[Pkg-ace-devel] Next upload of ACE+TAO

Thomas Girard thomas.g.girard at free.fr
Sat Apr 12 19:22:13 UTC 2008


I'm about to upload ace 5.6.3-1 to unstable.

This upload includes:
 * autoconf generated config.h
 * new packages for the FOX toolkit
 * massive debian/copyright overhaul

I'd like to have ACE 5.6.3 in lenny, hence this upload.

There's still stuff to do:
 * autogenerate platform_macros.GNU and ship rules.*.GNU to fix #469843
   and #469845
 * provide netsvcs libraries to fix #466137
 * perform binary renames, following what was chosen in thread[1]



[1] http://groups.google.com/group/comp.soft-sys.ace/browse_thread/thread/ef0579a59aaeacad

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