[Pgp-tools-commit] r780 - in trunk: caff debian
Guilhem Moulin
guilhem-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Feb 20 19:36:19 UTC 2015
Author: guilhem-guest
Date: 2015-02-20 19:36:19 +0000 (Fri, 20 Feb 2015)
New Revision: 780
caff: Refactor the creation of GnuPG::Interface objects.
Modified: trunk/caff/caff
--- trunk/caff/caff 2015-02-20 19:36:13 UTC (rev 779)
+++ trunk/caff/caff 2015-02-20 19:36:19 UTC (rev 780)
@@ -465,7 +465,9 @@
myerror($?, "$_[0] exited with value ".($? >> 8)) if $?;
-open my $NULL, '+<', '/dev/null';
+open NULL, '+<', '/dev/null';
+my $NULL = fileno NULL;
sub generate_config() {
notice("Error: \$LOGNAME is not set.") unless defined $ENV{'LOGNAME'};
my $gecos = defined $ENV{'LOGNAME'} ? (getpwnam($ENV{LOGNAME}))[6] : undef;
@@ -480,13 +482,9 @@
if (defined $gecos) {
$gecos =~ s/,.*//;
- my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
- $gpg->call( $ENV{GNUPGBIN} ) if defined $ENV{GNUPGBIN};
- $gpg->options->hash_init(
- 'meta_interactive' => 0,
- 'always_trust' => 1,
- 'extra_args' => [ qw{ --no-auto-check-trustdb --with-colons --fixed-list-mode } ] );
- my $handles = make_gpg_fds( map {$_ => undef} qw/stdin stdout stderr status/ );
+ $CONFIG{'gpg'} = $ENV{GNUPGBIN} // 'gpg';
+ my $gpg = mkGnuPG( extra_args => ['--with-colons'] );
+ my $handles = mkGnuPG_fds ( stdout => undef, status => undef );
my $pid = $gpg->list_public_keys(handles => $handles, command_args => [ $gecos ]);
my ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = readwrite_gpg('', $handles);
waitpid $pid, 0;
@@ -608,18 +606,50 @@
$CONFIG{'show-photos'} //= 0;
+# Create a new GnuPG::Interface object with common options
+sub mkGnuPG(%) {
+ my %h = @_;
+ my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface::->new();
+ $gpg->call( $CONFIG{'gpg'} );
+ $h{meta_interactive} //= 0;
+ $h{always_trust} //= 1;
+ $h{extra_args} //= [];
+ push @{$h{extra_args}}, '--no-auto-check-trustdb';
+ push @{$h{extra_args}}, '--fixed-list-mode' if $GNUPG_VERSION < 2.0;
+ push @{$h{extra_args}}, '--no-autostart' if $GNUPG_VERSION >= 2.1; # never autostart
+ $gpg->options->hash_init(%h);
+ debug(join (' ', $gpg->call(), $gpg->options->get_args(), "..."));
+ return $gpg;
# Create a GnuPG::Handles object. This function takes a hash where keys
# are handle names, and values are either IO::Handle objects, in which
# case the existing handle is used, or undefined, in which case a new
# IO::Handle is created.
-sub make_gpg_fds(%) {
- my %fds = @_;
+sub mkGnuPG_fds(%) {
+ my %fd = @_;
+ my @direct;
- my @notnewfds = grep {defined $fds{$_}} keys %fds;
- $fds{$_} = IO::Handle::->new() foreach grep {!defined $fds{$_}} keys %fds;
+ foreach (keys %fd) {
+ push @direct, $_ if defined $fd{$_} and $fd{$_} !~ /^[<>]&/;
+ $fd{$_} //= IO::Handle::->new();
+ }
- my $handles = GnuPG::Handles::->new( %fds );
- $handles->options($_)->{direct} = 1 foreach @notnewfds;
+ # Redirect the STDIN and STDOUT to /dev/null unless explicitely
+ # redirected. Also redirect logger to /dev/null in non-debug mode,
+ # but NEVER redirect STDERR!
+ $fd{stdin} = "<&=$NULL" unless exists $fd{stdin};
+ $fd{stdout} = ">&=$NULL" unless exists $fd{stdout};
+ $fd{logger} = ">&=$NULL" unless exists $fd{logger} or $params->{debug};
+ my $handles = GnuPG::Handles::->new(%fd);
+ $handles->options($_)->{direct} = 1 foreach @direct;
+ debug(join (', ', map {"$_: " . ($handles->options($_)->{direct} ? $fd{$_}->fileno : $fd{$_})} keys %fd));
return $handles;
@@ -798,21 +828,14 @@
my ($gnupghome, $keyids, @export_options) = @_;
myerror(1, "Nothing to export.") unless defined $keyids and @$keyids;
- my %h = ( 'meta_interactive' => 0
- , 'always_trust' => 1
- , 'extra_args' => [ qw{ --no-auto-check-trustdb } ]
- , 'armor' => wantarray ? 0 : 1 ); # don't armor when piping since it's faster
- $h{'homedir'} = $gnupghome if defined $gnupghome;
+ my @extra_args;
push @export_options, 'export-local-sigs' if $CONFIG{'gpg-sign-type'} =~ /l/;
- push @{$h{'extra_args'}}, '--min-cert-level=1' if grep { $_ eq 'export-clean' } @export_options;
- push @{$h{'extra_args'}}, '--export-options', join (',', @export_options) if @export_options;
+ push @extra_args, '--min-cert-level=1' if grep { $_ eq 'export-clean' } @export_options;
+ push @extra_args, '--export-options', join (',', @export_options) if @export_options;
- my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
- $gpg->call( $CONFIG{'gpg'} );
- $gpg->options->hash_init( %h );
- my $handles = make_gpg_fds( stdin => $NULL, stdout => undef, stderr => \*STDERR );
+ # don't armor when piping since it's faster
+ my $gpg = mkGnuPG( homedir => $gnupghome, armor => (wantarray ? 0 : 1), extra_args => \@extra_args );
+ my $handles = mkGnuPG_fds( stdout => undef );
my $pid = $gpg->export_keys( handles => $handles, command_args => $keyids );
if (wantarray) {
@@ -864,20 +887,12 @@
if ($can_encrypt) {
my $message = $message_entity->stringify();
- my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
- $gpg->call( $CONFIG{'gpg'} );
- $gpg->options->hash_init( 'homedir' => $GNUPGHOME,
- 'meta_interactive' => 0,
- 'always_trust' => 1,
- 'extra_args' => [ qw{ --no-auto-check-trustdb --textmode } ],
- 'armor' => 1 );
- my $handles = make_gpg_fds( map {$_ => undef} qw/stdin stdout stderr status/ );
- $gpg->options->push_recipients( $key_id );
- if (defined $CONFIG{'also-encrypt-to'}) {
- $gpg->options->push_recipients($_) foreach @{$CONFIG{'also-encrypt-to'}};
- }
+ my $gpg = mkGnuPG( homedir => $GNUPGHOME, armor => 1, textmode => 1 );
+ $gpg->options->push_recipients($key_id);
+ $gpg->options->push_recipients(@{$CONFIG{'also-encrypt-to'}}) if defined $CONFIG{'also-encrypt-to'};
+ my $handles = mkGnuPG_fds( stdin => undef, stdout => undef, status => undef );
my $pid = $gpg->encrypt(handles => $handles);
- my ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = readwrite_gpg($message, $handles);
+ my ($stdout, $status) = readwrite_gpg($message, $handles);
waitpid $pid, 0;
if ($stdout eq '') {
if (($status =~ /^\[GNUPG:\] INV_RECP ([0-9]+) ([0-9A-F]+)$/m) and
@@ -1077,19 +1092,9 @@
($src_gpghome // "your normal GnuPGHOME")." to ".($dst_gpghome // "your normal GnuPGHOME").".");
my ($ePid, $pipe) = export_keys($src_gpghome, $keyids, @export_options);
- my %h = ( 'meta_interactive' => 0
- , 'quiet' => 1
- , 'always_trust' => 1
- , 'extra_args' => [ qw{ --no-auto-check-trustdb } ] );
- $h{homedir} = $dst_gpghome if defined $dst_gpghome;
- push @{$h{'extra_args'}}, qw/--import-options import-local-sigs/ if $CONFIG{'gpg-sign-type'} =~ /l/;
- my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
- $gpg->call( $CONFIG{'gpg'} );
- $gpg->options->hash_init( %h );
- # import keys from $pipe
- my $handles = make_gpg_fds( stdin => $pipe, stdout => $NULL, stderr => \*STDERR, status => undef );
+ my $gpg = mkGnuPG( homedir => $dst_gpghome, quiet => 1 );
+ $gpg->options->push_extra_args(qw/--import-options import-local-sigs/) if $CONFIG{'gpg-sign-type'} =~ /l/;
+ my $handles = mkGnuPG_fds( stdin => $pipe, status => undef ); # import keys from $pipe
my $iPid = $gpg->import_keys( handles => $handles );
# inspect the $status FD as data gets out.
@@ -1127,19 +1132,9 @@
sub import_key_files($$) {
my ($keyfile, $dst_gpghome) = @_;
- my %h = ( 'meta_interactive' => 0
- , 'quiet' => 1
- , 'always_trust' => 1
- , 'extra_args' => [ qw{ --no-auto-check-trustdb } ] );
- $h{homedir} = $dst_gpghome if defined $dst_gpghome;
- push @{$h{'extra_args'}}, qw/--import-options import-local-sigs/ if $CONFIG{'gpg-sign-type'} =~ /l/;
- my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
- $gpg->call( $CONFIG{'gpg'} );
- $gpg->options->hash_init( %h );
- my $handles = make_gpg_fds( stdin => $NULL, stdout => $NULL, stderr => \*STDERR, status => undef );
+ my $gpg = mkGnuPG( homedir => $dst_gpghome, quiet => 1 );
+ $gpg->options->push_extra_args(qw/--import-options import-local-sigs/) if $CONFIG{'gpg-sign-type'} =~ /l/;
+ my $handles = mkGnuPG_fds( status => undef );
my $pid = $gpg->import_keys( handles => $handles, command_args => $keyfile );
my $err = 1;
@@ -1397,17 +1392,10 @@
$CONFIG{'keyserver'} //= 'pool.sks-keyservers.net';
info ("Fetching keys from $CONFIG{keyserver}, this may take a while...");
- my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
- $gpg->call( $CONFIG{'gpg'} );
- $gpg->options->hash_init(
- 'homedir' => $GNUPGHOME,
- 'meta_interactive' => 0,
- 'always_trust' => 1,
- 'extra_args' => [ qw{ --no-auto-check-trustdb }, '--keyserver='.$CONFIG{'keyserver'} ] );
+ my $gpg = mkGnuPG( homedir => $GNUPGHOME, extra_args => ['--keyserver='.$CONFIG{'keyserver'}] );
# logger: requesting key ... from hkp
# stdout: gpgkeys: key ... not found on keyserver
- my $handles = make_gpg_fds( (map {$_ => $NULL} qw/stdin stdout logger/), stderr => \*STDERR, status => undef );
+ my $handles = mkGnuPG_fds( status => undef );
my $pid = $gpg->recv_keys(handles => $handles, command_args => \@KEYIDS);
@@ -1467,15 +1455,9 @@
for my $keyid (@keyids_ok) {
# get key listing (and ensure there is no collision)
- my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
- $gpg->call( $CONFIG{'gpg'} );
- $gpg->options->hash_init(
- 'homedir' => $GNUPGHOME,
- 'meta_interactive' => 0,
- 'always_trust' => 1,
- 'extra_args' => [ qw{ --no-auto-check-trustdb --fingerprint --with-colons --fixed-list-mode } ] );
+ my $gpg = mkGnuPG( homedir => $GNUPGHOME, extra_args => ['--with-fingerprint', '--with-colons'] );
+ my $handles = mkGnuPG_fds( stdout => undef );
- my $handles = make_gpg_fds( stdin => $NULL, stdout => undef, stderr => \*STDERR );
# process the keys one by one so we can detect collisions
my $pid = $gpg->list_public_keys( handles => $handles, command_args => [$keyid] );
@@ -1593,14 +1575,8 @@
# prune it
- my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
- $gpg->call( $CONFIG{'gpg'} );
- $gpg->options->hash_init(
- 'homedir' => $uiddir,
- 'command_fd' => 0,
- 'always_trust' => 1,
- 'extra_args' => [ qw{ --no-auto-check-trustdb --with-colons --fast-list-mode --fixed-list-mode --no-tty } ] );
- my $handles = make_gpg_fds( map {$_ => undef} qw/stdin stdout stderr status/ );
+ my $gpg = mkGnuPG( homedir => $uiddir, extra_args => ['--with-colons'] );
+ my $handles = mkGnuPG_fds( command => undef, stdout => undef, status => undef );
my $pid = $gpg->wrap_call(
commands => [ '--edit-key' ],
command_args => [ $keyid ],
@@ -1718,17 +1694,10 @@
!grep { $uid->{hash} eq $_->{hash} } @signeduids;
- my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
- $gpg->call( $CONFIG{'gpg'} );
- $gpg->options->hash_init(
- 'command_fd' => 0,
- 'always_trust' => 1,
- 'extra_args' => [ '--local-user', $u
- , '--ask-cert-level'
- # we know there is a working agent
- , '--use-agent'
- , qw{ --no-auto-check-trustdb --no-tty } ] );
- my $handles = make_gpg_fds( map {$_ => undef} qw/stdin stdout stderr status/ );
+ my $gpg = mkGnuPG( extra_args => ['--local-user' => $u, '--ask-cert-level'] );
+ $gpg->options->push_extra_args('--secret-keyring', $CONFIG{'secret-keyring'}) if $GNUPG_VERSION < 2.1;
+ $gpg->options->push_extra_args('--use-agent') if $GNUPG_VERSION < 2.0; # we know there is a working agent
+ my $handles = mkGnuPG_fds( command => undef, stdout => undef, status => undef );
my $pid = $gpg->wrap_call(
commands => [ '--edit-key' ],
command_args => [ $keyid ],
Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog 2015-02-20 19:36:13 UTC (rev 779)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog 2015-02-20 19:36:19 UTC (rev 780)
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
sockets to avoid spawning new agents in caff's GNUPGHOME. This require
an extra call to gpg(1) at the begining to determine the version.
(Closes: #771857)
- + Don't redirect gpg's STDERR when listing the keys, as it makes gpg
- croak on OSX when GPG_TTY is not set. Patch from Ewen McNeill.
- (Closes: #775702)
+ Default $CONFIG{'local-user'} to $CONFIG{'keyid'} rather than importing
the public part of *all* keys found in the secret keyring. (When not
pruning the good keys with -u, gpg(1) croaks with exit status 2 when
@@ -25,6 +22,8 @@
gpgdir, gpgparticipants, gpgsigs, keyart, keylookup:
+ Add the possibility to choose the gpg binary via the "GNUPGBIN"
environment variable. (Default: "gpg".)
+ + Never redirect STDERR. Send the logger output to /dev/null instead
+ (unless in debug mode). (Closes: #775702)
-- Guilhem Moulin <guilhem at guilhem.org> Sat, 03 Jan 2015 11:36:26 +0100
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