pf-tools commit: r856 [ccaillet-guest] - in /branches/next-gen: debian/changelog lib/PFTools/Compat/ lib/PFTools/Compat/ lib/PFTools/Compat/ lib/PFTools/ lib/PFTools/
parmelan-guest at
parmelan-guest at
Fri Aug 27 14:31:49 UTC 2010
Author: ccaillet-guest
Date: Fri Aug 27 14:31:45 2010
New Revision: 856
* lib/PFTools/Compat/
- extracting from PFTools::Parser functions for parsing old syntax format
* lib/PFTools/Compat/
- library for translating old configuration (pf-tools 0.X) to new syntax
branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/Compat/ (with props)
- copied, changed from r851, branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/
Modified: branches/next-gen/debian/changelog
--- branches/next-gen/debian/changelog (original)
+++ branches/next-gen/debian/changelog Fri Aug 27 14:31:45 2010
@@ -58,8 +58,6 @@
- extrating apt-get functions (action and depends) from
* lib/PFTools/Update/
- extrating apt-get functions (action and depends) from
- * lib/PFTools/
- - library for translating old configuration (pf-tools 0.X) to new syntax
* lib/PFTools/
- library for getting informations from global structure
* debian/control
@@ -68,8 +66,12 @@
- basic documentation about update file
- adding more TODOs :)
- -- Christophe Caillet <quadchris at> Fri, 27 Aug 2010 16:19:45 +0200
+ * lib/PFTools/Compat/
+ - extracting from PFTools::Parser functions for parsing old syntax format
+ * lib/PFTools/Compat/
+ - library for translating old configuration (pf-tools 0.X) to new syntax
+ -- Christophe Caillet <quadchris at> Fri, 27 Aug 2010 16:28:06 +0200
pf-tools (0.99.98-1) unstable; urgency=low
Added: branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/Compat/
--- branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/Compat/ (added)
+++ branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/Compat/ Fri Aug 27 14:31:45 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,344 @@
+package PFTools::Compat::Parser;
+## $Id$
+## Copyright (C) 2010 Christophe Caillet <quadchris at>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Exporter;
+our @ISA = ('Exporter');
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+ Subst_vars
+ Parser_pftools
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw();
+use PFTools::Logger;
+use PFTools::Parser;
+######## WARNING Obsolete code
+######## Use for compatibility ONLY
+######## This code WILL NOT be maintained anymore
+### Prototypes
+sub __Add_var ($$$);
+# Internal variables
+my $DEBUG = 0;
+sub __Add_var ($$$) {
+ my ( $V, $var, $val ) = @_;
+ if ( $var =~ /^((\\\.|[^.])*[^\\])\./ ) {
+ my $esc1 = $1;
+ my $quote = $';
+ $esc1 =~ s/\\\././g;
+ if ( !defined( $V->{$esc1} ) ) {
+ $V->{$esc1} = {};
+ }
+ if ( !ref( $V->{$esc1} ) ) {
+ return ($CODE->{'SYNTAX'});
+ }
+ __Add_var( $V->{$esc1}, $quote, $val );
+ }
+ else {
+ $var =~ s/\\\././g;
+ if ( defined( $V->{$var} ) ) {
+# print "Syntax error\n" ;
+ return ($CODE->{'SYNTAX'});
+ }
+ $V->{$var} = $val;
+ return (0);
+ }
+my $PFTOOLS_VARS = {};
+sub Parser_pftools ($$) {
+ my ( $fic_conf, $substdestvars ) = @_;
+ my $CONF = {};
+ my $LOCATION = {} ;
+ my $current = ']';
+ my @FIC_CONF = ();
+ my @ALL_CONF = ();
+ my @FH = () ;
+ my @line = ();
+ my @cond = ();
+ unshift @FIC_CONF, $fic_conf;
+ unshift @ALL_CONF, $fic_conf;
+ unshift @line, 0;
+ print "Opening $FIC_CONF[0]\n" if ( $DEBUG );
+ open( $FH[0], $FIC_CONF[0] )
+ || Abort( $$CODE->{'OPEN'}, "Impossible d'ouvrir " . $FIC_CONF[0] );
+ print "Filehandles --> @FH\n" if ( $DEBUG );
+ while ( $#FH >= 0 ) {
+ my $fh = $FH[0]; # Perl gruik, ne pas simplifier!!!
+ LOADCONFLINE: while (<$fh>) {
+# print "Using fh --> $fh\n" ;
+ # Compter les lignes
+ $line[0]++;
+ # Eliminer les commentaires et les espaces inutiles
+ chomp;
+ s/^\s*//;
+ s/\s*$//;
+ s/\s*#.*$//;
+ # Ne pas traiter les lignes vides
+ next if (/^$/);
+ # Traitement des directives IF (0 param)
+ if (/^\@([^\s]+)$/) {
+ if ( $1 eq "else" ) {
+ if ( $#cond < 0 ) {
+ Abort ( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
+ $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
+ . $line[0]
+ . ": else sans if" );
+ }
+ $cond[0] = ( $#cond > 0 && !$cond[1] ) ? 0 : !$cond[0];
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ( $1 eq "endif" ) {
+ if ( $#cond < 0 ) {
+ Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
+ $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
+ . $line[0]
+ . ": endif sans if" );
+ }
+ shift @cond;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # Traitement des directives IF (1 param)
+ if (/^\@([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)$/) {
+ if ( $1 eq "ifdef" ) {
+ if ( defined $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} ) {
+ unshift @cond, ( $#cond > 0 && !$cond[1] ) ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ unshift @cond, 0;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ( $1 eq "ifndef" ) {
+ if ( not defined $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} ) {
+ unshift @cond, 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ unshift @cond, ( $#cond > 0 && !$cond[1] ) ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ( $1 eq "if" ) {
+ if ( defined $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} && $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} ) {
+ unshift @cond, ( $#cond > 0 && !$cond[1] ) ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ unshift @cond, 0;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ( $1 eq "ifnot" ) {
+ if ( defined $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} && ! $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} ) {
+ unshift @cond, 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ unshift @cond, ( $#cond > 0 && !$cond[1] ) ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # Seulement les directives IF si condition fausse
+ next if ( $#cond >= 0 && !$cond[0] );
+ if (/^\@([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)$/) {
+ if ( $1 eq "include" ) {
+ my $fic_conf = $2;
+ my $oldficconf;
+ if ( $fic_conf =~ m|/| ) {
+ Abort( $CODE->{'OPEN'},
+ $FIC_CONF[1] . ":"
+ . $line[1]
+ . ": Include avec chemin interdit" );
+ }
+ if ( $FIC_CONF[0] =~ m|^(.*)/[^/]*$| ) {
+ $fic_conf = $1 . '/include-' . $fic_conf;
+ }
+ else {
+ $fic_conf = "include-" . $fic_conf;
+ }
+ foreach $oldficconf (@ALL_CONF) {
+ if ( $fic_conf eq $oldficconf ) {
+ Warn( $CODE->{'OPEN'},
+ $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
+ . $line[0] . ": "
+ . $fic_conf
+ . " deja inclus ligne "
+ . $LOCATION->{'include'}->{$fic_conf}->{'line'}
+ . " dans "
+ . $LOCATION->{'include'}->{$fic_conf}->{'source'} );
+ }
+ }
+ $LOCATION->{'include'}->{$fic_conf}->{'line'} = $line[0] ;
+ $LOCATION->{'include'}->{$fic_conf}->{'source'} = $FIC_CONF[0] ;
+ unshift @FIC_CONF, $fic_conf;
+ unshift @ALL_CONF, $fic_conf;
+ unshift @line, 0;
+ print "Opening $FIC_CONF[0]\n" if ( $DEBUG );
+ my $newfh ;
+ open( $newfh, $FIC_CONF[0] )
+ || Abort( $CODE->{'OPEN'},
+ $FIC_CONF[1] . ":"
+ . $line[1]
+ . ": Impossible d'inclure "
+ . $FIC_CONF[0] );
+ ; # Perl gruik, ne pas simplifier!!!
+ print "File list after including $FIC_CONF[0] ".join ( " ", @ALL_CONF )."\n" if ( $DEBUG );
+ unshift @FH, $newfh ;
+ $fh = $newfh ;
+ print "Filehandles list after inclusion --> @FH\n" if ( $DEBUG );
+ }
+ elsif ( $1 eq "define" ) {
+ if ( defined( $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} ) ) {
+ Warn( $CODE->{'OPEN'},
+ $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
+ . $line[0] . ": "
+ . $2
+ . " deja defini" );
+ }
+ else {
+ $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $1 eq "undef" ) {
+ if ( not defined( $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} ) ) {
+ Warn( $CODE->{'OPEN'},
+ $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
+ . $line[0] . ": "
+ . $2
+ . " deja non defini" );
+ }
+ else {
+ undef $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
+ $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
+ . $line[0]
+ . ": Directive "
+ . $1
+ . " inconnue" );
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ # Detection des sections
+ if (/^\[([^\]]+)\]$/) {
+ if ( defined $substdestvars && $substdestvars ) {
+ $current = Subst_vars( $1, $substdestvars );
+ }
+ else {
+ $current = $1;
+ }
+ if ( defined( $CONF->{$current} ) ) {
+ Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
+ $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
+ . $line[0] . ": ["
+ . $current
+ . "] dupliquee (precedente a "
+ . $LOCATION->{$current}->{_location}
+ . ")" );
+ }
+ else {
+ $CONF->{$current} = {};
+ $LOCATION->{$current}->{_location}
+ = $FIC_CONF[0] . ":" . $line[0];
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ # Traitement des variables
+ if (/^([^\s]+)\s*=\s*(.+)$/) {
+ my ( $var, $val ) = ( $1, $2 ) ;
+ if ( defined( $CONF->{$current}->{$var} ) ) {
+ Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
+ $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
+ . $line[0] . ": "
+ . $var
+ . " dupliquee (precedente a "
+ . $LOCATION->{$current}->{$var}->{_location}
+ . ")" );
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( __Add_var( $CONF->{$current}, $var, $val ) == $CODE->{'SYNTAX'} )
+ {
+ Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
+ $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
+ . $line[0] . ": "
+ . $var
+ . " dupliquee (precedente a "
+ . $LOCATION->{$current}->{$var}->{_location}
+ . ")" );
+ }
+ $LOCATION->{$current}->{$var}->{_location}
+ = $FIC_CONF[0] . ":" . $line[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
+ $FIC_CONF[0] . ":" . $line[0] . ": Erreur de syntaxe" );
+ }
+ }
+ close( $FH[0] ) ;
+ print "Closing $FIC_CONF[0] -- $FH[0]\n" if ( $DEBUG );
+ shift @FH;
+ print "Filehandles after closing --> @FH\n" if ( $DEBUG );
+ shift @line;
+ shift @FIC_CONF;
+ }
+ # Conditions non fermees
+ if ( $#cond >= 0 ) {
+ Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'}, "EOC: endif manquant" );
+ }
+ return ($CONF);
Propchange: branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/Compat/
--- svn:keywords (added)
+++ svn:keywords Fri Aug 27 14:31:45 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
Copied: branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/Compat/ (from r851, branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/
--- branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/ (original)
+++ branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/Compat/ Fri Aug 27 14:31:45 2010
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package PFTools::Translation;
+package PFTools::Compat::Translation;
## $Id$
Modified: branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/
--- branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/ (original)
+++ branches/next-gen/lib/PFTools/ Fri Aug 27 14:31:45 2010
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
our @EXPORT = qw(
- Parser_pftools
@@ -40,317 +39,12 @@
### Constants
-### Prototypes
-sub __Add_var ($$$);
-# Internal variables
-my $DEBUG = 0;
-sub __Add_var ($$$) {
- my ( $V, $var, $val ) = @_;
- if ( $var =~ /^((\\\.|[^.])*[^\\])\./ ) {
- my $esc1 = $1;
- my $quote = $';
- $esc1 =~ s/\\\././g;
- if ( !defined( $V->{$esc1} ) ) {
- $V->{$esc1} = {};
- }
- if ( !ref( $V->{$esc1} ) ) {
- return ($CODE->{'SYNTAX'});
- }
- __Add_var( $V->{$esc1}, $quote, $val );
- }
- else {
- $var =~ s/\\\././g;
- if ( defined( $V->{$var} ) ) {
-# print "Syntax error\n" ;
- return ($CODE->{'SYNTAX'});
- }
- $V->{$var} = $val;
- return (0);
- }
# Subst_vars
sub Subst_vars ($$) {
my ( $str, $hash_subst ) = @_;
$str =~ s/%([^\%]+)%/$hash_subst->{$1}/gm;
-# while ( $str =~ s/%([^%\s]*)%/$SUBST{"$1"}/ ) { }
-# foreach my $elt ( split ( '%', $str ) ) {
-# next if ( $elt eq '' );
-# if ( defined $hash_subst->{$elt} ) {
-# $str =~ s/%$elt%/$hash_subst->{$elt}/;
-# }
-# }
return $str;
-my $PFTOOLS_VARS = {};
-sub Parser_pftools ($$) {
- my ( $fic_conf, $substdestvars ) = @_;
- my $CONF = {};
- my $LOCATION = {} ;
- my $current = ']';
- my @FIC_CONF = ();
- my @ALL_CONF = ();
- my @FH = () ;
- my @line = ();
- my @cond = ();
- unshift @FIC_CONF, $fic_conf;
- unshift @ALL_CONF, $fic_conf;
- unshift @line, 0;
- print "Opening $FIC_CONF[0]\n" if ( $DEBUG );
- open( $FH[0], $FIC_CONF[0] )
- || Abort( $$CODE->{'OPEN'}, "Impossible d'ouvrir " . $FIC_CONF[0] );
- print "Filehandles --> @FH\n" if ( $DEBUG );
- while ( $#FH >= 0 ) {
- my $fh = $FH[0]; # Perl gruik, ne pas simplifier!!!
- LOADCONFLINE: while (<$fh>) {
-# print "Using fh --> $fh\n" ;
- # Compter les lignes
- $line[0]++;
- # Eliminer les commentaires et les espaces inutiles
- chomp;
- s/^\s*//;
- s/\s*$//;
- s/\s*#.*$//;
- # Ne pas traiter les lignes vides
- next if (/^$/);
- # Traitement des directives IF (0 param)
- if (/^\@([^\s]+)$/) {
- if ( $1 eq "else" ) {
- if ( $#cond < 0 ) {
- Abort ( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
- $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
- . $line[0]
- . ": else sans if" );
- }
- $cond[0] = ( $#cond > 0 && !$cond[1] ) ? 0 : !$cond[0];
- next;
- }
- elsif ( $1 eq "endif" ) {
- if ( $#cond < 0 ) {
- Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
- $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
- . $line[0]
- . ": endif sans if" );
- }
- shift @cond;
- next;
- }
- }
- # Traitement des directives IF (1 param)
- if (/^\@([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)$/) {
- if ( $1 eq "ifdef" ) {
- if ( defined $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} ) {
- unshift @cond, ( $#cond > 0 && !$cond[1] ) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- else {
- unshift @cond, 0;
- }
- next;
- }
- elsif ( $1 eq "ifndef" ) {
- if ( not defined $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} ) {
- unshift @cond, 0;
- }
- else {
- unshift @cond, ( $#cond > 0 && !$cond[1] ) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- next;
- }
- elsif ( $1 eq "if" ) {
- if ( defined $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} && $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} ) {
- unshift @cond, ( $#cond > 0 && !$cond[1] ) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- else {
- unshift @cond, 0;
- }
- next;
- }
- elsif ( $1 eq "ifnot" ) {
- if ( defined $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} && ! $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} ) {
- unshift @cond, 0;
- }
- else {
- unshift @cond, ( $#cond > 0 && !$cond[1] ) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- next;
- }
- }
- # Seulement les directives IF si condition fausse
- next if ( $#cond >= 0 && !$cond[0] );
- if (/^\@([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)$/) {
- if ( $1 eq "include" ) {
- my $fic_conf = $2;
- my $oldficconf;
- if ( $fic_conf =~ m|/| ) {
- Abort( $CODE->{'OPEN'},
- $FIC_CONF[1] . ":"
- . $line[1]
- . ": Include avec chemin interdit" );
- }
- if ( $FIC_CONF[0] =~ m|^(.*)/[^/]*$| ) {
- $fic_conf = $1 . '/include-' . $fic_conf;
- }
- else {
- $fic_conf = "include-" . $fic_conf;
- }
- foreach $oldficconf (@ALL_CONF) {
- if ( $fic_conf eq $oldficconf ) {
- Warn( $CODE->{'OPEN'},
- $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
- . $line[0] . ": "
- . $fic_conf
- . " deja inclus ligne "
- . $LOCATION->{'include'}->{$fic_conf}->{'line'}
- . " dans "
- . $LOCATION->{'include'}->{$fic_conf}->{'source'} );
- }
- }
- $LOCATION->{'include'}->{$fic_conf}->{'line'} = $line[0] ;
- $LOCATION->{'include'}->{$fic_conf}->{'source'} = $FIC_CONF[0] ;
- unshift @FIC_CONF, $fic_conf;
- unshift @ALL_CONF, $fic_conf;
- unshift @line, 0;
- print "Opening $FIC_CONF[0]\n" if ( $DEBUG );
- my $newfh ;
- open( $newfh, $FIC_CONF[0] )
- || Abort( $CODE->{'OPEN'},
- $FIC_CONF[1] . ":"
- . $line[1]
- . ": Impossible d'inclure "
- . $FIC_CONF[0] );
- ; # Perl gruik, ne pas simplifier!!!
- print "File list after including $FIC_CONF[0] ".join ( " ", @ALL_CONF )."\n" if ( $DEBUG );
- unshift @FH, $newfh ;
- $fh = $newfh ;
- print "Filehandles list after inclusion --> @FH\n" if ( $DEBUG );
- }
- elsif ( $1 eq "define" ) {
- if ( defined( $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} ) ) {
- Warn( $CODE->{'OPEN'},
- $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
- . $line[0] . ": "
- . $2
- . " deja defini" );
- }
- else {
- $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} = 1;
- }
- }
- elsif ( $1 eq "undef" ) {
- if ( not defined( $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2} ) ) {
- Warn( $CODE->{'OPEN'},
- $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
- . $line[0] . ": "
- . $2
- . " deja non defini" );
- }
- else {
- undef $PFTOOLS_VARS->{$2};
- }
- }
- else {
- Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
- $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
- . $line[0]
- . ": Directive "
- . $1
- . " inconnue" );
- }
- next;
- }
- # Detection des sections
- if (/^\[([^\]]+)\]$/) {
- if ( defined $substdestvars && $substdestvars ) {
- $current = Subst_vars( $1, $substdestvars );
- }
- else {
- $current = $1;
- }
- if ( defined( $CONF->{$current} ) ) {
- Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
- $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
- . $line[0] . ": ["
- . $current
- . "] dupliquee (precedente a "
- . $LOCATION->{$current}->{_location}
- . ")" );
- }
- else {
- $CONF->{$current} = {};
- $LOCATION->{$current}->{_location}
- = $FIC_CONF[0] . ":" . $line[0];
- }
- next;
- }
- # Traitement des variables
- if (/^([^\s]+)\s*=\s*(.+)$/) {
- my ( $var, $val ) = ( $1, $2 ) ;
- if ( defined( $CONF->{$current}->{$var} ) ) {
- Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
- $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
- . $line[0] . ": "
- . $var
- . " dupliquee (precedente a "
- . $LOCATION->{$current}->{$var}->{_location}
- . ")" );
- }
- else {
- if ( __Add_var( $CONF->{$current}, $var, $val ) == $CODE->{'SYNTAX'} )
- {
- Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
- $FIC_CONF[0] . ":"
- . $line[0] . ": "
- . $var
- . " dupliquee (precedente a "
- . $LOCATION->{$current}->{$var}->{_location}
- . ")" );
- }
- $LOCATION->{$current}->{$var}->{_location}
- = $FIC_CONF[0] . ":" . $line[0];
- }
- }
- else {
- Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'},
- $FIC_CONF[0] . ":" . $line[0] . ": Erreur de syntaxe" );
- }
- }
- close( $FH[0] ) ;
- print "Closing $FIC_CONF[0] -- $FH[0]\n" if ( $DEBUG );
- shift @FH;
- print "Filehandles after closing --> @FH\n" if ( $DEBUG );
- shift @line;
- shift @FIC_CONF;
- }
- # Conditions non fermees
- if ( $#cond >= 0 ) {
- Abort( $CODE->{'SYNTAX'}, "EOC: endif manquant" );
- }
- return ($CONF);
sub Parser_ini ($) {
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