[Pkg-ace-devel] Re: Sources for

Thomas Girard thomas.g.girard@free.fr
Fri, 05 Nov 2004 11:33:03 +0100

Hello Raphael,

> Where is the problem? Can I help out ? Our CVS repo is up-to-date ?

Sorry if I was not clear. Everything builds fine, and the CVS repo is

(update: the tarballs were built using sources from the CVS repo that
are tagged with label thomas_build_20041104, thanks again Raphael)

My initial intent was to provide a deb-src apt-get'able location so that
Konstantinos can try and start building new packages. But I don't recall
how to do and won't have much time to search. Thus I have made two files
that look as if they were apt-get'able, but are not.

>> I'll probably post an updated TODO list later.
> Give me one tip what's going wrong. Maybe lintian ?

Nope, everything's fine.

But there are items for
- finish man pages
- have a look at dev poll reactor (this is Linux 2.6 specific)
- package ciao-dance
- have a look at cidlc
I might have forgotten items.

