[Pkg-asv-commits] r36 - in trunk: . debian man man/po
ahoenen-guest at alioth.debian.org
ahoenen-guest at alioth.debian.org
Mon Jul 28 19:11:40 UTC 2008
Author: ahoenen-guest
Date: 2008-07-28 19:11:39 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 36
* Consider manual upgrade possibilities when no policy driven, automatic
upgrade is possible.
* Add german manpage. Thanks, Helge Kreutzmann. (Closes: #480368)
* Add vietnamese manpage. Thanks, Clytie Siddall. (Closes: #480491)
* debian/control:
Upgrade Standards-Version: 3.8.0 (no changes needed)
* Adapt release numbers in a-s-v script.
Modified: trunk/apt-show-versions
--- trunk/apt-show-versions 2008-05-08 14:05:53 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/apt-show-versions 2008-07-28 19:11:39 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# Author: Christoph Martin <martin at uni-mainz.de>
# Maintainer: Christoph Martin <martin at uni-mainz.de>
-# Version: 0.13
+# Version: 0.14
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
my $policy = $cache->policy;
-$ASV_VERSION ='0.13';
+$ASV_VERSION ='0.14';
# Provide some constants (to avoid redundant literals).
my $ARCHIVE = 'Archive';
@@ -295,10 +295,9 @@
# Version information to be printed (undef if no information exists)
sub print_version {
- my ($archiv, $package, $iversion, $aversion) = @_;
+ my ($archiv, $package, $iversion, $aversion, $cand) = @_;
if (defined($aversion) and $cache->{$package}) {
- my $cand = $policy->candidate($cache->{$package});
if ($cand and $aversion eq $cand->{VerStr})
my $cmp_versions = $vs->compare($aversion, $iversion);
@@ -401,13 +400,17 @@
@pkg_releases = &reorder_pkg_releases(@pkg_releases);
my $found = 0;
my $aversion = 0;
+ my $cand;
+ if ($cache->{$package}) {
+ $cand = $policy->candidate($cache->{$package});
+ }
foreach (@pkg_releases) {
my $version = $_->{$VERSION};
if ($version) {
my @version_info;
($found, @version_info) =
- $package, $iversion, $version);
+ $package, $iversion, $version, $cand);
push @print_info, @version_info if ($found);
$aversion = $version;
@@ -444,8 +447,34 @@
"$package $iversion newer than version in archive\n");
} elsif (not $found) {
- push(@print_info, "$package $iversion installed: No available ",
- "version in archive\n");
+ # Check for manual upgrade possibility:
+ # There are cases where the APT policy doesn't find a better
+ # candidate than the installed version, but which itself isn't
+ # available any longer because it has been replaced by a newer
+ # version in the archives. As the newer version isn't chosen by
+ # the policy, the upgrade can only be executed manually.
+ if ($cand and $iversion eq $cand->{VerStr}) {
+ foreach my $release (@pkg_releases) {
+ my $cmp_version = $release->{$VERSION};
+ if ($cmp_version and
+ $vs->compare($iversion, $cmp_version) < 0)
+ {
+ push(@print_info,
+ $package,
+ '/',
+ $releasenames{$release->{$RELEASE}}{$NAME},
+ (defined($opts{'brief'})) ? "\n" :
+ " *manually* upgradeable from $iversion to " .
+ "$aversion\n");
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (not $found) {
+ push(@print_info, "$package $iversion installed: No available ",
+ "version in archive\n");
+ }
} else {
push(@print_info, "$package not installed",
Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog 2008-05-08 14:05:53 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog 2008-07-28 19:11:39 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+apt-show-versions (0.14) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ [ Andreas Hoenen ]
+ * Consider manual upgrade possibilities when no policy driven, automatic
+ upgrade is possible.
+ * Add german manpage. Thanks, Helge Kreutzmann. (Closes: #480368)
+ * Add vietnamese manpage. Thanks, Clytie Siddall. (Closes: #480491)
+ * debian/control:
+ Upgrade Standards-Version: 3.8.0 (no changes needed)
+ -- Andreas Hoenen <andreas at hoenen-terstappen.de> Mon, 28 Jul 2008 20:30:07 +0200
apt-show-versions (0.13) unstable; urgency=low
[ Andreas Hoenen ]
Modified: trunk/debian/control
--- trunk/debian/control 2008-05-08 14:05:53 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/debian/control 2008-07-28 19:11:39 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
Uploaders: Andreas Hoenen <andreas at hoenen-terstappen.de>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5)
Build-Depends-Indep: po4a
-Standards-Version: 3.7.3
+Standards-Version: 3.8.0
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-asv
Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-asv/
Added: trunk/man/po/de.po
--- trunk/man/po/de.po (rev 0)
+++ trunk/man/po/de.po 2008-07-28 19:11:39 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+# Translation of apt-show-versions templates to German
+# Copyright (C) Helge Kreutzmann <debian at helgefjell.de>, 2008.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the apt-show-versions package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: apt-show-versions 1.0.19-7\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: apt-show-versions at packages.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-05-05 18:58+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-05 22:36+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Helge Kreutzmann <debian at helgefjell.de>\n"
+"Language-Team: de <debian-l10n-german at lists.debian.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:1
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr "NAME"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:3
+msgid "apt-show-versions - Lists available package versions with distribution"
+msgstr "apt-show-versions - Zeigt verfügbare Paketversionen mit Distribution an"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:5
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:7
+msgid ""
+"apt-show-versions parses the dpkg status file and the APT lists for the "
+"installed and available package versions and distribution and shows upgrade "
+"options within the specific distribution of the selected package."
+msgstr ""
+"apt-show-versions wertet die Statusdatei von Dpkg sowie die APT-Listen der "
+"installierten und verfügbaren Paketversionen und -distributionen aus und "
+"zeigt Upgrade-Optionen des ausgewählten Pakets innerhalb der spezifischen "
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:12
+msgid ""
+"This is really useful if you have a mixed stable/testing environment and "
+"want to list all packages which are from testing and can be upgraded in "
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist sehr nützlich, falls Sie eine gemischte Stable-/Testing-Umgebung "
+"betreiben und alle Pakete aufführen wollen, die aus Testing stammen und "
+"bei denen ein Upgrade innerhalb von Testing durchgeführt werden kann."
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:16
+msgid ""
+"apt-show-versions uses caching for the status information of installed and "
+"available packages. If you run apt-show-versions as root the cache is "
+"updated as needed. If you run as non-root uses the newest available "
+"information, but can't update the cache. If you run as root with the option "
+"B<-i> the cache is initialized or updated only."
+msgstr ""
+"apt-show-versions verwendet Caching (Zwischenspeichern) für die "
+"Statusinformationen der installierten und verfügbaren Pakete. Falls Sie "
+"apt-show-versions als root betreiben, wird der Cache nach Bedarf "
+"aktualisiert. Falls Sie es nicht als root betreiben, verwendet es die "
+"neusten verfügbaren Informationen, aktualisiert aber den Cache nicht. Falls "
+"Sie es als root mit der Option B<-i> ausführen, wird der Cache nur "
+"initialisiert oder aktualisiert."
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:22
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr "SYNOPSIS"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:24
+msgid "B<apt-show-versions> [B<-h>] [[B<-p>] I<package name>] [B<-a>] [B<-b>]"
+msgstr "B<apt-show-versions> [B<-h>] [[B<-p>] I<Paketname>] [B<-a>] [B<-b>]"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:26
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr "OPTIONEN"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:28
+msgid ""
+"If you don't give any options the status of all installed packages is "
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie keine Optionen angeben, wird der Status aller installierten Pakete "
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:33
+msgid "B<-p> I<package>, B<--package>=I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-p> I<Paket>, B<--package>=I<Paket>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:35
+msgid ""
+"Print available and installed versions for specified I<package>. You can "
+"also specify a package name without the option B<-p>. If B<-p> and a package "
+"name are missing, all installed packages are displayed."
+msgstr ""
+"Zeige die verfügbaren und installierten Versionen für das spezifizierte "
+"I<Paket>. Sie können auch Paketnamen ohne die Option B<-p> angeben. Falls "
+"B<-p> und ein Paketname fehlt werden alle installierten Pakete angezeigt."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:39
+msgid "B<-r>, B<--regex>"
+msgstr "B<-r>, B<--regex>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:41
+msgid "interpret I<package> from option B<-p> as a regex."
+msgstr "interpretiere I<Pakete> der Option B<-p> als regulären Ausdruck"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:43
+msgid "B<-R>, B<--regex-all>"
+msgstr "B<-R>, B<--regex-all>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:45
+msgid "like B<--regex>, but also show matching packages which are not installed"
+msgstr "wie B<--regex> aber zeige auch die nicht-installierten passenden Pakete"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:47
+msgid "B<-u>, B<--upgradeable>"
+msgstr "B<-u>, B<--upgradeable>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:49
+msgid "Print only upgradeable packages"
+msgstr "Zeige nur upgradefähige Pakete an"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:51
+msgid "B<-a>, B<--allversions>"
+msgstr "B<-a>, B<--allversions>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:53
+msgid "Print all available versions of the selected packages"
+msgstr "Zeige die verfügbaren Versionen der ausgewählten Pakete"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:55
+msgid "B<-b>, B<--brief>"
+msgstr "B<-b>, B<--brief>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:57
+msgid "Print only package_name/distribution for upgradeable packages"
+msgstr "Zeige nur Paketnamen/Distributionen für upgradefähige Pakete"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:59
+msgid "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+msgstr "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:61
+msgid "Prints out verbose messages."
+msgstr "Zeigt ausführliche Nachrichten."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:63
+msgid "B<-i>, B<--initialize>"
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--initialize>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"Initialize or update package cache only (as root). Do this every time when "
+"the status of the installed or available packages has changed."
+msgstr ""
+"Initialisiere oder aktualisiere nur den Paket-Cache (als root). Führen Sie "
+"dies immer durch, wenn sich der Status der installierten oder verfügbaren "
+"Pakete geändert hat."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:68
+msgid "B<-stf> I<file>, B<--status-file>=I<file>"
+msgstr "B<-stf> I<Datei>, B<--status-file>=I<Datei>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:70
+msgid "Use I<file> as the dpkg status file instead of /var/lib/dpkg/status"
+msgstr "Verwende statt /var/lib/dpkg/status I<Datei> als Dpkg-Statusdatei"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:72
+msgid "B<-ld> I<directory>, B<--list-dir>=I<directory>"
+msgstr "B<-ld> I<Verzeichnis>, B<--list-dir>=I<Verzeichnis>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:74
+msgid ""
+"Use I<directory> as path to apt's list files instead of "
+"/var/state/apt/lists/ or /var/lib/apt/lists/"
+msgstr ""
+"Verwende statt /var/state/apt/lists/ oder /var/lib/apt/lists/ I<Verzeichnis> "
+"als Pfad zu Apts List-Dateien."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:77
+msgid "B<-h>, B<--help>"
+msgstr "B<-h>, B<--help>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:79
+msgid "Prints out command-line help."
+msgstr "Gibt die Kommandozeilen-Hilfe aus."
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:83
+msgid "EXIT CODES"
+msgstr "EXIT-CODES"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:87
+msgid "0"
+msgstr "0"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:89
+msgid "No error"
+msgstr "Kein Fehler"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:91
+msgid "1"
+msgstr "1"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:93
+msgid "Wrong usage"
+msgstr "Falsche Verwendung"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:95
+msgid "2"
+msgstr "2"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:97
+msgid ""
+"apt-show-versions has been called with exactly one package and upgradeable "
+"option set, but package is uptodate. As no output has been requested, this "
+"case gets signaled using the exit code."
+msgstr ""
+"apt-show-versions wurde mit genau einem Paket und Upgrade-fähigem Optionssatz "
+"aufgerufen, aber das Paket ist aktuell. Da keine Ausgabe erbeten wurde wird "
+"dieser Fall über den Exit-Code mitgeteilt."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:101
+msgid "255"
+msgstr "255"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:103
+msgid "Unspecified error"
+msgstr "Unspezifizierter Fehler"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:107
+msgid "EXAMPLES"
+msgstr "BEISPIELE"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:109
+msgid ""
+"If you want to know for all your installed packages whether they are "
+"uptodate or upgradeable, use:"
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie für alle Ihrer installierten Pakte wissen möchte, ob sie aktuell "
+"sind oder ein Upgrade durchgeführt werden kann, verwenden Sie:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:112
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" apt-show-versions\n"
+msgstr ""
+" apt-show-versions\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:114
+msgid "If you want to have a list of all upgradeable packages:"
+msgstr "Falls Sie eine Liste aller Upgrade-fähigen Pakte erhalten möchten:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:116
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" apt-show-versions -u\n"
+msgstr ""
+" apt-show-versions -u\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:118
+msgid "To get a list of all available versions of libc6:"
+msgstr "Um eine Liste aller verfügbaren Versionen von Libc6 zu erhalten:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:120
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" apt-show-versions -a -p libc6\n"
+msgstr ""
+" apt-show-versions -a -p libc6\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:122
+msgid "To get information about several packages:"
+msgstr "Um Informationen über mehrere Pakete zu erhalten:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" apt-show-versions dpkg apt\n"
+msgstr ""
+" apt-show-versions dpkg apt\n"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:126
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" apt-show-versions -r ^texlive\n"
+msgstr ""
+" apt-show-versions -r ^texlive\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:128
+msgid "To upgrade all packages in testing:"
+msgstr "Um ein Upgrade aller Pakete in Testing durchzuführen:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:130
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" apt-get install `apt-show-versions -u -b | fgrep testing`\n"
+msgstr ""
+" apt-get install `apt-show-versions -u -b | fgrep testing`\n"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:132
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr "AUTOR"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:134
+msgid "Christoph Martin, martin at uni-mainz.de"
+msgstr "Christoph Martin, martin at uni-mainz.de"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:136
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr "SIEHE AUCH"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:138
+msgid "apt(8), dpkg(1)"
+msgstr "apt(8), dpkg(1)"
Added: trunk/man/po/vi.po
--- trunk/man/po/vi.po (rev 0)
+++ trunk/man/po/vi.po 2008-07-28 19:11:39 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# Vietnamese translation for APT Show Versions.
+# Copyright © 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: apt-show-versions\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-05-05 18:58+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-10 21:30+0930\n"
+"Last-Translator: Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>\n"
+"Language-Team: Vietnamese <vi-VN at googlegroups.com>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: LocFactoryEditor 1.7b3\n"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:1
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr "TÃN"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:3
+msgid "apt-show-versions - Lists available package versions with distribution"
+msgstr "apt-show-versions â liá»t kê các phiên bản gói sẵn sà ng, vá»i bản phân phá»i"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:5
+msgstr "Mà TẢ"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:7
+msgid ""
+"apt-show-versions parses the dpkg status file and the APT lists for the "
+"installed and available package versions and distribution and shows upgrade "
+"options within the specific distribution of the selected package."
+msgstr "apt-show-versions phân tÃch táºp tin trạng thái dpkg và các danh sách APT Äá» tìm những phiên bản gói Äã cà i Äặt và còn sẵn sà ng, và bản phân phá»i, rá»i hiá»n thá» các tùy chá»n nâng cấp bên trong bản phân phá»i riêng của gói Äã chá»n."
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:12
+msgid ""
+"This is really useful if you have a mixed stable/testing environment and "
+"want to list all packages which are from testing and can be upgraded in "
+msgstr "Rất có Ãch nếu bạn có má»t môi trÆ°á»ng há»n hợp á»n Äá»nh/vẫn thá» và muá»n liá»t kê tất cả các gói từ kho testing mà có thá» Äược nâng cấp trong kho testing."
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:16
+msgid ""
+"apt-show-versions uses caching for the status information of installed and "
+"available packages. If you run apt-show-versions as root the cache is "
+"updated as needed. If you run as non-root uses the newest available "
+"information, but can't update the cache. If you run as root with the option "
+"B<-i> the cache is initialized or updated only."
+msgstr "apt-show-versions sá» dụng chức nÄng ghi nhá» tạm cho thông tin trạng thái vá» các gói Äã cà i Äặt và còn sẵn sà ng. Nếu bạn chạy apt-show-versions dÆ°á»i ngÆ°á»i chủ (root) thì vùng nhá» tạm nà y Äược nâng cấp theo yêu cầu. Chạy dÆ°á»i ngÆ°á»i dùng không phải chủ thì nó dùng thông tin sẵn sà ng má»i nhất, nhÆ°ng không có khả nÄng nâng cấp vùng nhá» tạm. Chạy dÆ°á»i chủ vá»i tùy chá»n B<-i> thì vùng nhá» tạm chá» Äược sÆ¡ khá»i hoặc cáºp nháºt."
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:22
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr "TÃM TẮT"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:24
+msgid "B<apt-show-versions> [B<-h>] [[B<-p>] I<package name>] [B<-a>] [B<-b>]"
+msgstr "B<apt-show-versions> [B<-h>] [[B<-p>] I<tên_gói>] [B<-a>] [B<-b>]"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:26
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr "TÃY CHá»N"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:28
+msgid ""
+"If you don't give any options the status of all installed packages is "
+msgstr "Không ÄÆ°a ra tùy chá»n thì in ra trạng thái của tất cả các gói Äã cà i Äặt."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:33
+msgid "B<-p> I<package>, B<--package>=I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-p> I<gói>, B<--package>=I<gói>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:35
+msgid ""
+"Print available and installed versions for specified I<package>. You can "
+"also specify a package name without the option B<-p>. If B<-p> and a package "
+"name are missing, all installed packages are displayed."
+msgstr "In ra các phiên bản Äã cà i Äặt và còn sẵn sà ng cho l<gói> Äã ghi rõ. Bạn cÅ©ng có thá» ghi rõ má»t tên gói, không Äặt tùy chá»n B<-p>. Thiếu B<-p> và má»t tên gói thì hiá»n thá» tất cả các gói Äã cà i Äặt."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:39
+msgid "B<-r>, B<--regex>"
+msgstr "B<-r>, B<--regex>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:41
+msgid "interpret I<package> from option B<-p> as a regex."
+msgstr "Äá»c I<gói> từ tùy chá»n B<-p> dạng biá»u thức chÃnh quy."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:43
+msgid "B<-R>, B<--regex-all>"
+msgstr "B<-R>, B<--regex-all>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:45
+msgid "like B<--regex>, but also show matching packages which are not installed"
+msgstr "giá»ng nhÆ° B<--regex>, nhÆ°ng cÅ©ng hiá»n thá» các gói tÆ°Æ¡ng ứng mà chÆ°a Äược cà i Äặt."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:47
+msgid "B<-u>, B<--upgradeable>"
+msgstr "B<-u>, B<--upgradeable>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:49
+msgid "Print only upgradeable packages"
+msgstr "In ra chỠnhững gói có thỠnâng cấp."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:51
+msgid "B<-a>, B<--allversions>"
+msgstr "B<-a>, B<--allversions>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:53
+msgid "Print all available versions of the selected packages"
+msgstr "In ra má»i phiên bản sẵn sà ng của những gói Äã chá»n."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:55
+msgid "B<-b>, B<--brief>"
+msgstr "B<-b>, B<--brief>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:57
+msgid "Print only package_name/distribution for upgradeable packages"
+msgstr "In ra chá» tên_gói/bản_phân_phá»i cho má»i gói có thá» nâng cấp"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:59
+msgid "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+msgstr "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:61
+msgid "Prints out verbose messages."
+msgstr "In ra thông Äiá»p chi tiết."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:63
+msgid "B<-i>, B<--initialize>"
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--initialize>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"Initialize or update package cache only (as root). Do this every time when "
+"the status of the installed or available packages has changed."
+msgstr "Chá» sÆ¡ khá»i hoặc cáºp nháºt vùng nhá» tạm gói (dÆ°á»i ngÆ°á»i chủ). Là m viá»c nà y má»i lần khi trạng thái của các gói Äã cà i Äặt hay còn sẵn sà ng bá» thay Äá»i."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:68
+msgid "B<-stf> I<file>, B<--status-file>=I<file>"
+msgstr "B<-stf> I<táºp_tin>, B<--status-file>=I<táºp_tin>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:70
+msgid "Use I<file> as the dpkg status file instead of /var/lib/dpkg/status"
+msgstr "Dùng L<file> là m táºp tin trạng thái dpkg, thay cho « /var/lib/dpkg/status »."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:72
+msgid "B<-ld> I<directory>, B<--list-dir>=I<directory>"
+msgstr "B<-ld> I<thư_mục>, B<--list-dir>=I<thư_mục>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:74
+msgid ""
+"Use I<directory> as path to apt's list files instead of "
+"/var/state/apt/lists/ or /var/lib/apt/lists/"
+msgstr "Dùng l<thÆ°_mục> là m ÄÆ°á»ng dẫn Äến các táºp tin danh sách của apt, thay cho « /var/state/apt/lists/ » hay « /var/lib/apt/lists/ »."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:77
+msgid "B<-h>, B<--help>"
+msgstr "B<-h>, B<--help>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:79
+msgid "Prints out command-line help."
+msgstr "In ra trợ giúp vá» dòng lá»nh."
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:83
+msgid "EXIT CODES"
+msgstr "MÃ THOÃT"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:87
+msgid "0"
+msgstr "0"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:89
+msgid "No error"
+msgstr "Không có lá»i"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:91
+msgid "1"
+msgstr "1"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:93
+msgid "Wrong usage"
+msgstr "Sai sỠdụng"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:95
+msgid "2"
+msgstr "2"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:97
+msgid ""
+"apt-show-versions has been called with exactly one package and upgradeable "
+"option set, but package is uptodate. As no output has been requested, this "
+"case gets signaled using the exit code."
+msgstr "apt-show-versions Äã Äược gá»i và Äặt chÃnh xác má»t gói và tùy chá»n nâng cấp Äược, nhÆ°ng gói không cần cáºp nháºt. Vì không yêu cầu kết xuất, trÆ°á»ng hợp nà y bá» gá»i tÃn hiá»u dùng mã thoát."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:101
+msgid "255"
+msgstr "255"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:103
+msgid "Unspecified error"
+msgstr "Lá»i không xác Äá»nh"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:107
+msgid "EXAMPLES"
+msgstr "Và DỤ"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:109
+msgid ""
+"If you want to know for all your installed packages whether they are "
+"uptodate or upgradeable, use:"
+msgstr "Muá»n biết nếu má»i gói Äã cà i Äặt là hiá»n thá»i chÆ°a thì dùng:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:112
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" apt-show-versions\n"
+msgstr " apt-show-versions\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:114
+msgid "If you want to have a list of all upgradeable packages:"
+msgstr "Muá»n thấy danh sách các gói có thá» nâng cấp:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:116
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" apt-show-versions -u\n"
+msgstr " apt-show-versions -u\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:118
+msgid "To get a list of all available versions of libc6:"
+msgstr "Äá» lấy danh sách các phiên bản libc6 còn sẵn sà ng:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:120
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" apt-show-versions -a -p libc6\n"
+msgstr " apt-show-versions -a -p libc6\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:122
+msgid "To get information about several packages:"
+msgstr "Äá» lấy thông tin vá» và i gói:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" apt-show-versions dpkg apt\n"
+msgstr " apt-show-versions dpkg apt\n"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:126
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" apt-show-versions -r ^texlive\n"
+msgstr " apt-show-versions -r ^texlive\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:128
+msgid "To upgrade all packages in testing:"
+msgstr "Äá» nâng cấp má»i gói trong kho testing:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:130
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" apt-get install `apt-show-versions -u -b | fgrep testing`\n"
+msgstr " apt-get install `apt-show-versions -u -b | fgrep testing`\n"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:132
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr "TÃC GIẢ"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:134
+msgid "Christoph Martin, martin at uni-mainz.de"
+msgstr "Christoph Martin, martin at uni-mainz.de"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:136
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr "XEM THÃM"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:138
+msgid "apt(8), dpkg(1)"
+msgstr "apt(8), dpkg(1)"
Modified: trunk/man/po4a.cfg
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+++ trunk/man/po4a.cfg 2008-07-28 19:11:39 UTC (rev 36)
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-[po4a_paths] man/po/apt-show-versions.pot fr:man/po/fr.po es:man/po/es.po sv:man/po/sv.po
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- sv:man/apt-show-versions.sv.pod
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+ vi:man/apt-show-versions.vi.pod
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