pf-tools commit: r442 [ccaillet-guest] - in /trunk/sbin: ./ mk_dhcp
mk_interfaces mk_packages mk_privatezone mk_pxelinuxcfg
mk_resolvconf mkrdns update-config update-links
parmelan-guest at
parmelan-guest at
Mon Mar 5 15:18:47 CET 2007
Author: ccaillet-guest
Date: Mon Mar 5 14:18:46 2007
New Revision: 442
* adding some tools extract from root directory and modify for using PFTools::<modules>
* no functional tests are performed a simple perl -cw <tools> is made
* It is a WORK IN PROGRESS and intermediary commit for backuping mods
trunk/sbin/mk_dhcp (with props)
trunk/sbin/mk_interfaces (with props)
trunk/sbin/mk_packages (with props)
trunk/sbin/mk_privatezone (with props)
trunk/sbin/mk_pxelinuxcfg (with props)
trunk/sbin/mk_resolvconf (with props)
trunk/sbin/mkrdns (with props)
trunk/sbin/update-config (with props)
trunk/sbin/update-links (with props)
Added: trunk/sbin/mk_dhcp
--- trunk/sbin/mk_dhcp (added)
+++ trunk/sbin/mk_dhcp Mon Mar 5 14:18:46 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+## $Id$
+## Copyright (C) 2005 Olivier MOLTENI <olivier at>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+#use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Librairies
+use PFTools::Net ;
+use PFTools::Update ;
+# Globales
+if ( $#ARGV != 2 ) {
+ print STDERR "Usage: $0 head src dest\n";
+ #exit 1;
+my ( $HEAD, $SRC, $DST ) = @ARGV;
+# compat mode
+if ( !defined $DST ) {
+ $HEAD = "/etc/dhcpd.conf.head";
+ $SRC = "GLOBAL:private-network";
+ $DST = "/etc/dhcpd.conf";
+# Generation de la zone
+Mk_dhcp( Get_source($HEAD), $DST, Init_lib_net( Get_source($SRC) ) );
Propchange: trunk/sbin/mk_dhcp
svn:executable = *
Added: trunk/sbin/mk_interfaces
--- trunk/sbin/mk_interfaces (added)
+++ trunk/sbin/mk_interfaces Mon Mar 5 14:18:46 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+## $Id$
+## Copyright (C) 2005 Olivier MOLTENI <olivier at>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+#use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PFTools::Net ;
+if ( $#ARGV != 2 ) {
+ print STDERR "Usage: $0 config host dest\n";
+ exit 1;
+my ( $config, $host, $dst ) = @ARGV;
+Mk_interfaces( $host, $dst, Init_lib_net( Get_source($config) ) );
Propchange: trunk/sbin/mk_interfaces
svn:executable = *
Added: trunk/sbin/mk_packages
--- trunk/sbin/mk_packages (added)
+++ trunk/sbin/mk_packages Mon Mar 5 14:18:46 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,65 @@
+## $Id$
+## Copyright (C) 2005 Olivier MOLTENI <olivier at>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+if ( system("gzip -dc $ARGV[0] >/dev/null 2>&1") ) {
+ print "Usage: $0 <Path/packages.gz>\n";
+ exit 1;
+$Packages = shift (@ARGV);
+system("mv $Packages $Packages.old");
+open( PACKAGES, "| gzip -c > $Packages" );
+$Packages =~ s:/[^/]+$::;
+foreach (`find $Packages -name '*.deb' -type f 2>/dev/null`) {
+ chomp( $pkg = $_ );
+ @PKG_INFOS = `dpkg -f $pkg 2>/dev/null`;
+ if ( !$? ) {
+ #print "Traitement de $pkg ...\n" ;
+ $sz = -s $pkg;
+ $pkg =~ s:^.*debian/::;
+ foreach (@PKG_INFOS) {
+ if (/^Description:/) {
+ print PACKAGES "Size: $sz\n";
+ print PACKAGES "Filename: $pkg\n";
+ }
+ print PACKAGES;
+ }
+ print PACKAGES "\n";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "**** Package $pkg corrompu !!\n";
+ $bad++;
+ }
+if ($bad) {
+ print "\n";
+print "Successfully added $count packages.\n";
+if ($bad) {
+ print "Found $bad corrupted packages !!\n";
Propchange: trunk/sbin/mk_packages
svn:executable = *
Added: trunk/sbin/mk_privatezone
--- trunk/sbin/mk_privatezone (added)
+++ trunk/sbin/mk_privatezone Mon Mar 5 14:18:46 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,62 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+## $Id$
+## Copyright (C) 2005 Olivier MOLTENI <olivier at>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+#use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Librairies
+use PFTools::Net ;
+use PFTools::Update ;
+# Globales
+if ( $#ARGV < 1 ) {
+ print STDERR "Usage: $0 src forward\n";
+ #exit 1;
+my ( $SRC, $FORWARD ) = @ARGV;
+shift @ARGV;
+shift @ARGV;
+# compat mode
+if ( !defined $FORWARD ) {
+ $SRC = "CVS:config/GLOBAL/private-network";
+ $FORWARD = "/etc/bind/db.private";
+ #@ARGV = ("/etc/bind/db.192.168");
+# Generation de la zone
+$Z = Init_lib_net( Get_source($SRC) );
+Mk_zone( Get_source($FORWARD), $Z );
+#foreach $reverse (@ARGV) {
+# Mk_zoneheader( Get_source($reverse), $Z );
+#system("mkrdns -quiet /etc/bind/named.conf");
Propchange: trunk/sbin/mk_privatezone
svn:executable = *
Added: trunk/sbin/mk_pxelinuxcfg
--- trunk/sbin/mk_pxelinuxcfg (added)
+++ trunk/sbin/mk_pxelinuxcfg Mon Mar 5 14:18:46 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+## $Id$
+## Copyright (C) 2005 Olivier MOLTENI <olivier at>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+#use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Librairies
+use PFTools::Net ;
+use PFTools::Update ;
+# Globales
+if ( $#ARGV != 1 ) {
+ print STDERR "Usage: $0 src template\n";
+ print STDERR "\t(confs will be written do template's dirname)\n";
+ exit 1;
+my ( $SRC, $TEMPLATE ) = @ARGV;
+# Generation de la zone
+Mk_pxelinuxcfg( Get_source($TEMPLATE), Init_lib_net( Get_source($SRC) ) );
Propchange: trunk/sbin/mk_pxelinuxcfg
svn:executable = *
Added: trunk/sbin/mk_resolvconf
--- trunk/sbin/mk_resolvconf (added)
+++ trunk/sbin/mk_resolvconf Mon Mar 5 14:18:46 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+## $Id$
+## Copyright (C) 2005 Olivier MOLTENI <olivier at>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+#use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PFTools::Net ;
+use PFTools::Update ;
+if ( $#ARGV != 2 ) {
+ print STDERR "Usage: $0 config host dest\n";
+ exit 1;
+my ( $config, $host, $dst ) = @ARGV;
+my $Z = Init_lib_net( Get_source($config) );
+my @dns = Get_dns_from_hostname( $Z, $host );
+open( OUT, ">$dst" ) || die;
+print OUT "search " . $Z->{SOA}->{name} . "\n";
+foreach $dns (@dns) {
+ if ( defined $dns ) {
+ print OUT "nameserver " . $dns . "\n";
+ }
Propchange: trunk/sbin/mk_resolvconf
svn:executable = *
Added: trunk/sbin/mkrdns
--- trunk/sbin/mkrdns (added)
+++ trunk/sbin/mkrdns Mon Mar 5 14:18:46 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,1191 @@
+# mkrdns - Make Reverse DNS - Version 3.3
+# By: Theo Van Dinter (felicity at (c) 1998-2002
+# Revision Info: $Id: mkrdns 423 2006-03-15 11:04:45Z tom $
+# The goal of this script is to automatically generate new reverse IP
+# mapping zone files for DNS/BIND. It's been done before, but there
+# always seems to be something which makes it not workable in my
+# environment. This script fixes that problem by adapting as necessary.
+# Feel free to subscribe to the mkrdns mailing list. Instructions are
+# available from the mkrdns web page: The list is
+# available to discuss mkrdns-related topics (mkrdns, DNS, etc.) and is
+# also used to announce new versions of mkrdns.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+# User Specified variables (commandline)
+my ($debug) = 0; # display debugging information (user)
+my ($help) = 0; # help screen (user)
+my ($bootfile) = ""; # configuration file to use (user)
+my ($ext) = ""; # extension for output files (user)
+my ($quiet) = 0; # show errors only, or warnings too?
+my ($version) = 0; # show version information
+my ($rootdir) = "/"; # root directory for files
+# Program needed variables
+my ( $i, @domains, %networks, %maps, %serial, %mips, %hash, %netmap, @toskip );
+my ( %zonetoskip, $nameddir, %numordate, %files, $toskip, $ignoreslaves );
+my ($pversion) = "3.3";
+my ($whichhash) = undef; # which hash function to use
+# Get commandline parameters
+$i = &GetOptions(
+ "debug" => \$debug,
+ "help|h" => \$help,
+ "extension=s" => \$ext,
+ "quiet" => \$quiet,
+ "version" => \$version,
+ "rootdir=s" => \$rootdir,
+ "hash=i" => \$whichhash,
+ "<>" => sub { $bootfile = $_[0] }, # any "non-option" is
+ # config (boot) file
+if ( $version || !$i || $help ) {
+ print "
+mkrdns v$pversion (c) 1998-2002
+By: Theo Van Dinter (felicity\
+ print "Usage: $0 [options] [configuration file]
+-debug\t\tTurn on debugging (warning, this prints a *LOT* of info)
+-extension\tAppend given extension to output files
+-help\t\tShow this help screen
+-quiet\t\tTurn off warning messages (multiple A records -> IP, etc.)
+-rootdir\tSpecify the root directory that named will run in (chroot)
+-version\tShow the mkrdns version information
+Configuration file is the full path to either named.boot or named.conf.
+If not specified, mkrdns will search common locations for the files.
+" unless ($version);
+ exit 0;
+warn "(warn) The --hash option is depricated, just using 32-bit CRC built-in.\n"
+ if ( defined $whichhash );
+if ( $ext =~ /^\./ ) { # Remove the '.'s from the start of the extention ...
+ $ext =~ s/^\.+//;
+ warn "(warn) Extension started with '.' -- removed. Extention now '$ext'.\n";
+if ($debug) {
+ print "Debugging turned on.\n", "Version = $pversion\n",
+'C. Revision = $Id: mkrdns 423 2006-03-15 11:04:45Z tom $',
+ "\n", "Help = $help\n", "Quiet Mode = $quiet\n",
+ "Root Dir = $rootdir\n";
+ print "Extension = $ext\n" if ($ext);
+ print "Hash Func = 32-bit checksum\n";
+ print "\n";
+$rootdir = &FixPath($rootdir);
+if ( $rootdir !~ m#^/# || $rootdir =~ m#^/?\.\.(/|$)# ) {
+ die qq{(fatal) Root directory ("$rootdir") is invalid.\n};
+# If bootfile wasn't specified, try to find one in standard locations ...
+unless ($bootfile) {
+ my ($stdloc);
+ my (@locs) = qw{ /etc /var/named /usr/named /usr/local/etc
+ /usr/freeware/etc /etc/named /etc/bind };
+ warn
+"(warn) No configuration file specified. Checking in standard locations ...\n";
+ foreach $stdloc (@locs) {
+ opendir( DIR, $stdloc ) || next;
+ my (@files) = grep( /^named\.(boot|conf)$/, readdir(DIR) );
+ closedir(DIR);
+ print "(debug) Config files found in $stdloc: ", join ( ",", @files ), "\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ if ( $#files == -1 ) { # named.boot and named.conf weren't found, exit.
+ print
+ qq{(debug) Neither named.boot nor named.conf were found in "$stdloc".\n}
+ if ($debug);
+ }
+ elsif ( $#files == 0 ) { # one file was found, use it.
+ $bootfile = "$stdloc/$files[0]";
+ warn "(info) $bootfile was found.\n";
+ }
+ else { # more than one file was found, use the "best" one.
+ $bootfile = "$stdloc/named.conf";
+ warn "(info) Multiple configuration files were found, using $bootfile.\n";
+ }
+ last if ($bootfile);
+ }
+ die
+"(die) Couldn't find either named.boot or named.conf in any standard location. Exiting.\n"
+ unless ($bootfile);
+ my ($type) =
+ ( $bootfile =~ /\.(\w+)$/ ); # what kind of config file (boot, conf, etc.)?
+ # neither boot nor conf -- start crying and exit.
+ if ( $type !~ /^(boot|conf)$/ ) {
+ die "(fatal) $bootfile is neither a boot nor conf file.\n";
+ }
+ # Read configuration file into memory.
+ my ($config);
+ open( CONF, "<$bootfile" ) || die "(fatal) Can't open $bootfile:$!";
+ while ( $_ = <CONF> ) { # deal with the includes!
+ if ( ( /^directory/i && $type eq "boot" )
+ || ( /\bdirectory\s+"[^"]+";/ && $type eq "conf" ) )
+ {
+ $nameddir = (m/\bdirectory\s+"?([^"\s]+)"?/i)[0];
+ print "(debug) Named Directory = $nameddir\n" if ($debug);
+ }
+ if ( ( /^\s*include\s/i && $type eq "boot" )
+ || ( /\binclude\s+"/i && $type eq "conf" ) )
+ { # include statement!
+ my (@conf) = ($_);
+ # (boot) ^include <file>
+ # (conf) ^include "<file>";
+ for ( my ($i) = 0 ; $i <= $#conf ; $i++ ) {
+ next
+ unless ( $conf[$i] =~ /\binclude\s/i ); # skip non includes ...
+ chomp $conf[$i];
+ print "(debug) Include statement ($conf[$i]) found.\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ my ($file) = ( $conf[$i] =~ m/\binclude\s+"?([^"\s]+)"?/i );
+ $file =~ s/\s+//; # files shouldn't have whitespace ...
+ unless ( $file =~ m!^/! ) { # relative
+ unless ($nameddir) { # include before directory? boo!
+ $nameddir = ".";
+ warn
+qq{(warn) Include found before named directory was specified! Using ".".\n};
+ }
+ $file = "$nameddir/$file";
+ }
+ $file = &Handle_Path( $rootdir, $file );
+ print "(debug) Including file $file.\n" if ($debug);
+ open( IN, "<$file" ) || die "(fatal) Can't open $file:$!";
+ if ( $type eq "boot" ) {
+ splice @conf, $i--, 1,
+ <IN>; # replace include with data then recheck index
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "conf" ) {
+ $conf[$i] =~ /^(.*)\binclude\s+"?[^"\s]+"?\;(.*)$/i;
+ splice @conf, $i--, 1, $1, <IN>, $2;
+ }
+ close(IN);
+ }
+ $config .= join ( "", @conf ); # tack in included stuff ...
+ next;
+ }
+ $config .= $_; # append single line!
+ }
+ close(CONF);
+ print "(debug) Read in $bootfile.\n" if ($debug);
+ # no directory statement anywhere?
+ die "(fatal) No named directory specified!\n" unless ($nameddir);
+ if ( $type eq "boot" ) { # parse named.boot
+ # deal with directives
+ foreach ( grep( /^;\s*mkrdns\s+/, split ( /\n/, $config ) ) ) {
+ s/^;\s*mkrdns\s+//;
+ &Directives($_);
+ }
+ foreach $i ( split ( /\n/, $config ) ) {
+ $i =~ s/;.*$//; # remove comments
+ $i =~ s/^\s+//; # remove whitespace
+ $i =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if ( $i =~ /^(primary|secondary)/i ) { # primary/secondary domain ...
+ my ( $type, $domain, $tmp, $file ) =
+ ( $i =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+\s+)?(\S+)\s*$/ );
+ &Handle_Domain( 'default', $type, $domain, $file, \%files );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "conf" ) { # parse named.conf
+ my ($directives) = ( $config =~ m!^/\*\s*mkrdns(.+?)\*/!msi );
+ if ($directives) { # mkrdns directive
+ foreach $i ( split ( /\n/, $directives ) ) {
+ $i =~ s/\#.+$//;
+ $i =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $i =~ s/\s+$//;
+ next unless $i =~ /\S/;
+ &Directives($i);
+ }
+ }
+ # Remove comments from config!
+ $config =~ s!/\*.*?\*/!!gs; # /* ... */
+ $config =~ s!//.*?\n!\n!gs; # // ...
+ $config =~ s!\#.*?\n!\n!gs; # # ...
+ # determine which domains and networks we are master for.
+ # Set the defaults
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $view = "default";
+ my $views = undef;
+ my $zone = undef;
+ my $type = undef;
+ my $file = undef;
+ # some people have whitespace between } and ;, so fix it...
+ $config =~ s/}\s+;/};/g;
+ # The controls { inet ... }; thing is the only one that
+ # doesn't have a }; at the end of one of the sections.
+ # That's very annoying, so we get rid of it all since we don't
+ # need it anyway. The inet command is supposedly the only
+ # thing valid in the controls section, but there can multiple
+ # inet entries, so we remove them all.
+ $config =~ s/\bcontrols\s*{(?:\s*inet\b.+?};)+\s*};//s;
+ # Make sure that the { and }; are properly on their own.
+ $config =~ s/};/\n};/g;
+ $config =~ s/{/{\n/g;
+ # Each config line should be by itself for easier parsing
+ $config =~ s/\;/\;\n/g;
+ # Go through the input file!
+ foreach ( split ( /\n/, $config ) ) {
+ if (/\bview\s+"([^"]+)"/i) { # If we see a view statement ...
+ $view = $1; # set the view
+ # Now figure out if the statement is valid or not.
+ if ( defined $views && $views == 0 ) {
+ # A view was defined after a non-viewed zone ...
+ die "Can't have non-zoned and zoned views!\n";
+ }
+ if ( $count > 0 ) {
+ # A view must not be enclosed in bracies.
+ die "Views must be defined at the top level (view $view).\n";
+ }
+ # We know that we're validly views now.
+ $views = 1 unless defined $views;
+ }
+ elsif (/\bzone\s+"([^"]+)"/i) { # Now we see a zone statement ...
+ $zone = lc $1; # set the zone
+ # Now figure out if the statement is valid or not.
+ if ( defined $views && $views == 1 && $count < 1 ) {
+ # A zone must either be in a view or at the top level
+ die "Can't have non-zoned and zoned views!\n";
+ }
+ if ( $count > 1 ) {
+ die "Zones are not embedable (zone $zone is in another zone)!\n";
+ }
+ # If we're a zone and not in a view ...
+ # $views == $count so that we can verify the level we should
+ # be at for config options.
+ $views = $count unless defined $views;
+ }
+ # Re-calculate our config level
+ $count += /{/g;
+ $count -= /};/g;
+ # If there's a configuration file error and too many }; are found ...
+ die "Too many }; found!\n" if ( $count < 0 );
+ # Reset things if we've closed all our config levels out ...
+ $view = "default" if ( $count < 1 );
+ if ( !defined $views || $count <= $views ) {
+ if ( defined $zone && defined $type && !defined $file ) {
+ warn qq{(warn) No file specified for zone "$zone" in "$bootfile".\n};
+ }
+ $zone = undef;
+ $type = undef;
+ $file = undef;
+ }
+ next unless ( defined $zone ); # we need to be in a zone
+ next if ( $count != $views + 1 ); # we need to be at the right level
+ next unless /\b(type|file)\b/i; # only use type and file
+ if (/\btype\s+(master|slave)\b/i) {
+ $type = lc $1;
+ }
+ if (/\bfile\s+"([^"]+)"/i) {
+ $file = $1;
+ }
+ next unless ( defined $type && defined $file );
+ Handle_Domain( $view, $type, $zone, $file, \%files );
+ }
+ }
+# Take the array of regexps to skip and put them in a single var
+$toskip = @toskip ? join ( "|", @toskip ) : undef;
+# Read in current reverse maps, report errors. Remember non-PTR lines
+# for creation later on.
+ while ( my ( $view, $nets ) = each %networks ) {
+ while ( my ( $net, $file ) = each %{$nets} ) {
+ open( IN, "<$file" )
+ || die qq{(fatal) Can't open "$file" for reading:$!};
+ seek( IN, 0, 0 );
+ {
+ local $/ = undef; # slurp mode
+ $hash{$file} = Do_Hash(<IN>); # get the hash value for the original file
+ }
+ print "(debug) Generated hash value for $file: $hash{$file}.\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ print "(debug) Scanning $file for non-PTR lines:\n" if ($debug);
+ seek( IN, 0, 0 );
+ # strip out PTR, $GENERATE, $ORIGIN, and $INCLUDE ...
+ $maps{$view}->{$net} =
+ join ( "", grep( !/(\s+PTR\s+|^\$(ORIGIN|INCLUDE|GENERATE))/i, <IN> ) );
+ close(IN);
+ # Pick out the serial number ( required to be the first RR,
+ # so the regexp is not too complex. )
+ ( $i = $maps{$view}->{$net} ) =~ s/\s*;.+?\n//g; # remove comments
+ ( $serial{$file} ) = ( $i =~ m!\s+SOA\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(?:\(\s*)?(\d+)!is );
+ if ($debug) { # print out non-PTR records (long...?)
+ foreach $i (
+ split ( /\n/, $maps{$view}->{$net} ),
+ "Parsed serial number: $serial{$file}"
+ )
+ {
+ print "(debug) $i\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Read in current forward maps, convert A records into PTR records,
+# add to map. If there are multiple A records for a given IP, report
+# duplicate, and keep first.
+# This routine is the biggest time suck...
+ foreach (@domains) {
+ my ( $view, $domain, $map ) =
+ split ( /:/, $_ ); # $view = view, $domain = domain, $map = map file
+ my ($last) = "$domain."; # what to use in case of blank hostname
+ # hostname, $ORIGIN, domain in that order
+ my ($end) = $last; # what to use in case of relative hostname
+ # $ORIGIN then domain, in that order
+ print
+ "(debug) Reading in entries from $map for domain $domain, view $view.\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ my (@data);
+ open( IN, "<$map" ) || die "(fatal) Can't open $map:$!";
+ chomp( @data = <IN> ); # slurp in map file w/out ending \n's
+ close(IN);
+ # deal with $INCLUDE and $GENERATE statements ...
+ print "(debug) Scanning for \$INCLUDE and \$GENERATE statements...\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $#data ; $i++ ) {
+ next
+ unless ( $data[$i] =~ /^\$(INCLUDE|GENERATE)/ )
+ ; # skip non-include/generate lines
+ $data[$i] =~ s/;.*$//; # remove comments & whitespace
+ $data[$i] =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if ( $data[$i] =~ /^\$GENERATE/ ) {
+ print qq{(debug) "$data[$i]" specified.\n} if ($debug);
+ # Set ORIGIN to blank -- we'll handle it later.
+ splice @data, $i, 1, &Handle_GENERATE( "", $data[$i] );
+ }
+ elsif ( $data[$i] =~ /^\$INCLUDE/ ) {
+ # $INCLUDE <file> <origin>
+ my ( $inc, $file, $origin ) = split ( /\s+/, $data[$i] );
+ print qq{(debug) "$data[$i]" specified.\n} if ($debug);
+ $file = "$nameddir/$file" unless ( $file =~ m!^/! );
+ $file = &Handle_Path( $rootdir, $file );
+ my (@inc);
+ open( IN, "<$file" )
+ || die qq{(fatal) Can't read \$INCLUDE file "$file":$!};
+ chomp( @inc = <IN> );
+ close(IN);
+ if ($origin) { # specified origin applies only to specified
+ # include file. put appropriate sections at end
+ # of zone file. see BIND 3rd ed. p.146
+ # put $ORIGIN and included file at the end of the config
+ push ( @data, "\$ORIGIN $origin", @inc );
+ splice @data, $i, 1; # remove $INCLUDE line
+ }
+ else { # just replace the $INCLUDE line with the contents of file
+ splice @data, $i, 1, @inc;
+ }
+ $i--; # rescan the line where the $INCLUDE was.
+ }
+ }
+ # the file should be fully expanded in memory now.
+ # go through all 'host ? ? ?' and $ORIGIN lines ...
+ foreach $i ( grep( /^(\S*(\s+\d+)?(\s+\w+)?\s+\S+\s+|\$ORIGIN)/i, @data ) )
+ {
+ $i =~ s/\s*;.*$//; # strip comments ...
+ next unless ( length $i ); # skip blanks
+ if ( $i =~ /^\$ORIGIN/i ) { # $ORIGIN!
+ $end = ( split ( /\s+/, $i ) )[1];
+ $end .= ".$domain." if ( $end !~ /\.$/ ); # not FQDN
+ $last = lc $end;
+ print qq{(debug) "$i" specified. Final = "$last".\n}
+ if ($debug);
+ next;
+ }
+ # parse the line
+ # TTL can be a number (seconds), or string
+ # (1w1d1h1m1s), max of 63 chars. lib/dns/ttl.c,
+ # function bind_ttl, BIND9.1.3.
+ # According to RFC1035, class and ttl can be
+ # reversed. <grrr>
+ #
+ my ( $host, $type, $ip ) =
+ ( $i =~
+ );
+ $host = lc $host; # lowercase the host
+ $type = uc $type; # make sure the type (A,MX,etc) is uppercase
+ next unless ($type); # in SOA " 30 ; comment" ...
+ $host = $end if ( $host eq "@" ); # @ = ORIGIN
+ # what to do with host? interact with last if necessary ...
+ if ( $host eq "" ) { # it's a blank, use the last entry ...
+ $host = $last;
+ }
+ elsif ( $host !~ /\.$/ ) { # relative hostname
+ $last = $host = "$host.$end";
+ }
+ else { # FQDN!
+ $last = $host;
+ }
+ # This needs to stay here for proper " A"
+ # behavior -- DON'T MOVE ME (again) BAD BAD THEO!
+ next unless ( $type eq "A" ); # skip non-A records
+ # should we skip?
+ if ( defined $toskip
+ && ( $host =~ /$toskip/o || $ip =~ /$toskip/o ) )
+ {
+ print "(debug) Skipping $host/$ip, matched toskip regexp ($toskip).\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ next;
+ }
+ # do network mapping
+ if ( keys %netmap ) {
+ my ($ipm) = &GenMask($ip);
+ foreach $i ( keys %netmap ) {
+ my ( $newnet, $netm, $mask ) = @{ $netmap{$i} };
+ unless ( ( $ipm ^ $netm ) & $mask ) { # 0 if in match made
+ my ($ptr) = ( $ip =~ /\.(\d+)$/ );
+ print "(debug) $ip mapping to $newnet.$ptr ...\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ $ip = "$newnet.$ptr";
+ last; # IPs should only match once ...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # figure out which network this IP is in ...
+ my ($network) = &IPinNetwork( $ip, $view, \%networks );
+ unless ( defined $network ) {
+ print "(debug) Not keeping $host = $ip, not in any network.\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ next;
+ }
+ # the original may or may not be all numeric (maps)
+ my ( $orig, $ptr ) = ( $ip =~ /^(.+)\.(\d+)$/ );
+ if ( exists( $mips{$view}->{$network}->{$orig}->{$ptr} ) )
+ { # IP already has mapping!
+ print qq{The entry in "$map" for "$host" duplicated "},
+ $mips{$view}->{$network}->{$orig}->{$ptr},
+ qq{".\nKeeping the original entry.\n}
+ unless ($quiet);
+ print
+ "(debug) Not keeping $host = $ip, a PTR has already been defined ("
+ . $mips{$view}->{$network}->{$orig}->{$ptr} . ").\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ next;
+ }
+ print "(debug) Keeping $host = $ip, in network $network, view $view.\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ # Network/origin/ptr = host
+ $mips{$view}->{$network}->{$orig}->{$ptr} = $host;
+ }
+ }
+# Check each output zone file to see if it needs changing
+HASH: {
+ while ( my ( $view, $nets ) = each %networks ) {
+ print "(debug) Checking view $view for file changes ...\n" if ($debug);
+ while ( my ( $net, $file ) = each %{$nets} ) {
+ my ( $orig, $ptr );
+ my ($map) = $maps{$view}->{$net};
+ %{ $mips{$view}->{$net} } = ()
+ unless ( defined $mips{$view}->{$net} ); # no IPs in net!
+ # Stole this from ;)
+ foreach $orig (
+ sort {
+ pack( 'C*' => split ( /\./, $a ) ) cmp
+ pack( 'C*' => split ( /\./, $b ) )
+ } keys %{ $mips{$view}->{$net} }
+ )
+ {
+ $map .= "\$ORIGIN "
+ . join ( ".", reverse( split ( /\./, $orig ) ) )
+ . "\n"; # append $ORIGIN to map
+ my $ptrs = $mips{$view}->{$net}->{$orig};
+ foreach $ptr ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$ptrs} ) {
+ # Add PTR line to map
+ $map .= "$ptr\tPTR\t" . $ptrs->{$ptr} . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my ($hv) = Do_Hash($map); # generate hash value for new map
+ print
+ "(debug) Generated hash values for $file (old/new): $hash{$file}/$hv.\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ if ( $hv ne $hash{$file} ) { # maps are different!
+ print "(debug) File $file needs to be updated.\n" if ($debug);
+ my ($fserial);
+ my ($use) = $numordate{ $files{$file} }
+ || $numordate{"default"}
+ || "date";
+ print "(debug) File $file uses serial type $use.\n" if ($debug);
+ if ( $use eq "date" ) {
+ $fserial = &strftime( "%Y%m%d00", localtime(time) );
+ # if fserial > serial, then use fserial directly ...
+ if ( $fserial <= $serial{$file} )
+ { # serial is >= fserial, add 1 to serial and use it if possible
+ if ( $serial{$file} =~ /99$/ ) { # version 99! can't roll.
+ die
+qq#(fatal) Serial number $serial{$file} (file "$file") ends in 99 -- can't add 1! Freaky!\n#;
+ }
+ $fserial = $serial{$file} + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $use eq "number" ) {
+ $fserial = $serial{$file} + 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ die qq{(fatal) Unknown serial type "$use".};
+ }
+ warn "(warn) Serial number for $file is at max.\n"
+ if ( $fserial > 4294967294 );
+ print "(debug) Changing serial number for $file from",
+ " $serial{$file} to $fserial\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ $map =~ s/(\s+SOA\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(?:\(\s*)?)$serial{$file}/$1$fserial/s;
+ $file .= ".$ext" if ($ext); # file or file.ext?
+ print qq{Updating file "$file"\n} unless ($quiet);
+ open( OUT, ">$file" )
+ || die "(fatal) Can't open $file for writing:$!";
+ print OUT $map;
+ close(OUT);
+ }
+ else {
+ print "File $file needs no modification.\n" unless ($quiet);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+exit 0;
+# Is the given IP address in any of the specified networks?
+# note: this routine only checks on byte boundaries
+# Return undef if not, network number if yes.
+ my %cache = ();
+ sub IPinNetwork {
+ my ( $ip, $view, $networks ) = @_; # IP to check, hash of networks to check
+ my ($orig) = ( $ip =~ /^(.+)\.\d+$/ );
+ return $cache{$view}->{$orig} if exists $cache{$view}->{$orig};
+ do { # matches most specific network first (10.0.49 before 10 ...)
+ $ip =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//; # remove last octet (host #)
+ if ( exists $networks->{$view}->{$ip} ) {
+ $cache{$view}->{$orig} = $ip;
+ return $ip;
+ }
+ } while ( $ip =~ /\./ ); # while there's a period in the IP
+ return undef;
+ }
+# Generate a bitmask from an IP/Network/bit count.
+# Returns array of bitmasks from array of input values.
+sub GenMask {
+ if ( $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ) { # /27 ...
+ return ~( 2**( 32 - $_[0] ) - 1 );
+ }
+ else { # ...
+ return unpack( "N", pack( 'C4' => split ( /\./, $_[0] ) ) );
+ }
+# Parse the directive statements and plop the info in the right place.
+sub Directives {
+ my ( $type, $vals ) = split ( /\s+/, $_[0], 2 );
+ print qq{(debug) mkrdns directive, type "$type", vals "$vals"\n}
+ if ($debug);
+ $type = lc $type;
+ if ( $type eq "map" ) {
+ my ( $nm, $nn ) = split ( /\s+/, $vals );
+ @{ $netmap{$nm} } = ( $nn, map { &GenMask($_) } split ( /\//, $nm ) );
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "skip" ) {
+ push ( @toskip, $vals );
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "skipzone" ) {
+ map {
+ my ( $v, $d ) = split ( /:/, $_, 2 );
+ ( $v, $d ) = ( "default", $v ) if ( !defined $d );
+ $zonetoskip{ lc $v }->{ lc $d } = 1;
+ } split ( /\s+/, $vals );
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "serialt" ) {
+ # $vals = "default|zone number|date"
+ $vals = lc $vals;
+ my ( $view, $zone, $nord ) = split ( /\s+/, $vals, 3 );
+ ( $view, $zone, $nord ) = ( 'default', $view, $zone )
+ if ( !defined $nord ); # backwards compatibility
+ die qq{(fatal) mkrdns directive "$type $vals" invalid.}
+ if ( $nord !~ /^(number|date)$/ );
+ $numordate{"$view:$zone"} = $nord;
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq "ignoreslaves" ) {
+ $ignoreslaves = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ die qq{(fatal) mkrdns directive type "$type" is unknown.};
+ }
+# Generate actual lines from $GENERATE statements
+# This routine should actually handle all $GENERATE types, although we're
+# only going to use it for A records in mkrdns ...
+sub Handle_GENERATE {
+ my ( $ORIGIN, $GENERATE ) = @_;
+ my (@toreturn) = ();
+ # $RANGE is 'start-stop[/step]', all must be positive
+ # $LHS/$RHS:
+ # $ is replaced by iterator value.
+ # \$ is a $ at the end.
+ # $\{ is replaced by the iterator value and the actual { char.
+ # Append $ORIGIN if $RHS!~/\.$/
+ # ${offset} where offset defaults to "0,1,d".
+ # offset (integer),min width (0 padded),radix (doxX)
+ my ( $RANGE, $LHS, $TYPE, $RHS ) = ( split ( /\s+/, $GENERATE ) )[ 1 .. 4 ];
+ die qq{(fatal) Invalid \$GENERATE line: "$GENERATE"\n}
+ unless ( defined($RANGE)
+ && defined($LHS)
+ && defined($TYPE)
+ && defined($RHS) );
+ $TYPE = uc $TYPE;
+ die qq{(fatal) Invalid \$GENERATE line (bad type): "$GENERATE"\n}
+ unless ( $TYPE =~ /^(A|AAAA|PTR|CNAME|NS)$/ );
+ my ( $START, $STOP, $SKIP ) = ( $RANGE =~ m{^(\d+)-(\d+)(?:/(\d+))?$} );
+ if ( !defined($SKIP) || ( defined($SKIP) && $SKIP < 1 ) ) {
+ warn qq{(warn) Invalid \$GENERATE line (bad skip): "$GENERATE" (set to 1)\n}
+ if ( defined $SKIP );
+ $SKIP = 1; # skip defaults to 1 if not specified.
+ }
+ die qq{(fatal) Invalid \$GENERATE line (non-pos value): "$GENERATE"\n}
+ unless ( $START > 0 && $STOP > 0 );
+ # Convert trouble-some combinations out of the way.
+ foreach ( $LHS, $RHS ) {
+ s/\$\\\{/\$\377/g; # $\{ -> $\377
+ # Literal $'s in the statement
+ s/\\\$/\376/g; # \$ -> \376
+ s/\$\$/\376/g; # $$ -> \376
+ # Replace $ or ${...} w/ valid ${offset,width,radix} sections.
+ s@\$(?:{([^}]+)})?@
+ my($o,$w,$r) = split(/,/,(defined $1?$1:""));
+ # Want to set to the default if not defined or invalid,
+ # only want to warn if invalid.
+ if ( !defined($o) || $o!~/^-?\d+$/ ) {
+ warn qq{(warn) Invalid \$GENERATE line (bad offset): "$GENERATE" (set to 0)\n}
+ if ( defined($o) );
+ $o = 0;
+ }
+ if ( !defined($w) || $w<1 ) {
+ warn qq{(warn) Invalid \$GENERATE line (bad width): "$GENERATE" (set to 1)\n}
+ if ( defined($w) );
+ $w = 1;
+ }
+ if ( !defined($r) || $r !~ /^[doxX]$/ ) {
+ warn qq{(warn) Invalid \$GENERATE line (bad radix): "$GENERATE" (set to d)\n}
+ if ( defined($r) );
+ $r = "d";
+ }
+ "\${$o,$w,$r}";
+ @ge;
+ }
+ for ( my ($IT) = $START ; $IT <= $STOP ; $IT += $SKIP ) {
+ $_ = "$LHS $RHS";
+ # The only $'s left in the string should be iterator values.
+ s@\${([^}]+)}@
+ my($o,$w,$r) = split(/,/,$1);
+ sprintf "%0$w$r", $IT+$o;
+ @ge;
+ tr/\377\376/{$/; # Put the chars back in as literals.
+ my ( $l, $r ) = split;
+ if ( $ORIGIN ne "" ) {
+ # The right side of an A or AAAA record is an address...
+ foreach ( ( $TYPE =~ /^A/ ) ? $l : ( $l, $r ) ) {
+ $_ .= ".$ORIGIN" unless (/\.$/);
+ }
+ }
+ push ( @toreturn, "$l $TYPE $r" );
+ }
+ return @toreturn;
+# This section of code takes in a line from the named configuration file and
+# puts the info in the appropriate spots. This used to be in both the
+# named.conf and named.boot handlers in the main set of code, but the code
+# was exactly the same, so I put it here for maintainability.
+sub Handle_Domain {
+ my ( $view, $type, $domain, $file, $files ) = @_;
+ $domain = lc $domain;
+ if ( $zonetoskip{$view}->{$domain} ) {
+ print "(debug) Skipping view $view, zone $domain, matched skipzone.\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ return;
+ }
+ unless ( $domain && $file ) {
+ warn
+qq{(warn) No file specified for view "$view", zone "$domain" in "$bootfile".\n};
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( $type =~ /^(slave|secondary)$/i && defined($ignoreslaves) ) {
+ print "(debug) Skipping slave $view:$domain\n" if ($debug);
+ return;
+ }
+ $file = "$nameddir/$file" if ( $file !~ m!^/! );
+ $file = &Handle_Path( $rootdir, $file );
+ if ( $domain =~ /\.arpa$/i ) { # network
+ # The file is already being used!
+ die
+qq#(fatal) The zone file "$file" is being used by two zones! Error in config file!\n($files->{$file} and $view:$domain ...)\n#
+ if ( exists $files->{$file} );
+ $files->{$file} = "$view:$domain";
+ if ( $type =~ /^(secondary|slave)$/i ) {
+ print "(debug) Skipping slave reverse zone $view:$domain\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ return;
+ }
+ $domain =~ s/\.in-addr\.arpa$//i; # just the net ...
+ if ( $domain =~ /127$/ ) { # silently skip 127.*
+ print "(debug) Skipping $file for the 127.* network.\n"
+ if ($debug);
+ return;
+ }
+ $domain = join ( ".", reverse( split ( /\./, $domain ) ) );
+ $networks{$view}->{$domain} = $file;
+ print
+ qq{(debug) Network "$domain", View "$view", File "$file", Type "$type".\n}
+ if ($debug);
+ }
+ else { # "normal" domain, read in domains in order presented.
+ push ( @domains, "$view:$domain:$file" );
+ print
+ qq{(debug) Domain "$domain", View "$view", File "$file", Type "$type".\n}
+ if ($debug);
+ }
+# Trim down a path to a standardized form.
+# ie: /path/../foo -> /foo
+sub FixPath {
+ $_ = $_[0];
+ tr#/#/#s; # Remove multiple /'s
+ s#/\./#/#g; # /./ -> /
+ s#/\.$##; # remove /.$
+ s#(^|/)[^/]*/\.\./#/#g; # /[^/]/../ -> /
+ s#(^|/)[^/]*/\.\.$##g; # remove /..$
+ s#^\./##; # remove ^./
+ return $_;
+# Take a given path, handle a possibly different root directory, then return
+# it.
+sub Handle_Path {
+ my ( $rootdir, $orig ) = @_;
+ my ($new) = &FixPath($orig);
+ if ( $new =~ m#^/?\.\.(/|$)# ) {
+ warn
+qq{(warn) Path "$_" tries to go beyond root directory ("$new"). Removing.\n}
+ unless ($quiet);
+ $new =~ s#^/?\.\.(/|$)##;
+ }
+ $new = &FixPath("$rootdir/$new");
+ if ( $orig ne $new ) {
+ print qq{(debug) Path changed from "$orig" to "$new".\n} if ($debug);
+ $orig = $new;
+ }
+ return $orig;
+sub Do_Hash {
+ # Built-in (32bit checksum)
+ return unpack( "%32C*", $_[0] ) % 65535; # generate 32-bit checksum for text
+=head1 NAME
+mkrdns - MaKe Reverse DNS (auto generate PTR maps)
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+mkrdns [options] [configuration file]
+mkrdns is a program designed to auto-generate reverse DNS maps (IN PTR
+records). Some programs already accompany the BIND source package
+that will do this kind of thing on a single domain or network basis.
+mkrdns will read either a named.boot or named.conf file, figure out
+which domains and networks to deal with, and then generate the reverse
+You are deemed "in charge" of a network/domain if you are the primary
+DNS for a reverse zone, or if you are either the primary or secondary
+for a forward zone. The exception to this rule is that the 127.*
+network is not auto-generated due to the "1 IN PTR localhost." issue.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+-debug Print debugging information. (this will
+ print a B<LOT> of information, be warned.)
+-extension <ext> Append the given extension to the output
+ files. This is useful if you want to
+ have the reverse maps generated, but want
+ to check their contents before use.
+-help The help screen.
+-quiet Turn off warning messages (multiple A
+ records -> IP, etc.) Good for scripts,
+ but you probably want to check on what
+ the warnings report.
+-rootdir <path> Specify the path to the root directory
+ that named will be running in. This
+ will handle anyone using a chrooted
+ environment for named. Everything except
+ the configuration file is assumed to be
+ under the new root.
+-version Show mkrdns version information.
+mkrdns reads the standard BIND configuration files I<named.boot> and
+I<named.conf>. If you don't specify the full path to the file on the
+command line, mkrdns assumes that one (or both) will exist in /etc and
+will search for them. If none are found, the program exits. If one
+is found, it is used. If both are found, named.conf is used.
+Think of directives as configuration options for mkrdns which are simply
+comments to BIND. The current directives are B<map>, B<serialt>, B<skip>,
+and B<skipzone>.
+B<Map> allows you to map hosts to another network. This was designed in
+for the purpose of handling DNS for a subnet of a class C network which
+you do not control. (See the DNS & BIND O'Reilly and Associates book,
+3rd Ed., pg. 215-218) Assume that you have (ie: you have
+the 32 IPs from to ...) You want to do reverse
+mappings for those IPs, but you don't control
+How do you do it? The solution is to become the master for another
+zone (such as or,
+and CNAME the correct reverse pointers to the ones you're in charge of.
+The format for the directive is:
+ map <network/mask> <new network>
+Ex: map
+This maps all hosts between and to
+B<Serialt> will change mkrdns's behavior with the serial number for
+certain zones. By default, the serial number is assumed to be in I<date>
+format (YYYYMMDDVV, year/month/day/version). However, you can tell mkrdns
+to treat the serial number as a regular number instead. This allows
+for more than 100 zone changes a day, and has a bit more flexibility
+depending on the environment. The format for the directive is:
+ serialt <view> <zone> <format>
+<view> specifies which view should be used for the behavior change.
+If not specified, mkrdns assumes "default". <zone> is either "default"
+or the actual zone (ie: <format> is either
+"date" or "number".
+Ex: serialt internal number
+B<Skip> forces mkrdns to ignore certain hosts/IPs via regular
+expression. The concept is that there are some IN A records that
+you would like to skip and not create a reverse entry. Skip allows
+this. (for instance, "foo IN A" and "mail IN A" both
+exist, but you want to force foo as the reverse lookup and ignore mail.
+The following example can do this for you.) Format:
+ skip <regular expression>
+Ex: skip ^mail
+This will skip any host (or IP) that matches the "^mail" regular
+expression. The host is the FQDN, and the IP is before mapping (see
+B<Skipzone> forces mkrdns to ignore certain zones while processing the
+named configuration file. A possible use for this is where you have
+"" and "", and both of them should have the same host info
+(ie: and both have the same records.) You want
+"" to be the reverse lookup for the IPs used. So set the zone file
+setting to the same file (, and then add "skipzone".
+B<NOTE:> The skipzone argument must match EXACTLY with the zone name
+in the config file. B<NOTE:> You can specify multiple zones in the same
+"skipzone" statement. (ie: "skipzone") B<NOTE2:> If you are
+using views, the zone string must be in the format "view:zone". If a view
+isn't given, "default" is assumed.
+B<ignoreslaves> tells mkrdns to ignore any forward slave domains in
+the configuration. This is useful if, for instance, you are master for
+both a forward domain and reverse domain (say
+which go together, but you also have slave domains with hosts in the
+same reverse zone.
+The format of a directive differs (sorry) between named.conf and
+named.boot. UNIX-style comments (the hash mark then the comment) are
+=head2 named.boot directives
+Directives look like a comment, so the format is simply:
+ ; mkrdns <directive type> <parameters>
+=head2 named.conf directives
+To make directives more efficient with BIND 8, the format is slightly
+ /* mkrdns
+ <directive type> <parameters>
+ ...
+ */
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+B<mkrdns -e new /etc/named.boot>
+This will run mkrdns over the file /etc/named.boot. Output files will
+be generated as <name>.new (i.e.: if the PTR zone file is called, the output will be
+=head1 NOTES
+I tend to use this script like a lint check. i.e.: Edit the proper
+zone files, then run mkrdns.
+As with most documentation, there are probably things that aren't mentioned
+in the docs that the script does/assumes/etc. I apologize for any
+inaccuracies/omissions. Let me know if there are any parts that have an
+"issue", and I'll see if I can't straighten it out.
+The <network>.zone reverse map files must already be created, be
+uniquely specified in the configuration file, and have the appropriate
+information (SOA/NS records, etc.) in there. This script will strip
+out any PTR records, and then add them back in. (This means anything
+like blank lines and comments will be moved to the top of the file.)
+$ORIGIN and $INCLUDE are striped as of mkrdns 1.3.
+You must be at least a secondary for all domains which reference IP
+networks for which you're responsible. There is no means (currently
+at least) to specify a PTR record for a non-existent A record, so this
+script must have access to all A records that need to be "reversed".
+If you have more than 1 A record pointing to a specific IP, you can't
+have both be the PTR record. This script takes the first A record it
+sees as the one used for the PTR record. A warning is printed for any
+additional entries. (While the RFCs don't prohibit multiple PTR records
+for the same IP, I have yet to find anyone who can give me a good reason
+to do it.)
+Map serial numbers default to be in YYYYMMDDVV format. (YYYY = year,
+MM = month, DD = day, VV = version (00-99). This script will convert
+your serial number to this format if it's not already. I don't have too
+many daily DNS changes, so the action for not being able to update the
+serial number (ie: VV is at 99 and can't be increased) is to simply exit.
+If this is going to cause a problem for you, you can use the serialt
+directive to specify a zone (or the default) should treat the serial
+number as a number instead of using the date format. Either way,
+a problem will come up when the serial number reaches 4294967295 (max
+value), but that's another story. (mkrdns will print a warning if this
+is about to happen)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Theo Van Dinter <felicity at>
Propchange: trunk/sbin/mkrdns
svn:executable = *
Added: trunk/sbin/update-config
--- trunk/sbin/update-config (added)
+++ trunk/sbin/update-config Mon Mar 5 14:18:46 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+## $Id$
+## Copyright (C) 2005 Olivier MOLTENI <olivier at>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+#use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Librairies
+use PFTools::Update ;
Propchange: trunk/sbin/update-config
svn:executable = *
Added: trunk/sbin/update-links
--- trunk/sbin/update-links (added)
+++ trunk/sbin/update-links Mon Mar 5 14:18:46 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+ln -sf $BASEDIR/lib/* /usr/local/lib/site_perl
+ln -sf $BASEDIR/bin/* /usr/local/bin
+ln -sf $BASEDIR/sbin/* /usr/local/sbin
+ln -snf $BASEDIR/config /etc/site_config
Propchange: trunk/sbin/update-links
svn:executable = *
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