[Pkg-asv-commits] r17 - trunk

ahoenen-guest at alioth.debian.org ahoenen-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Jan 12 14:15:22 UTC 2008

Author: ahoenen-guest
Date: 2008-01-12 14:15:22 +0000 (Sat, 12 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 17

In order to prepare some extensive code changes, normalize tabs/spaces and
- Normalize:
  - perltidy --indent-only --noblanks-before-comments apt-show-versions
  - expand apt-show-versions.tdy > apt-show-versions
  - rm apt-show-versions.tdy
- Check:
  - svn diff -x -w -r 16 apt-show-versions

Modified: trunk/apt-show-versions
--- trunk/apt-show-versions	2008-01-02 17:03:07 UTC (rev 16)
+++ trunk/apt-show-versions	2008-01-12 14:15:22 UTC (rev 17)
@@ -57,17 +57,17 @@
 # in hash %pkg_names as a key (with a true value).
 my %pkg_names = ();
 unless (GetOptions (\%opts,
-		    'status-file|stf=s',
-		    'list-dir|ld=s',
-		    'package|p=s',
-		    'regex|r',
-		    'allversions|a',
-		    'upgradeable|u',
-		    'brief|b',
-		    'nohold|nh',
-		    'initialize|i',
-		    'verbose|v',
-		    'help|h')) {
+        'status-file|stf=s',
+        'list-dir|ld=s',
+        'package|p=s',
+        'regex|r',
+        'allversions|a',
+        'upgradeable|u',
+        'brief|b',
+        'nohold|nh',
+        'initialize|i',
+        'verbose|v',
+        'help|h')) {
     exit 1;
 if (scalar @ARGV == 1) {
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 Apt-Show-Versions v.$VERSION (c) Christoph Martin
- apt-show-versions	   shows available versions of installed packages.
+ apt-show-versions         shows available versions of installed packages.
  -stf|--status-file=<file>  Use <file> as the dpkg status file instead
@@ -100,21 +100,21 @@
  -a|--allversions           Print all available versions.
  -b|--brief                 Short output.
  -nh|--nohold               Don't treat holded packages.
- -i|--initialize	    Initialize or update package cache only (as root).
+ -i|--initialize            Initialize or update package cache only (as root).
  -v|--verbose               Verbose messages.
  -h|--help                  Print this help.
-# ' (make emacs perl-mode happy)
+    # ' (make emacs perl-mode happy)
 # Path to apt's list files
 my $list_dir;
 if ($opts{'list-dir'}) {
-	$list_dir = $opts{'list-dir'};
+    $list_dir = $opts{'list-dir'};
 else {
-	$list_dir = $_config->get_dir("Dir::State::lists");
+    $list_dir = $_config->get_dir("Dir::State::lists");
 # Path to dpkg status file
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
     opendir(DIR, $list_dir) or die "Can't opendir $list_dir: $!";
     @files = map { $list_dir . $_} grep /Packages$/, readdir(DIR);
     ($< == 0) and (store(\@files, $filescachefile) or
-		   warn "Can't write $filescachefile");
+        warn "Can't write $filescachefile");
 unless (scalar @files > 0) {die "Error: No information about packages! (Maybe no deb entries?)\n"};
 closedir DIR ;
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
 if (!-e $ipackagescachefile or -M $status_file < -M $ipackagescachefile or !ref($ipackages)) {
     $ipackages = parse_file ($status_file, 1);
     ($< == 0) and (store($ipackages, $ipackagescachefile) or
-		   warn "Can't write $ipackagescachefile");
+        warn "Can't write $ipackagescachefile");
 # Get available packages list from cache if possible
@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@
     $release = quotemeta $release;
     my $archiv;
     $archiv = `fgrep -s Archive $release` or
-	$archiv = `fgrep -s Suite $release` or
-	($release =~ /(potato|woody|sarge|etch|lenny|sid|stable|testing|unstable|experimental)/ and $archiv = $1) or
-	$archiv = "unknown";
-#	next;
+      $archiv = `fgrep -s Suite $release` or
+      ($release =~ /(potato|woody|sarge|etch|lenny|sid|stable|testing|unstable|experimental)/ and $archiv = $1) or
+      $archiv = "unknown";
+    #   next;
     $archiv =~ s/Archive: //;
     $archiv =~ s/Suite: //;
     $archiv =~ s/\n//;
@@ -191,43 +191,43 @@
     # Parse Packages file if creation time is newer than packages cache
     if (! -e $apackagescachefile or -C $_ < -M $apackagescachefile or $cache_file_corrupt) {
-	my $href = &parse_file ($_);
-	foreach (keys %$href) {
-#	    if ((defined $apackages->{$_}{$archiv}) &&
-#		exists $opts{'package'} &&
-#		!exists $opts{'regex'} &&
-#		$opts{'package'} eq $_ ) {
-#		print "DEBUG: " . $apackages->{$_}{$archiv}->{'Version'} .
-#		    ":" . $href->{$_}->{'Version'} .
-#		    ":" . $vs->compare($apackages->{$_}{$archiv}->{'Version'},
-#				       $href->{$_}->{'Version'}) . "\n";
-#	    }
-	    # skip packages which we don't want to see
-#	    next unless (!exists $opts{'package'} ||
-#		     ((exists $opts{'regex'} &&
-#		       ($href->{$_}->{'Package'} =~ m/$opts{'package'}/)) ||
-#		      ($href->{$_}->{'Package'} eq $opts{'package'})));
-	    # skip package info with same release but smaler version
-	    if ((defined $apackages->{$_}{$archiv}) and
-		($vs->compare($apackages->{$_}{$archiv}->{'Version'},
-			      $href->{$_}->{'Version'}) > 0)) {
-            if ((exists $opts{'package'}
-                 and not exists $opts{'regex'}
-                 and $opts{'package'} eq $_)
-                or $pkg_names{$_}) {
-#		    print "DEBUG: " . $apackages->{$_}{$archiv}->{'Version'} .
-#			":" . $href->{$_}->{'Version'} . " next\n";
-		}
-		next;
-	    }
-	    # add package info together with release to hash
-	    $apackages->{$_}{$archiv} = $href->{$_};
-	}
+        my $href = &parse_file ($_);
+        foreach (keys %$href) {
+            #       if ((defined $apackages->{$_}{$archiv}) &&
+            #           exists $opts{'package'} &&
+            #           !exists $opts{'regex'} &&
+            #           $opts{'package'} eq $_ ) {
+            #           print "DEBUG: " . $apackages->{$_}{$archiv}->{'Version'} .
+            #               ":" . $href->{$_}->{'Version'} .
+            #               ":" . $vs->compare($apackages->{$_}{$archiv}->{'Version'},
+            #                                  $href->{$_}->{'Version'}) . "\n";
+            #       }
+            # skip packages which we don't want to see
+            #       next unless (!exists $opts{'package'} ||
+            #                ((exists $opts{'regex'} &&
+            #                  ($href->{$_}->{'Package'} =~ m/$opts{'package'}/)) ||
+            #                 ($href->{$_}->{'Package'} eq $opts{'package'})));
+            # skip package info with same release but smaler version
+            if ((defined $apackages->{$_}{$archiv}) and
+                ($vs->compare($apackages->{$_}{$archiv}->{'Version'},
+                        $href->{$_}->{'Version'}) > 0)) {
+                if ((exists $opts{'package'}
+                        and not exists $opts{'regex'}
+                        and $opts{'package'} eq $_)
+                    or $pkg_names{$_}) {
+               #                    print "DEBUG: " . $apackages->{$_}{$archiv}->{'Version'} .
+               #                        ":" . $href->{$_}->{'Version'} . " next\n";
+                }
+                next;
+            }
+            # add package info together with release to hash
+            $apackages->{$_}{$archiv} = $href->{$_};
+        }
 # Store if we are root
 ($< == 0) and (store($apackages, $apackagescachefile) or
-	       die "Warning: Can't write to $apackagescachefile!\n");
+    die "Warning: Can't write to $apackagescachefile!\n");
 # Exit if we are root and using the -i option
 ($< == 0) and (exists $opts{'initialize'}) and exit;
@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@
 # print info for all packages or packages matching regex
 foreach my $key (keys %$ipackages) {
     next if (exists $opts{'package'} &&
-	     exists $opts{'regex'} &&
-	     !($key =~ m/$opts{'package'}/));
+        exists $opts{'regex'} &&
+        !($key =~ m/$opts{'package'}/));
     print_package ($key);
@@ -265,68 +265,67 @@
         if ($cmp_versions != 0) {
             my $direction = ($cmp_versions > 0) ? 'up' : 'down';
             print "$package/$archiv"
-                . (!defined($opts{'brief'})
-                   ? " ${direction}gradeable from $iversion to $aversion\n"
-                   : "\n");
+              . (!defined($opts{'brief'})
+                ? " ${direction}gradeable from $iversion to $aversion\n"
+                : "\n");
             return 1;
         elsif ($cmp_versions == 0) {
             print "$package/$archiv"
-                . (!defined($opts{'brief'})
-                   ? " uptodate $iversion\n"
-                   : "\n")
-                unless (defined $opts{'upgradeable'});
+              . (!defined($opts{'brief'})
+                ? " uptodate $iversion\n"
+                : "\n")
+              unless (defined $opts{'upgradeable'});
             return 1;
-#	print "DEBUG: $package/$archiv $aversion:$iversion\n";
+    #   print "DEBUG: $package/$archiv $aversion:$iversion\n";
     return 0;
 # print information about package
 sub print_package {
     my ($package) = @_;
-    # 
+    #
     my @releases = ();
     # Only report on release we found
     # include official releases first
     foreach (@official_releases) {
-	if (exists $releases{$_}) {
-	    push @releases, $_;
-	}
+        if (exists $releases{$_}) {
+            push @releases, $_;
+        }
     # include also other releases
     foreach (keys %releases) {
-	push @releases, $_
-	    unless $official_releases{$_};
+        push @releases, $_
+          unless $official_releases{$_};
     # print more information if required
     if ($opts{'allversions'}) {
-	if ($ipackages->{$package}->{'Package'}) {
-	    print $ipackages->{$package}->{'Package'}, "\t";
-	    unless ($ipackages->{$package}->{'Status'} =~ /not-installed/ ||
-		$ipackages->{$package}->{'Status'} =~ /config-files/) {
-		print "$ipackages->{$package}->{'Version'}\t";
-	    }
-	    print "$ipackages->{$package}->{'Status'}\n";
-	} else {
-	    print "Not installed\n";
-	}
+        if ($ipackages->{$package}->{'Package'}) {
+            print $ipackages->{$package}->{'Package'}, "\t";
+            unless ($ipackages->{$package}->{'Status'} =~ /not-installed/ ||
+                $ipackages->{$package}->{'Status'} =~ /config-files/) {
+                print "$ipackages->{$package}->{'Version'}\t";
+            }
+            print "$ipackages->{$package}->{'Status'}\n";
+        } else {
+            print "Not installed\n";
+        }
-#	foreach ("stable", "testing", "unstable") {
-	foreach (@releases) {
-	    if (defined $apackages->{$package}{$_}) {
-		print $apackages->{$package}{$_}->{'Package'}, "\t";
-		print $apackages->{$package}{$_}->{'Version'}, "\t";
-		print $_, "\n";
-	    } else {
-		print "No $_ version\n"
-		    if $official_releases{$_};
-	    }
-	}
+        #       foreach ("stable", "testing", "unstable") {
+        foreach (@releases) {
+            if (defined $apackages->{$package}{$_}) {
+                print $apackages->{$package}{$_}->{'Package'}, "\t";
+                print $apackages->{$package}{$_}->{'Version'}, "\t";
+                print $_, "\n";
+            } else {
+                print "No $_ version\n"
+                  if $official_releases{$_};
+            }
+        }
     my $iversion = $ipackages->{$package}->{'Version'};
@@ -334,18 +333,18 @@
     # print info about upgrade status (only if package is installed)
     if (($ipackages->{$package}->{'Version'}) &&
-	(!($ipackages->{$package}->{'Status'} =~ /config-files/))) {
-	my $found = 0;
-	my $aversion = 0;
-	foreach (@releases) {
-	    my $version = $apackages->{$package}{$_}->{'Version'};
-	    if ($version) {
-		$found = print_version($_, $package, $iversion, $version);
-		$aversion = $version;
-	    } 
-	    last if $found;
-	}
-	if ($aversion && ($vs->compare($iversion, $aversion) > 0)) {
+        (!($ipackages->{$package}->{'Status'} =~ /config-files/))) {
+        my $found = 0;
+        my $aversion = 0;
+        foreach (@releases) {
+            my $version = $apackages->{$package}{$_}->{'Version'};
+            if ($version) {
+                $found = print_version($_, $package, $iversion, $version);
+                $aversion = $version;
+            }
+            last if $found;
+        }
+        if ($aversion && ($vs->compare($iversion, $aversion) > 0)) {
             # Test whether installed version is newer
             # than all available versions.
             my $newer_indic = 1;
@@ -362,28 +361,28 @@
                 print "$package $iversion newer than version in archive\n";
-	} else {
-	    unless ($found || (defined $opts{'upgradeable'})) {
-		print "$package $iversion installed: No available version in archive\n";
-	    }
-	}
+        } else {
+            unless ($found || (defined $opts{'upgradeable'})) {
+                print "$package $iversion installed: No available version in archive\n";
+            }
+        }
     } else {
-#	print "$package not installed: No available versions\n";
-	print "$package not installed\n";
+        #       print "$package not installed: No available versions\n";
+        print "$package not installed\n";
-#    my $sversion = $apackages->{$package}{"stable"}->{'Version'};
-#    my $tversion = $apackages->{$package}{"testing"}->{'Version'};
-#    my $uversion = $apackages->{$package}{"unstable"}->{'Version'};
+    #    my $sversion = $apackages->{$package}{"stable"}->{'Version'};
+    #    my $tversion = $apackages->{$package}{"testing"}->{'Version'};
+    #    my $uversion = $apackages->{$package}{"unstable"}->{'Version'};
     # print info about upgrade status (only if package is installed)
-#    if ($ipackages->{$package}->{'Version'}) {
-#	print_version("stable", $package, $iversion, $sversion) ||
-#	    print_version("testing", $package, $iversion, $tversion) ||
-#		print_version("unstable", $package, $iversion, $uversion) ||
-#		    (defined $opts{'upgradeable'}) ||
-#			print "$package: No available version\n";
-#    }
+    #    if ($ipackages->{$package}->{'Version'}) {
+    #   print_version("stable", $package, $iversion, $sversion) ||
+    #       print_version("testing", $package, $iversion, $tversion) ||
+    #           print_version("unstable", $package, $iversion, $uversion) ||
+    #               (defined $opts{'upgradeable'}) ||
+    #                   print "$package: No available version\n";
+    #    }
 # ------------------------------------------------------
@@ -396,45 +395,45 @@
 # ------------------------------------------------------
 sub parse_file {
-	my ($file, $status) = @_;
-	my ($key, $value, $package, $packages);
+    my ($file, $status) = @_;
+    my ($key, $value, $package, $packages);
-	open FILE, $file or die "Can't open file $file: $!";
-	if ($opts{'verbose'}) {print "Parsing $file...";};
-	while (<FILE>) {
-		if (/^$/){
-			unless (defined $package) {next};
+    open FILE, $file or die "Can't open file $file: $!";
+    if ($opts{'verbose'}) {print "Parsing $file...";};
+    while (<FILE>) {
+        if (/^$/){
+            unless (defined $package) {next};
-			if ($status) { # Are we parsing the status file?
-			        # if we did not specify a package or pattern
-			        # only include installed packages
-				unless ((!exists $opts{'package'} && !%pkg_names &&
-					 ($package->{'Status'} =~ /not-installed/ ||
-					  $package->{'Status'} =~ /config-files/ || 
-					  # don't print holded packages if requested
-					  ($opts{'nohold'} && $package->{'Status'} =~ /hold/)))) {
-				    $packages->{ $package->{'Package'}} = $package;
-				}
-			}
-			else {
-				if (!defined $packages->{$package->{'Package'}} or
-				    $vs->compare($packages->{$package->{'Package'}}{'Version'},
-				                 $package->{'Version'}) < 0) {
-				    $packages->{$package->{'Package'}} = $package;
-				}
-			}
-			undef $package;
-			next;
-		}
-		unless ((/^Package/) || (/^Version/) || (/^Status/) || (/^Source/)) {next};
-		($key, $value) = split /: /, $_;
-		$value =~ s/\n//;
-		$value =~ s/\s\(.*\)$//; # Remove any Version information in ()
-		$package->{$key} = $value;
-	}
-	if ($opts{'verbose'}) {print " completed.\n"};
-	close FILE;
-	return $packages;
+            if ($status) { # Are we parsing the status file?
+                # if we did not specify a package or pattern
+                # only include installed packages
+                unless ((!exists $opts{'package'} && !%pkg_names &&
+                        ($package->{'Status'} =~ /not-installed/ ||
+                            $package->{'Status'} =~ /config-files/ ||
+                            # don't print holded packages if requested
+                            ($opts{'nohold'} && $package->{'Status'} =~ /hold/)))) {
+                    $packages->{ $package->{'Package'}} = $package;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                if (!defined $packages->{$package->{'Package'}} or
+                    $vs->compare($packages->{$package->{'Package'}}{'Version'},
+                        $package->{'Version'}) < 0) {
+                    $packages->{$package->{'Package'}} = $package;
+                }
+            }
+            undef $package;
+            next;
+        }
+        unless ((/^Package/) || (/^Version/) || (/^Status/) || (/^Source/)) {next};
+        ($key, $value) = split /: /, $_;
+        $value =~ s/\n//;
+        $value =~ s/\s\(.*\)$//; # Remove any Version information in ()
+        $package->{$key} = $value;
+    }
+    if ($opts{'verbose'}) {print " completed.\n"};
+    close FILE;
+    return $packages;
 # script documentation (POD style)

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