[Pgp-tools-commit] r722 - in trunk: . gpg-key2latex gpg-key2ps
Guilhem Moulin
guilhem-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Nov 6 21:51:23 UTC 2014
Author: guilhem-guest
Date: 2014-11-06 21:51:23 +0000 (Thu, 06 Nov 2014)
New Revision: 722
gpg-key2latex: new script to generate a LaTeX file with fingerprint paper slips.
Added: trunk/gpg-key2latex/gpg-key2latex
--- trunk/gpg-key2latex/gpg-key2latex (rev 0)
+++ trunk/gpg-key2latex/gpg-key2latex 2014-11-06 21:51:23 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+# gpg-key2latex -- Generate a LaTeX file for fingerprint slips.
+# $Id$
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Guilhem Moulin <guilhem at guilhem.org>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+my $REVISION = '$Rev$';
+my ($REVISION_NUMBER) = $REVISION =~ /(\d+)/;
+our $VERSION = '0.0.0.'.($REVISION_NUMBER // 'unknown');
+use Encode ();
+use File::Temp ();
+use I18N::Langinfo 'langinfo';
+use IO::Handle ();
+use IO::Select ();
+use POSIX qw/dup2 strftime/;
+use Pod::Usage 'pod2usage';
+use Getopt::Long qw/:config posix_default no_ignore_case gnu_compat
+ bundling auto_help auto_version/;
+use GnuPG::Interface ();
+my %options;
+GetOptions(\%options, qw/paper-size|p=s show-subkeys|s show-photo show-qrcode attr-height=i/) or pod2usage(2);
+pod2usage(2) unless @ARGV;
+my $LOCALE = Encode::find_encoding(langinfo(I18N::Langinfo::CODESET()));
+chomp ($options{'paper-size'} = `paperconf` || 'a4')
+ unless defined $options{'paper-size'};
+$options{'paper-size'} =~ y/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
+my (@KEYIDS, @KEYS);
+# Get the list of all matching keys.
+ my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface::->new();
+ $gpg->options->hash_init( 'extra_args' => [ qw/--fingerprint
+ --fixed-list-mode
+ --no-auto-check-trustdb --with-colons/ ]
+ , 'meta_interactive' => 0 );
+ my $stdout = IO::Handle::->new();
+ my $handles = GnuPG::Handles::->new( stdout => $stdout );
+ my $pid = $gpg->list_public_keys( handles => $handles, command_args => \@ARGV );
+ while (<$stdout>) {
+ push @KEYIDS, $1 if /^fpr:(?:[^:]*:){8}([0-9A-F]{40})(?::.*)?$/;
+ }
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ close $stdout;
+# Read each key independently
+foreach my $keyid (@KEYIDS) {
+ my $photos = $options{'show-photo'} ? File::Temp::->new(TMPDIR => 1) : '/dev/null';
+ my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface::->new();
+ # we need --attribute-{fd,file} and --status-{fd,file} to get the
+ # correct attribute size
+ $gpg->options->hash_init( 'extra_args' => [ '--attribute-file', $photos,
+ qw/--fingerprint --fingerprint
+ --fixed-list-mode
+ --no-auto-check-trustdb --with-colons/ ]
+ , 'meta_interactive' => 0 );
+ my $stdout = IO::Handle::->new();
+ my $status = IO::Handle::->new();
+ my $handles = GnuPG::Handles::->new( stdout => $stdout, status => $status );
+ my $pid = $gpg->list_public_keys( handles => $handles, command_args => [ $keyid ] );
+ $_->blocking(0) for ($stdout, $status);
+ my $output = IO::Select::->new();
+ $output->add($stdout, $status);
+ my %key;
+ my ($uid, $sub); # current context
+ my ($oldstdout, $oldstatus) = ('', '');
+ while ($output->count() > 0) {
+ foreach my $fd (@{(IO::Select::select($output))[0]}) { # reader
+ if ($fd->eof) {
+ $output->remove($fd);
+ close $fd;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($fd == $stdout) {
+ while (<$fd>) {
+ if ($oldstdout) { # prepend unfinished output
+ $_ = $oldstdout . $_;
+ $oldstdout = '';
+ }
+ if (!/\n\z/) { # there is more coming
+ $oldstdout = $_;
+ next;
+ }
+ chomp;
+ if (/^pub:([^:]+):([^:]*):([^:]*):([0-9A-F]{16}):(\d+):(\d*):(?:[^:]*:){4}([^:]*)/) {
+ if ($1 =~ /[eir]/ or $7 =~ /D/ ) {
+ warn "Ignoring unusable key $4.\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ $key{length} = $2;
+ $key{algo} = $3;
+ $key{creation} = $5;
+ $key{expiration} = $6 if $6 ne '';
+ $key{flags} = $7;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^(uid|uat):([^:]+):(?:[^:]*:){5}([0-9A-F]{40}):[^:]*:([^:]+)/) {
+ undef $uid;
+ next if $2 =~ /[er]/;
+ $uid = $3; # use the SHA1 to have proper distinction between UIDs/UATs
+ if ($1 eq 'uid') {
+ my $text = $4;
+ $text =~ s/\\x(\p{AHex}{2})/ chr(hex($1)) /ge;
+ # --with-colons always outputs UTF-8
+ push @{$key{uids}}, { type => 'uid', text => Encode::decode_utf8($text) };
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^sub:([^:]+):([^:]*):([^:]*):([0-9A-F]{16}):(\d+):(\d*):(?:[^:]*:){4}([^:]*)/) {
+ undef $uid;
+ undef $sub;
+ next if $1 =~ /[eir]/ or $7 =~ /D/; # ignore unsable subkey
+ $sub = {};
+ $sub->{length} = $2;
+ $sub->{algo} = $3;
+ $sub->{creation} = $5;
+ $sub->{expiration} = $6 if $6 ne '';
+ $sub->{flags} = $7;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^fpr:(?:[^:]*:){8}([0-9A-F]{40})(?::.*)?$/) {
+ if (defined $sub) {
+ $sub->{fpr} = $1;
+ push @{$key{sub}}, $sub;
+ undef $sub;
+ }
+ else {
+ $key{fpr} = $1;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if (!/^(?:rvk|tru|spk):/) { # revoke/revoker/trust/fpr
+ warn "Unknown value: '$_'\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($fd == $status) {
+ while (<$fd>) {
+ if ($oldstatus) { # prepend unfinished output
+ $_ = $oldstatus . $_;
+ $oldstatus = '';
+ }
+ if (!/\n\z/) { # there is more coming
+ $oldstatus = $_;
+ next;
+ }
+ chomp;
+ # see /usr/share/doc/gnupg2/DETAILS.gz
+ if (/^\[GNUPG:\] ATTRIBUTE [0-9A-F]{24}([0-9A-F]{16}) (\d+) 1 1 1 \d+ \d+ (\d+)$/) {
+ push @{$key{uats}}, {size => $2, revoked => $3 & 0x02};
+ next;
+ }
+ if (!/^\[GNUPG:\] KEYEXPIRED \d+$/) {
+ warn "Unknown value: '$_'";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ warn "Parsing gpg's output went wrong.\n" if $oldstdout or $oldstatus;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ close $_ for ($stdout, $status);
+ if ($options{'show-photo'}) {
+ open my $fd, '<:raw', $photos or die "Couldn't open: $!";
+ # get photo sizes and split $photos
+ foreach (@{$key{uats}}) {
+ my $chunk;
+ my $got = read $fd, $chunk, $_->{size} or die "Couldn't read: $!";
+ warn "Read $_->{size} bytes but got $got bytes.\n" if $got != $_->{size};
+ # take the first non-revoked attribute
+ unless ($_->{revoked}) {
+ $key{photo} = substr($key{fpr},-16).'.jpg';
+ open my $fd2, '>:raw', $key{photo} or die "Couldn't open: $!";
+ print $fd2 (substr $chunk, 16);
+ close $fd2;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close $fd;
+ }
+ if ($options{'show-qrcode'}) {
+ $key{qrcode} = substr($key{fpr},-16).'-qrcode.pdf';
+ pipe my ($rfd, $wfd) or die "Can't pipe: $!";
+ if (my $pid = fork) {
+ close $wfd or die "Can't close: $!";
+ dup2 (fileno $rfd, 0);
+ close $rfd or die "Can't close: $!";
+ system qw/epstopdf -f -o/, $key{qrcode};
+ die "epstopdf exited with value $?.\n" if 0 < $? and $? <= 2;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ close $rfd or die "Can't close: $!";
+ dup2 (fileno $wfd, 1);
+ close $wfd or die "Can't close: $!";
+ exec qw/qrencode -i -m0 -d300 -tEPS -o -/, "OPENPGP4FPR:$key{fpr}" or die "Can't exec: $!";
+ }
+ }
+ push @KEYS, \%key;
+print "\\documentclass[landscape,$options{'paper-size'}paper]{article}\n";
+print << 'EOF'
+\ifnum 0\ifxetex 1\fi\ifluatex 1\fi=0
+ \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}
+ \usepackage[log-declarations=false]{xparse}
+ \usepackage{fontspec}
+ \setmonofont{Droid Sans Mono}
+ \ifxetex
+ \usepackage[quiet]{xeCJK}
+ \CJKfontspec{Droid Sans Fallback}
+ \fi
+sub pubkey_string ($$) {
+ my ($type,$key) = @_;
+ my $str = $type.' ';
+ # See 'pubkey_string' in gnupg's source code (g10/keyid.c)
+ $str .= $key->{algo} == 1 ? $key->{length}.'R' : # RSA
+ $key->{algo} == 2 ? $key->{length}.'r' : # RSA encrypt only (legacy)
+ $key->{algo} == 3 ? $key->{length}.'s' : # RSA sign only
+ $key->{algo} == 16 ? $key->{length}.'g' : # Elgamal encrypt only
+ $key->{algo} == 17 ? $key->{length}.'D' : # DSA
+ $key->{algo} == 20 ? $key->{length}.'G' : # Elgamal encrypt+sign (legacy)
+ $key->{length}.'?';
+ $str .= '/'.substr($key->{fpr},-8).' ';
+ $str .= strftime '%Y-%m-%d', localtime($key->{creation});
+ $str .= ' [expires: '.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime($key->{expiration})).']'
+ if defined $key->{expiration};
+ $str .= ' ' x (72 + 1 - length($str) - length($key->{flags})) . $key->{flags};
+ $str . sprintf "\n Key fingerprint = %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",
+ map { substr($key->{fpr}, ($_ * 4), 4) } (0..10);
+unless (defined $options{'attr-height'}) {
+ $options{'attr-height'} = 0;
+ $options{'attr-height'} >= $_ or $options{'attr-height'} = $_ for map {$#{$_->{uids}}+1} @KEYS;
+ $options{'attr-height'} = 5 if $options{'attr-height'} > 5;
+foreach my $n (0 .. $#KEYS) {
+ my $key = $KEYS[$n];
+ print "\\begin{SaveVerbatim}{PubKey$n}\n"
+ .pubkey_string('pub',$key)
+ ."\\end{SaveVerbatim}\n";
+ print "\\begin{SaveVerbatim}{UID$n}\n";
+ my $tag = "uid ";
+ my $max = 72 - length $tag;
+ my $x = 2.2 * ($options{'attr-height'} > 5 ? 5 : $options{'attr-height'});
+ $max -= $x if defined $key->{photo};
+ $max -= $x if defined $key->{photo} and defined $key->{qrcode} and
+ $#{$key->{uids}} < 1.5*$options{'attr-height'};
+ foreach my $uid (grep {$_->{type} eq 'uid'} @{$key->{uids}}) {
+ my $text = $LOCALE->encode($uid->{text});
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < length $text; $i+=$max) {
+ print STDOUT ($i ? ' ' x length $tag : $tag ), substr ($text, $i, $max), "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print "\\end{SaveVerbatim}\n";
+ if ($options{'show-subkeys'}) {
+ print "\\begin{SaveVerbatim}{SubKey$n}\n";
+ print pubkey_string('sub',$_) foreach @{$key->{sub}};
+ print "\\end{SaveVerbatim}\n";
+ }
+ print "\\expandafter\\newsavebox\\csname Key$n\\endcsname\n\n";
+print << "EOF"
+print << 'EOF'
+\setlength\MaxWidth{ \textwidth/\COLUMNS - 1ex*\COLUMNS - 1pt*(\COLUMNS-1) }
+% " Key fingerprint = 7420 DF86 BCE1 5A45 8DCE 9976 3927 8DA8 109E 6244"
+foreach my $n (0 .. $#KEYS) {
+ my $key = $KEYS[$n];
+ my $w;
+ if (defined $key->{photo} and defined $key->{qrcode}) {
+ $w = $#{$key->{uids}} < 1.5*$options{'attr-height'}
+ ? ($options{'attr-height'}+5)."\\baselineskip+1pt" # horizontal
+ : '5\baselineskip' # vertical
+ }
+ elsif (defined $key->{photo}) {
+ $w = '5\baselineskip'
+ }
+ elsif (defined $key->{qrcode}) {
+ $w = "$options{'attr-height'}\\baselineskip"
+ }
+ print "\\expandafter\\savebox\\csname Key$n\\endcsname{%\n"
+ ." \\begin{adjustbox}{minipage=\\Width,valign=t,max width=\\MaxWidth,margin=1ex}%\n"
+ ." \\BUseVerbatim{PubKey$n}\\\\[.3\\baselineskip]%\n"
+ ." \\parbox[b]{\\Width".(defined $w ? "-($w)" : '' )."}{\\BUseVerbatim{UID$n}}%\n";
+ if (defined $key->{photo} or defined $key->{qrcode}) {
+ print " \\parbox[b]{$w}{\\raggedleft\\tt%\n";
+ print " \\includegraphics[height=$options{'attr-height'}\\baselineskip,max width=5\\baselineskip,raise=-.3\\baselineskip]{$key->{photo}}%\n"
+ if defined $key->{photo};
+ print " ".($#{$key->{uids}} < 1.5*$options{'attr-height'} ? "~" : "\\\\[1ex]")."%\n"
+ if defined $key->{photo} and defined $key->{qrcode};
+ print " \\includegraphics[height=$options{'attr-height'}\\baselineskip,max width=5\\baselineskip,raise=-.3\\baselineskip]{$key->{qrcode}}%\n"
+ if defined $key->{qrcode};
+ print " }%\n";
+ }
+ print " \\\\[.3\\baselineskip]%\n"
+ ." \\BUseVerbatim{SubKey$n}%\n"
+ if $options{'show-subkeys'};
+ print " \\end{adjustbox}%\n}\n";
+print << 'EOF'
+\newtoks\toks at table
+\newtoks\toks at row
+\newtoks\toks at cell
+\newcounter{n at column}
+\newcounter{n at key}
+\def\free at space{\textheight}
+\newlength\Row at Height
+\newlength\Cell at Height
+\toks at table = {\setcounter{n at key}{0}}
+\toks at cell = {\expandafter\usebox\csname Key\then at key\endcsname}
+\loop {
+ \setcounter{n at column}{0}
+ \setlength\Row at Height{0pt}
+ \toks at row = {}
+ % generate a single row
+ \loop \ifnum \value{n at column} < \COLUMNS
+ \settototalheight\Cell at Height{\the\toks at cell}
+ \ifnum \Cell at Height>\Row at Height \global\Row at Height=\Cell at Height \fi
+ \ifnum \value{n at column} > 0 \toks at row = \expandafter{\the\toks at row & } \fi
+ \global\toks at row = \expandafter{\the\toks at row%
+ \the\toks at cell%
+ \stepcounter{n at key}%
+ \ifnum \value{n at key}>\MAXKEY \setcounter{n at key}{0} \fi%
+ }
+ \stepcounter{n at key}
+ \ifnum \value{n at key}>\MAXKEY \setcounter{n at key}{0} \fi
+ \stepcounter{n at column}
+ \repeat
+\edef\free at space{\number \numexpr \free at space - \Row at Height \relax}
+\ifnum \free at space > 0
+ \toks at table = \expandafter{\the\toks at table\the\toks at row \\ \hline}
+ \repeat
+ \the\toks at table
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+gpg-key2latex - Generate a LaTeX file for fingerprint slips.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+=item B<gpg-key2latex> [B<-p> I<papersize>] [B<-s>] I<keyid> [I<keyid>...]
+gpg-key2latex generates a LaTeX file with an OpenPGP key fingerprint and
+User IDs, repeated as often as it fits on a single page. The LaTeX data
+is written to STDOUT.
+Note: In most cases the generated file can be compiled to PDF using
+pdflatex(1), but xelatex(1) is required if some UID contains CJK
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-p> I<paper-size>, B<--paper-size=>I<paper-size>
+Select the output paper size. The default is the output of paperconf(1),
+or I<a4> if libpaper-utils isn't installed.
+=item B<-s>, B<--show-subkeys>
+Show subkey information.
+=item B<--show-photo>
+Show the first valid user attribute, if any. Note: This writes JPG
+files to the current directory.
+=item B<--show-qrcode>
+Show a QR code of the OpenPGP key fingerprint (40 hexadecimal digits,
+without spaces), prefixed with the string "OPENPGP4FPR:". Note: This
+writes PDF files to the current directory.
+Requires qrencode(1) and epstopdf(1).
+=item B<--attr-height>
+The height, in number of lines, of the photo and QR code. The default
+is the number of User ID, with a maximum of 5.
+=item B<-?>, B<--help>
+Print a brief help and exit.
+=item B<--version>
+Print the version and exit.
+=head1 WEBSITE
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+gpg(1), gpg-key2ps(1)
+Bugs or feature requests for B<gpg-key2latex> should be filed with the
+Debian project's bug tracker at L<https://www.debian.org/Bugs/>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Guilhem Moulin E<lt>guilhem at guilhem.orgE<gt>
+Copyright (c) 2014 Guilhem Moulin.
+B<gpg-key2latex> is free software, distributed under the GNU Public
+License, version 3 or later.
Property changes on: trunk/gpg-key2latex/gpg-key2latex
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Modified: trunk/gpg-key2ps/gpg-key2ps
--- trunk/gpg-key2ps/gpg-key2ps 2014-10-30 16:54:16 UTC (rev 721)
+++ trunk/gpg-key2ps/gpg-key2ps 2014-11-06 21:51:23 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -402,6 +402,10 @@
GNU Privacy Guard.
+=item gpg-key2latex(1)
+Like B<gpg-key2ps>, but produces LaTeX output instead.
=item http://pgp-tools.alioth.debian.org/
The homepage of B<gpg-key2ps> and the other tools bundled in B<signing-party>.
More information about the Pgp-tools-commit
mailing list