Bug#719419: pet.debian.net: please lift new upstream versions out of the "Work in progress" category

Florian Schlichting fsfs at debian.org
Sun Aug 11 13:52:03 UTC 2013

Package: pet.debian.net
Severity: wishlist

Dear PET developers,

pkg-perl's PET currently contains 1441 packages, and in the two years
that I'm part of the team, this number has never fallen far below 1000.
Most of these have had one or several mass-commits, which were not
deemed important enough for an upload, so nobody is planning to do any
more work on them until something else happens, like a new upstream

However, buried in this veeery long list (over 3/4 of the entire PET
website for pkg-perl) are packages where there's actually work going on,
or rather: left unfinished, and which deserve a little more attention.
For two examples for pkg-perl at this moment are libcrypt-ssleay-perl
and libcrypt-twofish-perl.

So I propose the creation of a new category, located above "Work in
progress", possibly entitled "Work in progress on new upstream version",
containing packages where git has a newer upstream version that what's
in the archive AND there's no matching IGNORE-VERSION pseudo-header.

Does that sound sensible?


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