A few questions for each tool

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at rulezlan.org
Mon Sep 1 21:58:50 UTC 2008

On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 09:42:29PM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> Hi,
Hi folks,

> Please try to answer those questions.
> - Define the goal of your tool in one line (i.e which problem is it
>   trying to solve?)
buildstat have two goals:
 -To give the state of list of packages from different origins:
  + Debian repository
  + svn
  + git
 -Give a easy to store result of QA tools like lintian, build or
 gcc-snapshot build, .desktop checks etc
> - Where is the code? Where does it run, currently?
The code is on collab-qa SVN.

I rant 2 machines for them and I can of course provide access to them.

> - Which URL do users use to access it? Provide one/a few pages as
>   example.
http://svnbuildstat.debian.net (stable)
http://buildstat.debian.net (futur release)

This page may work:
Note the "main ( apt )" and "Debian Games Team ( svn )" links.

> - Which languages did you use ?
Perl with:
 - Catalyst
 - DBIx::Class, mostly in the scripts
 - TemplateToolkit2 http://template-toolkit.org/

> - How do you store data? (think of all the data you use, including a
>   local mirror, local checkouts from svn, etc). Can you describe its
>   schema, or point to a schema somewhere?
DB and local cache directories for VCSes.
The graphic DB schema:

The autodoc documentation

The SQL file:

I do a local checkout of the VCS repositories and store some files like
build result or log files.

> - Which data from external sources do you use? How do you update it?
BTS throught its LDAP dump:

watch file with uscan

Debian FTP:
I fetch the Sources.gz, it's possible to add mentors.d.n but IMO we will
have security problem if we want to rebuild the packages.

VCS repositories:
adding new VCS like bzr is trivial

The scripts are in this directory on the svn:

external QA jobs and build results:
They are received by Apache to pass through the HTTP proxies and
processed by a script.

I also query rmadison but will be able to stop soon.

Scripts are launched by cron.

> - Which data do you generate locally? (using tests, for example?)
None and it's not the goal of the architecture.
> - Which questions did I forget?
buildstat is uncentralized. Easily, ones can use it to have there own script result
displayed on the proper package page (e.g: a Sparc rebuild campaign).


    Gonéri Le Bouder
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