[Pkg-ace-devel] Re: [libtao-doc] Compiling examples

Pascal Giard evilynux at gmail.com
Fri May 4 18:04:42 UTC 2007

Hi Thomas!

On 5/4/07, Thomas Girard <thomas.g.girard at free.fr> wrote:
> Sorry for the delay. The mailing list is not dead; I was too busy to
> reply.

No problem, thank you for replying!

> You did not mention the version of the ACE+TAO packages you were using,
> so I'm assuming the 5.4.7-12.

You're assuming right!

> There's already a README.Debian in the source package, but it seems it
> disappeared from the binary packaged. I'll have a look at it; in the
> meantime you can read it here:
>   http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ace/trunk/debian/README.Debian?op=file

Installing mpc-ace, i noticed it's in /usr/share/doc/mpc-ace . But
please include it in libace-doc and libtao-doc.

> Please let me know if instructions work for you.

Short answer: nope, it doesn't.

I think it needs an update and the macro files might need some
modifications unless i did something wrong...

Let me quote the README.Debian.

> == Compiling examples ==
> To compile ACE or TAO examples (in libace-doc and libtao-orbsvcs-doc), you'll

libtao-orbsvcs-doc doesn't exist. I think it should be libtao-doc.

> 1. to define ACE_ROOT and TAO_ROOT as explained above.
> 2. to install mpc-ace package if needed.

No problem here.

> 3. to copy and uncompress the example you want to test, e.g.:
>   cp /usr/share/doc/libtao-orbsvcs-doc/examples/CosEC $HOME/ex1
>   find $HOME/ex1 -type f -name '*.gz' | xargs gunzip

Assuming libtao-orbvcs-doc should be libtao-doc, the CosEC example
doesn't exist. I've used the Quoter example to test the rest of the

> 4. to regenerate the GNUmakefiles for this new location:
>   cd $HOME/ex1
>   mwc-ace -recurse -value_project install=. -value_project libout=.

This seems to work as i get:
Generating gnuace output using ./
Generation Time: 0s

That said, the GNUmakefile isn't updated... perhaps it's only because
it's already ok.

> 5. now you can compile your example.

Unless it's something else than "make" i get the following errors:

make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire « /home/pgiard/tao_examples/Quoter »

GNUmakefile: /home/pgiard/tao_examples/Quoter/GNUmakefile.Quoter_Factory_Finder

make[1]: *** Pas de règle pour fabriquer la cible «
../../../bin/tao_idl », nécessaire pour « QuoterC.cpp ». Arrêt.
make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /home/pgiard/tao_examples/Quoter »
make: *** [Quoter_Factory_Finder] Erreur 2

FWIW, i've created a minimalist configure.ac and Makefile.am for
libtao-doc/examples/Simple/echo and it works great.

I've attached both files in case it's useful.

Finally, i can see that some examples include perl scripts that use a
PerlACE module. I couldn't find any debian package with it... is this
known to you maintainers?

Thanks again for your help,

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