[Pkg-audacious-maintainers] Bug#505004: Audacious plays the last playlist instead of the double-clicked file

Stefan Ebner sebner at ubuntu.com
Sat Nov 8 14:30:28 UTC 2008

Package: audacious
Version: 1.5.1-4

When I double click on a music file (for example and MP3 file),
Audacious does not play that file, but it starts playing the last
playlist I have given it.

I attached a patch which fixes this issue.
The patch is based on that one from gentoo bugzilla:


But I modified this patch that you can append in debian/patches/series so
it works when you apply it.
This patch is already in ubuntu and works.

    Stefan Ebner
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Name: 005-playlist_play_clicked_file.patch
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Url : http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-audacious-maintainers/attachments/20081108/5dd7d5cd/attachment.bin 

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