[Pkg-anonymity-tools] Bug#784041: exceptions.OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

u u at 451f.org
Tue Oct 6 21:30:49 UTC 2015

Hi Tobias,

> Am Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2015, 12:20:39 schrieb georg at riseup.net:
>>> > > I agree, someone needs to hunt down the relevant commit though.
>> > 
>> > I think it's 5f833d7 [1].


>> > [1]
>> > https://github.com/micahflee/torbrowser-launcher/commit/5f833d73290bd3623bf
>> > 22caffaed599381d454d9
> Hi,
> as I am interested in this package i took a look into the source-package and 
> found there are patches in the debian/patches directory of the source-package 
> of torbroswer-launcher=0.1.9-1+deb8u1 including exactly the above mentioned 
> commit:
> "0001-Update-location-of-start-tor-browser-for-TBB-4.5-and.patch"
> and
> "0002-execute-.-start-tor-browser.desktop-instead-of-.-Bro.patch"
> But the patches are not applied when unpacking or building the Package.
> Before posting to the bug itself I would like to understand if this is a 
> problem or if I am missing something.
> And if it is a problem, I am curious how it can be fixed ;) Is it a missing 
> series file for quilt ?

Well spotted. To me it seems indeed that the series file is not present
in version 0.1.9.

It exists though in the latest tag debian/0.2.0-2.

I did not check any detail of this yet, so sorry if i missed something.

I remember that there were quite some emails exchanged at some point
about these two versions. Maybe Holger can explain again what prevented
us from putting 0.2.0 into stable at the time?

And before we start fuddling around with this, we should migrate this
package to the new pkg-privacy-maintainers list, instead of
pkg-anonymity-tools. Aaaand i'd like to review the branch layout a bit, too.
Maybe i can do that this week, so we can start working on this crippled
package again ;)


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