[Pgp-tools-commit] r190 - in trunk: debian gpg-key2ps
Christoph Berg
myon-guest at costa.debian.org
Tue Aug 16 15:07:53 UTC 2005
Author: myon-guest
Date: 2005-08-16 15:07:52 +0000 (Tue, 16 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 190
* gpg-key2ps:
+ use Getopt::Long, general code cleanup.
+ gpg-key2ps "my name" works now.
Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog 2005-08-16 15:04:42 UTC (rev 189)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog 2005-08-16 15:07:52 UTC (rev 190)
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
+ be more verbose when user tries to sign obsolete v3 crap.
+ install README.*.
* gpglist: added new script, thanks to Uli Martens.
+ * gpg-key2ps:
+ + use Getopt::Long, general code cleanup.
+ + gpg-key2ps "my name" works now.
* debian/control: move libpaper-utils to Recommends, remove redundant perl
Modified: trunk/gpg-key2ps/gpg-key2ps
--- trunk/gpg-key2ps/gpg-key2ps 2005-08-16 15:04:42 UTC (rev 189)
+++ trunk/gpg-key2ps/gpg-key2ps 2005-08-16 15:07:52 UTC (rev 190)
@@ -1,44 +1,82 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# gpg-key2ps: convert a PGP/GnuPG key into paper slips.
-# Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Simon Richter and Thijs Kinkhorst
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Simon Richter
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Thijs Kinkhorst
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Christoph Berg <cb at df7cb.de>
# Licenced under the GNU General Public License,
# version 2 or later.
# $Id$
use strict;
-use Getopt::Std;
+use Getopt::Long;
my $version = '$Rev$';
$version =~ s/\$Rev:\s*(\d+)\s*\$/$1/;
-my $usage = "Usage: $0 [-p papersize] [-r revoked-style] keyid-or-name\n";
-my $keyids = "";
-my $revokestyle="hide";
+my $revokestyle = "hide";
+my $creationdate = scalar(localtime);
-if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) {
- print $usage;
- exit 1;
+sub version($) {
+ my $fd = shift;
+ print $fd "gpg-key2ps $version - (c) 2001-2005 Simon Richter, Thijs Kinkhorst, Christoph Berg\n";
+sub usage($$) {
+ my ($fd, $exitcode) = @_;
+ version ($fd);
+ print $fd <<EOF;
+Usage: $0 [-p papersize] [-r revoked-style] keyid-or-name ...
+ -p --paper-size
+ -r --revoked-style
+ hide - Don't show revoked uids (default)
+ grey - Print text in grey
+ note - Add "[revoked]"
+ show - List revoked uids normally
+ strike - Strike through lines
+ -h --help
+ -v --version
+ exit $exitcode;
# fetch command line parameters
-my %opts;
-getopt('pr', \%opts);
-if ( $opts{r} ) { $revokestyle = $opts{'r'}; }
-if ( $opts{p} ) { $ENV{'PAPERSIZE'} = $opts{'p'}; }
-foreach (@ARGV) { $keyids .= $_ . " "; }
+my $opts;
+if (!GetOptions (
+ '-h' => \$opts->{help},
+ '--help' => \$opts->{help},
+ '-v' => \$opts->{version},
+ '--version' => \$opts->{version},
+ '-p=s' => \$opts->{papersize},
+ '--paper-size=s' => \$opts->{papersize},
+ '-r=s' => \$opts->{revokestyle},
+ '--revoked-style=s' => \$opts->{revokestyle},
+)) {
+ usage(\*STDERR, 1);
+if ($opts->{help}) {
+ usage (\*STDOUT, 0);
+if ($opts->{version}) {
+ version (\*STDOUT);
+ exit 0;
+if ( $opts->{revokestyle} ) { $revokestyle = $opts->{revokestyle}; }
+if ( $opts->{papersize} ) { $ENV{'PAPERSIZE'} = $opts->{papersize}; }
if ( $revokestyle !~ /^(grey|hide|note|show|strike)$/ ) {
- print STDERR "Unknown style \"$revokestyle\". Please use one of\n";
- print STDERR " grey - Print text in grey\n";
- print STDERR " hide - Don't show revoked uids\n";
- print STDERR " note - Add \"(revoked)\"\n";
- print STDERR " show - List revoked uids normally\n";
- print STDERR " strike - Strike through lines\n";
- exit 1;
+ print STDERR "Unknown revoked-style \"$revokestyle\".\n";
+ usage (\*STDERR, 1);
-# determine default papersize through the paperconf tool
+usage(\*STDERR, 1) unless scalar @ARGV >= 1;
+# determine the paper size through the paperconf tool
my $w; my $h;
if ( -x "/usr/bin/paperconf" ) {
$w=`paperconf -w`;
@@ -51,26 +89,18 @@
-# check if key exists
-# can't check that accurately through the 'open' call below
-# so have to run gpg twice). Please supply a better way.
-if ( system( "gpg --fingerprint $keyids >/dev/null" ) != 0 ) {
- print STDERR "Key not found. Try 'gpg --list-keys'\n";
- exit 1;
# open a gpg process we'll be reading from below
-open(GPG, "gpg --fingerprint --with-colons $keyids |");
+map { s/'/'\\''/g; } @ARGV; # quote single quotes
+open(GPG, "gpg --fingerprint --with-colons '". (join "' '", @ARGV) ."' |");
+sub start_postscript {
# start the PostScript output
print <<EOF;
%%BoundingBox: 0 0 $w $h
%%Creator: gpg-key2ps $version
-print "%%CreationDate: " . scalar(localtime) . "\n";
-print <<EOF;
+%%CreationDate: $creationdate
%%Pages: 1
@@ -139,7 +169,7 @@
} elsif ( $revokestyle eq "note" ) {
print "/revuid {\n";
print " 50 y moveto (uid) show\n";
- print " 200 y moveto show ([revoked]) show\n";
+ print " 200 y moveto show ( [revoked]) show\n";
print " newline\n";
print "} def\n";
} elsif ( $revokestyle eq "show" ) {
@@ -163,15 +193,21 @@
/key {
+} # sub start_postscript
# walk the output of gpg line by line
# $numlines has the total number of lines so we'll know how many to put on page
my $numlines = 0;
+my $started = 0;
while(<GPG>) {
# we don't use these
if ( /^(tru|uat):/ ) { next; }
# every primary uid causes an extra line because of the separator
- if ( /^pub:/ ) { $numlines++; }
+ if ( /^pub:/ ) {
+ start_postscript() unless $started;
+ $started = 1;
+ $numlines++;
+ }
# primary uid
s/^pub:[^:]*:([^:]*):([0-9]*):.{8,8}(.{8,8}):([^:]*):[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:([^:]*):[^:]*:[^:]*:.*/ ($5) ($4) ($3) $2 ($1) pub/;
# fingerprint, format it nicely with spaces
@@ -183,9 +219,8 @@
$fpr =~ s/(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})/$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16/g;
$_ = " ($fpr) fpr\n";
- # user id's
+ # user ids
s/^uid:[^:r]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:([^:]*):.*/ ($1) uid/;
- s/^uid:[^:r]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:([^:]*):.*/ ($1) uid/;
# revoked user id
s/^uid:r[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:([^:]*):.*/ ($1) revuid/;
# subkey
@@ -196,13 +231,16 @@
+unless ($started) {
+ print STDERR "No public key found.\n";
+ exit 1;
# output the remaining postscript
print <<EOF;
} def
-print "/numlines $numlines def\n";
-print <<EOF;
+/numlines $numlines def
/num w 16 sub 10 div numlines div def
/column {
@@ -243,7 +281,7 @@
-B<gpg-key2ps> [-r I<revoked-style>] [-p I<papersize>] I<keyid>I<[> I<keyidI<[> I<...>I<]>>I<]>
+B<gpg-key2ps> [B<-r> I<revoked-style>] [B<-p> I<papersize>] I<keyid-or-name> [ I<...> ]
@@ -256,25 +294,32 @@
-=item -p I<paper-size>
+=item B<-p> B<--paper-size> I<paper-size>
Select the output paper size. Default is to look into /etc/papersize or A4 if
libpaper isn't installed.
-=item -r I<revoked-style>
+=item B<-r> B<--revoked-style> I<revoked-style>
Select how to mark revoked UIDs. Five styles are available:
-B<hide> (don't show at all),
-B<show> (show normally),
-B<grey> (display in 50% grey),
-B<note> (add a note), and
-B<strike> (strike through).
+ B<hide> don't show at all (default),
+ B<show> show normally,
+ B<grey> display in 50% grey,
+ B<note> add "[revoked]", and
+ B<strike> strike through.
=item I<keyid>
-Keyid's to print. Multiple can be separated by spaces.
+Keyids to print. Multiple can be separated by spaces.
+=item B<-h> B<--help>
+Print usage and exit.
+=item B<-v> B<--version>
+Print version and exit.
@@ -290,3 +335,5 @@
(c) 2005 Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs at kinkhorst.com>
+(c) 2005 Christoph Berg <cb at df7cb.de>
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