[Pkg-anonymity-tools] ooniprobe maintenance in Debian

Lunar lunar at debian.org
Tue Feb 3 09:22:02 UTC 2015

> Arturo told me that the only blocker for the release of ooniprobe
> 1.2.3 upstream is some testing to confirm that it works fine on
> Debian, which is their primary target platform.

Well, the idea was to deliver a system-wide cronjob. This requires
several important changes to how ooniprobe stores its config, data, and
produced files. Both are impossible to properly handle with the last
released version.

Work is available:

It is missing a weekly cron that would call oonireport to retry
submiting reports in case of problems during the daily cron. oonireport
should also be called somewhere else (the daily cron?) to remove reports
that have been successfully sent. The logcheck rules need to be updated
to not care about ooni reports.

This also needs more testing for corner cases, and then history cleanup.
So far, at every single stage of testing I have found things problematic
with how upstream code worked.

Lunar                                .''`. 
lunar at debian.org                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 
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