pf-tools/pf-tools: 9 new changesets

parmelan-guest at parmelan-guest at
Sun Jan 9 19:38:12 UTC 2011

changeset: 1162:584b86ad3452
user:      Thomas Parmelan <tom+pf-tools at>
date:      Thu Jan 06 19:01:34 2011 +0100
New function get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref()

changeset: 1163:603bd92721ae
user:      Thomas Parmelan <tom+pf-tools at>
date:      Fri Jan 07 08:24:42 2011 +0100
New function trim_surrounding_whitespace()

changeset: 1164:c308b5ab0ad8
user:      Thomas Parmelan <tom+pf-tools at>
date:      Fri Jan 07 08:29:06 2011 +0100
Use trim_surrounding_whitespace() in get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref()

changeset: 1165:9b158ff22f58
user:      Thomas Parmelan <tom+pf-tools at>
date:      Fri Jan 07 08:32:21 2011 +0100
Rewrite Change_kopt_for_hostname() as fix_grub_kopt() using check_* and __make_file()

changeset: 1166:55d04b2d7db0
user:      Thomas Parmelan <tom+pf-tools at>
date:      Fri Jan 07 18:18:47 2011 +0100
Tests for get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref()

changeset: 1167:24290088610d
user:      Thomas Parmelan <tom+pf-tools at>
date:      Fri Jan 07 18:27:45 2011 +0100
Style: reorder

changeset: 1168:06c4e0edbfa0
user:      Thomas Parmelan <tom+pf-tools at>
date:      Fri Jan 07 18:36:02 2011 +0100
Tests for get_cmdline_from_host_ref()

changeset: 1169:bbcb1d726cd6
user:      Thomas Parmelan <tom+pf-tools at>
date:      Fri Jan 07 18:39:28 2011 +0100
Tests for get_distrib_from_host_ref()

changeset: 1170:c8d956f0d489
user:      Thomas Parmelan <tom+pf-tools at>
date:      Fri Jan 07 18:54:58 2011 +0100
Tests for get_host_config()


7 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
lib/PFTools/     |    3 +++
lib/PFTools/             |    2 --
sbin/mk_grubopt                  |    8 +++++---
t/10.whitespace.t                |   17 +++++++++++++++++
t/13.conf.t                      |    1 -
t/20.files.fix_grub_kopt.input.1 |    5 +++++
t/20.files.fix_grub_kopt.input.2 |    6 ++++++

diffs (1558 lines):

diff -r 418635e2d6eb -r c8d956f0d489 lib/
--- a/lib/	Mon Jan 03 12:05:47 2011 +0100
+++ b/lib/	Fri Jan 07 18:54:58 2011 +0100
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+    trim_surrounding_whitespace
 #our @EXPORT_OK = qw();
@@ -226,5 +227,32 @@
     return 1;
+=head2 trim_surrounding_whitespace($string)
+Just like the name suggets!
+sub trim_surrounding_whitespace {
+    my ($string) = @_;
+    if ( ref $string ) {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-scalar string};
+    }
+    return unless defined $string;
+    $string =~ s{
+        \A
+        \s*         # leading whitespace
+        ( .*? )     # not greedy, to allow whitespace between
+                    # non-whitespace parts!
+        \s*         # trailing whitespace
+        \z
+    }{$1}xms;
+    return $string;
 1;    # Magic true value required at end of module
diff -r 418635e2d6eb -r c8d956f0d489 lib/PFTools/
--- a/lib/PFTools/	Mon Jan 03 12:05:47 2011 +0100
+++ b/lib/PFTools/	Fri Jan 07 18:54:58 2011 +0100
@@ -29,8 +29,13 @@
 use English qw( -no_match_vars );    # Avoids regex performance penalty
 use List::MoreUtils qw( uniq );
+use PFTools;
+our @CARP_NOT = qw( PFTools );
 our @EXPORT = qw(
+    get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref
@@ -52,6 +57,110 @@
 our @EXPORT_OK = qw ();
+=head2 get_cmdline_from_host_ref($host_ref)
+Returns a list of two elements. The second one contains the bonding-related
+part of the cmdline, the first one is the rest.
+sub get_cmdline_from_host_ref {
+    my ($host_ref) = @_;
+    if ( ref $host_ref ne 'HASH' ) {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-hash reference host_ref};
+    }
+    my $cmdline = $host_ref->{'boot'}->{'cmdline'} || q{};
+    my $bond_cmdline = q{};
+    foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{ $host_ref->{'interfaces'} } ) {
+        next if $iface !~ m{\A bond }xms;
+        $bond_cmdline
+            = qq/bonding.mode=$host_ref->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{'mode'}/;
+        foreach my $opt (
+            split qr{ \s* [,] \s* }xms,
+            $host_ref->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{'options'}
+            )
+        {
+            $bond_cmdline .= qq{ bonding.$opt};
+        }
+        last;
+    }
+    return ( $cmdline, $bond_cmdline );
+=head2 get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref($host_ref)
+Builds the complete cmdline with get_cmdline_from_host_ref() and removes both
+leading and trailing whitespace. Returns the complete cmdline.
+sub get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref {
+    my ($host_ref) = @_;
+    my $cmdline = join q{ }, get_cmdline_from_host_ref($host_ref);
+    return trim_surrounding_whitespace($cmdline);
+=head2 get_distrib_from_host_ref($host_ref)
+Returns the distribution name for the host described by I<$host_ref>.
+sub get_distrib_from_host_ref {
+    my ($host_ref) = @_;
+    if ( ref $host_ref ne 'HASH' ) {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-hash reference host_ref};
+    }
+    return $host_ref->{'deployment'}->{'distrib'};
+=head2 get_host_config( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name )
+This function returns a reference to the host config hash for I<$hostname>.
+I<$site_name> is optional.
+sub get_host_config {
+    my ( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name ) = @_;
+    $site_name ||= get_uniq_site_from_hostname( $hostname, $global_config );
+    my $hosttype
+        = get_hosttype_from_hostname( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name );
+    my $site_ref = get_site_config( $site_name, $global_config );
+    my $zone = $site_ref->{'zone'};
+    my ($hostshort)
+        = get_hostshort_hostvlan_zone_from_fqdn( $hostname, $zone );
+    if ( not $hostshort ) {
+        croak
+            qq{ERROR: Unable to get hostshort from hostname $hostname};
+    }
+    my $host_config
+        = $site_ref->{'HOST'}->{'BY_NAME'}->{$hosttype}->{$hostshort};
+    unless ($host_config) {
+        croak qq{ERROR: hostname $hostname: no configuration found};
+    }
+    unless ( ref $host_config eq q{HASH} ) {
+        croak qq{ERROR: host_config for hostname $hostname is not an array reference (BUG?)};
+    }
+    return $host_config;
 =head2 get_hostshort_hostvlan_from_fqdn($fqdn, $zone)
@@ -111,6 +220,233 @@
     return @return;
+get_hosttype_from_hostname ( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name )
+Returns the hosttype.
+sub get_hosttype_from_hostname {
+    my ( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name ) = @_;
+    if ( not $hostname ) {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid empty $hostname};
+    }
+    if ( ref $hostname ) {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-scalar $hostname};
+    }
+    if ( ref $global_config ne 'HASH' ) {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-hash reference global_config};
+    }
+    if ( $site_name and ref $site_name ) {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-scalar site_name};
+    }
+    my $site_list = ($site_name)
+        ? [$site_name]
+        : $global_config->{'SITE'}->{'__site_list'};
+    foreach my $site ( @{$site_list} ) {
+        my $site_ref = get_site_config( $site, $global_config );
+        my $host_part = $site_ref->{'HOST'}->{'BY_NAME'};
+        foreach my $hostclass ( keys %{$host_part} ) {
+            return $hostclass if $hostclass eq $hostname;
+            foreach my $host ( keys %{ $host_part->{$hostclass} } ) {
+                return $hostclass if $host eq $hostname;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    croak qq{ERROR: Unknown hostname '$hostname'}
+        . ( $site_name ? qq{ on site '$site_name'} : q{} );
+=head2 get_iface_vlan_from_hostname( $vlan, $host_ref )
+This function returns the interface name for a given vlan.
+sub get_iface_vlan_from_hostname {
+    my ( $vlan, $host_ref ) = @_;
+    foreach my $iface ( keys %{ $host_ref->{'interfaces'} } ) {
+        if ( $host_ref->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{'vlan'} eq $vlan ) {
+            return $iface;
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+=head2 get_mode_from_host_ref($host_ref)
+Returns the deployment mode for the host described by I<$host_ref>.
+sub get_mode_from_host_ref {
+    my ($host_ref) = @_;
+    return $host_ref->{'deployment'}->{'mode'};
+=head2 get_pkgtype_from_hostname( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name )
+This function returns the pkgtype for I<$hostname>. I<$site_name> is optional.
+The only pkgtype currently implemented is 'deb'.
+sub get_pkgtype_from_hostname {
+    my ( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name ) = @_;
+    my $host_props = get_host_config( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name );
+    my %pkgtype_for = (
+        debian => q{deb},
+        ubuntu => q{deb},
+    );
+    my $mode = $host_props->{'deployment'}->{'mode'};
+    if ( not exists $pkgtype_for{$mode} ) {
+        croak qq{ERROR: Unknown/not implemented deployment mode $mode};
+    }
+    return $pkgtype_for{$mode};
+=head2 get_site_config( $site_name, $global_config )
+This function returns a reference to the site configuration hash for
+sub get_site_config {
+    my ( $site_name, $global_config ) = @_;
+    if ( not $site_name or ref $site_name ) {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid site_name};
+    }
+    if (ref $global_config ne 'HASH'
+        or not exists $global_config->{'SITE'}->{'BY_NAME'}
+        )
+    {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid global_config};
+    }
+    my $site_ref = $global_config->{'SITE'}->{'BY_NAME'}->{$site_name};
+    if ( not $site_ref ) {
+        croak qq{ERROR: Unknown site '$site_name'};
+    }
+    return $site_ref;
+=head2 get_site_dhcp_config( $site_name, $global_config )
+This function returns a reference to the site DHCP configuration hash for
+sub get_site_dhcp_config {
+    my ( $site_name, $global_config ) = @_;
+    if ( not $site_name or ref $site_name ) {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid site_name};
+    }
+    if (ref $global_config ne 'HASH'
+        or not exists $global_config->{'DHCP'}->{'BY_SITE'}
+        )
+    {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid global_config};
+    }
+    my $site_ref = $global_config->{'DHCP'}->{'BY_SITE'}->{$site_name};
+    if ( not $site_ref ) {
+        croak qq{ERROR: Unknown site '$site_name'};
+    }
+    return $site_ref;
+=head2 get_site_list_from_hostname( $hostname, $global_config )
+This function returns the list of sites for a given hostname.
+sub get_site_list_from_hostname {
+    my ( $hostname, $global_config ) = @_;
+    if ( not $hostname ) {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid empty hostname};
+    }
+    if ( ref $hostname ) {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-scalar hostname};
+    }
+    if ( ref $global_config ne 'HASH' ) {
+        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-hash reference global_config};
+    }
+    my @site_list = ();
+    foreach my $site ( @{ $global_config->{'SITE'}->{'__site_list'} } ) {
+        my $site_ref = get_site_config( $site, $global_config );
+        my $host_part = $site_ref->{'HOST'}->{'BY_NAME'};
+        foreach my $hostclass ( keys %{$host_part} ) {
+            if ( $hostclass eq $hostname ) {
+                push @site_list, $site;
+                next;
+            }
+            foreach my $host ( keys %{ $host_part->{$hostclass} } ) {
+                if ( $host eq $hostname ) {
+                    push @site_list, $site;
+                    last;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    @site_list = uniq @site_list;
+    return \@site_list;
+=head2 get_site_list_from_section ( $section_ref, $global_config )
+This function builds up the list of sites specified in a given section (hash).
+Returns a reference to the list.
+sub get_site_list_from_section {
+    my ( $section_ref, $global_config ) = @_;
+    if ( $section_ref->{'site'} eq 'ALL' ) {
+        return $global_config->{'SITE'}->{'__site_list'};
+    }
+    my @site_list = split qr{ \s* [,] \s* }xms, $section_ref->{'site'};
+# FIXME also permit '@site' notation ?
+# @site_list = ( @$section_ref->{'@site'}, split qr{ \s* [,] \s* }xms, $section_ref->{'site'} );
+    return \@site_list;
 =head2 get_suffix_from_ip_type ( $ip_type )
 This function returns the suffix according to an IP type on the global
@@ -129,6 +465,25 @@
         : q{};
     return $suffix;
+=head2 get_vlan_config( $vlan_name, $global_config, $site_name )
+This function returns a reference to the vlan config hash for I<$vlan_name>.
+I<$site_name> is mandatory.
+sub get_vlan_config {
+    my ( $vlan_name, $global_config, $site_name ) = @_;
+    unless ($site_name) {
+        croak q{ERROR: $site MUST BE defined};
+    }
+    my $site_ref = get_site_config( $site_name, $global_config );
+    return $site_ref->{'NETWORK'}->{'BY_NAME'}->{$vlan_name};
 =head2 get_uniq_site_from_hostname( $hostname, $global_config )
@@ -167,117 +522,6 @@
     return $site_ref->{'zone'};
-get_hosttype_from_hostname ( $hostname, $global_config, $site )
-Returns the hosttype.
-sub get_hosttype_from_hostname {
-    my ( $hostname, $global_config, $site ) = @_;
-    if ( not $hostname ) {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid empty $hostname};
-    }
-    if ( ref $hostname ) {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-scalar $hostname};
-    }
-    if ( not $global_config ) {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid empty $global_config};
-    }
-    if ( ref $global_config ne 'HASH' ) {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-hashref $global_config};
-    }
-    if ( $site and ref $site ) {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-scalar $site};
-    }
-    my $site_list = ($site)
-        ? [$site]
-        : $global_config->{'SITE'}->{'__site_list'};
-    foreach my $site ( @{$site_list} ) {
-        my $site_ref = get_site_config( $site, $global_config );
-        my $host_part = $site_ref->{'HOST'}->{'BY_NAME'};
-        foreach my $hostclass ( keys %{$host_part} ) {
-            return $hostclass if $hostclass eq $hostname;
-            foreach my $host ( keys %{ $host_part->{$hostclass} } ) {
-                return $hostclass if $host eq $hostname;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    croak qq{ERROR: Unknown hostname $hostname}
-        . ( $site ? qq{ on site $site} : q{} );
-=head2 get_iface_vlan_from_hostname( $vlan, $host_ref )
-This function returns the interface name for a given vlan.
-sub get_iface_vlan_from_hostname {
-    my ( $vlan, $host_ref ) = @_;
-    foreach my $iface ( keys %{ $host_ref->{'interfaces'} } ) {
-        if ( $host_ref->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{'vlan'} eq $vlan ) {
-            return $iface;
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-=head2 get_site_list_from_hostname( $hostname, $global_config )
-This function returns the list of sites for a given hostname.
-sub get_site_list_from_hostname {
-    my ( $hostname, $global_config ) = @_;
-    if ( not $hostname ) {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid empty hostname};
-    }
-    if ( ref $hostname ) {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-scalar hostname};
-    }
-    if ( ref $global_config ne 'HASH' ) {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-hashref global_config};
-    }
-    my @site_list = ();
-    foreach my $site ( @{ $global_config->{'SITE'}->{'__site_list'} } ) {
-        my $site_ref = get_site_config( $site, $global_config );
-        my $host_part = $site_ref->{'HOST'}->{'BY_NAME'};
-        foreach my $hostclass ( keys %{$host_part} ) {
-            if ( $hostclass eq $hostname ) {
-                push @site_list, $site;
-                next;
-            }
-            foreach my $host ( keys %{ $host_part->{$hostclass} } ) {
-                if ( $host eq $hostname ) {
-                    push @site_list, $site;
-                    last;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @site_list = uniq @site_list;
-    return \@site_list;
 =head2 get_zone_from_site( $site_name, $global_config )
 Returns a reference to the hash describing the zone for a given site.
@@ -289,141 +533,6 @@
     my $site_ref = get_site_config( $site_name, $global_config );
     return $site_ref->{'zone'};
-=head2 get_site_list_from_section ( $section_ref, $global_config )
-This function builds up the list of sites specified in a given section (hash).
-Returns a reference to the list.
-sub get_site_list_from_section {
-    my ( $section_ref, $global_config ) = @_;
-    if ( $section_ref->{'site'} eq 'ALL' ) {
-        return $global_config->{'SITE'}->{'__site_list'};
-    }
-    my @site_list = split qr{ \s* [,] \s* }xms, $section_ref->{'site'};
-# FIXME also permit '@site' notation ?
-# @site_list = ( @$section_ref->{'@site'}, split qr{ \s* [,] \s* }xms, $section_ref->{'site'} );
-    return \@site_list;
-=head2 get_host_config( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name )
-This function returns a reference to the host config hash for I<$hostname>.
-I<$site_name> is optional.
-sub get_host_config {
-    my ( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name ) = @_;
-    $site_name ||= get_uniq_site_from_hostname( $hostname, $global_config );
-    my $hosttype
-        = get_hosttype_from_hostname( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name );
-    my $site_ref = get_site_config( $site_name, $global_config );
-    my $zone = $site_ref->{'zone'};
-    my ($hostshort)
-        = get_hostshort_hostvlan_zone_from_fqdn( $hostname, $zone );
-    if ( not $hostshort ) {
-        croak
-            qq{ERROR: Unable to get hostshort from hostname $hostname};
-    }
-    my $host_config
-        = $site_ref->{'HOST'}->{'BY_NAME'}->{$hosttype}->{$hostshort};
-    unless ($host_config) {
-        croak qq{ERROR: hostname $hostname: no configuration found};
-    }
-    return $host_config;
-=head2 get_site_dhcp_config( $site_name, $global_config )
-This function returns a reference to the site DHCP configuration hash for
-sub get_site_dhcp_config {
-    my ( $site_name, $global_config ) = @_;
-    if ( not $site_name or ref $site_name ) {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid site_name};
-    }
-    if (ref $global_config ne 'HASH'
-        or not exists $global_config->{'DHCP'}->{'BY_SITE'}
-        )
-    {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid global_config};
-    }
-    my $site_ref = $global_config->{'DHCP'}->{'BY_SITE'}->{$site_name};
-    if ( not $site_ref ) {
-        croak qq{ERROR: Unknown site '$site_name'};
-    }
-    return $site_ref;
-=head2 get_site_config( $site_name, $global_config )
-This function returns a reference to the site configuration hash for
-sub get_site_config {
-    my ( $site_name, $global_config ) = @_;
-    if ( not $site_name or ref $site_name ) {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid site_name};
-    }
-    if (ref $global_config ne 'HASH'
-        or not exists $global_config->{'SITE'}->{'BY_NAME'}
-        )
-    {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid global_config};
-    }
-    my $site_ref = $global_config->{'SITE'}->{'BY_NAME'}->{$site_name};
-    if ( not $site_ref ) {
-        croak qq{ERROR: Unknown site '$site_name'};
-    }
-    return $site_ref;
-=head2 get_vlan_config( $vlan_name, $global_config, $site_name )
-This function returns a reference to the vlan config hash for I<$vlan_name>.
-I<$site_name> is mandatory.
-sub get_vlan_config {
-    my ( $vlan_name, $global_config, $site_name ) = @_;
-    unless ($site_name) {
-        croak q{ERROR: $site MUST BE defined};
-    }
-    my $site_ref = get_site_config( $site_name, $global_config );
-    return $site_ref->{'NETWORK'}->{'BY_NAME'}->{$vlan_name};
 =head2 is_private_vlan( $vlan_name, $global_config, $site_name )
@@ -455,90 +564,6 @@
     my $scope = $site_ref->{'NETWORK'}->{'BY_NAME'}->{$vlan_name}->{'scope'};
     return $scope eq 'private';
-=head2 get_pkgtype_from_hostname( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name )
-This function returns the pkgtype for I<$hostname>. I<$site_name> is optional.
-The only pkgtype currently implemented is 'deb'.
-sub get_pkgtype_from_hostname {
-    my ( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name ) = @_;
-    my $host_props = get_host_config( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name );
-    my %pkgtype_for = (
-        debian => q{deb},
-        ubuntu => q{deb},
-    );
-    my $mode = $host_props->{'deployment'}->{'mode'};
-    if ( not exists $pkgtype_for{$mode} ) {
-        croak qq{ERROR: Unknown/not implemented deployment mode $mode};
-    }
-    return $pkgtype_for{$mode};
-=head2 get_cmdline_from_host_ref($host_ref)
-Returns a list of two elements. The second one contains the bonding-related
-part of the cmdline, the first one is the rest.
-sub get_cmdline_from_host_ref {
-    my ($host_ref) = @_;
-    my $cmdline = $host_ref->{'boot'}->{'cmdline'} || q{};
-    my $bond_cmdline = q{};
-    foreach my $iface ( sort keys %{ $host_ref->{'interfaces'} } ) {
-        next if $iface !~ m{\A bond }xms;
-        $bond_cmdline
-            = qq/bonding.mode=$host_ref->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{'mode'}/;
-        foreach my $opt (
-            split qr{ \s* [,] \s* }xms,
-            $host_ref->{'interfaces'}->{$iface}->{'options'}
-            )
-        {
-            $bond_cmdline .= qq{ bonding.$opt};
-        }
-        last;
-    }
-    return ( $cmdline, $bond_cmdline );
-=head2 get_distrib_from_host_ref($host_ref)
-Returns the distribution name for the host described by I<$host_ref>.
-sub get_distrib_from_host_ref {
-    my ($host_ref) = @_;
-    if ( ref $host_ref ne 'HASH' ) {
-        croak q{ERROR: Invalid non-hashref $host_ref};
-    }
-    return $host_ref->{'deployment'}->{'distrib'};
-=head2 get_mode_from_host_ref($host_ref)
-Returns the deployment mode for the host described by I<$host_ref>.
-sub get_mode_from_host_ref {
-    my ($host_ref) = @_;
-    return $host_ref->{'deployment'}->{'mode'};
 =head2 resolve_hostname_from_global_config($arguments_ref)
diff -r 418635e2d6eb -r c8d956f0d489 lib/PFTools/
--- a/lib/PFTools/	Mon Jan 03 12:05:47 2011 +0100
+++ b/lib/PFTools/	Fri Jan 07 18:54:58 2011 +0100
@@ -51,12 +51,11 @@
-    Change_kopt_for_hostname
 our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+    fix_grub_kopt
@@ -478,7 +477,7 @@
         $args_ref, q{},
-        qw( input_filename output_filename )
+        qw( output_filename )
@@ -530,61 +529,29 @@
     return 1;
-# FIXME tests
-# FIXME doc
-# FIXME named arguments
-# FIXME convert to __make_file()
-sub Change_kopt_for_hostname {
-    my ($hostname, $site_name, $grub_src, $dst, $grub_version, $global_config,
-        $pf_config
-        )
-        = @_;
+=head2 fix_grub_kopt($args_ref)
-    my $host_ref = get_host_config( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name );
-    my $mode = $host_ref->{'deployment'}->{'mode'};
+Reads a GRUB configuration file, fixes the kopt configuration, and writes the
+resulting GRUB configuration file. See C<__fix_grub_kopt()> documentation for
-    my $cmdline = join q{ }, get_cmdline_from_host_ref($host_ref);
-    $cmdline =~ s{ \A \s* }{}xms;    # Remove leading white space
-    my $grub_key = $grub_version == 1 ? q{} : $grub_version;
-    $grub_src ||= $pf_config->{$mode}->{"grub$grub_key"};
+sub fix_grub_kopt {
+    my ($args_ref) = @_;
-    my $lines_ref = __read_file_in_array( $grub_src, 1 );
+    check_mandatory_true_args_type(
+        $args_ref, q{},
+        qw( output_filename )
+    );
-    foreach my $line ( @{$lines_ref} ) {
-        if ($grub_version == 1
-            and $line =~ m{ \A [#] kopt=.* \z }xms
-            or $grub_version == 2
-            and $line =~ m{ \A GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=".*" \z }xms
-            )
+    __make_file(
-            if ( $cmdline and $line !~ m{ \Q $cmdline \E ["] \z }xms ) {
-                $line =~ s{ ["] \z }{ $cmdline" }xms
-                    ;  # FIXME really want to add a " if $grub_version == 1 ??
-            }
+            %{$args_ref},
+            file_type => q{grub_config},
+            filename  => $args_ref->{'output_filename'},
-    }
-    # Either STDOUT or a tempfile...
-    my ( $dst_fh, $dst_fn );
-    if ( $dst eq q{-} ) {
-        $dst_fh = IO::File->new();
-        unless ( $dst_fh->fdopen( fileno(STDOUT), q{>} ) ) {
-            croak qq{ERROR: fdopen STDOUT: $OS_ERROR};
-        }
-        $dst_fn = $dst;
-    }
-    else {
-        $dst_fh = File::Temp->new( unlink => 0 );    # will croak() on error
-        $dst_fn = $dst_fh->filename();
-    }
-    __write_array_to_filehandle( $dst_fh, $dst_fn, $lines_ref, qq{\n} );
-    if ( $dst ne q{-} ) {
-        __move_if_different( $dst_fn, $dst );
-    }
+    );
     return 1;
@@ -1333,8 +1300,7 @@
     # Get cmdline, remove leading and trailing whitespace
-    ( my $cmdline = join q{ }, get_cmdline_from_host_ref($host_ref) )
-        =~ s{ \A \s* (\S*) \s* \z}{$1}xms;
+    my $cmdline = get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref($host_ref);
     my $vars_ref = {
         'iface'        => $iface,
@@ -1928,6 +1894,104 @@
     return $lines_ref;
+=head2 __fix_grub_kopt($args_ref)
+Reads a GRUB configuration file, fixes the kopt configuration, and returns a
+reference to the list of (possibly updated) lines. Takes the following named
+=item I<hostname> the host name
+=item I<site_name> (optional) the site name
+=item I<input_filename> the file to read from (optional, a default value is
+provided in $global_config FIXME...)
+=item I<grub_version> the GRUB version (1 or 2)
+=item I<global_config> a reference to the global configuration hash
+=item I<pf_config> a reference to the pf-tools configuration hash
+sub __fix_grub_kopt {
+    my ($args_ref) = @_;
+    check_mandatory_true_args_type(
+        $args_ref, q{},
+        qw( hostname grub_version )
+    );
+    check_optional_args_type(
+        $args_ref, q{},
+        qw( site_name input_filename )
+    );
+    check_mandatory_args_type(
+        $args_ref, q{HASH},
+        qw( global_config pf_config )
+    );
+    my ($hostname, $site_name, $input_filename, $grub_version, $global_config,
+        $pf_config
+        )
+        = @{$args_ref}{qw( hostname site_name input_filename grub_version global_config )};
+    if ( $grub_version != 1 and $grub_version != 2 ) {
+        croak qq{ERROR: Invalid grub_version '$grub_version'};
+    }
+    my $host_ref = get_host_config( $hostname, $global_config, $site_name );
+    my $mode = $host_ref->{'deployment'}->{'mode'};
+    my $cmdline = get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref($host_ref);
+    my $grub_key = $grub_version == 1 ? q{} : $grub_version;
+    $input_filename ||= $pf_config->{$mode}->{"grub$grub_key"};
+    my $lines_ref = __read_file_in_array( $input_filename, 1 );
+    # If no $cmdline, nothing to change
+    if ($cmdline) {
+        foreach my $line ( @{$lines_ref} ) {
+            if (    $grub_version == 1
+                and $line =~ m{ \A [#] [ ] kopt= \s* (.*) \s* \z }xms )
+            {
+                my $old_kopt = $1;
+                if ( $old_kopt =~ m{ \Q$cmdline\E }xms ) {
+                    next;
+                }
+                my $new_kopt
+                    = trim_surrounding_whitespace( join q{ }, $old_kopt,
+                    $cmdline );
+                $line = qq{# kopt=$new_kopt};
+            }
+            if (    $grub_version == 2
+                and $line =~ m{ \A GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="(.*)" \z }xms )
+            {
+                my $old_kopt = $1;
+                if ( $old_kopt =~ m{ \Q$cmdline\E }xms ) {
+                    next;
+                }
+                my $new_kopt
+                    = trim_surrounding_whitespace( join q{ }, $old_kopt,
+                    $cmdline );
+                $line = qq{GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="$new_kopt"};
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $lines_ref;
 =head2 __build_dhcpd_conf($args_ref)
 Builds the I<dhcpd.conf> content for a given site. Returns a reference to the
@@ -2295,6 +2359,7 @@
 my %build_content_for = (
     q{dhcpd.conf}   => \&__build_dhcpd_conf,
     etc_hosts       => \&__fix_etc_hosts,
+    grub_config     => \&__fix_grub_kopt,
     interfaces      => \&__build_interfaces,
     preseed         => \&__build_preseed,
     pxe_boot        => \&__build_pxe_boot,
diff -r 418635e2d6eb -r c8d956f0d489 sbin/mk_grubopt
--- a/sbin/mk_grubopt	Mon Jan 03 12:05:47 2011 +0100
+++ b/sbin/mk_grubopt	Fri Jan 07 18:54:58 2011 +0100
@@ -26,33 +26,27 @@
 use Sys::Hostname;
 use PFTools::Structqueries;
-use PFTools::Utils;
+use PFTools::Utils qw( Init_TOOLS fix_grub_kopt );
 # Vars
 my @options_specs = (
+    'config|c=s',
+    'grub-version|v=s',
+    'input|i=s',
+    'output|o=s',
-    'src=s',
-    'grub=s',
-    'output|o=s',
-    'config|c=s',
 my $options = {
-    'config' => '',
+    'grub-version'   => 2,
     'host'   => hostname,
-    'help'   => 0,
-    'grub'   => 2,
-    'src'    => '',
     'output' => '-',
-my $PF_CONFIG     = {};
-my $GLOBAL_STRUCT = {};
 my $program = basename $PROGRAM_NAME;
@@ -63,14 +57,16 @@
     print STDERR << "# ENDHELP";
 Usage:	$program [options]
-	-h --help	: print help and exit
-	-h --host	: the hostname for which you want to build grub configuration
-	-s --site	: the site where the hostname is defined
-	--src		: the source for grub configuration
-	--grub		: version of grub default value is 2
-	-o --output	: destination for modified GRUB configuration default is STDOUT
+	-c --config	: path for accessing pf-tools.conf file
+	--help  	: print help and exit
+	-h, --host	: the hostname for which you want to build grub configuration
+	-v, --grub-version
+                : version of grub [default: 2]
+	-i, --input	: the grub configuration file to read
+	-o, --output: the grub configuration file to write [default: STDOUT]
+	-s, --site	: the site where the hostname is defined
 	--store		: path for accessing storable file containing the global configuration
-	-c --config	: path for accessing pf-tools.conf file
@@ -85,35 +81,25 @@
     exit 0;
+my ( $pf_config, $global_config ) = Init_TOOLS(
-unless ( $options->{'site'} ) {
-    $options->{'site'} = $PF_CONFIG->{'location'}->{'site'}
-        || get_uniq_site_from_hostname( $options->{'host'}, $GLOBAL_STRUCT );
+$options->{'site'} ||= $pf_config->{'location'}->{'site'}
+    || get_uniq_site_from_hostname( $options->{'host'}, $global_config );
-# FIXME get_site_dhcp_config()
-unless ( $GLOBAL_STRUCT->{'DHCP'}->{'BY_SITE'}->{ $options->{'site'} } ) {
-    die "Unknown DHCP site $options->{'site'}";
-if (
-    !Change_kopt_for_hostname(
-        $options->{'host'},
-        $options->{'site'},
-        $options->{'src'},
-        $options->{'output'},
-        $options->{'grub'},
-        $GLOBAL_STRUCT,
-        $PF_CONFIG
-    )
-    )
-    die "Unable to change kernel options(s) into file $options->{'src'}";
+    {
+        hostname        => $options->{'host'},
+        site_name       => $options->{'site'},
+        input_filename  => $options->{'input'},
+        output_filename => $options->{'output'},
+        grub_version    => $options->{'grub-version'},
+        global_config   => $global_config,
+        pf_config       => $pf_config,
+    }
 exit 0;
diff -r 418635e2d6eb -r c8d956f0d489 t/10.whitespace.t
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/t/10.whitespace.t	Fri Jan 07 18:54:58 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use English qw( -no_match_vars );    # Avoids regex performance penalty
+use Test::Exception;
+use Test::More qw( no_plan );
+use PFTools;
+note('Testing PFTools::trim_surrounding_whitespace');
+can_ok( 'PFTools', qw( trim_surrounding_whitespace ) );
+throws_ok { trim_surrounding_whitespace( {} ); }
+    qr{\A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-scalar [ ] string [ ] }xms
+    => 'Non-scalar argument';
+is trim_surrounding_whitespace(), undef
+    => q{Returns undef if no arg};
+is trim_surrounding_whitespace( q{} ), q{}
+    => q{Returns empty string if empty string};
+is trim_surrounding_whitespace( qq{  \t  } ), q{}
+    => q{Returns empty string if only whitespace};
+is trim_surrounding_whitespace( q{  abc  } ), q{abc}
+    => q{One word};
+is trim_surrounding_whitespace( q{  a  b  c  } ), q{a  b  c}
+    => q{Several words separated by whitespace};
diff -r 418635e2d6eb -r c8d956f0d489 t/13.conf.cfg1/config-export/MODEL/model-rdeploy
--- a/t/13.conf.cfg1/config-export/MODEL/model-rdeploy	Mon Jan 03 12:05:47 2011 +0100
+++ b/t/13.conf.cfg1/config-export/MODEL/model-rdeploy	Fri Jan 07 18:54:58 2011 +0100
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     kerneluml   = linux-uml-elf-2.4.26-gr1.9.15
     pxefilename = pxelinux.0
     console     = default
-#   cmdline     = pci=bfsort
+    cmdline     = pci=bfsort
     shortname   = vlan-systeme
diff -r 418635e2d6eb -r c8d956f0d489 t/13.conf.t
--- a/t/13.conf.t	Mon Jan 03 12:05:47 2011 +0100
+++ b/t/13.conf.t	Fri Jan 07 18:54:58 2011 +0100
@@ -1103,7 +1103,8 @@
                                     'kerneluml' =>
                                     'pxefilename' => 'pxelinux.0',
-                                    'console'     => 'default'
+                                    'console'     => 'default',
+                                    'cmdline'     => 'pci=bfsort',
                                 'interfaces' => {
                                     'eth0' => {
@@ -1133,7 +1134,8 @@
                                     'kerneluml' =>
                                     'pxefilename' => 'pxelinux.0',
-                                    'console'     => 'default'
+                                    'console'     => 'default',
+                                    'cmdline'     => 'pci=bfsort',
                                 'interfaces' => {
                                     'eth0' => {
@@ -1403,16 +1405,16 @@
     => q{Dies if non-scalar $hostname};
 throws_ok { get_hosttype_from_hostname('hostname') }
-qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] empty [ ] [\$] global_config }xms
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-hash [ ] reference [ ] global_config }xms
     => 'Dies if no global_config';
 throws_ok { get_hosttype_from_hostname( 'hostname', 'global_config' ) }
-qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-hashref [ ] [\$] global_config }xms
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-hash [ ] reference [ ] global_config }xms
     => q{Dies if non-hashref $global_config};
 throws_ok { get_hosttype_from_hostname( 'hostname', {}, {} ) }
-qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-scalar [ ] [\$] site }xms
-    => q{Dies if non-scalar $site};
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-scalar [ ] site_name }xms
+    => q{Dies if non-scalar $site_name};
 throws_ok { get_hosttype_from_hostname( 'hostname', {} ) }
 qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Unknown [ ] hostname }xms
@@ -1800,7 +1802,8 @@
                         'kernel'    => 'vmlinuz-',
                         'kerneluml' => 'linux-uml-elf-2.4.26-gr1.9.15',
                         'pxefilename' => 'pxelinux.0',
-                        'console'     => 'default'
+                        'console'     => 'default',
+                        'cmdline'     => 'pci=bfsort',
                     'interfaces' => {
                         'eth0' => {
@@ -1828,7 +1831,8 @@
                         'kernel'    => 'vmlinuz-',
                         'kerneluml' => 'linux-uml-elf-2.4.26-gr1.9.15',
                         'pxefilename' => 'pxelinux.0',
-                        'console'     => 'default'
+                        'console'     => 'default',
+                        'cmdline'     => 'pci=bfsort',
                     'interfaces' => {
                         'eth0' => {
@@ -1926,37 +1930,144 @@
 my @expected_result = qw( rdeploy00 vlan-systeme private );
 is_deeply \@result, \@expected_result
     => q{Returns the correct result for rdeploy00.vlan-systeme.private}
-    or note explain @result;
+    or note explain \@result;
 @result = get_hostshort_hostvlan_zone_from_fqdn( q{cbv4-rdeploy00.vlan-systeme.private} );
 @expected_result = qw( cbv4-rdeploy00 vlan-systeme private );
 is_deeply \@result, \@expected_result
     => q{Returns the correct result for cbv4-rdeploy00.vlan-systeme.private}
-    or note explain @result;
+    or note explain \@result;
 @result = get_hostshort_hostvlan_zone_from_fqdn( q{cbv4-rdeploy00.vlan-systeme} );
 @expected_result = ( q{cbv4-rdeploy00}, q{vlan-systeme}, undef );
 is_deeply \@result, \@expected_result
     => q{Returns the correct result for cbv4-rdeploy00.vlan-systeme}
-    or note explain @result;
+    or note explain \@result;
 @result = get_hostshort_hostvlan_zone_from_fqdn( q{cbv4-rdeploy00} );
 @expected_result = ( q{cbv4-rdeploy00}, undef, undef );
 is_deeply \@result, \@expected_result
     => q{Returns the correct result for cbv4-rdeploy00}
-    or note explain @result;
+    or note explain \@result;
 @result = get_hostshort_hostvlan_zone_from_fqdn( q{rdeploy00.vlan-systeme.private}, q{private} );
 @expected_result = qw( rdeploy00 vlan-systeme private );
 is_deeply \@result, \@expected_result
     => q{Returns the correct result for rdeploy00.vlan-systeme.private with explicit correct zone }
-    or note explain @result;
+    or note explain \@result;
 @result = get_hostshort_hostvlan_zone_from_fqdn( q{rdeploy00.vlan-systeme.private}, q{public} );
 @expected_result = ();
 is_deeply \@result, \@expected_result
     => q{Returns the correct result for rdeploy00.vlan-systeme.private with incorrect zone }
-    or note explain @result;
+    or note explain \@result;
+note('Testing PFTools::Structqueries::get_cmdline_from_host_ref');
+can_ok( 'PFTools::Structqueries', qw( get_cmdline_from_host_ref ) );
+throws_ok { get_cmdline_from_host_ref(); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-hash [ ] reference [ ] host_ref }xms
+    => 'No argument';
+throws_ok { get_cmdline_from_host_ref( q{host_ref} ); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-hash [ ] reference [ ] host_ref }xms
+    => 'Scalar argument';
+my $host_ref = get_host_config( q{cbv4-rdeploy01}, $global_config, q{cbv4} );
+ at result = get_cmdline_from_host_ref($host_ref);
+ at expected_result = ( q{pci=bfsort}, q{} );
+is_deeply \@result, \@expected_result
+    => q{Correct result for cbv4-rdeploy01}
+    or note explain \@result;
+my $host_ref = get_host_config( q{cbv4-spawn01}, $global_config, q{cbv4-pfds} );
+ at result = get_cmdline_from_host_ref($host_ref);
+ at expected_result = ( q{}, q{bonding.mode=active-backup bonding.miimon=100} );
+is_deeply \@result, \@expected_result
+    => q{Correct result for cbv4-spawn01}
+    or note explain \@result;
+note('Testing PFTools::Structqueries::get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref');
+can_ok( 'PFTools::Structqueries', qw( get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref ) );
+throws_ok { get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref(); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-hash [ ] reference [ ] host_ref }xms
+    => 'No argument';
+throws_ok { get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref( q{host_ref} ); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-hash [ ] reference [ ] host_ref }xms
+    => 'Scalar argument';
+throws_ok { get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref( [ q{host_ref} ] ); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-hash [ ] reference [ ] host_ref }xms
+    => 'Scalar argument';
+$host_ref = get_host_config( q{cbv4-rdeploy01}, $global_config, q{cbv4} );
+$result = get_complete_cmdline_from_host_ref($host_ref);
+$expected_result = q{pci=bfsort};
+is $result, $expected_result
+    => q{cbv4-rdeploy01}
+    or diag explain $result;
+note('Testing PFTools::Structqueries::get_distrib_from_host_ref');
+can_ok( 'PFTools::Structqueries', qw( get_distrib_from_host_ref ) );
+throws_ok { get_distrib_from_host_ref(); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-hash [ ] reference [ ] host_ref }xms
+    => 'No argument';
+$host_ref = get_host_config( q{cbv4-rdeploy01}, $global_config, q{cbv4} );
+$result = get_distrib_from_host_ref($host_ref);
+$expected_result = q{lenny};
+is $result, $expected_result
+    => q{cbv4-rdeploy01}
+    or diag explain $result;
+note('Testing PFTools::Structqueries::get_host_config');
+can_ok( 'PFTools::Structqueries', qw( get_host_config ) );
+my @args = ();
+throws_ok { get_host_config(@args); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] empty [ ] hostname }xms
+    => q{No arguments};
+ at args = ( {} );
+throws_ok { get_host_config(@args); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-scalar [ ] hostname }xms
+    => q{Non-scalar hostname};
+ at args = qw( hostname );
+throws_ok { get_host_config(@args); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-hash [ ] reference [ ] global_config }xms
+    => q{No global_config};
+ at args = ( q{hostname}, q{global_config} );
+throws_ok { get_host_config(@args); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-hash [ ] reference [ ] global_config }xms
+    => q{No global_config};
+ at args = ( q{hostname}, $global_config, { site => q{name} } );
+throws_ok { get_host_config(@args); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] non-scalar [ ] site_name }xms
+    => q{Non-scalar site_name};
+ at args = ( q{hostname}, $global_config );
+throws_ok { get_host_config(@args); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Unknown [ ] hostname [ ] 'hostname' [ ] }xms
+    => q{Unknown hostname};
+#$result = get_host_config( q{cbv4-rdeploy01}, $global_config, q{cbv4} );
+#$expected_result = q{lenny};
+#is $result, $expected_result
+#    => q{cbv4-rdeploy01}
+#    or diag explain $result;
 #TODO: {
diff -r 418635e2d6eb -r c8d956f0d489 t/20.files.fix_grub_kopt.input.1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/t/20.files.fix_grub_kopt.input.1	Fri Jan 07 18:54:58 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# foo
+# kopt=root=/dev/foo ro
+# kopt= 
+# the end
diff -r 418635e2d6eb -r c8d956f0d489 t/20.files.fix_grub_kopt.input.2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/t/20.files.fix_grub_kopt.input.2	Fri Jan 07 18:54:58 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# foo
+# the end
diff -r 418635e2d6eb -r c8d956f0d489 t/20.files.t
--- a/t/20.files.t	Mon Jan 03 12:05:47 2011 +0100
+++ b/t/20.files.t	Fri Jan 07 18:54:58 2011 +0100
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
 $args_ref->{'hostname'} = q{foo};
 $args_ref->{'site_name'} = q{cbv4-pfds};
 throws_ok { PFTools::Utils::__build_interfaces($args_ref); }
-qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Unknown [ ] hostname [ ] foo [ ] on [ ] site [ ] cbv4-pfds }xms
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Unknown [ ] hostname [ ] 'foo' [ ] on [ ] site [ ] 'cbv4-pfds' }xms
     => q{Dies if unknown $site_name};
 $args_ref->{'hostname'} = q{cbv4-spawn01};
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
 $args_ref->{'site_name'} = q{cbv4};
 throws_ok { PFTools::Utils::__build_interfaces($args_ref); }
-qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Unknown [ ] hostname [ ] cbv4-spawn01 [ ] on [ ] site [ ] cbv4 }xms
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Unknown [ ] hostname [ ] 'cbv4-spawn01' [ ] on [ ] site [ ] 'cbv4' }xms
     => q{Dies if unknown $hostname};
 $args_ref->{'site_name'} = q{cbv4-pfds};
@@ -876,11 +876,11 @@
 LABEL install
 \tkernel debian-installer/lenny/amd64/linux
-\tappend DEBCONF_PRIORITY=critical vga=normal auto=true initrd=debian-installer/lenny/amd64/initrd.gz interface=eth0 netcfg/no_default_route=true url=http://vip-deploy.vlan-systeme.private/preseed_cbv4-rdeploy01 url/checksum=aa03e0e1599f6da3149aa94027d116a0 -- default 
+\tappend DEBCONF_PRIORITY=critical vga=normal auto=true initrd=debian-installer/lenny/amd64/initrd.gz interface=eth0 netcfg/no_default_route=true url=http://vip-deploy.vlan-systeme.private/preseed_cbv4-rdeploy01 url/checksum=aa03e0e1599f6da3149aa94027d116a0 -- default pci=bfsort
 LABEL linux
 \tkernel vmlinuz-
-\tappend vga=normal root=/dev/sda2 -- default 
+\tappend vga=normal root=/dev/sda2 -- default pci=bfsort
@@ -978,15 +978,15 @@
 my $output_filename = q{t/20.files.etc.hosts.output};
 $args_ref = {
-    hostname      => q{cbv4-rdeploy01},
-    site_name     => q{cbv4},
-    ip_type       => q{ipv4},
-    global_config => $global_config,
-    pf_config     => $pf_config,
+    hostname        => q{cbv4-rdeploy01},
+    site_name       => q{cbv4},
+    output_filename => $output_filename,
+    ip_type         => q{ipv4},
+    global_config   => $global_config,
+    pf_config       => $pf_config,
 $args_ref->{'input_filename'} = undef;
-$args_ref->{'output_filename'} = undef;
 throws_ok { fix_etc_hosts($args_ref); }
 qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] false [ ] argument [ ] input_filename }xms
     => q{Dies if undefined input_filename};
@@ -997,6 +997,7 @@
     => q{Dies if non-scalar input_filename};
 $args_ref->{'input_filename'} = $input_filename;
+$args_ref->{'output_filename'} = undef;
 throws_ok { fix_etc_hosts($args_ref); }
 qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] false [ ] argument [ ] output_filename }xms
@@ -1235,3 +1236,70 @@
     => q{Correct result for filter_type 'ip' and DUPLICATE separator}
     or note explain $result;
+note('Testing PFTools::Utils::fix_grub_kopt');
+can_ok( 'PFTools::Utils', qw( fix_grub_kopt ) );
+$input_filename = q{t/20.files.fix_grub_kopt.input.1};
+$output_filename = q{test.output};
+$args_ref = {
+#    hostname        => q{cbv4-rdeploy01},
+    site_name       => q{cbv4},
+    input_filename  => $input_filename,
+    output_filename => $output_filename,
+    grub_version    => 42,
+    global_config   => $global_config,
+    pf_config       => $pf_config,
+throws_ok { fix_grub_kopt($args_ref); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Mandatory [ ] argument [ ] hostname [ ] not [ ] found [ ] }xms
+    => q{Dies if no hostname};
+$args_ref->{'hostname'} = q{cbv4-rdeploy01};
+throws_ok { fix_grub_kopt($args_ref); }
+qr{ \A ERROR: [ ] Invalid [ ] grub_version [ ] '42' [ ] }xms
+    => q{Invalid grub_version};
+$args_ref->{'grub_version'} = 1;
+ok fix_grub_kopt($args_ref);
+$result = PFTools::Utils::__read_file_in_array($output_filename, 1);
+$expected_result = [ split qr{ \n }xms, <<"EOT", -1 ];
+# foo
+# kopt=root=/dev/foo ro pci=bfsort
+# kopt=pci=bfsort
+# the end
+is_deeply $result, $expected_result
+    => q{Correct result for GRUB version 1}
+    or note explain $result;
+$args_ref->{'input_filename'} = q{t/20.files.fix_grub_kopt.input.2};
+$args_ref->{'grub_version'} = 2;
+ok fix_grub_kopt($args_ref);
+$result = PFTools::Utils::__read_file_in_array($output_filename, 1);
+$expected_result = [ split qr{ \n }xms, <<"EOT", -1 ];
+# foo
+GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="foo bar baz pci=bfsort"
+# the end
+is_deeply $result, $expected_result
+    => q{Correct result for GRUB version 2}
+    or note explain $result;

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