[Pkg-apache-commits] r942 - in /branches/lenny-apr-util/patches: 017_CVE-2009-0023.dpatch 018_expat_entity_expansion.dpatch

sf at alioth.debian.org sf at alioth.debian.org
Thu Jun 4 18:23:31 UTC 2009

Author: sf
Date: Thu Jun  4 18:23:30 2009
New Revision: 942

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-apache/?sc=1&rev=942
patches for security update


Added: branches/lenny-apr-util/patches/017_CVE-2009-0023.dpatch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-apache/branches/lenny-apr-util/patches/017_CVE-2009-0023.dpatch?rev=942&op=file
--- branches/lenny-apr-util/patches/017_CVE-2009-0023.dpatch (added)
+++ branches/lenny-apr-util/patches/017_CVE-2009-0023.dpatch Thu Jun  4 18:23:30 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -urNad apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg~/strmatch/apr_strmatch.c apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg/strmatch/apr_strmatch.c
+--- apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg~/strmatch/apr_strmatch.c	2009-06-02 18:58:49.000000000 +0200
++++ apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg/strmatch/apr_strmatch.c	2009-06-03 23:03:55.650337096 +0200
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
+             }
+             s_tmp--;
+         }
+-        s_next += shift[apr_tolower(*s_next)];
++        s_next += shift[(unsigned char)apr_tolower(*s_next)];
+     }
+     return NULL;
+ }
+@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@
+     if (case_sensitive) {
+         pattern->compare = match_boyer_moore_horspool;
+         for (i = 0; i < pattern->length - 1; i++) {
+-            shift[(int)s[i]] = pattern->length - i - 1;
++            shift[(unsigned char)s[i]] = pattern->length - i - 1;
+         }
+     }
+     else {
+         pattern->compare = match_boyer_moore_horspool_nocase;
+         for (i = 0; i < pattern->length - 1; i++) {
+-            shift[apr_tolower(s[i])] = pattern->length - i - 1;
++            shift[(unsigned char)apr_tolower(s[i])] = pattern->length - i - 1;
+         }
+     }
+     pattern->context = shift;

Added: branches/lenny-apr-util/patches/018_expat_entity_expansion.dpatch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-apache/branches/lenny-apr-util/patches/018_expat_entity_expansion.dpatch?rev=942&op=file
--- branches/lenny-apr-util/patches/018_expat_entity_expansion.dpatch (added)
+++ branches/lenny-apr-util/patches/018_expat_entity_expansion.dpatch Thu Jun  4 18:23:30 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,145 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 018_expat_entity_expansion.dpatch by Stefan Fritsch <sf at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: No description.
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -urNad apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg~/test/billion-laughs.xml apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg/test/billion-laughs.xml
+--- apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg~/test/billion-laughs.xml	2009-06-02 18:58:49.000000000 +0200
++++ apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg/test/billion-laughs.xml	2009-06-02 19:02:28.063634350 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE billion [
++<!ELEMENT billion (#PCDATA)>
++<!ENTITY laugh0 "ha">
++<!ENTITY laugh1 "&laugh0;&laugh0;">
++<!ENTITY laugh2 "&laugh1;&laugh1;">
++<!ENTITY laugh3 "&laugh2;&laugh2;">
++<!ENTITY laugh4 "&laugh3;&laugh3;">
++<!ENTITY laugh5 "&laugh4;&laugh4;">
++<!ENTITY laugh6 "&laugh5;&laugh5;">
++<!ENTITY laugh7 "&laugh6;&laugh6;">
++<!ENTITY laugh8 "&laugh7;&laugh7;">
++<!ENTITY laugh9 "&laugh8;&laugh8;">
++<!ENTITY laugh10 "&laugh9;&laugh9;">
++<!ENTITY laugh11 "&laugh10;&laugh10;">
++<!ENTITY laugh12 "&laugh11;&laugh11;">
++<!ENTITY laugh13 "&laugh12;&laugh12;">
++<!ENTITY laugh14 "&laugh13;&laugh13;">
++<!ENTITY laugh15 "&laugh14;&laugh14;">
++<!ENTITY laugh16 "&laugh15;&laugh15;">
++<!ENTITY laugh17 "&laugh16;&laugh16;">
++<!ENTITY laugh18 "&laugh17;&laugh17;">
++<!ENTITY laugh19 "&laugh18;&laugh18;">
++<!ENTITY laugh20 "&laugh19;&laugh19;">
++<!ENTITY laugh21 "&laugh20;&laugh20;">
++<!ENTITY laugh22 "&laugh21;&laugh21;">
++<!ENTITY laugh23 "&laugh22;&laugh22;">
++<!ENTITY laugh24 "&laugh23;&laugh23;">
++<!ENTITY laugh25 "&laugh24;&laugh24;">
++<!ENTITY laugh26 "&laugh25;&laugh25;">
++<!ENTITY laugh27 "&laugh26;&laugh26;">
++<!ENTITY laugh28 "&laugh27;&laugh27;">
++<!ENTITY laugh29 "&laugh28;&laugh28;">
++<!ENTITY laugh30 "&laugh29;&laugh29;">
+diff -urNad apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg~/test/testxml.c apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg/test/testxml.c
+--- apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg~/test/testxml.c	2009-06-02 18:58:49.000000000 +0200
++++ apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg/test/testxml.c	2009-06-02 19:07:28.387632914 +0200
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
+     for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
+         rv = apr_file_puts("<hmm roast=\"lamb\" "
+-                           "for=\"dinner\">yummy</hmm>\n", *fd);
++                           "for=\"dinner &lt;&gt;&#x3D;\">yummy</hmm>\n", *fd);
+         ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, rv, APR_SUCCESS);
+     }
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
+         a = e->attr;
+         ABTS_PTR_NOTNULL(tc, a);
+         ABTS_STR_EQUAL(tc, a->name, "for");
+-        ABTS_STR_EQUAL(tc, a->value, "dinner");
++        ABTS_STR_EQUAL(tc, a->value, "dinner <>=");
+         a = a->next;
+         ABTS_PTR_NOTNULL(tc, a);
+         ABTS_STR_EQUAL(tc, a->name, "roast");
+@@ -149,11 +149,29 @@
+     ABTS_TRUE(tc, rv != APR_SUCCESS);
+ }
++static void test_billion_laughs(abts_case *tc, void *data)
++    apr_file_t *fd;
++    apr_xml_parser *parser;
++    apr_xml_doc *doc;
++    apr_status_t rv;
++    rv = apr_file_open(&fd, "billion-laughs.xml", 
++                       APR_FOPEN_READ, 0, p);
++    apr_assert_success(tc, "open billion-laughs.xml", rv);
++    rv = apr_xml_parse_file(p, &parser, &doc, fd, 2000);
++    ABTS_TRUE(tc, rv != APR_SUCCESS);
++    apr_file_close(fd);
+ abts_suite *testxml(abts_suite *suite)
+ {
+     suite = ADD_SUITE(suite);
+     abts_run_test(suite, test_xml_parser, NULL);
++    abts_run_test(suite, test_billion_laughs, NULL);
+     return suite;
+ }
+diff -urNad apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg~/xml/apr_xml.c apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg/xml/apr_xml.c
+--- apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg~/xml/apr_xml.c	2007-11-01 15:07:19.000000000 +0100
++++ apr-util-1.2.12+dfsg/xml/apr_xml.c	2009-06-02 19:02:28.063634350 +0200
+@@ -347,6 +347,25 @@
+     return APR_SUCCESS;
+ }
++/* XML_StopParser is present in expat 2.x */
++/* Stop the parser if an entity declaration is hit. */
++static void entity_declaration(void *userData, const XML_Char *entityName,
++                               int is_parameter_entity, const XML_Char *value,
++                               int value_length, const XML_Char *base,
++                               const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *publicId,
++                               const XML_Char *notationName)
++    apr_xml_parser *parser = userData;
++    XML_StopParser(parser->xp, XML_FALSE);
+ APU_DECLARE(apr_xml_parser *) apr_xml_parser_create(apr_pool_t *pool)
+ {
+     apr_xml_parser *parser = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*parser));
+@@ -372,6 +391,17 @@
+     XML_SetElementHandler(parser->xp, start_handler, end_handler);
+     XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser->xp, cdata_handler);
++    /* Prevent the "billion laughs" attack against expat by disabling
++     * internal entity expansion.  With 2.x, forcibly stop the parser
++     * if an entity is declared - this is safer and a more obvious
++     * failure mode.  With older versions, simply prevent expenansion
++     * of such entities. */
++    XML_SetEntityDeclHandler(parser->xp, entity_declaration);
++    XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser->xp, NULL);
+     return parser;
+ }

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