[Pkg-anonymity-tools] [onionshare] annotated tag 0.6 created (now 6029854)
Ulrike Uhlig
u-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Sep 29 20:35:59 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
u-guest pushed a change to annotated tag 0.6
in repository onionshare.
at 6029854 (tag)
tagging b035330805a5cbe603ca8a7716bf1f76e054f619 (commit)
replaces 0.5
tagged by Micah Lee
on Thu Sep 25 11:54:11 2014 -0700
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
version 0.6
Version: GnuPG v1
Akuankkis (5):
Create fi.json
Update setup.py
Update fi.json
Add lines to finnish translation.
Fix finnish translation.
Daniel James Smith (1):
Updated German translation
Kali Kaneko (1):
complete /es/ locales
Lazlo Westerhof (9):
Update dutch translation strings
Fix close automatically
Fix close automatically
Fix displaying of local host
Remove unused imports
Update Dutch translation and add missing strings
Remove unused translations
Fix missing window icon
Update Dutch translation
Mason Donahue (10):
Add initial .travis.yml for CI
Round 2 for CI
Round 3 for CI: should be final
The code for Tails's firewall-punching was refactored without updating the tests. This updates the tests.
Clean up tmpdir storing hidden service info after exit.
Just realized Windows is a supported OS. This should be more portable.
Add ctags to gitignore
Fix socks import issue on Travis; socksipy is ancient and abandoned.
Test fix: OnionShare object doesn't have a port until we tell it to get one.
Fixed CLI version to properly stop the webserver
Micah Lee (104):
added script to publish to PPA
Merge pull request #109 from lazlolazlolazlo/dutch
Merge pull request #110 from lazlolazlolazlo/stayopen
Merge pull request #111 from lazlolazlolazlo/localhost
Merge pull request #112 from lazlolazlolazlo/unused
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:micahflee/onionshare
Merge branch 'cleanup-after-exit' of https://github.com/r4v5/onionshare into r4v5-cleanup-after-exit
refactored cleanup handlers to use a queue, so they will work with the GUI
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/r4v5/onionshare into r4v5-master
Merge branch 'r4v5-master'
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/canerbasaran/onionshare into canerbasaran-master
removed debug comment
Split the increasingly-sprawly onionshare module into different modules:
split tests into multiple files, and fixed tests to work with refactor
version bump to 0.6dev
refactored onionshare_gui to work with new refactored onionshare
adding Travis CI status to readme
support for multiple files and folders (#66)
removed unnecessary image, and deleted onionshare_gui/static folder
deleted file_crunching tests
beginning to refactor onionshare_gui to work with multiple files (#66)
beginning ServerStatus layout
beginning Downloads layout
beginning Options layout
FileSelection and ServerStatus interact together, disabling buttons when appropriate
close automatically checkbox respects --stay-open argument again
server can be started and stopped from the GUI
made it so clicking Start Server actually starts the server, and made the URL fields hide/show appropriately, and the Copy URL button work
added download progress bars to GUI, and made close automatically act as stop server automatically
catches exception when Tor is not open and trying to close server when it's not running
does starting server work in a separate thread to keep GUI responsive
sort the list of filenames being shared
waits for hidden service before displaying URL. fixes #116
waits for hs to be ready in GUI too (#116)
added status bar to GUI, populated it with useful status messages
can't stop a server before it has finished starting
keep some status bar messages around for longer
make other_page_loaded string shorter, to fit in status bar better
remove gui_mode from web app, because it is no longer useful
adding python-socksipy to travis config
trying to add socksipy from pip instead of apt-get
Revert "trying to add socksipy from pip instead of apt-get"
added python-socksipy to tails build
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:micahflee/onionshare
fix bug caused by refactoring that made Tails launch infinite onionshare processes (oops)
fixed Tails bug where if you stopped server in GUI, you could not start a new server again
added GPLv3 license to each source file
Merge pull request #120 from r4v5/fix-travis
including pysocks with onionshare, and updated code to use pysocks instead of socksipy (#118)
Merge pull request #128 from u451f/translation-de
Merge pull request #127 from u451f/translations
Merge pull request #124 from kkka/fix-wait_for_hs-bug
fixed test_load_strings_loads_other_languages, because french strings were updated
add utf-8 encoding to all .py files
close the wait for HS connection after it successfully connects, because then flask is unresponsive until it times out
squash bug in closing Flask web server (fixes #131)
Merge pull request #133 from lazlolazlolazlo/nl
Merge branch 'deprecated' of https://github.com/lazlolazlolazlo/onionshare into lazlolazlolazlo-deprecated
Merge branch 'lazlolazlolazlo-deprecated'
Merge pull request #135 from lazlolazlolazlo/logo
try connecting to Tor SOCKS5 server on ports 9050 and 9150, instead of just 9150 (#136)
moved images to subfolder (#126)
moving image files into /usr/share instead of /usr/lib (fixes #126)
don't try stopping the web app if it hasn't started
fixed Windows/OSX image path problem, and updated NSIS Windows installer to install all the new .py files from refactoring
adding image files to MANIFEST.in
Merge pull request #138 from r4v5/fix-cli-cleanup
Merge branch 'cli-auto-exit' of https://github.com/kkka/onionshare into kkka-cli-auto-exit
Merge branch 'kkka-cli-auto-exit'
Merge pull request #142 from kalikaneko/feature/improve-es-translation
make onionshare use utf-8 to support unicode filenames, partial fix for #141
make Ctrl-C close the CLI version again
removing unnecessary whitespace
fixes unicode filename display in GUI (#141)
fixes #115
encode one way for CLI, encode another for GUI (#141)
Fixed drag & drop issue, and made drop here image work in Windows (fixes #129)
NoTor error message tells user where to download Tor Browser (#44)
warns about sending large files in CLI (#123)
removed unused strings
combined Start Server and Stop Server buttons into a single button
warns about sending large files in GUI (#123)
Merge pull request #145 from djsmith85/german-translation
splits translations into multiple files (#146)
Merge pull request #147 from Akuankkis/master
updated windows release files to support translations split into multiple files (#146)
remove trailing slash from filenames before adding, because getting basename on OSX fails otherwise
updated OSX release files to support translations split into multiple files (#146)
split starting server status message into three verbose chunks
launch Flash in threaded mode, to support multiple concurrent connections (#117)
handles canceled downloads properly (fixes #81)
Merge pull request #148 from lazlolazlolazlo/dutch
version bump to 0.6, updated changelog, updated readme, and took new screenshots
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:micahflee/onionshare
moved screenshot in readme
Merge pull request #150 from Akuankkis/master
updates Tails readme, and renaming install in persistence script
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:micahflee/onionshare
updated installsize in nsis config
added code signing with Authenticode support Windows release script (fixes #72)
fixed NSIS version and URL
Authenticode signs uninstall.exe too (#72)
the uninstall.exe sig description is "Uninstall Onionshare" (#72)
fixed OSX filename-related issues
brn (2):
add Turkish translation string
Solved Issue #80 UnicodeEncodeError
kkka (2):
Fix wait_for_hs bug when specifying --local-only
Fix CLI version to automatically exit when the server is shut down.
u451f (4):
french translation
french translation - improved
german translation
fix typo
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/onionshare.git
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