[Pkg-ace-devel] INFORMATION

Mrs Grace Otu grace_otu@yahoo.it
Sat, 24 Apr 2004 21:59:14 +0200

Tel=2Ffax 234-1-440231
Email grace=5Fotu=40yahoo=2Eit 
Dear Sir=2C
I wish to inform you that we can work together and achieve this dream without any hitch=2E It is quite true that we have not met=2E Actually=2C I will want you to understand that I am Dr Mrs=2E Grace Otu a deputy director of payment with the Federal Ministry of Finance Nigeria=2E We were appointed by the Federal Government of Nigeria for contract award=2Fpayment approval for the various Ministries=2E Our duties include evaluation=2C vetting and Approval for payment of contract jobs done for the corporation=2E Under section B' Nigerian first fiscal contractors payment=2E Do you know what=3F Without trust and sincerity=2C we cannot achieve this dream=2E We must apply trust and sincerity as our top most priority so as to achieve this aim=2E
Understand that the an over invoice sum of &22million U=2ES=2Edollars has been lodge at our paying centre in Europe for safety which will be release to as a contractor with Nigerian Petroleum Co-operation with the documents I will obtain on your behalf and sent to you need your assurance to assist claim this fund out from our paying centre=2C I promise you that at the end of the day you will have course to smile=2C once again this transaction is for the mutual benefit of me and you=2E The new development will only last for one week=2E I want to assure you that every documentation regarding to the approval of this fund in your favor will be obtain by an accredited Attorney=2E and send to you=2E
I look forward hearing from you
You are advised to send this information=92s as soon as possible to enable me forward them to the attorney who will apply for approval of release of the fund on your behalf 
1=2E First and last Names
2=2E Phone and fax numbers
3=2E Age
4=2E Contact address=2E
Immediately I receive these information=2C the attorney will go ahead to apply for approval in your favor=2E please I want you to know that this transaction is for a mutual benefits of you and me
I look forward to hearing from you=2E 
Regards from
Dr Mrs=2E Grace Otu
=28Deputy Director for payment Federal Ministry of finance Nigeria=29