pf-tools/pf-tools: 3 new changesets

parmelan-guest at parmelan-guest at
Wed Dec 10 12:11:12 UTC 2014

changeset: 1368:cadcaa2e6e96
user:      shad
date:      Wed Dec 10 11:38:45 2014 +0100
translate new path

changeset: 1369:377e7f526110
user:      shad
date:      Wed Dec 10 13:00:05 2014 +0100
shortcut doc

changeset: 1370:8be01e585a19
user:      shad
date:      Wed Dec 10 13:11:04 2014 +0100
merge Melkor's change + swap HOSTNAME and HOST in AUTO order


 doc/updatefile-syntax             |   42 ++++++++-----
 lib/PFTools/Compat/ |   14 ++++-
 lib/PFTools/Update/     |  117 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 tools/Translate_old_config        |   10 +-
 4 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)

diffs (259 lines):

diff -r ef99d1555fe7 -r 8be01e585a19 doc/updatefile-syntax
--- a/doc/updatefile-syntax	Wed Dec 10 08:48:19 2014 +0100
+++ b/doc/updatefile-syntax	Wed Dec 10 13:11:04 2014 +0100
@@ -177,19 +177,29 @@
 	! action		::= include
 						there are some shortcut defined that resolve to path relatively to VCS root
 						and 'module' defined in pf-tool.conf file
-						 - CONFIG:		    resolve to	/module/CONFIG/
-						 - CONFIGSITE:  	    resolve to	/module/SITE/pop/CONFIG/    (if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
-						 - CONFIGSITE_foo:	    resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/CONFIG/
-						 - COMMON:		    resolve to	/module/COMMON/
-						 - HOST:		    resolve to	/module/CONFIG/bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
-						 - HOSTSITE:    	    resolve to	/module/SITE/pop/CONFIG/pop-bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
-						 - HOSTSITE_foo:	    resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/CONFIG/pop-bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
-						 - MODEL:		    resolve to	/module/MODEL/
-						 - MODELSITE:   	    resolve to	/module/SITE/pop/MODEL/ (if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
-						 - MODELSITE_foo:	    resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/MODEL/
-						 - SITE:		    resolve to	/module/SITE/
-						 - SITE_foo:		    resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/
-						 - SHORTHOST:		    resolve to	/module/CONFIG/bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
-						 - SHORTHOSTHOSTSITE:       resolve to	/module/SITE/pop/CONFIG/bar	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
-						 - SHORTHOSTHOSTSITE_foo:   resolve to	/module/SITE/SITE/foo/CONFIG/bar	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
-						 - ROOT:		    resolve to	/module/
+						 - AUTO:                  try to resolve in order to: 
+						 - CONFIG:                resolve to	/module/CONFIG/
+						 - CONFIGSITE:            resolve to	/module/SITE/pop/CONFIG/	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
+						 - CONFIGSITE_foo:        resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/CONFIG/
+						 - COMMON:                resolve to	/module/COMMON/
+						 - FILE:                  resolve to	/module/FILE/
+						 - FILESITE:              resolve to	/module/SITE/pop/FILE/	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
+						 - FILESITE_foo:          resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/FILE/
+						 - HOST:                  resolve to	/module/CONFIG/pop-bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
+						 - HOSTSITE:              resolve to	/module/SITE/pop/CONFIG/pop-bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
+						 - HOSTSITE_foo:          resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/CONFIG/pop-bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
+						 - HOSTNAME:              resolve to	/module/CONFIG/pop-bar00/	(if the hostname of machine is pop-bar00)
+						 - HOSTNAMESITE:          resolve to	/module/SITE/pop/CONFIG/pop-bar00/	(if the hostname of machine is pop-bar00)
+						 - HOSTNAMESITE_foo:      resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/CONFIG/pop-bar00/	(if the hostname of machine is pop-bar00)
+						 - MODEL:                 resolve to	/module/MODEL/
+						 - MODELSITE:             resolve to	/module/SITE/pop/MODEL/ (if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
+						 - MODELSITE_foo:         resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/MODEL/
+						 - SITE:                  resolve to	/module/SITE/
+						 - SITE_foo:              resolve to	/module/SITE/foo/
+						 - SHORTHOST:             resolve to	/module/CONFIG/bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
+						 - SHORTHOSTSITE:         resolve to	/module/SITE/pop/CONFIG/bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
+						 - SHORTHOSTSITE_foo:     resolve to	/module/SITE/SITE/foo/CONFIG/bar/	(if the hosttype of machine is pop-bar)
+						 - SHORTHOSTNAME:         resolve to	/module/CONFIG/bar00/	(if the hostname of machine is pop-bar00)
+						 - SHORTHOSTNAMESITE:     resolve to	/module/SITE/pop/CONFIG/bar00/	(if the hostname of machine is pop-bar00)
+						 - SHORTHOSTNAMESITE_foo: resolve to	/module/SITE/SITE/foo/CONFIG/bar00/	(if the hostname of machine is pop-bar00)
+						 - ROOT:                  resolve to	/module/
diff -r ef99d1555fe7 -r 8be01e585a19 lib/PFTools/Compat/
--- a/lib/PFTools/Compat/	Wed Dec 10 08:48:19 2014 +0100
+++ b/lib/PFTools/Compat/	Wed Dec 10 13:11:04 2014 +0100
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
     my $new_conf = $conf_parsed;
     foreach my $section ( keys %{$new_conf} ) {
         if ( $section =~ /^@(.*)$/ ) {
-            $new_conf->{qq{COMMON:/$1}} = { 'action' => 'include' };
+            $new_conf->{qq{COMMON:$1}} = { 'action' => 'include' };
             delete $new_conf->{$section};
@@ -110,6 +110,18 @@
                     =~ s/fix_hosts -d (\S+) --host (\S+)/fix_hosts -h $2 -o $1/;
+            elsif ( $new_conf->{$section}->{$key} =~ /GLOBAL:/ ) {
+                $new_conf->{$section}->{$key}
+                    =~ s/GLOBAL:/COMMON:/;
+            }
+            elsif ( $new_conf->{$section}->{$key} =~ /CONFIG:GLOBAL/ ) {
+                $new_conf->{$section}->{$key}
+                    =~ s/CONFIG:GLOBAL/COMMON:/;
+            }
+            elsif ( $new_conf->{$section}->{$key} =~ /CONFIG:/ ) {
+                $new_conf->{$section}->{$key}
+                    =~ s/CONFIG:/FILE:/;
+            }
     return $new_conf;
diff -r ef99d1555fe7 -r 8be01e585a19 lib/PFTools/Update/
--- a/lib/PFTools/Update/	Wed Dec 10 08:48:19 2014 +0100
+++ b/lib/PFTools/Update/	Wed Dec 10 13:11:04 2014 +0100
@@ -53,6 +53,45 @@
+sub __find_source {
+    my ( $ref_section, $options, $hash_subst ) = @_;
+    # search in order into:
+    # /SITE/pro1/FILE/pro1-ncdn-cache00/
+    # /SITE/pro1/FILE/pro1-ncdn-cache/
+    # /FILE/pro1-ncdn-cache00/
+    # /FILE/pro1-ncdn-cache/
+    # /SITE/pro1/FILE/ncdn-cache00/
+    # /SITE/pro1/FILE/ncdn-cache/
+    # /FILE/ncdn-cache00/
+    # /FILE/ncdn-cache/
+    # /FILE/common/
+    my @search_dirs = (
+        'SHORTHOSTSITE', 'SHORTHOST', 'FILE:common/'
+    );
+    my $source;
+    foreach my $search_dir (@search_dirs) {
+        my @search_files = (
+            qq{$search_dir:%SECTIONNAME%.%HOSTDIGITS%},
+            qq{$search_dir:%SECTIONNAME%},
+        );
+        foreach my $search_file (@search_files) {
+            $source
+                = get_source( $search_file, $options->{'host'}, $hash_subst );
+            if ( -e $source ) {
+                $ref_section->{source} = $search_file;
+                last SEARCH_DIR;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $source;
 sub action_exec {
     my ( $ref_section, $dest, $options, $hash_subst, $global_config ) = @_;
     my ( $source, $tmp );
@@ -61,61 +100,49 @@
     $hash_subst->{'SECTIONNAME'} = $dest;
     $tmp = get_tmp_dest($dest);
-    # Removing trailing space from source
     if ( !$ref_section->{'source'} ) {
-        # search in order into:
-        # /SITE/pro1/FILE/pro1-ncdn-cache00/
-        # /SITE/pro1/FILE/pro1-ncdn-cache/
-        # /FILE/pro1-ncdn-cache00/
-        # /FILE/pro1-ncdn-cache/
-        # /SITE/pro1/FILE/ncdn-cache00/
-        # /SITE/pro1/FILE/ncdn-cache/
-        # /FILE/ncdn-cache00/
-        # /FILE/ncdn-cache/
-        my @search_dirs = (
-            'HOSTNAMESITE', 'HOSTSITE',      'HOST',
-        );
-        foreach my $search_dir (@search_dirs) {
-            my @search_files = (
-                qq{$search_dir:%SECTIONNAME%.%HOSTDIGITS%},
-                qq{$search_dir:%SECTIONNAME%},
-            );
-            foreach my $search_file (@search_files) {
-                $source = get_source( $search_file,
-                    $options->{'host'}, $hash_subst );
-                if ( -e $source ) {
-                    $ref_section->{source} = $search_file;
-                    last SEARCH_DIR;
-                }
-            }
-        }
+        $source = __find_source( $ref_section, $options, $hash_subst );
     else {
+        # Removing trailing space from source
         $ref_section->{'source'} =~ s{\A\s*}{}xms;
         $ref_section->{'source'} =~ s{\s*\z}{}xms;
         if ( $ref_section->{'source'} =~ m{\s}xms ) {
             $source = get_tmp_dest($dest) . q{.merged};
             unlink $source;
             foreach my $splitsource ( split q{ }, $ref_section->{'source'} ) {
-                $splitsource
-                    = get_source( $splitsource, $options->{'host'},
-                    $hash_subst );
-                if ( !-f $splitsource ) {
-                    carp colored(
-                        qq{ERROR: $splitsource no such file or directory},
-                        q{bold red on_white} );
-                    return;
+                if ( $splitsource =~ m{\AAUTO:(.*)\z}xms ) {
+                    $splitsource = __find_source( $1, $options, $hash_subst );
+                    if ( !-f $splitsource ) {
+                        next SPLITSOURCE;
+                    }
-                if (deferredlogsystem(
-                        q{cat '} . $splitsource . q{' >> } . $source
-                    )
-                    )
-                {
-                    carp qq{ERROR: Unable to append $splitsource to $source};
-                    return;
+                else {
+                    $splitsource
+                        = get_source( $splitsource, $options->{'host'},
+                        $hash_subst );
+                    if ( !-f $splitsource ) {
+                        carp colored(
+                            qq{ERROR: $splitsource no such file or directory},
+                            q{bold red on_white}
+                        );
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    if (deferredlogsystem(
+                            q{cat '} . $splitsource . q{' >> } . $source
+                        )
+                        )
+                    {
+                        carp
+                            qq{ERROR: Unable to append $splitsource to $source};
+                        return;
+                    }
diff -r ef99d1555fe7 -r 8be01e585a19 tools/Translate_old_config
--- a/tools/Translate_old_config	Wed Dec 10 08:48:19 2014 +0100
+++ b/tools/Translate_old_config	Wed Dec 10 13:11:04 2014 +0100
@@ -123,15 +123,15 @@
     elsif ( $_ =~ m{\A \@include \s* (.*) \z}msx ) {
         if ( $options->{'type'} eq 'config' ) {
-            $current_section = qq{COMMON:/include-$1};
+            $current_section = qq{COMMON:include-$1};
         else {
             if ( $options->{'site'} eq q{UNDEFINED} ) {
-                $current_section = qq{COMMON:/include-$1};
+                $current_section = qq{COMMON:include-$1};
             else {
-                    = qq{CONFIGSITE_$options->{'site'}:/include-$1};
+                    = qq{CONFIGSITE_$options->{'site'}:include-$1};
         push @included_list, qq{include-$1};
@@ -174,10 +174,10 @@
         if ( $section =~ m{\A @ (.*) \z}msx ) {
             my $current_section;
             if ( $options->{'site'} eq q{UNDEFINED} ) {
-                $current_section = qq{COMMON:/$1};
+                $current_section = qq{COMMON:$1};
             else {
-                $current_section = qq{CONFIGSITE_$options->{'site'}:/$1};
+                $current_section = qq{CONFIGSITE_$options->{'site'}:$1};
             $trans->{$current_section} = { 'type' => 'include' };

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