[Pkg-awstats-devel] Bug#572353: Here's a patch to solve original poster's problem

Ken Neighbors KenNeighbors at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 20:47:15 UTC 2010

Earlier I suggested changing the names of the default configuration 
files to avoid having awstats.pl unexpectedly fall back on using the 
default just because it couldn't read the one specified on the command 
line.  I still think that is a better solution (in combination with 
"-configdir=DirConfig"), but it is a difficult change to make as it 
would have a large effect on everyone that uses the package.  So I leave 
it as a suggestion for individual sysadmins.

I'm attaching a patch that should solve the original poster's request of 
having awstats.pl report an error if it cannot read a config file that 
was specified on the command line.

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