[Pkg-ace-devel] Bug#289158: mpc-ace: MPC needs ACE_ROOT and TAO_ROOT environment variables

Thomas Girard thomas.g.girard@free.fr
Sat, 15 Jan 2005 14:44:51 +0100

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Marek Brudka a =E9crit :
> MPC generated makefiles needs these variables to run correctly. AFAIK
> debian ace distribution should not depend on these variables, hence I
> think mpc-ace violates this and should be corrected.

Hi Marek,

I have a quite simple fix, but I would like to discuss it with you. My
fix is attached ; it simply define ACE_ROOT to be /usr/share/ace and
export this in the GNUmakefile if there were no ACE_ROOT defined.

This should fix the bug you reported, but there is another problem. I
have added `export' keyword so that ACE_ROOT variable is seen when
invoking for instance tao_idl. Because tao_idl *also* needs ACE_ROOT (at
last it complains about it when it's missing).

I believe there should be no `export' keyword, but all TAO and ACE
programs should be altered to use /usr/share/ace instead of relying on

Comments and suggestions ?



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#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
## 92-default-ACE_ROOT.dpatch by Thomas Girard <thomas.g.girard@free.fr>
## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
## DP: Automatically set ACE_ROOT to /usr/share/ace in MPC generated
## DP: GNUmakefile if no ACE_ROOT is set.


Index: ACE_wrappers/bin/MakeProjectCreator/modules/GNUACEWorkspaceCreator.pm
--- ACE_wrappers.orig/bin/MakeProjectCreator/modules/GNUACEWorkspaceCreator.pm	2004-10-28 18:13:32.000000000 +0200
+++ ACE_wrappers/bin/MakeProjectCreator/modules/GNUACEWorkspaceCreator.pm	2005-01-14 23:31:02.000000000 +0100
@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@
             "ifeq (\$(findstring k,\$(MAKEFLAGS)),k)$crlf",
             "  KEEP_GOING = -$crlf",
+	    "ifndef ACE_ROOT$crlf",
+	    "  export ACE_ROOT = /usr/share/ace$crlf",
+	    "endif$crlf",
             "include \$(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/macros.GNU$crlf",
