[Pkg-ace-devel] Re: ACE 5.4.2 packages

Thomas Girard thomas.g.girard@free.fr
Tue, 07 Sep 2004 01:10:15 +0200

Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:
> On Δευ 06 Σεπ 2004 18:49, Thomas Girard wrote:
>> Hello again,
> Hi Thomas,

Hello Konstantinos, hello Brian,

I've just signed up to the pkg-ace mailing list.

About SVN, I have used commit messages sent to this list in June to keep
in sync with your patches, although not using dpatch. I don't have read
or write access to the SVN repo.

>> this time the packages are compiled. They are being uploaded to 
>> http://thomas.g.girard.free.fr/ace/ as I'm writing this email.
> Ok. I suppose the file 5.4.2_to_5.4.2-debian.diff is the diff against
>  the current debian packages? If not, can you provide the source 
> packages as well?

No. It's a diff against upstream version I have used as a base for the
new patches, the ones located in
http://thomas.g.girard.free.fr/ace/patches. It is not that
different from them, but some things were changed. The package version
name is one of these changes ;-)

An updated diff is available here:
Like the patches from patches/, it should be applied against a pristine
5.4.2 ACE+TAO+CIAO.tar.gz tarball (or the ace_5.4.2.1.orig.tar.gz tarball).

I have setup a deb-src repo here:
deb-src http://nouvelles.fraiches.free.fr/ace-src/ ./

Let me know if I have done anything wrong. I have seen .orig files in
the ace_5.4.2.1.orig.tar.gz file, and will check that tomorrow but I
think they come from the upstream ACE+TAO+CIAO.tar.gz (before I was
using ACE+TAO+CIAO.tar.bz2).

>> DAnCE is using xerces and is being compiled but *not* installed. 
>> DAnCE stands for Deployment And Configuration Engine and is new in 
>> CIAO 0.4.2. It should probably be packaged in another package, e.g.
>> ciao-dance.
> Hm, ace is becoming bigger and bigger :-) Why is it not installed by 
> default? maybe it's experimental? or do you mean that it is not 
> installed in the debian packages?

I mean it's not installed in any Debian libciao* package. I'm not very
familiar with CIAO but I believe these tools are not mandatory to
develop CCM programs and therefore they should be placed into a separate

> Ok, I was looking at the changelog, what does otonet mean ? :-)

Hem... otonet-lab is the name of the company I'm working for.

> I was thinking maybe we mark the release version with the current 
> sarge naming scheme, eg etc...

The latest package made from patches/ is versioned Do you
want me to change this into

> So, basically the only thing left is the split of the Reactors right 
> to separate packages right?

Yes, and probably make a ciao-dance package.

Also, looking at SVN commit messages that got forwarded to the list, I
have noticed that a ace+tao-utilities package has been started (it is
also in the Suggests) including, iirc, *all* programs under
$ACE_ROOT/bin, but unfortunately I have forgotten that package. What
shall we do about this? The only program from $ACE_ROOT/bin I've used so
far, apart from the already packaged ones, is generate_export_file.pl.
But there may be other useful programs I don't know in there.

> I'm curious how mpc works, is there some nice manual/howto/whatever?

You can read the slightly outdated MPC manual at
http://download.ociweb.com/MPC/MakeProjectCreator.pdf, and have a look

> You did a very good job, thanks! Now we can have current ace packages
>  in sarge! :-)

Thank you very much.

> Regards
> Konstantinos
> PS. I think you should become one of the package maintainers :-)

That'd be great ! How can I do ?

