pf-tools commit: r808 [ccaillet-guest] - in /branches/next-gen/doc: network-file.sample pf-tools.conf-sytax pf-tools.conf.sample
parmelan-guest at
parmelan-guest at
Fri Aug 6 12:10:48 UTC 2010
Author: ccaillet-guest
Date: Fri Aug 6 12:10:43 2010
New Revision: 808
Adding doc files
Added: branches/next-gen/doc/network-file.sample
--- branches/next-gen/doc/network-file.sample (added)
+++ branches/next-gen/doc/network-file.sample Fri Aug 6 12:10:43 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,88 @@
+ type = site
+ coment = Root site PFDS
+ location = Courbevoie
+ room = 010D (ex Tele 2)
+ state = ROOT
+ dhcpvlan = vlan-systeme
+ console = default
+ zone = private
+ type = site
+ coment = POP Courbevoie (CBV4)
+ location = Courbevoie
+ room = 010D (ex Tele 2)
+ state = EDGE
+ console = default
+ zone = private
+ dhcpvlan = vlan-systeme
+ type = zone
+ comment = Zone de gestion interne plateforme
+ serial = AUTO
+ soa = Deploy00.private.
+ mail = dnsmaster at private
+ refresh = 6H ; Refresh (6 hours)
+ retry = 1H ; Retry (1 hour)
+ expire = 7D ; Expire (7 days)
+ negttl = 1H ; Negative TTL (1 hours)
+ ttl = 1D ; TTL (1 day)
+ @ns = deploy00.vlan-systeme.private.
+ @ns = deploy01.vlan-systeme.private.
+ @mx = 1 mf.private.
+ @mx = 2 mf00.private.
+ @mx = 2 mf01.private.
+ console = ttyS0,115200n8
+ type = server
+ site = cbv4-pfds
+ comment = VIP for accessing to spawn functionnality
+ order = 2
+ number = 1
+ ipv4.vlan-systeme = 167.254
+ ipv4.vlan-pfds-ext = 99
+ shortname = vlan-systeme
+ alias.mirrors = vlan-systeme
+ alias.cvs = vlan-systeme
+ alias.nsprivate = vlan-systeme
+ alias.nscache = vlan-systeme
+ = vlan-systeme
+ = vlan-systeme
+ type = include
+ type = network
+ site = cbv4-pfds
+ network =
+ tag = 40
+ netmask =
+ scope = public
+ gateway = 254
+ type = network
+ site = cbv4-pfds
+ network =
+ tag = 302
+ scope = private
+ gateway = 254
+ type = network
+ site = cbv4-pfds
+ network =
+ tag = 372
+# netmask = /24
+ scope = private
+ gateway = 254
+ type = service
+ comment = Administration hosts
+ site = cbv4-pfds
+ @host = hostfile-cbv4-spawn
Added: branches/next-gen/doc/pf-tools.conf-sytax
--- branches/next-gen/doc/pf-tools.conf-sytax (added)
+++ branches/next-gen/doc/pf-tools.conf-sytax Fri Aug 6 12:10:43 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+ status_dir ::= PATH to access to status dir (where branche file is stored). Default is /var/lib/pf-tools/
+ distrib_dir ::= PATH for accessing to packages repositories (official and custom). Default is /distrib
+ tftp_dir ::= PATH where tftp datas are stored. Default is /distrib/tftpboot
+ pxefiles_dir ::= PATH where PXE fioles are stored. Default is /distrib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
+ global_struct ::= PATH for accessing to storable global configuration. Default is /var/lib/pf-tools/global_struct.stor
+ deploy_docroot ::= DOCROOT for deploy HTTP server. Default is /var/www
+ preseed_dir ::= Directory where preseed auto-generated files are stored. Default is /var/www/preseed
+ checkout_dir ::= Directory where checkout from VCS system are done by update-config. Default is /var/lib/cvsguest
+ templates_dir ::= Directory where template files are stored. Default is /usr/share/pf-tools/templates
+ common_config ::= Filename for default hosts configuration. Default is update-common. this file is stored in
+ checkout_dir/COMMON directory
+ start_net_file ::= The parsing for configuration is initiated with this filename. Default is private-network
+ ipv4 ::= IPV4 activation status 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled. Default is 1
+ ipv6' ::= IPV0 activation status 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled. Default is 0
+ update ::= Permits the execution of update-config on host. 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled. Default is 1
+ type ::= Type of the VCS system. Allowed values are cvs, svn, git, hg. Default is cvs
+ user ::= User for remote access to the VCS. Default is cvsguest
+ method ::= Method use for access to VCS system e.g. pserver for CVS, http or svn+ssh for svn etc.
+ rsh ::= Default rsh use for CVS only. Default is command /usr/sbin/cvs_rsh which is source-tree
+ server ::= VCS system hostname. Definition from pf-tolls configuration is allowed. Default is cvs.private
+ vcsroot ::= ROOT path for the VCS repository. Default is /var/lib/cvs/repository
+ module ::= Module name on VCS for the configuration repository. Default is config
+ umask ::= UMASK value which is applied when checkout is executed. Default value is 0077
+ command ::= Specify a VCS access command. You can use the %BRANCH% option on it for specifying a branch,
+ branch ::= Branch used for checkout by update-config command. Default is ""
+[<mode>] # Allowed modes are debian and ubuntu
+ preseed ::= Preseed template filename for <mode> Default for debian is standard-preseed, and ubuntu is ubuntu-preseed
+ pxe ::= PXE template filename. Default value for debian is standard-installer, and ubuntu-installer for ubuntu
+ sources_list ::= sources.list template filename. Default for debian is sources.list, and ubuntu-sources.list for ubuntu
+ default_sections ::= Default section for offcial packegs repositories Default for debian is 'main contrib non-free',
+ and 'main universe restricted' for ubuntu
+ custom-sections ::= Default section for custom packages. Default value is common for debian and ubuntu
+ grub ::= PATH to grub configuration file for overriding kernel options when booting from hard drive.
+ Default is /boot/grub/menu.lst
+ grub2 ::= Idem as below but for GRUB2. Default value is /etc/default/grub
+# regexp : section where regex used by pf-tools can be override. Use a standard perl regex syntax
+# All vars shown are defined into lib/PFTools/ package see source for more infos
+ hostname_model ::= Regex used for checking hostname_model into pf-tools. Default is $MODEL_CONFIG_REGEX
+ hostname ::= Regex used for checking hostname. Default is $HOST_CONFIG_REGEX
+ hosttype ::= Regex used for checking hosttype or hostclass. Default is $HOSTTYPE_CONFIG_REGEX
+ deploy_hosts ::= Regex used for identifying deploy hosts. Default is $DEPLOY_CONFIG_REGEX
+ site ::= Site where hostname is defined for the pf-tools.conf file (hosted by hostname)
+ zone ::= Zone for the specified site defined below
Added: branches/next-gen/doc/pf-tools.conf.sample
--- branches/next-gen/doc/pf-tools.conf.sample (added)
+++ branches/next-gen/doc/pf-tools.conf.sample Fri Aug 6 12:10:43 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,26 @@
+ status_dir = /var/lib/pftools
+ distrib_dir = /distrib
+ tftp_dir = /home/totof/arch/pf-tools/test/tftpboot
+ pxefiles_dir = /home/totof/arch/pf-tools/test/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
+ global_struct = /home/totof/arch/pf-tools/test/global.stor
+ templates_dir = /home/totof/arch/pf-tools/test
+ preseed_dir = /home/totof/arch/pf-tools/test
+ deploy_docroot = /home/totof/arch/pf-tools/test/www
+ checkout_dir = /home/totof/arch/pf-tools/test
+ ipv4 = 1
+ ipv6 = 0
+ type = cvs
+ user = cvsguest
+ rsh' = /usr/local/sbin/cvs_rsh
+ server = cvs.private
+ cvsroot = /var/lib/cvs/repository
+ module = config
+ site = cbv4-pfds
+ zone = private
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