[Pkg-awstats-devel] Awstats - Debian squeeze

Andreas Henriksson andreas at fatal.se
Sun Aug 23 16:40:48 UTC 2009

On mån, 2009-07-20 at 23:10 +0200, Andreas Westvik wrote:
> Hei
> Jeg håper du forstår norsk, og jeg har utifra http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/awstats 
>   funnet ut at du er maintaner på denne pakken?

That's true, but unfortunately I'm not very active here.. you better
talk to the other maintainers which you can reach via the pkg-awstats
mailing list: pkg-awstats-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
I've added the list to CC.

> Uansett, om du kan se her : https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=3339583&forum_id=43428
> Så har jeg noen problemer med awstats og debian squeeze. Pakken jeg  
> har instalert mangler altså
> awgraphapplet.jar

It seems to be overlooked that the graphapplet.pm plugin needs the
awgraphapplet.jar file you mentioned and the file simply isn't getting
installed in the package. Please file a bug about that.

On the other hand, simply installing a *binary* provided by the "source"
tarball probably isn't the best idea. The source for
wwwroot/classes/awgraphapplet.jar seems to be available in
wwwroot/classes/src/, so possibly we'd get away with it w.r.t. the
debian policy for free software, but the security team might hate us if
we don't actually build from source. Someone will need to investigate if
we can build the jar from the provided source, hook that up to the
package build system, and ship the freshly complied jar...

> Hva mener du om denne saken?
> Mvh Andreas Westvik

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