Aladou Musa
aladoumusa008 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 25 18:18:35 UTC 2009
You are invited to "CONFIDENCIAL PROPOSAL".
By your host Aladou Musa:
Date: Tuesday August 25, 2009
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (GMT +00:00)
Location: I am .Mr Aladou Musa. I work with BANK OF AFRICA .B.O.A OF BURKINA FASO as an (Assistant Acountant), I want to tranfer the amount of ($6.millions dollars us) to foreign country. if you are interested to receive the fund reply me immidiatly so that i will give you the details of procedure .first i am asuring you that no any risk over it .and your gain will be 30 % of the 6.millions usd .if you will be able to help me for this transaction reply me immidiatly pls for the detail of procedure
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