[Pkg-awstats-devel] RFC - cron-related stuff

Sergey B Kirpichev skirpichev at gmail.com
Sun Apr 12 12:44:00 UTC 2009

> No, I disagree: Even if(!) the output of AWStats is to be delivered 
> through a web server, it should not necessarily be served to the whole 
> world.  Only if it is to be served to the whole world should it be 
> readable by www-data.

I was wrong.  Your point is that the default configuration (static
html-reports) should not be in a working state since installation (log
parsing + web access).  So, user have to chmod/chgrp/chown/usermod after
a tuning of the awstats*.conf (maybe add lines in /etc/cron.d/awstats
> >The main difference between CGI vs static stuff is just a matter of
> >the awstats.pl command line parameters in /etc/cron.d/awstats ;-)
> I fail to see your point.

It means that both apache (server static pages) and CGI-script (without
suexec) runs with UID=www-data per default.  Permissions on $DataDir
or/and $DataDir/* should be same for both cases, if web access is
planned.  No differences.

> Here's a proposal for a secure setup:
> 2) Cron reads logs as root and pipes them (or cp to temp dir and chown)
> 3) Cron invokes awstats as awstats, saving output accessible by awstats 
> group
> 4) Cron chmod and chown as root the output to match the input

Looks too complicated.  What's wrong with my previous setup:

        adduser --system --home /var/lib/awstats --shell /bin/sh --ingroup adm awstats
        chown awstats:awstats /var/lib/awstats
        chmod 0750 /var/lib/awstats

With /etc/cron.d/awstats entry:

		*/10 * * * * awstats [ -x /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl ] && /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=awstats -update >/dev/null

We have working setup per default, just no web access.

Then web access is an option (as you suggest).  Thus the admin
may use "usermod -aG awstats www-data" to serve static html-statistics.
And use an apropriate apache.conf snippet to restrict web access.

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