m winscard_svc.c:446:ContextThread() ESTABLISH_CONTEXT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000088[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_GET_READERS_STATE from client 12
[36m00000038[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_GET_READERS_STATE from client 12
[36m00000125[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: CONNECT from client 12
[36m00000014[0m winscard_svc.c:484:ContextThread() Authorized client for 'ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00'
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:257:SCardConnect() Attempting Connect to ACS CryptoMate (T2) 00 00 using protocol: 3
[36m00000004[0m readerfactory.c:768:RFReaderInfo() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000008[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000008[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00
[36m00000306[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 0A 01 00 01
[36m00000009[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000004[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1158:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerUp, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 62 00 00 00 00 00 0B 01 00 00
[36m00690520[0m <- 000000 80 13 00 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 3B BE 96 00 00 41 05 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000021[0m winscard.c:332:SCardConnect() power up complete.
[36m00000008[0m Card ATR: 3B BE 96 00 00 41 05 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:352:SCardConnect() powerState: POWER_STATE_INUSE
[36m00000005[0m [34mprothandler.c:110:PHSetProtocol() Attempting PTS to T=0[0m
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:696:IFDHSetProtocolParameters() protocol T=0, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000005[0m ifdhandler.c:822:IFDHSetProtocolParameters() Set speed to 300000 bauds
[36m00000004[0m ifdhandler.c:1062:IFDHSetProtocolParameters() Communication timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:2254:SetParameters() length: 5 bytes
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 61 05 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 96 00 00 0A 00
[36m00017259[0m <- 000000 82 05 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 96 00 00 0A 00
[36m00000018[0m winscard.c:431:SCardConnect() Active Protocol: T=0
[36m00000007[0m winscard.c:451:SCardConnect() hCard Identity: 6245f115
[36m00000006[0m winscard.c:512:SCardConnect() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000007[0m winscard_svc.c:498:ContextThread() CONNECT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000324[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000023[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000006[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000006[0m [34mAPDU: 00 A4 00 00 02 41 00 [0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000009[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 7 bytes
[36m00000008[0m -> 000000 6F 07 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 00 A4 00 00 02 41 00
[36m00012520[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 61 32
[36m00000026[0m [34mSW: 61 32 [0m
[36m00000006[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000360[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000013[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000004[0m [34mAPDU: 00 C0 00 00 32 [0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 5 bytes
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 6F 05 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 32
[36m00003679[0m <- 000000 80 34 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 6F 30 83 02 41 00 88 01 00 8A 01 05 82 02 38 00 8D 02 41 03 84 10 41 43 4F 53 50 4B 43 53 2D 31 35 76 31 2E 30 30 8C 08 7F FF FF 01 01 01 01 01 AB 00 90 00
[36m00000016[0m [34mSW: 6F 30 83 02 41 00 88 01 00 8A 01 05 82 02 38 00 8D 02 41 03 84 10 41 43 4F 53 50 4B 43 53 2D 31 35 76 31 2E 30 30 8C 08 7F FF FF 01 01 01 01 01 AB 00 90 00 [0m
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000003[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000306[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000009[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000002[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000002[0m [34mAPDU: 00 20 00 81 08 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 [0m
[36m00000003[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000002[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 13 bytes
[36m00000004[0m -> 000000 6F 0D 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00 20 00 81 08 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
[36m00105509[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000019[0m [34mSW: 90 00 [0m
[36m00000007[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000284[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000011[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000005[0m [34mAPDU: 00 22 01 B6 0A 80 01 10 81 02 41 33 95 01 80 [0m
[36m00000004[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 15 bytes
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 6F 0F 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 22 01 B6 0A 80 01 10 81 02 41 33 95 01 80
[36m00033168[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000012[0m [34mSW: 90 00 [0m
[36m00000003[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000004[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000285[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000010[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000002[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000004[0m [34mAPDU: 00 22 01 B6 0A 80 01 10 81 02 41 F3 95 01 40 [0m
[36m00000004[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000002[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 15 bytes
[36m00000005[0m -> 000000 6F 0F 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 22 01 B6 0A 80 01 10 81 02 41 F3 95 01 40
[36m00034216[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000021[0m [34mSW: 90 00 [0m
[36m00000006[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000323[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000009[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000002[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000003[0m [34mAPDU: 00 46 00 00 02 1A 06 [0m
[36m00000003[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000003[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 7 bytes
[36m00000004[0m -> 000000 6F 07 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 46 00 00 02 1A 06
[36m00916806[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000032[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928370[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928370[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928353[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000026[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928299[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928361[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928334[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928326[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000017[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928396[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000014[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928390[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928331[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928292[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928356[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928378[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928358[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928330[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928335[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928276[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928324[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928308[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928325[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928427[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928327[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000020[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928433[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928397[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928400[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928365[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928298[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928334[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928357[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928334[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928408[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928297[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928259[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000016[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928318[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928399[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928315[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928356[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928337[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928313[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928330[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928515[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928440[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000009[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928407[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928343[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928358[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928411[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928312[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928355[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928381[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928390[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928328[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000007[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928334[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928377[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000030[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928407[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000018[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928450[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928453[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000031[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928438[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928351[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928443[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928318[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928351[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000017[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928324[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928488[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928463[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00928415[0m <- 000000 80 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 01 00
[36m00000019[0m commands.c:1552:CCID_Receive() Time extension requested: 0x01
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1558:CCID_Receive() New timeout: 266240 ms
[36m00308711[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000020[0m [34mSW: 90 00 [0m
[36m00000006[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000276[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: DISCONNECT from client 12
[36m00000013[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:872:SCardDisconnect() Active Contexts: 1
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:873:SCardDisconnect() dwDisposition: 0
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:1038:SCardDisconnect() powerState: POWER_STATE_GRACE_PERIOD
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFB2, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000004[0m [34mwinscard.c:1052:SCardDisconnect() Stopping polling thread[0m
[36m00000007[0m [34mifdhandler.c:347:IFDHStopPolling() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000061[0m winscard.c:1065:SCardDisconnect() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000008[0m winscard_svc.c:535:ContextThread() DISCONNECT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000014[0m ccid_usb.c:1342:InterruptRead() after (0) (3)
[36m00000022[0m ccid_usb.c:1357:InterruptRead() InterruptRead (3/2): LIBUSB_TRANSFER_CANCELLED
[36m00000065[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: RELEASE_CONTEXT from client 12
[36m00000015[0m winscard.c:226:SCardReleaseContext() Releasing Context: 0x6913802D
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:461:ContextThread() RELEASE_CONTEXT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000042[0m winscard_svc.c:345:ContextThread() Client die: 12
[36m00000025[0m winscard_svc.c:1000:MSGCleanupClient() Thread is stopping: dwClientID=12, threadContext @0x1b31aa0
[36m00000010[0m winscard_svc.c:1006:MSGCleanupClient() Freeing SCONTEXT @0x1b31aa0
[36m00399919[0m eventhandler.c:493:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_POWERED
[36m00000018[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000008[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
[36m00000285[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
[36m00000011[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:311:IFDHPolling() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0) 5000 ms[0m
[36m00000006[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
[36m05000111[0m ccid_usb.c:1342:InterruptRead() after (0) (2)
[36m00000016[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000009[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
[36m00000260[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
[36m00000007[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000004[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1158:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerDown, usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000020[0m -> 000000 63 00 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00
[36m00000837[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 15 01 00 01
[36m00000013[0m eventhandler.c:481:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_UNPOWERED
[36m00000006[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0)
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 16 00 00 00
[36m00000251[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 16 01 00 01
[36m00000007[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:311:IFDHPolling() usb:072f/b106:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/002 (lun: 0) 600000 ms[0m
[36m00000005[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
-------------- next part --------------
00000000 debuglog.c:291:DebugLogSetLevel() debug level=debug
00000095 debuglog.c:312:DebugLogSetCategory() Debug options: APDU
[36m00000008[0m [34mpcscdaemon.c:268:main() Force colored logs[0m
[36m00000055[0m configfile.l:355:DBGetReaderList() Parsing conf file: /etc/reader.conf.d
[36m00000010[0m [34mpcscdaemon.c:569:main() pcsc-lite 1.8.14 daemon ready.[0m
[36m00007559[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000137[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000137[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC31C, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/005
[36m00000128[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC31C, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/005
[36m00000120[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000127[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D50, PID: 0x6086, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/006
[36m00000128[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D50, PID: 0x6086, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/006
[36m00000119[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000128[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x072F, PID: 0x90DB, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/007
[36m00000010[0m [34mhotplug_libudev.c:435:HPAddDevice() Adding USB device: ACS CryptoMate64[0m
[36m00000045[0m [34mreaderfactory.c:1012:RFInitializeReader() Attempting startup of ACS CryptoMate64 00 00 using /usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Linux/libccid.so[0m
[36m00000184[0m [34mreaderfactory.c:897:RFBindFunctions() Loading IFD Handler 3.0[0m
[36m00000032[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1965:init_driver() Driver version: 1.4.26[0m
[36m00000896[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1982:init_driver() LogLevel: 0x0003[0m
[36m00000008[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1993:init_driver() DriverOptions: 0x0000[0m
[36m00000251[0m [34mifdhandler.c:2006:init_driver() LogLevel from LIBCCID_ifdLogLevel: 0x000F[0m
[36m00000008[0m [34mifdhandler.c:111:CreateChannelByNameOrChannel() Lun: 0, device: usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007[0m
[36m00000009[0m ccid_usb.c:237:OpenUSBByName() Reader index: 0, Device: usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007
[36m00000011[0m ccid_usb.c:269:OpenUSBByName() interface_number: 0
[36m00000004[0m ccid_usb.c:270:OpenUSBByName() usb bus/device: 3/7
[36m00000004[0m [34mccid_usb.c:302:OpenUSBByName() Using: /usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Info.plist[0m
[36m00000932[0m [34mccid_usb.c:320:OpenUSBByName() ifdManufacturerString: Ludovic Rousseau (ludovic.rousseau at free.fr)[0m
[36m00000008[0m [34mccid_usb.c:321:OpenUSBByName() ifdProductString: Generic CCID driver[0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mccid_usb.c:322:OpenUSBByName() Copyright: This driver is protected by terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version.[0m
[36m00008938[0m ccid_usb.c:406:OpenUSBByName() Try device: 3/7
[36m00000011[0m ccid_usb.c:416:OpenUSBByName() vid/pid : 072F/90DB
[36m00000004[0m ccid_usb.c:483:OpenUSBByName() Checking device: 3/7
[36m00000003[0m ccid_usb.c:554:OpenUSBByName() Trying to open USB bus/device: 3/7
[36m00102550[0m [34mccid_usb.c:656:OpenUSBByName() Found Vendor/Product: 072F/90DB (ACS CryptoMate64)[0m
[36m00000014[0m [34mccid_usb.c:658:OpenUSBByName() Using USB bus/device: 3/7[0m
[36m00000004[0m [34mccid_usb.c:717:OpenUSBByName() bNumDataRatesSupported is 0[0m
[36m00000802[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
[36m00100117[0m ccid_usb.c:1342:InterruptRead() after (0) (2)
[36m00000018[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[36m00000505[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00
[36m00000010[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
[36m00000452[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00
[36m00000019[0m [34mifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFB3, usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000004[0m [34mreaderfactory.c:355:RFAddReader() Using the reader polling thread[0m
[36m00000004[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)
[36m00000005[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00
[36m00000507[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 00 00
[36m00000013[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000060[0m [34mifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFAE, usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000011[0m [34mifdhandler.c:477:IFDHGetCapabilities() Reader supports 1 slot(s)[0m
[36m00000020[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)
[36m00000018[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
[36m00000269[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000133[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x0930, PID: 0x6545, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/003
[36m00000075[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 03 01 00 00
[36m00000014[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000007[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00
[36m00000016[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/001
[36m00000119[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x062A, PID: 0x7223, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/004
[36m00000114[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x062A, PID: 0x7223, path: /dev/bus/usb/003/004
[36m00000164[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0003, path: /dev/bus/usb/004/001
[36m00000034[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 04 01 00 00
[36m00000008[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000004[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1158:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerUp, usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 62 00 00 00 00 00 05 01 00 00
[36m00000132[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/001
[36m00000114[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/001
[36m00000118[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x8087, PID: 0x800A, path: /dev/bus/usb/001/002
[36m00000187[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/001
[36m00000121[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/001
[36m00000137[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x2109, PID: 0x3431, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/002
[36m00000143[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC52B, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/003
[36m00000138[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC52B, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/003
[36m00000137[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x046D, PID: 0xC52B, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/003
[36m00000132[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x2109, PID: 0x3431, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/002
[36m00000138[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x04F9, PID: 0x0027, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/004
[36m00000130[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x2109, PID: 0x3431, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/002
[36m00000137[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x04A9, PID: 0x190A, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/005
[36m00000130[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x2109, PID: 0x3431, path: /dev/bus/usb/005/002
[36m00000193[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0003, path: /dev/bus/usb/006/001
[36m00000195[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/007/001
[36m00000187[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0003, path: /dev/bus/usb/008/001
[36m00000167[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/002/001
[36m00000118[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x1D6B, PID: 0x0002, path: /dev/bus/usb/002/001
[36m00000153[0m hotplug_libudev.c:296:get_driver() Looking for a driver for VID: 0x8087, PID: 0x8002, path: /dev/bus/usb/002/002
[36m00000057[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010096[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010106[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010106[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010101[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010103[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010095[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010097[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010105[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010118[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010106[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010106[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010089[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010108[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010108[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010105[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010112[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010106[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010107[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00010110[0m readerfactory.c:1353:RFWaitForReaderInit() Waiting init for reader: ACS CryptoMate64 00 00
[36m00007857[0m <- 000000 80 13 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 3B BE 96 00 00 41 05 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000024[0m eventhandler.c:288:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_POWERED
[36m00000007[0m [34mCard ATR: 3B BE 96 00 00 41 05 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 [0m
[36m00000007[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)
[36m00000005[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00
[36m00000469[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00
[36m00000014[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:311:IFDHPolling() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0) 5000 ms[0m
[36m00000005[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
[36m05000141[0m ccid_usb.c:1342:InterruptRead() after (0) (2)
[36m00000018[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)
[36m00000012[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00
[36m00000444[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00
[36m00000009[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1158:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerDown, usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000009[0m -> 000000 63 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00
[36m00097646[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 00
[36m00000017[0m eventhandler.c:481:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_UNPOWERED
[36m00000008[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)
[36m00000009[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00
[36m00000481[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 09 01 00 00
[36m00000013[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000007[0m [34mifdhandler.c:311:IFDHPolling() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0) 600000 ms[0m
[36m00000006[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
[36m06737269[0m winscard_msg_srv.c:253:ProcessEventsServer() Common channel packet arrival
[36m00000032[0m winscard_msg_srv.c:265:ProcessEventsServer() ProcessCommonChannelRequest detects: 12
[36m00000005[0m pcscdaemon.c:134:SVCServiceRunLoop() A new context thread creation is requested: 12
[36m00000092[0m winscard_svc.c:331:ContextThread() Authorized PC/SC client
[36m00000016[0m winscard_svc.c:335:ContextThread() Thread is started: dwClientID=12, threadContext @0xe49050
[36m00000017[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_VERSION from client 12
[36m00000017[0m winscard_svc.c:365:ContextThread() Client is protocol version 4:3
[36m00000004[0m winscard_svc.c:385:ContextThread() CMD_VERSION rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000069[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: ESTABLISH_CONTEXT from client 12
[36m00000022[0m winscard.c:215:SCardEstablishContext() Establishing Context: 0x71FBE0D8
[36m00000004[0m winscard_svc.c:446:ContextThread() ESTABLISH_CONTEXT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000080[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_GET_READERS_STATE from client 12
[36m00000037[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_GET_READERS_STATE from client 12
[36m00000075[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: CONNECT from client 12
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:484:ContextThread() Authorized client for 'ACS CryptoMate64 00 00'
[36m00000004[0m winscard.c:257:SCardConnect() Attempting Connect to ACS CryptoMate64 00 00 using protocol: 3
[36m00000004[0m readerfactory.c:768:RFReaderInfo() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000008[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)
[36m00000008[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00
[36m00000538[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 0A 01 00 00
[36m00000016[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000007[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1158:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerUp, usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 62 00 00 00 00 00 0B 01 00 00
[36m00273339[0m <- 000000 80 13 00 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 3B BE 96 00 00 41 05 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000023[0m winscard.c:332:SCardConnect() power up complete.
[36m00000008[0m Card ATR: 3B BE 96 00 00 41 05 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:352:SCardConnect() powerState: POWER_STATE_INUSE
[36m00000005[0m [34mprothandler.c:110:PHSetProtocol() Attempting PTS to T=0[0m
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:696:IFDHSetProtocolParameters() protocol T=0, usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000005[0m ifdhandler.c:822:IFDHSetProtocolParameters() Set speed to 250000 bauds
[36m00000004[0m towitoko/atr.c:334:ATR_GetDefaultProtocol() T=0 Protocol Found
[36m00000003[0m towitoko/atr.c:342:ATR_GetDefaultProtocol() default protocol: T=0
[36m00000004[0m PPS: Sending request: FF 10 96 79
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 6F 04 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 FF 10 96 79
[36m00010349[0m <- 000000 80 04 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 FF 10 96 79
[36m00000017[0m PPS: Receiving confirm: FF 10 96 79
[36m00000012[0m ifdhandler.c:1062:IFDHSetProtocolParameters() Communication timeout: 319488 ms
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:2254:SetParameters() length: 5 bytes
[36m00000006[0m -> 000000 61 05 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 96 00 00 0A 00
[36m00001358[0m <- 000000 82 05 00 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 96 00 01 0A 00
[36m00000017[0m winscard.c:431:SCardConnect() Active Protocol: T=0
[36m00000007[0m winscard.c:451:SCardConnect() hCard Identity: 10366187
[36m00000006[0m winscard.c:512:SCardConnect() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000007[0m winscard_svc.c:498:ContextThread() CONNECT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000312[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000022[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000008[0m [34mAPDU: 00 A4 00 00 02 41 00 [0m
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000006[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 7 bytes
[36m00000008[0m -> 000000 6F 07 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 A4 00 00 02 41 00
[36m00007883[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 61 32
[36m00000025[0m [34mSW: 61 32 [0m
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000320[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000023[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000005[0m [34mAPDU: 00 C0 00 00 32 [0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 5 bytes
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 6F 05 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 32
[36m00003886[0m <- 000000 80 34 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 6F 30 83 02 41 00 88 01 00 8A 01 05 82 02 38 00 8D 02 41 03 84 10 41 43 4F 53 50 4B 43 53 2D 31 35 76 31 2E 30 30 8C 08 7F 03 FF 00 01 01 01 01 AB 00 90 00
[36m00000029[0m [34mSW: 6F 30 83 02 41 00 88 01 00 8A 01 05 82 02 38 00 8D 02 41 03 84 10 41 43 4F 53 50 4B 43 53 2D 31 35 76 31 2E 30 30 8C 08 7F 03 FF 00 01 01 01 01 AB 00 90 00 [0m
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000261[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000014[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000006[0m [34mAPDU: 00 20 00 81 08 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 [0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 13 bytes
[36m00000009[0m -> 000000 6F 0D 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 20 00 81 08 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
[36m00074566[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000025[0m [34mSW: 90 00 [0m
[36m00000006[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000007[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000345[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000016[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000007[0m [34mAPDU: 00 22 01 B6 0A 80 01 10 81 02 41 33 95 01 80 [0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 15 bytes
[36m00000012[0m -> 000000 6F 0F 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 22 01 B6 0A 80 01 10 81 02 41 33 95 01 80
[36m00021077[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000017[0m [34mSW: 90 00 [0m
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000305[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000019[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000007[0m [34mAPDU: 00 22 01 B6 0A 80 01 10 81 02 41 F3 95 01 40 [0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000005[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 15 bytes
[36m00000008[0m -> 000000 6F 0F 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 22 01 B6 0A 80 01 10 81 02 41 F3 95 01 40
[36m00027341[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000020[0m [34mSW: 90 00 [0m
[36m00000006[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000006[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000248[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: TRANSMIT from client 12
[36m00000025[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:1608:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=0
[36m00000005[0m [34mAPDU: 00 46 00 00 02 20 06 [0m
[36m00000005[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1307:IFDHTransmitToICC() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000004[0m commands.c:1755:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T0() T=0: 7 bytes
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 6F 07 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 00 46 00 00 02 20 06
[36m99999999[0m <- 000000 80 02 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 90 00
[36m00000020[0m [34mSW: 90 00 [0m
[36m00000007[0m winscard.c:1653:SCardTransmit() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000007[0m winscard_svc.c:659:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000256[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: DISCONNECT from client 12
[36m00000013[0m readerfactory.c:795:RFReaderInfoById() RefReader() count was: 1
[36m00000005[0m winscard.c:872:SCardDisconnect() Active Contexts: 1
[36m00000003[0m winscard.c:873:SCardDisconnect() dwDisposition: 0
[36m00000006[0m winscard.c:1038:SCardDisconnect() powerState: POWER_STATE_GRACE_PERIOD
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:382:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFB2, usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000004[0m [34mwinscard.c:1052:SCardDisconnect() Stopping polling thread[0m
[36m00000004[0m [34mifdhandler.c:347:IFDHStopPolling() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000044[0m winscard.c:1065:SCardDisconnect() UnrefReader() count was: 2
[36m00000009[0m winscard_svc.c:535:ContextThread() DISCONNECT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000003[0m ccid_usb.c:1342:InterruptRead() after (0) (3)
[36m00000013[0m ccid_usb.c:1357:InterruptRead() InterruptRead (3/7): LIBUSB_TRANSFER_CANCELLED
[36m00000080[0m winscard_svc.c:353:ContextThread() Received command: RELEASE_CONTEXT from client 12
[36m00000009[0m winscard.c:226:SCardReleaseContext() Releasing Context: 0x71FBE0D8
[36m00000004[0m winscard_svc.c:461:ContextThread() RELEASE_CONTEXT rv=0x0 for client 12
[36m00000038[0m winscard_svc.c:345:ContextThread() Client die: 12
[36m00000020[0m winscard_svc.c:1000:MSGCleanupClient() Thread is stopping: dwClientID=12, threadContext @0xe49050
[36m00000005[0m winscard_svc.c:1006:MSGCleanupClient() Freeing SCONTEXT @0xe49050
[36m00399945[0m eventhandler.c:493:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_POWERED
[36m00000018[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)
[36m00000008[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
[36m00000496[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00
[36m00000013[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000007[0m [34mifdhandler.c:311:IFDHPolling() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0) 5000 ms[0m
[36m00000004[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
[36m05000083[0m ccid_usb.c:1342:InterruptRead() after (0) (2)
[36m00000017[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)
[36m00000009[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00
[36m00000467[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00
[36m00000012[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000006[0m [34mifdhandler.c:1158:IFDHPowerICC() action: PowerDown, usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)[0m
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 63 00 00 00 00 00 16 00 00 00
[36m00097709[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 16 01 00 00
[36m00000018[0m eventhandler.c:481:EHStatusHandlerThread() powerState: POWER_STATE_UNPOWERED
[36m00000006[0m ifdhandler.c:1825:IFDHICCPresence() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0)
[36m00000007[0m -> 000000 65 00 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00
[36m00000493[0m <- 000000 81 00 00 00 00 00 17 01 00 00
[36m00000013[0m ifdhandler.c:1946:IFDHICCPresence() Card present
[36m00000007[0m [34mifdhandler.c:311:IFDHPolling() usb:072f/90db:libudev:0:/dev/bus/usb/003/007 (lun: 0) 600000 ms[0m
[36m00000004[0m ccid_usb.c:1296:InterruptRead() before (0)
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