[Pkg-audacious-maintainers] Bug#468926: audacious: still segfaults

Francesco Poli frx at firenze.linux.it
Sat Sep 20 14:42:09 UTC 2008

notfixed 468926 1.5.1-1


Unfortunately, this bug does not seem to be really fixed by

  $ dpkg -l | grep audacious | cut -b 1-66
  ii  audacious                            1.5.1-4
  ii  audacious-plugins                    1.5.1-2
  ii  audacious-plugins-extra              1.5.1-2
  ii  libaudclient1                        1.5.1-4
  ii  libaudid3tag1                        1.5.1-4

With these packages installed, I still experience audacious segfaults
from time to time (more often than I'd like to see...).

As described in
here are the steps that sometimes (but not always) reproduce the bug:
  0. start audacious
  1. press play and listen to an Internet radio stream for quite some
     time (variable)
  2. press stop and leave audacious silent for some time (variable,
     could be a matter of one or two hundred seconds; sometimes longer
  3. press play: boom! segfault!

 The nano-document series is here!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
 GnuPG key fpr == C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12  31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4
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