packages wrongly tagged as having debian/watch problems

Cédric Boutillier cedric.boutillier at
Fri Jan 6 14:48:14 UTC 2012

Dear PET Developers,

It was noticed that in the summary of PET monitoring pkg-ruby-extras git
repository [1], some packages have "NotFound" in the Upstream columns.
This is the case of most of those listed in the "Problems with
debian/watch" section. However many (all?) of them have a working
debian/watch, and uscan reports correctly information about upstream.

I notice that the majority of the affected packages point to the
githubredir service [2], but not only (some to rubyforge (ex: redmine)
or other websites (ex: ruby-ncurses)). Those using gemwatch [3] seem

Have you an idea of what could cause the problem? What could we do to
avoid/solve this issue?

Thank you!


Best regards,


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