[Pkg-ace-devel] GOOD DAY.

MARIE EYADEMA marieeyadema1 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 4 17:00:02 UTC 2005


Compliment of the day to you, I would like to use this medium to introduce my self to you, though we have not met before.

I am Marie Eyadema a widow to the Late Eyadema of Togo who just died, I know you might be suprised to receive this kind of proposal from me but my instincts motivated me to write you due to my present situation which I hope you may be of help. My late husband got married to three wives as African culture demanded, I was lucky to be the favourite among all, I was so close to my husband while he was still alive. After his death I have been persecuted by other wives out of jealous; before the death of my husband, he enstrusted to me a substantial amount of money.

This money was budgeted for his new company project which he had at hand before he died. This money was being kept in my possession due to the trust he had on me.Now that the First son of the Family has taken over the office as the new elected president of Togo my life and that of my children is in danger due to family crisis, so luckyly for me and my children we were able to move away with money from Togo to Accra-Ghana where I and the children are residing at the moment and we have deposited the money with a Security company for safe keeping pending the time we will be able to find a trusted person who will help in moving this cash out of Africa for investment in a developed world.

What I want you to do is to indicate your interest that you will assist us by receiving the money on our behalf. Acknowledge this message, so that I can introduce you to my son (malick) who has the modalities for the claim of the funds.I want you to assist in investing this money, but I will not want my identity revealed. I will also like to buy properties and stock in multinational companies and to engage in other safe and non-speculative
investment portfolios.May I at this point emphasis the high level of
confidentiality which this business demands, and hope you will not betray the trust and confidence, which I entrust on you. In conclusion, if you want to assist us, my son will put you in the picture of the business by telling you where the funds are currently being keeped, and also discuss other modalities including remunerations for your service.

Kindly furnish us your contact information, that is your personal telephone and fax numbers for confidential purposes and acknowledge receipt of this mail Do contact me through this email address : 
marieeyadema1 at yahoo.com.
Best regards,
Mrs. Marie Eyadema.

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