pf-tools/pf-tools: 2 new changesets

parmelan-guest at parmelan-guest at
Thu Aug 21 15:51:50 UTC 2014

changeset: 1319:5f840a5b6afc
user:      shad
date:      Wed Aug 20 18:02:47 2014 +0200
item ordering

changeset: 1320:beba70fedbd1
user:      shad
date:      Thu Aug 21 17:51:45 2014 +0200
documenting shortcut + cleaning comments


 README                                           |   8 ++++----
 doc/networkfile-syntax                           |  14 ++++++++++++++
 doc/updatefile-syntax                            |  16 ++++++++++++++++
 t/13.conf.cfg1/config-export/MODEL/model-rdeploy |  13 -------------
 tools/Translate_old_config                       |  11 ++++++++---
 5 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diffs (124 lines):

diff -r 605277465995 -r beba70fedbd1 README
--- a/README	Tue Aug 19 18:14:37 2014 +0200
+++ b/README	Thu Aug 21 17:51:45 2014 +0200
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 pf-tools is a set of tools to deploy and manage a platform (a set of servers).
 Based on perl, CVS and apt-get, it is mainly designed for Debian GNU/Linux.
-The main architecture, structured with a PXE boot server, a TFTP server, a CVS
-repository containing the configuration and a local mirror of the Debian
-GNU/Linux distribution, can deploy (install), re-deploy and manage a complete
-ISP or a lab in a few minutes.
+The main architecture, structured with a PXE boot server, a TFTP server, a VCS
+repository (CVS, GIT or Mercurial) containing the configuration and a local
+mirror of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution, can deploy (install), re-deploy and
+manage a complete ISP or a lab in a few minutes.
 Thanks to its integration with User Mode Linux, it is also possible to deploy a
 complete set of virtual hosts with the same configuration (or not) as in the
diff -r 605277465995 -r beba70fedbd1 doc/networkfile-syntax
--- a/doc/networkfile-syntax	Tue Aug 19 18:14:37 2014 +0200
+++ b/doc/networkfile-syntax	Thu Aug 21 17:51:45 2014 +0200
@@ -47,6 +47,20 @@
 	! type		::= include
+					there are some shortcut defined that resolve to path relatively to VCS root
+					and 'module' defined in pf-tool.conf file
+					 - GLOBAL:			resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/MODEL/
+					 - CVS:				resolve to	/
+					 - CONFIG:			resolve to	/module/
+					 - COMMON:			resolve to	/module/COMMON/
+					 - HOST:			resolve to	/module/bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is bar)
+					 - HOSTSITE_foo:	resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is bar)
+					 - SITE:			resolve to	/module/SITE/
+					 - SITE_foo:		resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/
+					 - CONF:			resolve to	/module/CONFIG/
+					 - CONFSITE_foo:	resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/CONFIG/
+					 - MOD:				resolve to	/module/MODEL/
+					 - MODSITE_foo:		resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/MODEL/
 	! type		::= service
diff -r 605277465995 -r beba70fedbd1 doc/updatefile-syntax
--- a/doc/updatefile-syntax	Tue Aug 19 18:14:37 2014 +0200
+++ b/doc/updatefile-syntax	Thu Aug 21 17:51:45 2014 +0200
@@ -139,3 +139,19 @@
 	! action		::= include
+						there are some shortcut defined that resolve to path relatively to VCS root
+						and 'module' defined in pf-tool.conf file
+						 - GLOBAL:			resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/MODEL/
+						 - CVS:				resolve to	/
+						 - CONFIG:			resolve to	/module/
+						 - COMMON:			resolve to	/module/COMMON/
+						 - HOST:			resolve to	/module/bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is bar)
+						 - HOSTSITE_foo:	resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is bar)
+						 - SITE:			resolve to	/module/SITE/
+						 - SITE_foo:		resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/
+						 - CONF:			resolve to	/module/CONFIG/
+						 - CONFSITE_foo:	resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/CONFIG/
+						 - MOD:				resolve to	/module/MODEL/
+						 - MODSITE_foo:		resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/MODEL/
diff -r 605277465995 -r beba70fedbd1 t/13.conf.cfg1/config-export/MODEL/model-rdeploy
--- a/t/13.conf.cfg1/config-export/MODEL/model-rdeploy	Tue Aug 19 18:14:37 2014 +0200
+++ b/t/13.conf.cfg1/config-export/MODEL/model-rdeploy	Thu Aug 21 17:51:45 2014 +0200
@@ -19,19 +19,6 @@
     type = ether
     dev = eth0
-#    vlan        = vlan-admindsi
-#    vlan        = vlan-middledsi
-#    options     = miimon=100
-#    mode        = active-backup
-#    slaves      = eth2,eth3
-#    @route      = default via GATEWAY
-#    vlan        = vlan-pfds-ext
     mode        = debian
     arch        = amd64
diff -r 605277465995 -r beba70fedbd1 tools/Translate_old_config
--- a/tools/Translate_old_config	Tue Aug 19 18:14:37 2014 +0200
+++ b/tools/Translate_old_config	Thu Aug 21 17:51:45 2014 +0200
@@ -221,7 +221,9 @@
 # sort items by a more logical order
 my @orderby = qw( action depends source actiongroup filter owner group
-    mode  option slaveon_config before_change on_noaction after_change
+    arch mode distrib preseed
+    pxefilename pxetemplate initrd kernel cmdline
+    option slaveon_config before_change on_noaction after_change
     type comment serial soa mail refresh retry expire negttl
     ttl @ns @mx
     state zone location room alias confdir dhcp vlan console
@@ -269,6 +271,7 @@
 if ( $options->{'type'} eq 'config' ) {
     foreach my $section (
         #sort testsort
         sort { $sectionorder{$a} <=> $sectionorder{$b} }
         keys %{$trans}
@@ -426,9 +429,11 @@
 if ( $options->{'output'} ) {
     foreach my $included_file (@included_list) {
         print qq{You may want to run :\n$PROGRAM_NAME -t $options->{'type'} };
-        print( ( $options->{'site'} ne q{UNDEFINED} )
+        print(
+            ( $options->{'site'} ne q{UNDEFINED} )
             ? qq{-s $options->{'site'} -i }
-            : q{-i } );
+            : q{-i }
+        );
         print dirname ( $options->{'input'} ) . qq{/$included_file -o };
         print dirname ( $options->{'output'} ) . qq{/$included_file\n};

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