[Pkg-ace-devel] ACE 6.2.7-1 upload

Pau Garcia i Quiles pgquiles at elpauer.org
Mon Aug 18 22:39:04 UTC 2014

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 2:30 AM, Thomas Girard <thomas.g.girard at free.fr>

 If you are fine with it, I will commit 6.2.7+dfsg-1 tomorrow
> Yes, I am fine with it. I notice some minor changes that need to be done:
>  * debian/changelog mentions old patch 34-bts386713 which is indeed removed


>  * debian/debian.* files should be removed. No idea how they went into
> your debian tarball

Probably because I forgot to remove upstream's 'debian' directory, then
accidentally overwrote it with my own contents. I will clean 'debian'

>  * seems like I removed ACE-DPKG.mwc from master :-(

It's in 6.2.7+dfsg-1, so no worries

>  * changelog should mention get-orig-source that was added (or again I
> lost it in master).

> I am happy with everything else, thanks for your work.
> Please note that I did not yet:
>  * try installing the package

It seemed to work fine for me

>  * run lintian
Lintian reported nothing on my system, although it waw 2.5.24 IIRC, not the
latest 2.5.25. I will try tomorrow on a fully-updated sid.

> I will do this when merge is complete and items above are fixed if it's ok
> for you.
>> After that, I think we should have create directories in the repository:
>> ace/debian
>> tao/debian
>> We can move what we have in 'debian' to 'ace/debian' and (possibly
>> starting from my old 6.2.7-1) start 'tao/debian'.
> You want to do this to keep history of TAO, right? While I understand the
> idea I am not sure this will make package building easy. But we can try :-)
Right, I want to keep history. It's easier to keep it in git than to keep
tarballs around :-)

I may need to add 6.2.7-1 at some point, just to be overwritten by
6.2.7+dfsg-1 immediately. I will think about this tomorrow evening. For
now, let's focus on getting ACE 6.2.7+dfsg-1 in the archive.

>  I would also love to start an opendds/debian. According to Johnny three
>> years ago, it was not possible to build OpenDDS against an installed
>> tree [1]. Maybe this has changed?
>> [1]
>> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-ace-devel/
>> 2011-March/002438.html
> No idea. @Johnny?
I downloaded DDS and tried to build it but it needs TAO, therefore I
couldn't try on the computer I am now writing (not where I packaged

It seems to support using an existing ACE_ROOT and TAO_ROOT but my feeling
is OpenDDS still needs to be built together with ACE and TAO. This may very
well mean the TAO licensing issues will be preventing us from shipping
OpenDDS :-/

Anyone up for writing a new IDL-to-C++ compiler? ;-)

Pau Garcia i Quiles
(Due to my workload, I may need 10 days to answer)
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