[Pkg-asv-commits] r36 - in trunk: . debian man man/po

ahoenen-guest at alioth.debian.org ahoenen-guest at alioth.debian.org
Mon Jul 28 19:11:40 UTC 2008

Author: ahoenen-guest
Date: 2008-07-28 19:11:39 +0000 (Mon, 28 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 36

* Consider manual upgrade possibilities when no policy driven, automatic
  upgrade is possible.
* Add german manpage.  Thanks, Helge Kreutzmann.  (Closes: #480368)
* Add vietnamese manpage.  Thanks, Clytie Siddall.  (Closes: #480491)
* debian/control:
  Upgrade Standards-Version: 3.8.0 (no changes needed)
* Adapt release numbers in a-s-v script.

Modified: trunk/apt-show-versions
--- trunk/apt-show-versions	2008-05-08 14:05:53 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/apt-show-versions	2008-07-28 19:11:39 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # Author: Christoph Martin <martin at uni-mainz.de>
 # Maintainer: Christoph Martin <martin at uni-mainz.de>
-# Version: 0.13
+# Version: 0.14
 # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 my $policy = $cache->policy;
-$ASV_VERSION ='0.13';
+$ASV_VERSION ='0.14';
 # Provide some constants (to avoid redundant literals).
 my $ARCHIVE  = 'Archive';
@@ -295,10 +295,9 @@
 #   Version information to be printed (undef if no information exists)
 sub print_version {
-    my ($archiv, $package, $iversion, $aversion) = @_;
+    my ($archiv, $package, $iversion, $aversion, $cand) = @_;
     if (defined($aversion) and $cache->{$package}) {
-        my $cand = $policy->candidate($cache->{$package});
         if ($cand and $aversion eq $cand->{VerStr})
             my $cmp_versions = $vs->compare($aversion, $iversion);
@@ -401,13 +400,17 @@
         @pkg_releases = &reorder_pkg_releases(@pkg_releases);
         my $found = 0;
         my $aversion = 0;
+        my $cand;
+        if ($cache->{$package}) {
+            $cand = $policy->candidate($cache->{$package});
+        }
         foreach (@pkg_releases) {
             my $version = $_->{$VERSION};
             if ($version) {
                 my @version_info;
                 ($found, @version_info) =
-                                   $package, $iversion, $version);
+                                   $package, $iversion, $version, $cand);
                 push @print_info, @version_info if ($found);
                 $aversion = $version;
@@ -444,8 +447,34 @@
                      "$package $iversion newer than version in archive\n");
         } elsif (not $found) {
-            push(@print_info, "$package $iversion installed: No available ",
-                 "version in archive\n");
+            # Check for manual upgrade possibility:
+            # There are cases where the APT policy doesn't find a better
+            # candidate than the installed version, but which itself isn't
+            # available any longer because it has been replaced by a newer
+            # version in the archives.  As the newer version isn't chosen by
+            # the policy, the upgrade can only be executed manually.
+            if ($cand and $iversion eq $cand->{VerStr}) {
+                foreach my $release (@pkg_releases) {
+                    my $cmp_version = $release->{$VERSION};
+                    if ($cmp_version and
+                        $vs->compare($iversion, $cmp_version) < 0)
+                    {
+                        push(@print_info,
+                             $package,
+                             '/',
+                             $releasenames{$release->{$RELEASE}}{$NAME},
+                             (defined($opts{'brief'})) ? "\n" :
+                             " *manually* upgradeable from $iversion to " .
+                             "$aversion\n");
+                        $found = 1;
+                        last;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (not $found) {
+                push(@print_info, "$package $iversion installed: No available ",
+                     "version in archive\n");
+            }
     } else {
         push(@print_info, "$package not installed",

Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog	2008-05-08 14:05:53 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog	2008-07-28 19:11:39 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+apt-show-versions (0.14) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  [ Andreas Hoenen ]
+  * Consider manual upgrade possibilities when no policy driven, automatic
+    upgrade is possible.
+  * Add german manpage.  Thanks, Helge Kreutzmann.  (Closes: #480368)
+  * Add vietnamese manpage.  Thanks, Clytie Siddall.  (Closes: #480491)
+  * debian/control:
+    Upgrade Standards-Version: 3.8.0 (no changes needed)
+ -- Andreas Hoenen <andreas at hoenen-terstappen.de>  Mon, 28 Jul 2008 20:30:07 +0200
 apt-show-versions (0.13) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Andreas Hoenen ]

Modified: trunk/debian/control
--- trunk/debian/control	2008-05-08 14:05:53 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/debian/control	2008-07-28 19:11:39 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 Uploaders: Andreas Hoenen <andreas at hoenen-terstappen.de>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5)
 Build-Depends-Indep: po4a
-Standards-Version: 3.7.3
+Standards-Version: 3.8.0
 Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-asv
 Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-asv/

Added: trunk/man/po/de.po
--- trunk/man/po/de.po	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/man/po/de.po	2008-07-28 19:11:39 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+# Translation of apt-show-versions templates to German
+# Copyright (C) Helge Kreutzmann <debian at helgefjell.de>, 2008.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the apt-show-versions package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: apt-show-versions 1.0.19-7\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: apt-show-versions at packages.debian.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-05-05 18:58+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-05 22:36+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Helge Kreutzmann <debian at helgefjell.de>\n"
+"Language-Team: de <debian-l10n-german at lists.debian.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:1
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr "NAME"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:3
+msgid "apt-show-versions - Lists available package versions with distribution"
+msgstr "apt-show-versions - Zeigt verfügbare Paketversionen mit Distribution an"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:5
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:7
+msgid ""
+"apt-show-versions parses the dpkg status file and the APT lists for the "
+"installed and available package versions and distribution and shows upgrade "
+"options within the specific distribution of the selected package."
+msgstr ""
+"apt-show-versions wertet die Statusdatei von Dpkg sowie die APT-Listen der "
+"installierten und verfügbaren Paketversionen und -distributionen aus und "
+"zeigt Upgrade-Optionen des ausgewählten Pakets innerhalb der spezifischen "
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:12
+msgid ""
+"This is really useful if you have a mixed stable/testing environment and "
+"want to list all packages which are from testing and can be upgraded in "
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist sehr nützlich, falls Sie eine gemischte Stable-/Testing-Umgebung "
+"betreiben und alle Pakete aufführen wollen, die aus Testing stammen und "
+"bei denen ein Upgrade innerhalb von Testing durchgeführt werden kann."
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:16
+msgid ""
+"apt-show-versions uses caching for the status information of installed and "
+"available packages. If you run apt-show-versions as root the cache is "
+"updated as needed. If you run as non-root uses the newest available "
+"information, but can't update the cache. If you run as root with the option "
+"B<-i> the cache is initialized or updated only."
+msgstr ""
+"apt-show-versions verwendet Caching (Zwischenspeichern) für die "
+"Statusinformationen der installierten und verfügbaren Pakete. Falls Sie "
+"apt-show-versions als root betreiben, wird der Cache nach Bedarf "
+"aktualisiert. Falls Sie es nicht als root betreiben, verwendet es die "
+"neusten verfügbaren Informationen, aktualisiert aber den Cache nicht. Falls "
+"Sie es als root mit der Option B<-i> ausführen, wird der Cache nur "
+"initialisiert oder aktualisiert."
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:22
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr "SYNOPSIS"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:24
+msgid "B<apt-show-versions> [B<-h>] [[B<-p>] I<package name>] [B<-a>] [B<-b>]"
+msgstr "B<apt-show-versions> [B<-h>] [[B<-p>] I<Paketname>] [B<-a>] [B<-b>]"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:26
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr "OPTIONEN"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:28
+msgid ""
+"If you don't give any options the status of all installed packages is "
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie keine Optionen angeben, wird der Status aller installierten Pakete "
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:33
+msgid "B<-p> I<package>, B<--package>=I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-p> I<Paket>, B<--package>=I<Paket>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:35
+msgid ""
+"Print available and installed versions for specified I<package>. You can "
+"also specify a package name without the option B<-p>. If B<-p> and a package "
+"name are missing, all installed packages are displayed."
+msgstr ""
+"Zeige die verfügbaren und installierten Versionen für das spezifizierte "
+"I<Paket>. Sie können auch Paketnamen ohne die Option B<-p> angeben. Falls "
+"B<-p> und ein Paketname fehlt werden alle installierten Pakete angezeigt."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:39
+msgid "B<-r>, B<--regex>"
+msgstr "B<-r>, B<--regex>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:41
+msgid "interpret I<package> from option B<-p> as a regex."
+msgstr "interpretiere I<Pakete> der Option B<-p> als regulären Ausdruck"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:43
+msgid "B<-R>, B<--regex-all>"
+msgstr "B<-R>, B<--regex-all>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:45
+msgid "like B<--regex>, but also show matching packages which are not installed"
+msgstr "wie B<--regex> aber zeige auch die nicht-installierten passenden Pakete"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:47
+msgid "B<-u>, B<--upgradeable>"
+msgstr "B<-u>, B<--upgradeable>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:49
+msgid "Print only upgradeable packages"
+msgstr "Zeige nur upgradefähige Pakete an"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:51
+msgid "B<-a>, B<--allversions>"
+msgstr "B<-a>, B<--allversions>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:53
+msgid "Print all available versions of the selected packages"
+msgstr "Zeige die verfügbaren Versionen der ausgewählten Pakete"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:55
+msgid "B<-b>, B<--brief>"
+msgstr "B<-b>, B<--brief>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:57
+msgid "Print only package_name/distribution for upgradeable packages"
+msgstr "Zeige nur Paketnamen/Distributionen für upgradefähige Pakete"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:59
+msgid "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+msgstr "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:61
+msgid "Prints out verbose messages."
+msgstr "Zeigt ausführliche Nachrichten."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:63
+msgid "B<-i>, B<--initialize>"
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--initialize>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"Initialize or update package cache only (as root). Do this every time when "
+"the status of the installed or available packages has changed."
+msgstr ""
+"Initialisiere oder aktualisiere nur den Paket-Cache (als root). Führen Sie "
+"dies immer durch, wenn sich der Status der installierten oder verfügbaren "
+"Pakete geändert hat."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:68
+msgid "B<-stf> I<file>, B<--status-file>=I<file>"
+msgstr "B<-stf> I<Datei>, B<--status-file>=I<Datei>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:70
+msgid "Use I<file> as the dpkg status file instead of /var/lib/dpkg/status"
+msgstr "Verwende statt /var/lib/dpkg/status I<Datei> als Dpkg-Statusdatei"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:72
+msgid "B<-ld> I<directory>, B<--list-dir>=I<directory>"
+msgstr "B<-ld> I<Verzeichnis>, B<--list-dir>=I<Verzeichnis>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:74
+msgid ""
+"Use I<directory> as path to apt's list files instead of "
+"/var/state/apt/lists/ or /var/lib/apt/lists/"
+msgstr ""
+"Verwende statt /var/state/apt/lists/ oder /var/lib/apt/lists/ I<Verzeichnis> "
+"als Pfad zu Apts List-Dateien."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:77
+msgid "B<-h>, B<--help>"
+msgstr "B<-h>, B<--help>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:79
+msgid "Prints out command-line help."
+msgstr "Gibt die Kommandozeilen-Hilfe aus."
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:83
+msgid "EXIT CODES"
+msgstr "EXIT-CODES"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:87
+msgid "0"
+msgstr "0"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:89
+msgid "No error"
+msgstr "Kein Fehler"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:91
+msgid "1"
+msgstr "1"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:93
+msgid "Wrong usage"
+msgstr "Falsche Verwendung"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:95
+msgid "2"
+msgstr "2"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:97
+msgid ""
+"apt-show-versions has been called with exactly one package and upgradeable "
+"option set, but package is uptodate. As no output has been requested, this "
+"case gets signaled using the exit code."
+msgstr ""
+"apt-show-versions wurde mit genau einem Paket und Upgrade-fähigem Optionssatz "
+"aufgerufen, aber das Paket ist aktuell. Da keine Ausgabe erbeten wurde wird "
+"dieser Fall über den Exit-Code mitgeteilt."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:101
+msgid "255"
+msgstr "255"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:103
+msgid "Unspecified error"
+msgstr "Unspezifizierter Fehler"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:107
+msgid "EXAMPLES"
+msgstr "BEISPIELE"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:109
+msgid ""
+"If you want to know for all your installed packages whether they are "
+"uptodate or upgradeable, use:"
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie für alle Ihrer installierten Pakte wissen möchte, ob sie aktuell "
+"sind oder ein Upgrade durchgeführt werden kann, verwenden Sie:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:112
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    apt-show-versions\n"
+msgstr ""
+"    apt-show-versions\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:114
+msgid "If you want to have a list of all upgradeable packages:"
+msgstr "Falls Sie eine Liste aller Upgrade-fähigen Pakte erhalten möchten:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:116
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    apt-show-versions -u\n"
+msgstr ""
+"    apt-show-versions -u\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:118
+msgid "To get a list of all available versions of libc6:"
+msgstr "Um eine Liste aller verfügbaren Versionen von Libc6 zu erhalten:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:120
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    apt-show-versions -a -p libc6\n"
+msgstr ""
+"    apt-show-versions -a -p libc6\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:122
+msgid "To get information about several packages:"
+msgstr "Um Informationen über mehrere Pakete zu erhalten:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    apt-show-versions dpkg apt\n"
+msgstr ""
+"    apt-show-versions dpkg apt\n"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:126
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    apt-show-versions -r ^texlive\n"
+msgstr ""
+"    apt-show-versions -r ^texlive\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:128
+msgid "To upgrade all packages in testing:"
+msgstr "Um ein Upgrade aller Pakete in Testing durchzuführen:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:130
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    apt-get install `apt-show-versions -u -b | fgrep testing`\n"
+msgstr ""
+"    apt-get install `apt-show-versions -u -b | fgrep testing`\n"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:132
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr "AUTOR"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:134
+msgid "Christoph Martin, martin at uni-mainz.de"
+msgstr "Christoph Martin, martin at uni-mainz.de"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:136
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr "SIEHE AUCH"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:138
+msgid "apt(8), dpkg(1)"
+msgstr "apt(8), dpkg(1)"

Added: trunk/man/po/vi.po
--- trunk/man/po/vi.po	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/man/po/vi.po	2008-07-28 19:11:39 UTC (rev 36)
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# Vietnamese translation for APT Show Versions.
+# Copyright © 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: apt-show-versions\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-05-05 18:58+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-10 21:30+0930\n"
+"Last-Translator: Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>\n"
+"Language-Team: Vietnamese <vi-VN at googlegroups.com>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: LocFactoryEditor 1.7b3\n"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:1
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr "TÊN"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:3
+msgid "apt-show-versions - Lists available package versions with distribution"
+msgstr "apt-show-versions — liệt kê các phiên bản gói sẵn sàng, với bản phân phối"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:5
+msgstr "MÔ TẢ"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:7
+msgid ""
+"apt-show-versions parses the dpkg status file and the APT lists for the "
+"installed and available package versions and distribution and shows upgrade "
+"options within the specific distribution of the selected package."
+msgstr "apt-show-versions phân tích tập tin trạng thái dpkg và các danh sách APT để tìm những phiên bản gói đã cài đặt và còn sẵn sàng, và bản phân phối, rồi hiển thị các tùy chọn nâng cấp bên trong bản phân phối riêng của gói đã chọn."
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:12
+msgid ""
+"This is really useful if you have a mixed stable/testing environment and "
+"want to list all packages which are from testing and can be upgraded in "
+msgstr "Rất có ích nếu bạn có một môi trường hỗn hợp ổn định/vẫn thử và muốn liệt kê tất cả các gói từ kho testing mà có thể được nâng cấp trong kho testing."
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:16
+msgid ""
+"apt-show-versions uses caching for the status information of installed and "
+"available packages. If you run apt-show-versions as root the cache is "
+"updated as needed. If you run as non-root uses the newest available "
+"information, but can't update the cache. If you run as root with the option "
+"B<-i> the cache is initialized or updated only."
+msgstr "apt-show-versions sử dụng chức năng ghi nhớ tạm cho thông tin trạng thái về các gói đã cài đặt và còn sẵn sàng. Nếu bạn chạy apt-show-versions dưới người chủ (root) thì vùng nhớ tạm này được nâng cấp theo yêu cầu. Chạy dưới người dùng không phải chủ thì nó dùng thông tin sẵn sàng mới nhất, nhưng không có khả năng nâng cấp vùng nhớ tạm. Chạy dưới chủ với tùy chọn B<-i> thì vùng nhớ tạm chỉ được sơ khởi hoặc cập nhật."
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:22
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr "TÓM TẮT"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:24
+msgid "B<apt-show-versions> [B<-h>] [[B<-p>] I<package name>] [B<-a>] [B<-b>]"
+msgstr "B<apt-show-versions> [B<-h>] [[B<-p>] I<tên_gói>] [B<-a>] [B<-b>]"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:26
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr "TÙY CHỌN"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:28
+msgid ""
+"If you don't give any options the status of all installed packages is "
+msgstr "Không đưa ra tùy chọn thì in ra trạng thái của tất cả các gói đã cài đặt."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:33
+msgid "B<-p> I<package>, B<--package>=I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-p> I<gói>, B<--package>=I<gói>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:35
+msgid ""
+"Print available and installed versions for specified I<package>. You can "
+"also specify a package name without the option B<-p>. If B<-p> and a package "
+"name are missing, all installed packages are displayed."
+msgstr "In ra các phiên bản đã cài đặt và còn sẵn sàng cho l<gói> đã ghi rõ. Bạn cũng có thể ghi rõ một tên gói, không đặt tùy chọn B<-p>. Thiếu B<-p> và một tên gói thì hiển thị tất cả các gói đã cài đặt."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:39
+msgid "B<-r>, B<--regex>"
+msgstr "B<-r>, B<--regex>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:41
+msgid "interpret I<package> from option B<-p> as a regex."
+msgstr "đọc I<gói> từ tùy chọn B<-p> dạng biểu thức chính quy."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:43
+msgid "B<-R>, B<--regex-all>"
+msgstr "B<-R>, B<--regex-all>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:45
+msgid "like B<--regex>, but also show matching packages which are not installed"
+msgstr "giống như B<--regex>, nhưng cũng hiển thị các gói tương ứng mà chưa được cài đặt."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:47
+msgid "B<-u>, B<--upgradeable>"
+msgstr "B<-u>, B<--upgradeable>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:49
+msgid "Print only upgradeable packages"
+msgstr "In ra chỉ những gói có thể nâng cấp."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:51
+msgid "B<-a>, B<--allversions>"
+msgstr "B<-a>, B<--allversions>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:53
+msgid "Print all available versions of the selected packages"
+msgstr "In ra mọi phiên bản sẵn sàng của những gói đã chọn."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:55
+msgid "B<-b>, B<--brief>"
+msgstr "B<-b>, B<--brief>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:57
+msgid "Print only package_name/distribution for upgradeable packages"
+msgstr "In ra chỉ tên_gói/bản_phân_phối cho mỗi gói có thể nâng cấp"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:59
+msgid "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+msgstr "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:61
+msgid "Prints out verbose messages."
+msgstr "In ra thông điệp chi tiết."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:63
+msgid "B<-i>, B<--initialize>"
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--initialize>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"Initialize or update package cache only (as root). Do this every time when "
+"the status of the installed or available packages has changed."
+msgstr "Chỉ sơ khởi hoặc cập nhật vùng nhớ tạm gói (dưới người chủ). Làm việc này mỗi lần khi trạng thái của các gói đã cài đặt hay còn sẵn sàng bị thay đổi."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:68
+msgid "B<-stf> I<file>, B<--status-file>=I<file>"
+msgstr "B<-stf> I<tập_tin>, B<--status-file>=I<tập_tin>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:70
+msgid "Use I<file> as the dpkg status file instead of /var/lib/dpkg/status"
+msgstr "Dùng L<file> làm tập tin trạng thái dpkg, thay cho « /var/lib/dpkg/status »."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:72
+msgid "B<-ld> I<directory>, B<--list-dir>=I<directory>"
+msgstr "B<-ld> I<thư_mục>, B<--list-dir>=I<thư_mục>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:74
+msgid ""
+"Use I<directory> as path to apt's list files instead of "
+"/var/state/apt/lists/ or /var/lib/apt/lists/"
+msgstr "Dùng l<thư_mục> làm đường dẫn đến các tập tin danh sách của apt, thay cho « /var/state/apt/lists/ » hay « /var/lib/apt/lists/ »."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:77
+msgid "B<-h>, B<--help>"
+msgstr "B<-h>, B<--help>"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:79
+msgid "Prints out command-line help."
+msgstr "In ra trợ giúp về dòng lệnh."
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:83
+msgid "EXIT CODES"
+msgstr "MÃ THOÁT"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:87
+msgid "0"
+msgstr "0"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:89
+msgid "No error"
+msgstr "Không có lỗi"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:91
+msgid "1"
+msgstr "1"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:93
+msgid "Wrong usage"
+msgstr "Sai sử dụng"
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:95
+msgid "2"
+msgstr "2"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:97
+msgid ""
+"apt-show-versions has been called with exactly one package and upgradeable "
+"option set, but package is uptodate. As no output has been requested, this "
+"case gets signaled using the exit code."
+msgstr "apt-show-versions đã được gọi và đặt chính xác một gói và tùy chọn nâng cấp được, nhưng gói không cần cập nhật. Vì không yêu cầu kết xuất, trường hợp này bị gửi tín hiệu dùng mã thoát."
+# type: =item
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:101
+msgid "255"
+msgstr "255"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:103
+msgid "Unspecified error"
+msgstr "Lỗi không xác định"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:107
+msgid "EXAMPLES"
+msgstr "VÍ DỤ"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:109
+msgid ""
+"If you want to know for all your installed packages whether they are "
+"uptodate or upgradeable, use:"
+msgstr "Muốn biết nếu mọi gói đã cài đặt là hiện thời chưa thì dùng:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:112
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    apt-show-versions\n"
+msgstr "    apt-show-versions\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:114
+msgid "If you want to have a list of all upgradeable packages:"
+msgstr "Muốn thấy danh sách các gói có thể nâng cấp:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:116
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    apt-show-versions -u\n"
+msgstr "    apt-show-versions -u\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:118
+msgid "To get a list of all available versions of libc6:"
+msgstr "Để lấy danh sách các phiên bản libc6 còn sẵn sàng:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:120
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    apt-show-versions -a -p libc6\n"
+msgstr "    apt-show-versions -a -p libc6\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:122
+msgid "To get information about several packages:"
+msgstr "Để lấy thông tin về vài gói:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    apt-show-versions dpkg apt\n"
+msgstr "    apt-show-versions dpkg apt\n"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:126
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    apt-show-versions -r ^texlive\n"
+msgstr "    apt-show-versions -r ^texlive\n"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:128
+msgid "To upgrade all packages in testing:"
+msgstr "Để nâng cấp mọi gói trong kho testing:"
+# type: verbatim
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:130
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    apt-get install `apt-show-versions -u -b | fgrep testing`\n"
+msgstr "    apt-get install `apt-show-versions -u -b | fgrep testing`\n"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:132
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr "TÁC GIẢ"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:134
+msgid "Christoph Martin, martin at uni-mainz.de"
+msgstr "Christoph Martin, martin at uni-mainz.de"
+# type: =head1
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:136
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr "XEM THÊM"
+# type: textblock
+#: man/apt-show-versions.pod:138
+msgid "apt(8), dpkg(1)"
+msgstr "apt(8), dpkg(1)"

Modified: trunk/man/po4a.cfg
--- trunk/man/po4a.cfg	2008-05-08 14:05:53 UTC (rev 35)
+++ trunk/man/po4a.cfg	2008-07-28 19:11:39 UTC (rev 36)
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-[po4a_paths] man/po/apt-show-versions.pot fr:man/po/fr.po es:man/po/es.po sv:man/po/sv.po 
+[po4a_paths] man/po/apt-show-versions.pot fr:man/po/fr.po es:man/po/es.po sv:man/po/sv.po de:man/po/de.po vi:man/po/vi.po
 [type: pod] man/apt-show-versions.pod fr:man/apt-show-versions.fr.pod \
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-	sv:man/apt-show-versions.sv.pod
+	sv:man/apt-show-versions.sv.pod de:man/apt-show-versions.de.pod \
+	vi:man/apt-show-versions.vi.pod

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