pf-tools commit: r573 [ccaillet-guest] - in /trunk: debian/changelog tools/

parmelan-guest at parmelan-guest at
Fri Jan 25 13:47:59 UTC 2008

Author: ccaillet-guest
Date: Fri Jan 25 13:47:58 2008
New Revision: 573

* improving tool (see -h or --help)


Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog Fri Jan 25 13:47:58 2008
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
   * Better substitution on Subst_vars, now if a %VAR% is not defined on SUBST
     hash, the returned string is not broken
   * adding %SECTIONNAME% handler on actions others than dpkg-purge and apt-get
+  * improving tool (see -h or --help)
   [ Thomas Parmelan ]
   * lib-net: if no comment is specified in a zone, network or server
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
   * Update my email address.
   * Merge the remaining changes from 0.32.47-1 and 0.32.48-1.
- -- Christophe Caillet <quadchris at>  Thu, 24 Jan 2008 12:57:43 +0100
+ -- Christophe Caillet <quadchris at>  Fri, 25 Jan 2008 14:44:33 +0100
 pf-tools (0.32.48-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: trunk/tools/
--- trunk/tools/ (original)
+++ trunk/tools/ Fri Jan 25 13:47:58 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+##  $Id$
+##  Copyright (C) 2008 Christophe Caillet <quadchris at>
 ##  Copyright (C) 2004 Stephane Pontier <shad at>
 ##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -28,6 +31,15 @@
 use PFTools::Net;
 use PFTools::Update;
+use Getopt::Long qw ( :config ignore_case_always bundling ) ;
+my $help	= 0 ;
+my $type	= '' ;
+my $src		= '' ;
+my $read	= 0 ;
+my $program	= $0;
+$program	=~ s%.*/%%; # cheap basename
+my $version	= sprintf( "svn-r%s", q$Revision$ =~ /([\d.]+)/ );
 sub _ipcomp {
     my ( $a, $b ) = @_;
@@ -49,89 +61,147 @@
     return 0;
-if ( @ARGV == 0 or @ARGV > 2 ) {
-    die "Usage: $0 fichier_private_network uml(0/1)\n";
-my ( $file, $uml ) = @ARGV;
-$PFTools::Net::UML = 1 if $uml;
-my $bighash = Load_conf($file);
-#print Dumper ($bighash) ;
-my $nethash = {};
-foreach my $entry ( keys %{$bighash} ) {
-    #	print "On est sur la machine $entry\n";
-    if ( defined $bighash->{$entry}->{'type'}
-	and $bighash->{$entry}->{'type'} =~ /server/ )
-    {    # c'est une machine
-	foreach my $interface ( keys %{ $bighash->{$entry}->{'interface'} } )
-	{
-	    my $vlan     = $bighash->{$entry}->{'interface'}->{$interface};
-	    my $netpatte = $bighash->{$vlan}->{'network'};
-	    my $netmaskpatte = $bighash->{$vlan}->{'netmask'};
-	    my $ippatte
-		= defined $bighash->{$entry}->{'ipstart'}->{$vlan}
-		? $bighash->{$entry}->{'ipstart'}->{$vlan}
-		: $bighash->{$entry}->{'ipstart'}->{'default'};
-	    if ( !defined( $bighash->{$entry}->{'number'} )
-		or $bighash->{$entry}->{'number'} <= 1 )
-	    {
-		$bighash->{$entry}->{'number'} = 1;
-	    }
-# print "INTERFACE:$interface	PATTE:$netpatte	MASK:$netmaskpatte	IP:$ippatte	VLAN:$vlan\n";
-	    my $numberpatte;
-	    foreach
-		my $numberpatte ( 0 .. $bighash->{$entry}->{'number'} - 1 )
-	    {
-		# on est soit dans le nouvelle addressage avec un
-		# vlan en et une ip de patte en 24.0
-		if ( $ippatte =~ /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{0,3})/ )
-		{    #print "nouvel addr$ippatte\t";
-		    my $ippatteXX = "$1." . ( $2 + $numberpatte );
-		    $netpatte
-			=~ s/(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.)\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/$1$ippatteXX/;
-		}
-		else {    #print "ancien addr$ippatte\t";
-		          # soit en addressage de classe C avec
-		          # un vlan en
-		          # et une ip de patte en 96
-		    my $ippatteXX = $ippatte + $numberpatte;
-		    $netpatte
-			=~ s/(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.)\d{1,3}/$1$ippatteXX/;
-		}
-		my $ipkey = $netpatte;
-		#	print "on a maintenant la machine $entry avec:$netpatte\n";
-		if ( defined $nethash->{$ipkey} ) {
-		    my $nmachine = $entry;
-		    $nmachine =~ s/%%/0$numberpatte/;
-		    print "$nmachine($interface)\t"
-			. $netpatte
-			. ": ip deja prise par "
-			. "$nethash->{$ipkey}->{'machine'}($nethash->{$ipkey}->{'interface'})\n";
-		    $ipkey .= ".X";
-		}
-		my $machine = $entry;
-		$machine =~ s/%%/0$numberpatte/;
-		$nethash->{$ipkey}->{'vlan'}      = $vlan;
-		$nethash->{$ipkey}->{'ip'}        = $netpatte;
-		$nethash->{$ipkey}->{'netmask'}   = $netmaskpatte;
-		$nethash->{$ipkey}->{'interface'} = $interface;
-		$nethash->{$ipkey}->{'machine'}   = $machine;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-foreach my $ownip ( sort { &_ipcomp( $a, $b ) } keys %{$nethash} ) {
-    print "$nethash->{$ownip}->{'ip'}\t"
-	. $nethash->{$ownip}->{'machine'} . "("
-	. $nethash->{$ownip}->{'interface'} . ")\n";
+sub Do_help {
+    print STDERR << "# ENDHELP";
+    $program - version $version
+Usage:	$program [options]
+	-h --help:	print help and exit
+	-s --src:	source file for private-network
+	-t --type:	specify a server type to extract from global confifuration
+	-r --read:	specify that output will be human readable
+sub order_servers ($) {
+	my ( $ref_net ) = @_ ;
+	my $result = [] ;
+	my $order = {} ;
+	foreach my $srv ( keys %{$ref_net} ) {
+		push ( @{$order->{$ref_net->{$srv}->{'order'}}}, $srv ) ;
+	}
+# 	foreach my $prio ( sort keys %{$order} ) {
+# 		foreach my $srv ( @{$order->{$prio}} ) {
+# 			push ( @{$result}, $srv ) ;
+# 		}
+# 	}
+	return $order ;
+sub get_srv_iface ($$) {
+	my ( $srv_name, $ref_srv ) = @_ ;
+	my $ordered_vlan = {} ;
+	my $result = {} ;
+	foreach my $vlan ( keys %{$ref_srv->{'ifup'}} ) {
+		my $vlan_name = $vlan ;
+		$vlan_name =~ s/^$srv_name\.//;
+		$ordered_vlan->{$ref_srv->{'ifup'}->{$vlan}} = $vlan_name ;
+	}
+	foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$ordered_vlan} ) {
+		$result->{$iface}->{'addr'} = $ref_srv->{'zone'}->{$srv_name.".".$ordered_vlan->{$iface}}->{'FIELD'} ;
+		$result->{$iface}->{'vlan'} = $ordered_vlan->{$iface} ;
+	}
+	return $result ;
+sub get_srv_ip ($$) {
+	my ( $srv_type, $ref_net ) = @_ ;
+	my $result = {} ;
+	foreach my $srv ( keys %{$ref_net->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}} ) {
+		my $ref_srv = $ref_net->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}->{$srv} ;
+		foreach my $iface ( keys %{$ref_srv->{'zone'}} ) {
+			next if ( $iface !~ /^$srv\./ ) ;
+			$result->{$ref_srv->{'zone'}->{$iface}->{'FIELD'}}->{'hostname'} = $srv ;
+			$result->{$ref_srv->{'zone'}->{$iface}->{'FIELD'}}->{'iface'} = $ref_srv->{'ifup'}->{$iface} ;
+		}
+	}
+	return $result ;
+sub get_all_ip ($) {
+	my ( $ref_net ) = @_ ;
+	my $result = {} ;
+	foreach my $srv_type ( keys %{$ref_net} ) {
+		foreach my $srv ( keys %{$ref_net->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}} ) {
+			my $ref_srv = $ref_net->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}->{$srv} ;
+			foreach my $iface ( keys %{$ref_srv->{'zone'}} ) {
+				next if ( $iface !~ /^$srv\./ ) ;
+				$result->{$ref_srv->{'zone'}->{$iface}->{'FIELD'}}->{'hostname'} = $srv ;
+				$result->{$ref_srv->{'zone'}->{$iface}->{'FIELD'}}->{'iface'} = $ref_srv->{'ifup'}->{$iface} ;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return $result ;
+GetOptions (
+	'help|h'	=> \$help,
+	'type|t=s'	=> \$type,
+	'read|r'	=> \$read,
+	'src|s=s'	=> \$src
+) || die "Didn't grok options on CLI\n" ;
+if ( $help ) {
+	Do_help () ;
+	exit 0 ;
+if ( ! $src ) {
+	die "Source file for network description is not defined\n" ;
+} elsif ( ! -e $src ) {
+	die $src." source file doesn't exist\n" ;
+my $PF_NET	= Init_lib_net ( Get_source ( $src ) );
+my $SRV_LIST	= $PF_NET->{'SERVERS'}->{'BY_NAME'} ;
+if ( $type && ! defined $SRV_LIST->{$type} ) {
+	die "Non existant server type ".$type."\n" ;
+# print Dumper $PF_NET;
+if ( $type ) {
+	if ( $read ) {
+		foreach my $srv ( sort keys %{$SRV_LIST->{$type}->{'SRVLIST'}} ) {
+			print "\t".$srv."\n" ;
+			my $srv_net = get_srv_iface ( $srv, $SRV_LIST->{$type}->{'SRVLIST'}->{$srv} ) ;
+			foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$srv_net} ) {
+				print "\t\t".$iface."(".$srv_net->{$iface}->{'vlan'}.")\t: ".$srv_net->{$iface}->{'addr'}."\n" ;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		my $srv_ip = get_srv_ip ( $type, $SRV_LIST ) ;
+		foreach my $ip ( sort { _ipcomp ( $a, $b ) } keys %{$srv_ip} ) {
+			print $ip."\t".$srv_ip->{$ip}->{'hostname'}."(".$srv_ip->{$ip}->{'iface'}.")\n" ;
+		}
+	}
+} else {
+	if ( $read ) {
+		my $srv_type_list = order_servers ( $SRV_LIST ) ;
+		foreach my $prio ( sort keys %{$srv_type_list} ) {
+			print "Server with deployment priority : ".$prio."\n" ;
+			foreach my $srv_type ( sort @{$srv_type_list->{$prio}} ) {
+				foreach my $srv ( sort keys %{$SRV_LIST->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}} ) {
+					print "\t".$srv."\n" ;
+					my $srv_net = get_srv_iface ( $srv, $SRV_LIST->{$srv_type}->{'SRVLIST'}->{$srv} ) ;
+					foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{$srv_net} ) {
+						print "\t\t".$iface."(".$srv_net->{$iface}->{'vlan'}.")\t: ".$srv_net->{$iface}->{'addr'}."\n" ;
+					}
+				}
+				print "\n" ;
+			}
+			print "\n" ;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		my $ip_list = get_all_ip ( $SRV_LIST ) ;
+		foreach my $ip ( sort { _ipcomp ( $a, $b ) } keys %{$ip_list} ) {
+			print $ip."\t".$ip_list->{$ip}->{'hostname'}."(".$ip_list->{$ip}->{'iface'}.")\n" ;
+		}
+	}

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