Minutes from the PET BoF during DebConf9

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Sat Aug 22 15:10:52 UTC 2009

Quite late, but still sooner than never, here are the minutes from the 
PET BoF held during DebConf9.

how to continue development and plan some way to go

 - monolyth approach
 - development is stale, only small fixes and improvements. SPAGHETTI
 - nevertheless, 14 teams use PET, pkg-perl can hardly live without 

add support for different types of repositories (darcs, git)
 - abstract repository access into a class
   - Ryan52++ is working on abstracting repository support
   - invesigate present projects for abstracting repo access: 
     debcommit, debcheckout.
 - nomeata has a patch for darcs support. as a replacement of SVN, 
   proves it is feasible
 - abstract package access into a class
 - information about the repo layout, maybe per package, needs to be 
   stored somewhere.  svnbuildstat has a database

support arbitrary number of repositories in one instance

UDD integration
would be nice to fetch data from there, but there are some problems
 * a chache is still needed as the connection to UDD may be unavailable
 * makes it impossible to use in private, non-alioth, non-debian installs
  * possible solution: astract archive data gathering class with 
    sub-classes for UDD and self-parsing of Packages files

if we are able to send post-commit changes to UDD, then we can use it 
even as a source for repository states.
 - I think Lucas didn't find this a good idea as the contents are not 
   in the archive yet and in general are only of interest to the 
      people working in the package VCS

Try not to duplicate DEHS?
 - but watch files need to be from svn
DEHS could be made (in theory) to use watch files from SVN and 
therefore provide up-to-date status fo the bleeding edge.

support "bare debian" layout -- only the contents of the debian/ 
directory are in the repository and in the *top level* directory, not 
in debian/

convert hash-of-hash-of-hashes to classes with accessor methods and 
get run-time syntax check. documentation would be great.

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