PET Error on git push

Damyan Ivanov dmn at
Wed May 14 10:38:59 UTC 2014

Hi Daniel,

-=| Daniel Lintott, 14.05.2014 10:16:40 +0100 |=-
> I may be wrong but it looks PET might not be updating correctly 
> again... Whenever I do a git push I get the following message:
> remote: garbage after JSON object, at character offset 3089110 (before
> "31a2ce74c8f18e2720eb...") at
> /srv/home/groups/pet/PET2/pet2/pet-git-helper line 95.
> It would also seem that this then prevents PET from updating as the
> chnages I push haven't appeared in the "Ready for Upload" section
> (despite being set to unstable)

For some reason the JSON file where PET keeps the information about 
the status of the branches/tags in Git got corrupted. May be related 
to me and you pushing changes at the same time, but I am not sure.

Fixing the file seemed relatively easy, I've deleted what seemed like 
an extra content and pushes started to work as usual after that.

gregor, ansgar, any idea what needs to be done so that the information 
on the web page updates?
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