[Pkg-aide-maintainers] [newbie] "Old db contains a entry that shouldn't be there": problem with log check rules?

Tom Roche Tom_Roche at pobox.com
Thu Sep 18 18:10:56 UTC 2014

summary: A problem may be due to application of log-handling rules recommended in the default /etc/aide/aide.conf freshly installed by Debian 7/wheezy.[1] I was advised

Richard van den Berg Thu, 18 Sep 2014 08:15:30 +0200 [2]
> Please contact the Debian aide maintainer about Debian specific rules.


I'm package-installing AIDE on a freshly-rebuilt Debian-7.5 box. My full AIDE-install procedure is documented here[1]; essentially I change one line in the default /etc/aide/aide.conf , and append many lines=rules following its end:

* applied checksums:

-Checksums = sha256+sha512+rmd160+haval+gost+crc32+tiger
+Checksums = sha512+tiger

* append rules from line=

+### following initial rules from http://aide.sourceforge.net/stable/manual.html#config

  to end of /etc/aide/aide.conf

My problem is, when I manually run `aide` to verify my configuration

$ date ; sudo aide -c /etc/aide/aide.conf --check -V ; date

I get the following output:

> Wed Sep 17 23:39:28 EDT 2014
> Rule at line 215 has c and I flags enabled at the same time. If same inode is found, flag c is ignored
> Rule at line 217 has c and I flags enabled at the same time. If same inode is found, flag c is ignored
> Rule at line 218 has c and I flags enabled at the same time. If same inode is found, flag c is ignored
> WARNING: Old db contains a entry that shouldn't be there, run --init or --update

Lines 215-218 of /etc/aide/aide.conf are my rules

> /var/log/dmesg\.2\.gz$ LoSerMemberLog
> # substituting 8->y-1 , 9->y
> /var/log/dmesg\.[345678]\.gz$ SerMemberLog
> /var/log/dmesg\.9\.gz$ HiSerMemberLog

Those rules appear to me to implement the log-handling recommended in the {default, fresh, initially}-installed debian-7.5 /etc/aide/aide.conf , which is listed in full following my .sig @ end of [1]. (My current /etc/aide/aide.conf follows {.sig, endnotes} at the end of *this* post.) So I'd like to know, 

1. how to fix my rules to handle the 'c and I flags' correctly? Alternatively, how to further debug?

2. does my current /etc/aide/aide.conf misinterpret the advice given in the default /etc/aide/aide.conf ? If not, can that advice be fixed in future packages?

Your assistance is appreciated, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at pobox.com>

[1]: https://mailman.cs.tut.fi/pipermail/aide/2014-September/001449.html
[2]: https://mailman.cs.tut.fi/pipermail/aide/2014-September/001450.html

my current /etc/aide/aide.conf follows to end of post-----------------
# AIDE conf

# The daily cron job depends on these paths

# Set to no to disable summarize_changes option.

# Set to no to disable grouping of files in report.

# if you want to sacrifice security for speed, remove some of these
# checksums. Whirlpool is broken on sparc and sparc64 (see #429180,
# #420547, #152203).
Checksums = sha512+tiger

# X contains the groups 'acl', 'xattrs' and 'e2fsattrs' and additionally
# under linux archs the group 'selinux'. The group is used in some other
# group definitions below. To disable one of the groups (e.g. acl) append
# '-acl' to the group definition.

# check permissions, owner, group and file type
OwnerMode = p+u+g+ftype

# Check size and block count
Size = s+b

# Files that stay static
InodeData = OwnerMode+n+i+Size+l+X
StaticFile = m+c+Checksums

# Files that stay static but are copied to a ram disk on startup
# (causing different inode)
RamdiskData = InodeData-i

# Check everything
Full = InodeData+StaticFile

# Files that change their mtimes or ctimes but not their contents
VarTime = InodeData+Checksums

# Files that are recreated regularly but do not change their contents
VarInode = VarTime-i

# Files that change their contents during system operation
VarFile = OwnerMode+n+l+X

# Directories that change their contents during system operation
VarDir = OwnerMode+n+i+X

# Directories that are recreated regularly and change their contents
VarDirInode = OwnerMode+n+X

# Directories that change their mtimes or ctimes but not their contents
VarDirTime = InodeData

# Logs are special: they are continously written to, may be compressed
# have their file name changed in different, mutually incompatibly ways
# and apprear and vanish at will. Handling this is a a complex and error-
# prone issue.
# This is best broken down in a number of small tasks:
# (A)
# While a live log is being written to, it doesn't change its mode and
# inode and its size only increases.
# (B)
# When a live log is rotated for the first time, it should not change
# its mode, may change its inode, and its size decreases. The size
# decrease may not be noticed by aide if the file had size x at the last
# aide run, was rotated in the mean time and was written to so that it
# had a size > x at the next aide run.
# (C)
# When a log is compressed, this looks to aide like the uncompressed
# file vanished (or was replaced by another file) and the compressed
# file appeared out of the blue. There is (currently) no way to
# associate the (gone) uncompressed file's contents with the (new)
# compressed file's contents
# (D)
# The actual log rotation may rename foo.{x}.bar to foo.{x+1}.bar without
# changing the other properties of the file
# (E)
# If only a given number of log generations is to be kept, foo.{y}.bar may
# vanish, but usually only when no foo.{z}.bar exists for z>y.
# (F)
# The set of files foo.{x}.bar to foo.{y}.bar is called a "log series"
# in aide terms, with the lowest x being called the "LoSerMember" element
# and the highest y being called the "HiSerMember" element, and the z
# with x<z<y simple called "SerMember". The Lo and Hi members need to
# be special cased in aide configuration.
# This is an example of the normal life of a log named foo in a logrotate
# configuration using a configuration at it is commonly used in Debian
# (from old to new):
#     1 logrotate deletes HiSerMember foo.{y}.gz
#     2 logrotate rotates SerMember foo.{z-1}.gz to foo.{z}.gz for all
#       z with 3<z<=y. This includes rotation of foo.{y-1}.gz to
#       foo.{y}.gz and foo.2.gz to foo.3.gz
#     3 logrotate compresses foo.1 to foo.2.gz, creating LoSerMember foo.2.gz
#     4 logrotate rotates foo to foo.1 (a simple rename)
#     5 logrotate creates new, empty foo
#     6 foo daemon logs to foo - foo grows in size
# we need the following rules:
# /var/log/foo$ Log
# /var/log/foo$ FreqRotLog
#    this takes care of the growing live log (step 7). The "Log" rule
#    is appropriate for logs that are not rotated daily as rotation
#    might be reported (if the file size has decreased since the last
#    aide run). For daily rotated logs, the "FreqRotLog" may be more
#    appropriate.
# /var/log/foo\.1$ LowLog
#    this takes care of step 5.
# /var/log/foo\.2\.gz$ LoSerMemberLog
#    this allows yet unknown new files to appear with a \.2\.gz extension,
#    covering step 3.
# /var/log/foo\.[3..y-1]\.gz$ SerMemberLog
#    this watches the log files as they wander through the Series,
#    changing only their file name but not their contents or metadata,
#    covering step 2.
#    Please note that [3..y-1] needs to be a manually crafted regexp covering
#    all numbers between 3 and y-1.
# /var/log/foo\.y\.gz$ HiSerMemberLog
#    finally, the last element of the Series is allowed to vanish without
#    being reported, covering step 1.
# Please note that these example rules need to be adapted to the logrotate
# configuration for the log. Compression may be disabled or lead to a different
# extension, the dateext option may be used, old logs might be held in a
# different place, a log series does not necessarily need to be compressed etc.
# Please note that savelog rotates the live log to .0 and not to .1 as it
# is logrotates (changeable) default.

# Logs grow in size. Log rotation of these logs will be reported, so
# this should only be used for logs that are not rotated daily.
Log = OwnerMode+n+S+X

# Logs that are frequently rotated
FreqRotLog = Log-S

# The first instance of a rotated log: After the log has stopped being
# written to, but before rotation
LowLog = Log-S

# Rotated logs change their file name but retain all their other properties
SerMemberLog  = Full+I

# The first instance of a compressed, rotated log: After a LowLog was
# compressed.
LoSerMemberLog = SerMemberLog+ANF

# The last instance of a compressed, rotated log: After this name, a log
# will be removed
HiSerMemberLog = SerMemberLog+ARF

# Not-yet-compressed log created by logrotate's dateext option:
# These files appear one rotation (renamed from the live log) and are gone
# the next rotation (being compressed)
LowDELog = SerMemberLog+ANF+ARF

# Compressed log created by logrotate's dateext option: These files appear
# once and are not touched any more.
SerMemberDELog = Full+ANF

# For daemons that log to a variable file name and have the live log
# hardlinked to a static file name
LinkedLog = Log-n
### following initial rules from http://aide.sourceforge.net/stable/manual.html#config
MyRule = p+i+n+u+g+s+b+m+c+md5+sha1 

## what directories/files you want to scan, and how. Note regarding rule order:
## https://mailman.cs.tut.fi/pipermail/aide/2014-April/001445.html
## > [Aide] wildcard in aide.conf?
## > Keith Constable kccricket at gmail.com
## > Thu Apr 24 13:25:20 EEST 2014

## > Be certain that your most specific rules are on top and most generic on bottom.
## > For example "!/home/.*/Downloads" needs to be higher in the list than "/home"

/bin MyRule      # apply rule=MyRule to all files=/bin/*
/etc p+i+u+g     # check only permissions, inode, user and group for /etc
/home MyRule
!/run            # don't scan /run/* .
# Note: above rule still resulted in much output like
# > open_dir():No such file or directory: /run/udev/watch/10
# until I reordered the rules for /var (moved `/var MyRule` from top to bottom).
# Go figure.
/sbin MyRule
/usr MyRule
# will ignore some members of /var :
!/var/adm/utmp$  # ignore the specific file=/var/adm/utmp
!/var/backups    # ignore dir=/var/backups (and all subdirs)
# attempt to handle /var/log/dmesg* (before rest of /var/log)
/var/log/dmesg$ Log
#   takes care of the growing live log (step 7).
#   The "Log" rule is appropriate for logs that are not rotated daily as rotation might be reported (if the file size has decreased since the last aide run).
#   For daily rotated logs, the "FreqRotLog" may be more appropriate: i.e., `/var/log/dmesg$ FreqRotLog`
/var/log/dmesg\.1$ LowLog
/var/log/dmesg\.2\.gz$ LoSerMemberLog
# substituting 8->y-1 , 9->y
/var/log/dmesg\.[345678]\.gz$ SerMemberLog
/var/log/dmesg\.9\.gz$ HiSerMemberLog
/var/log Log     # apply rule=Log to all files=/var/log/*
!/var/spool/.*   # ignore subdirs of /var/spool (but not /var/spool itself)
/var MyRule

## reporting

# always report changer's user and group ... only!
#report_attributes = u+g

# never report a file's block count.
ignore_list = b
# note ignore_list overrules report_attributes where they conflict

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