[Pkg-anonymity-tools] Meek

u u at 451f.org
Thu Dec 22 11:16:00 UTC 2016

Hi Jonathan,

thank you for your email which I am hereby forwarding to our new mailing
list pkg-privacy-maintainers @ lists.alioth.debian.org.

Jonathan Marquardt:
> Hi!
> So two years ago there's been a discussion about making a meek package on this 
> list which - as far as I can tell - just suddenly stopped.
> Are there still any intentions of doing this? I think that it would be really 
> helpful. A few days ago someone from Turkey was on the IRC and tried to get a 
> meek executable. Since Turkey blocked all Tor domains, they weren't able to 
> follow the instructions from the meek documentation 
> (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/meek).
> The build instructions there require downloading stuff from 
> git.torproject.org, which was unnecessarily complicated to accomplish because 
> this domain was blocked. "apt install meek-client" would have been so much 
> easier. Besides, meek is pretty important now anyways. So there should be a 
> Debian package.

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