pf-tools/pf-tools: 2 new changesets

parmelan-guest at parmelan-guest at
Thu Aug 7 08:45:58 UTC 2014

changeset: 1300:795f6d7d81d6
user:      shad
date:      Thu Aug 07 10:40:52 2014 +0200
dont depends only on cvs, fetch the SVC tool in preseed, by default: mercurial

changeset: 1301:6b010e649d6a
user:      shad
date:      Thu Aug 07 10:43:31 2014 +0200
fix test for updated preseed template


 conf/pf-tools.conf         |  30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 debian/control             |   2 +-
 t/20.files.t               |   4 ++--
 templates/standard-preseed |   2 +-
 templates/ubuntu-preseed   |   2 +-
 5 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diffs (103 lines):

diff -r 7ba4d61a3f51 -r 6b010e649d6a conf/pf-tools.conf
--- a/conf/pf-tools.conf	Wed Aug 06 15:55:19 2014 +0200
+++ b/conf/pf-tools.conf	Thu Aug 07 10:43:31 2014 +0200
@@ -16,27 +16,27 @@
     ipv6            = 0
     update          = 1
-#    type            = hg
-#    method          = ssh
-#    vcsroot         = /var/lib/hg/
-#    server          =
-#    module          = config
-#    rsh             = /usr/bin/ssh -i /var/lib/cvsguest/.ssh/id_rsa
+    type            = hg
+    method          = ssh
+    vcsroot         = /var/lib/hg/
+    server          =
+    module          = config
+    rsh             = /usr/bin/ssh -i /var/lib/cvsguest/.ssh/id_rsa  -o 'BatchMode yes' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no'
 #    type            = svn
 #    method          = svn+ssh
 #    vcsroot         = /var/lib/svn/
 #    server          =
 #    module          = trunk
-#    rsh             = /usr/bin/ssh -i /var/lib/cvsguest/.ssh/id_rsa
-    type            = cvs
-    method          = rsh
-    vcsroot         = /var/lib/cvs/repository
-    server          =
-    module          = config
-    rsh             = /usr/sbin/cvs_rsh
+#    rsh             = /usr/bin/ssh -i /var/lib/cvsguest/.ssh/id_rsa -o 'BatchMode yes' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no'
+#    type            = cvs
+#    method          = rsh
+#    vcsroot         = /var/lib/cvs/repository
+#    server          =
+#    module          = config
+#    rsh             = /usr/sbin/cvs_rsh
     site            = pro1
diff -r 7ba4d61a3f51 -r 6b010e649d6a debian/control
--- a/debian/control	Wed Aug 06 15:55:19 2014 +0200
+++ b/debian/control	Thu Aug 07 10:43:31 2014 +0200
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 Package: pf-tools
 Architecture: all
-Depends: perl, perl (>= 5.10.0) | libmd5-perl, libclone-perl, libconfig-inifiles-perl, liblist-moreutils-perl, libhash-merge-simple-perl, libmodule-runtime-perl, libnetaddr-ip-perl, libnet-dns-perl, libproc-reliable-perl, libreadonly-xs-perl, libreadonly-xs-perl, libtemplate-tiny-perl, libtext-diff-perl, cvs, ssh, iproute, debconf, psmisc
+Depends: perl, perl (>= 5.10.0) | libmd5-perl, libclone-perl, libconfig-inifiles-perl, liblist-moreutils-perl, libhash-merge-simple-perl, libmodule-runtime-perl, libnetaddr-ip-perl, libnet-dns-perl, libproc-reliable-perl, libreadonly-xs-perl, libreadonly-xs-perl, libtemplate-tiny-perl, libtext-diff-perl, mercurial | subversion | cvs , ssh, iproute, debconf, psmisc
 Description: Outils de gestion de la plateforme
  Mise a jour automatique et generation de conf.
  Deploiement de machines.
diff -r 7ba4d61a3f51 -r 6b010e649d6a t/20.files.t
--- a/t/20.files.t	Wed Aug 06 15:55:19 2014 +0200
+++ b/t/20.files.t	Thu Aug 07 10:43:31 2014 +0200
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@
 #d-i grub-installer/bootdev  string (hd0,0) (hd1,0) (hd2,0)
 ### Post-install command before reboot
-d-i preseed/late_command string apt-install linux-image- ; apt-install nfs-common ; apt-install pf-tools ; in-target wget http://mirrors.private//path/to/some/script -O /tmp//path/to/some/script ; in-target sh /tmp//path/to/some/script
+d-i preseed/late_command string apt-install linux-image- ; apt-install nfs-common ; apt-install mercurial ; apt-install pf-tools ; in-target wget http://mirrors.private//path/to/some/script -O /tmp//path/to/some/script ; in-target sh /tmp//path/to/some/script
 ### Finishing up the installation
 # Avoid that last message about the install being complete.
@@ -921,7 +921,7 @@
 LABEL install
 \tkernel debian-installer/lenny/amd64/linux
-\tappend DEBCONF_PRIORITY=critical vga=normal auto=true initrd=debian-installer/lenny/amd64/initrd.gz interface=eth0 netcfg/no_default_route=true url=http://vip-deploy.vlan-systeme.private/preseed/preseed_cbv4-rdeploy01 url/checksum=e09982b86a653dd4602033e14255f6a7 -- default pci=bfsort
+\tappend DEBCONF_PRIORITY=critical vga=normal auto=true initrd=debian-installer/lenny/amd64/initrd.gz interface=eth0 netcfg/no_default_route=true url=http://vip-deploy.vlan-systeme.private/preseed/preseed_cbv4-rdeploy01 url/checksum=938fa87ebb699fa9570347083eacb912 -- default pci=bfsort
 LABEL linux
 \tkernel amd64/vmlinuz-
diff -r 7ba4d61a3f51 -r 6b010e649d6a templates/standard-preseed
--- a/templates/standard-preseed	Wed Aug 06 15:55:19 2014 +0200
+++ b/templates/standard-preseed	Thu Aug 07 10:43:31 2014 +0200
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 #d-i grub-installer/bootdev  string (hd0,0) (hd1,0) (hd2,0)
 ### Post-install command before reboot
-d-i preseed/late_command string apt-install [% kernelpkg %] ; apt-install nfs-common ; apt-install pf-tools ; in-target wget http://mirrors.private/[% config_script %] -O /tmp/[% config_script %] ; in-target sh /tmp/[% config_script %]
+d-i preseed/late_command string apt-install [% kernelpkg %] ; apt-install nfs-common ; apt-install mercurial ; apt-install pf-tools ; in-target wget http://mirrors.private/[% config_script %] -O /tmp/[% config_script %] ; in-target sh /tmp/[% config_script %]
 ### Finishing up the installation
 # Avoid that last message about the install being complete.
diff -r 7ba4d61a3f51 -r 6b010e649d6a templates/ubuntu-preseed
--- a/templates/ubuntu-preseed	Wed Aug 06 15:55:19 2014 +0200
+++ b/templates/ubuntu-preseed	Thu Aug 07 10:43:31 2014 +0200
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
 #d-i grub-installer/bootdev  string (hd0,0) (hd1,0) (hd2,0)
 ### Post-install command before reboot
-d-i preseed/late_command string apt-install [% kernelpkg %] ; apt-install nfs-common ; apt-install pf-tools ; in-target wget http://mirrors.private/[% config_script %] -O /tmp/[% config_script %] ; in-target sh /tmp/[% config_script %] 
+d-i preseed/late_command string apt-install [% kernelpkg %] ; apt-install nfs-common ; apt-install mercurial ; apt-install pf-tools ; in-target wget http://mirrors.private/[% config_script %] -O /tmp/[% config_script %] ; in-target sh /tmp/[% config_script %] 
 ### Finishing up the installation
 # Avoid that last message about the install being complete.

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