[Pkg-ace-devel] Switching to git

Thomas Girard thomas.g.girard at free.fr
Sat Apr 9 10:42:36 UTC 2011

Le 09/04/2011 11:59, Pau Garcia i Quiles a écrit :
>> Any news on this? If you don't have time I can probably have a look at
>> this myself this week-end.
> I'm really sorry but I will not have any spare time until April 23rd :-(
> I'm attaching the rules file for KDE's svn2git and the script to
> import upstream's tarball.
> You can clone KDE's svn2git from
> git://gitorious.org/svn2git/svn2git.git . Please note it requires the
> raw svn repository (scp -r from Alioth), not just an svn checkout. If
> you have any problem with the tool, ask in #kde-git or #kde-devel
> (Freenode). 

Thanks, I'll give it a try and update you on this.


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