[Pkg-ace-devel] Bug#80333: marked as done (QuickStart)
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Wed Nov 2 20:23:39 UTC 2005
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Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 22 Dec 2000 19:48:10 +0000
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Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 13:48:03 -0600
To: submit at bugs.debian.org
Subject: QuickStart
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From: Ryan King <rking at caseta.com>
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Package: libace-doc
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Has there been any consideration about adding a "QuickStart" guide in the
root of the /usr/share/doc/libace-doc directory?
I know as a user who attempted to learn ACE a year ago, and am now getting
back into it, I would've very much appreciated such a guide. It might
should include such items as:
1. A sample Makefile that utilizes ace-config (this is the most important
part, IMHO)
2. A list of key classes (ACE_Reactor, etc), and a note mentioning the
fact that they have manpages.
3. A reference to the tutorial that is slightly buried in
4. Probably a mention of Doug's POSA2 book, since it's helpful if you're
struggling with the online docs. =)
If you think this is a good idea I'd gladly write it up for you, as I am
probably going to write one for my company's use anyway.
- Ryan King
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From: Konstantinos Margaritis <markos at debian.org>
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Subject: Closing, will not fix
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Original poster has not replied in 4 years, while he volunteeredto=20
write this. Closing this bug, there are plenty ACE tutorials on the=20
net anyway.
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