[Pkg-ace-devel] 3-6 February 2015 - Las Vegas

Samich samich at vd5.it
Tue Jan 13 01:31:24 UTC 2015

3-6 February 2015 - Las Vegas 

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Samich will be present at Word of Concrete 2015! 
"South Hall" booth "S11727"

Dear customer,
we are happy to invite you to the World of Concrete 2015 in Las Vegas!
Come and test our products! You can visit us in the "South Hall" booth "S11727"


Samich is a world-wide specialized manufacturer of diamond tools for surfaces preparation and polished concrete. In addition to manufacturing our
specialized diamond tools, we have collaborated with some grinding and polishing machine manufacturers to develop Samich-customized machines that
fix/use our diamond tools and accessories.

Samich stands out for its solid machines!

Watch now all our discs and special products!

Samich manufactures industrial vacuum and dust extractor.

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SAMICH Via Ignazio silone, 1/A - 65020 Rosciano Italy Tel +39 085 859 0016 Fax +39 085 859 9327 email info at samichmail.it Copyright © 2014 
Partita IVA IT01286490683

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