[Pkg-aide-maintainers] Bug#501848: /var/run/aide/ missing

Jean-Baptiste Lallement jeanbaptiste.lallement at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 22:22:58 UTC 2008

Package: aide
Version: 0.13.1-10
Tags: patch

This report has been filed here:

Daily AIDE Report says:
premature termination - Daily AIDE report for $HOSTNAME
The cron job was terminated because lock /var/run/aide/cron.daily.lock
could not be obtained.

Creating /var/run/aide/ and changing ownership via:
 sudo mkdir /var/run/aide
 sudo chmod root:adm /var/run/aide

This only works untill the next reboot.
After a reboot the directory /var/run/aide is missing again.

1. install aide
2. reboot system
3. manually invoke the aide cron job:
 $ sudo /etc/cron.daily/aide
if the cronjob aborts right away, then the test has failed.

A patch is provided for Ubuntu.
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