[Pkg-audacious-maintainers] Bug#491615: audacious: 1.5.1-1 (Lenny) fails with a segmentation fault on startup

A. Costa agcosta at gis.net
Wed Oct 28 09:47:39 UTC 2009

Notes for one-liner fans.  "Here" files are OK, but a one-liner is easiest to copy & paste.

After a bit of trial & error, I came up with:

	# Run 'empty' on 'gdb -q audacious2' to automate 'gdb' session.
	# Output results to a temp file.
	empty -f -L /tmp/e.log gdb -q audacious2 ; empty -w 'gdb)' 'run\n' ; empty -w 'gdb)' 'thread apply all backtrace\n' ; empty -s 'q\n' ; empty -s 'y\n' ; empty -k ; cat /tmp/e.log

...it uses the minimum-overhead 'empty' util, found in Debian's
'empty-expect' package.  Tricky syntax 'empty' has, it needs an easier
front-end util.  

Attached is a simple 'empty' front-end script; not robust, (multiple
instances would probably mess up), but it works.  New one-liner:

	empty-ez.sh 'gdb -q audacious2' 'gdb)' 'run' 'gdb)' 'thread apply all backtrace' '' 'q' '' 'y'

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